Newbie training (For those who had to leave)

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Newbie training (For those who had to leave)

Post by Knaw »

[15:42] <MarloCross> To All Newcomers, a Text is sent: 4 Power Training Practice in Sim 1. Controlled enviornment THis Time. All looking to try and better control their abilities may attend.

[15:43] * Ethan` looks a this phone and climsb out of the pool and heads to the locker rooms to get dressed
[15:49] * Ethan` pulls on a long sleeve video gaqme mascot tsirt and his cargos before heading to the Sims

[15:53] <MarloCross> Marlo, dressed in his Crippler gear, is Sim Room 1's control area. He was just putting the final touches to the simulation. He was immensely proud of the work he'd put into the scenario. He only hoped he'd get enough people to do it justice.

[15:54] * Ethan` nods to Marlo as he heads up to the Sims "hey, Power practice?"

[15:56] <MarloCross> Turning to Ethan, Marlo nods. His helmet had no face, just a silver plate, smooth and convex. He points to the locker to the left. " Grab a training suit if you want. This will get pretty intense." His voice was a bit cooler than usual, as in Icey.

[15:57] * Ethan` nods and goes to get a traingin suit

[15:58] <Sisip> Sisip sat up in the observation booth, tablet in her hands.

[15:59] * Ethan` returns, pulling at the suit and adjusting it and limbering up "this is......interesting"

[16:06] <MarloCross> Crippler turned to Ethan and opened the black leather jacket. His suit was the same pattern as the one Ethan wore, but it said Crippler on the front. "This suit represents control. When you got it, you might just get one. They're made for mobility, though. You familiar with recent history?"

[16:08] * Angel`Pearson Angel managed to show....a bit late, cuz looking fabulous takes time. He'd dip into the locker room to change into his team uniform...The female one, tailored to fit his frame, kneehigh boots with little blue stars dotted along the zipper replacing the standard issue ones, along with fingerless gloves sporting a trio of matching blue stars, and a messenger bag with the CH logo in blue "I'mhere!"

[16:08] <Ethan`> "Yeah, I watch the news."
[16:08] * Ethan` nods to Angel

[16:15] <MarloCross> Crippler continued, " The simulation is based on an event that happened the year before I was born. My father told me about it. It was a huge even in New York's super human history." He turns then to Angel, " Daytripper, this is Ethan. Ethan, this is Angel, Codename Daytripper. He's an active Team Member."

[16:15] <Ethan`> "we've met in passing. He has like..hallucingeic powers, right?"
[16:16] * Ethan` offers angel his hand

[16:24] * Angel`Pearson smiled and nodded reaching to take the hand lightly in his own for a moment "Yepyep. That's about right."
[16:26] <MarloCross> He nods to Sisip next, " Observing us will be Skieweaver, resident team lead. Though this isn't a team try out, we'd like to atleast see how everyone handles this kind of situation."

[16:29] * Ethan` nods clenche shis hands "lets do this"

[16:31] <MarloCross> He holds up a hand with his index finger up, " We have one person still on the way. I extended her a personal invite. Aisling."

[16:31] * Ethan` blinks "is that a good idea? she's a bit...uncontrolled"

[16:33] * Angel`Pearson snickersnickered when he heard Ethan "Look who's talking explodey."

[16:33] * Ethan` doesn't add the fact that that girl distracts him somethign feirce

[16:35] * Aisling approached the sims for the first time since her arrival at Cobalt. She was dressed in cargo shorts with a grey hoodie and pink sneakers. In her hands she held the floor map glancing down occasionally so she didn't get lost.

[16:52] <MarloCross> Crippler turned to the door and sighed, " I'm hoping she didn't get lost. Most of us did when it went from School to Sanctum." He looked to Ethan and Angel, "If you two want, go ahead and head into the sim chamber. We'll send Aisling down when she gets here. I'll let you guys get aquainted with the challenge."

[16:52] * Ethan` waves to aisling. He's not wearign his normal jeans, instead a blue and black trainign bodysuit

[16:55] <MarloCross> He spots her coming in and turns to the locker, pulling out a jumpsuit. " Good to see you made it. Here. Put on the jumper. Helps make you feel more at ease. Trust me." He hands the Cobalt trainee uniform to Aisling, his helmet looking back at her faceless.

[16:59] * Angel`Pearson blinked "Is it just us..?" He's just sort of assumed Marlo would be joining them. He felt a bit iffy about working with two uknowns, especially one who'd proved as volatile as Ethan had so far. When Aisling appeared though he smiled and waved. His own uniform was a specially tailored version of the female suit Marlo was handing her, with his own kneehigh platforms added, little blue stars dotted along their zipper
[16:59] <Angel`Pearson> he'd ^ ))

[17:00] * Aisling folded the map and Stuffed it into a pocket, then took the suit with a bit of a surprised look. "You mean these things actually come in my size?" She smiled and then looked around, nodding at Ethan as she noticed his wave. "Um..." she leaned in closer to Marlo, lowering her voice. "Where do I change?"

[17:00] * Ethan` points to the locker room

[17:09] <MarloCross> Marlo looks to Sisip as Aisling gets ready, " When I give the word, Coud you start the Simulation for me? With just us, I guess I'll be running nthe program as well." He tightened the strap on his gloves, as a kind of ritual. He did it before most missions.

[17:12] <Sisip> Watching from the observation booth Sisip nods, giving a thumbs up to her pseudobrother down below.

[17:15] * Angel`Pearson a wave was shot up toward the booth with a bright smile

[17:16] * Aisling took a minute to change in the locker room before heading out to the others. Walking up to Marlo she pushed her glasses back up on her nose and smiled nervously. "Do I look alright? I feel silly."

[17:19] <MarloCross> He gaves her a thumbs up, Aisling that is. ""You look fine. It helps your state of mind. Now, the Simulatio will trick your powers into thinking things are real. You can absorb and detonate as you like. When it starts, we'll get a quick rundown of the enemies and objectives, then we get to fight." He gave the signal to Sisip to turn the simulation on.

[17:20] * Angel`Pearson grinned over at Aisling as she reappeared "You look fine! Rock it confidently, with much fabulousness, and you'll be all good."

[17:21] <Aisling> "What about the SND?" She asked, holding up her wrist.

[17:22] <MarloCross> Crippler adjusts the settings, making it recognize the Sims's programming. " THere. Your powers will function on a simulated level." 2 He put a hand on her shoulder, " You'll do fine."

[17:25] <Ethan`> "so will my powers actually effect the ambient temp?"

[17:29] * Aisling smiles at the reassuring hand and nods, indicating she was ready. She then throws Angel a peace sign and a wink trying to hide her nervousness behind silliness.

[17:30] <MarloCross> He nods the affirmative to Ethan, "Everything is taken into account. Rumor has it these were designed by Xavier himself but...I culd never get a real answer on that." 2 He looked back up to the Observation Room. Apparently some one else might be showing up.

[17:34] <Sisip> Sisip stayed up in observation, she does lean over and press the intercom button. Those who knew her would automatically recognize her smooth as honey voice, to the others though.. she was simply a voice, "Looking good everybody. No pressure, just remember... I. Am. Watching. You." Those last four words were spoken slowly and with authority.

[17:36] * Angel`Pearson flashed another little grin at the gesture from Aisling and snickersnickered, another little giggle bubbling when he heard Sisip's voice from the intercom.

[17:37] * Ethan` breathes, focusing and regulatign the temperature aorund him, pre-charging his powers for othe ism run

[17:42] * Aisling fidgets with her suit while she wairs for the sim to start. She usually wore loose fitting clothing so the outfit made her a bit uncomfortable. She wondered if it would be okay to wear her hoodie over it, but figured she'd save that question for next time.

[17:52] <Shandi> Someone else was showing up. Who could it be and how did Marlo know? Some unknown power, or maybe he was just waiting to see if there was anyone else willing to have a run with some new comers. Either way there she was, the scarcely seen Shandi. "Am I too late?" She asked, coming up upon the chamber.

[17:57] <Sisip> Dark eyes narrow just a bit as the Cobalt Pocahontas leans forward in her seat in the observation booth, zooming a camera in on Shandi for a moment. She huh's softly to herself and taps out something on her tablet before returning to be the unknown watcher in the sky.

[17:57] <MarloCross> Crippler turned to the Chamber enterence and nodded to Shandi, "Come on in. Sim was just about to start. Felt your heartbeat so I held off hoping it was some one who might wanna try this Sim out." He'd sent a wide text net. Shandi was a passive aquaintence, but some one he stil;l knew. " Jump on it. As soon as Shandi is in, we'll start." THat was to Sisip.

[18:00] <Aisling> "Me gave a shy wave to the girl she didn't know but was happy to see amother girl about her same height.

[18:01] <Sisip> A button sequence is pushed and suddenly the Sim chamber melts away, revealing Marlo's grand simulation!

[18:02] * Patricia_Cromwell entered the observation booth as she eyed the cameras as well taking note of who all was present. Looking to Pocahontas, "Evening." The counselor spoke before taking a seat, crossing her legs the woman began writing notes in her notebook that she had present. The empath wanted to see how Aisling interacted with other mutants to get a better grasp on her situation.

[18:03] * Angel`Pearson smiled and waved when Shandi showed up "Nope! Justintime!" and as the chamber activated he let himself relax and his hand fell to rest by the bag on his hip, flipping its flap up for easy access to the goodies inside.

[18:04] <Sisip> Looking up from her tablet Sisip watched Patricia enter the room. The injin tilted her head just a bit, lips pursed. "Evening." She knew who the woman was, of course, you didn't work at Cobalt without meeting other staff. Looking down at the group she raises an eyebrow, "One of yours in there?"

[18:11] <Shandi> "Awesome." 6She'd answer Marlo and Angel before offering a smile to the new members of the sanctum. She was calm and ready for this, a little out of practice with her powers combatwise but we'll just see how she does.

[18:11] * Patricia_Cromwell turning from the screen she'd look to Sisip, "Why yes, Aisling is one of mine." She answered the woman before looking back at the screen, "Just feeling her out." Anyone who knew Patricia and her abilities could infer that she was truly 'feeling' the situation out. It's what she does on a daily basis, it's apart of her. It's what made her the perfect person to ask for advice or what
[18:11] * Patricia_Cromwell not. "How's your evening been so far?"

[18:15] <MarloCross> The City of New York appears before them. The group is in a street spotted with people. They are average folks, inert before the program truely starts. A Voice pipes in, "In the Summer of <MARVEL TIME> serial killer Cletus Kassidy aka Carnage began a grissly wave of murders known ti the popular media of the time as Maximum Carnage." This Image appears. ... 40-348.jpg. " Carnage posseses Speed Strength and Agility ribaling that of Spider-Man. His Symbiotic suit alows him to create weaponry out of nothing. Shriek (girl in Black) can generate sonic bursts and can control average people via fear and insanity. (below Shriek) The Doppleganger, Similar powers to
[18:15] <MarloCross> spider man, 6 arms and posseses razor Webbing. Above Shriek is Carrion, Flight, durability and the power to decay organic matter. THen, last is Demogoblin. Flight, Strength, Agility, Durability and Helfire Pumpkin bombs. Objectives. Save as many Civilians and defeat the Advisaries."

[18:16] * Ethan` tenses and nods "Alright, i'm down"

[18:17] <Sisip> Smiling over at Patricia the short woman chuckles, "Been quiet, just scoping out fresh meat, y'know?" She motions towards the group that was just starting off. "Plus.." She pauses a bit, "It's time for Marlo to put up or shut up. Watching him, really, more than the rest." She grins, eyes on the screen. A laugh slips out, "It's nice, you know? Left the baby with Jack.. have a
[18:17] <Sisip> night out to myself to watch a little bit of the ultraviolence. This is ... where I should be."

[18:17] <MarloCross> " Carnage posseses Speed Strength and Agility ribaling that of Spider-Man. His Symbiotic suit alows him to create weaponry out of nothing. Shriek (girl in Black) can generate sonic bursts and can control average people via fear and insanity. (below Shriek) The Doppleganger, Similar powers to spider man, 6 arms and posseses razor Webbing. Above Shriek is Carrion, Flight, durability
[18:17] <MarloCross> and the power to decay organic matter. THen, last is Demogoblin. Flight, Strength, Agility, Durability and Helfire Pumpkin bombs. Objectives. Save as many Civilians and defeat the Advisaries."

[18:22] * Aisling stared at the picture of the villains and her heartrate shot up. She instinctively hid behind the big guy for protection, peering out from around his side and adjusting her glasses often.

[18:24] * Angel`Pearson there was a moment of surprise as the narrator voice explained the situation....Damn Marlo and his boner for the big names. Fucking Carnage? Really? His hand slipped into his bag to draw out a trio of small throwing blades dosed up with his hallucinogen "..Crippler. Yousuck."

[18:24] * Ethan` narrows his eyes and focuses on his fingertips, which glow a light blue
[18:25] <Ethan`> "Focus fire? combine our attacks and try to take them down one by one?"

[18:25] * Patricia_Cromwell grinned for she knew that feeling all to well, "I know exactly how you feel." She then flipped through her book after eyeing Ethan, "So that is Mister Hollister." SHe said aloud as she focused on him and his emotions, "Hmm..." She'd then turned a fresh page in her notebook before beginning to write down some notes on him, her eyes than quickly jumped to Aislign sensing her fear,
[18:25] * Patricia_Cromwell "I think this may be a bit much for these students." She stood to her feet eyeing the screen as she assesed the current situation.

[18:32] <Shandi> And then Shandi saw what kind of a Sim run she was up against. Eep. But true to her will to be in the sim she didn't go fox at the sight of the line up of badguys. The air around her grew quite a bit hotter and there was sand swirling about the small girl. The sand formed claws over her fingers and then solidified into glass. "Save the civillians. Stop the baddies..." She said with
[18:32] <Shandi> yup, fright in her tone. And at least with the glass claws she wouldn't accidentally go fox.

[18:35] <Sisip> Sisip frowned just a bit, "Marlo would not give them anyting that they weren't able to handle." Please, ancestors, make it so Marlo did not give them anything they weren't able to handle. "Besides.. living here? Sometimes you need to start off fighting the fake big guns. This place isn't exactly a five star resort in the bahamas where everything is sunshine and lollipops." Watching
[18:35] <Sisip> Patricia get to her feet she tilts her head, "They won't get anywhere if they are coddled, Patricia."

[18:35] * Angel`Pearson spoke lightly into his comm in reply to Ethan as he heard him "That might work for a couple of these guys, but there are some real heavy hitters here. Carnage is at the top of the list...but from what I've heard he's weak against sonics. If we could somehow draw him into Shriek's line of fire we'd be golden.."

[18:37] <Ethan`> "leave that me to me, seems i'm good at making myself a target"

[18:40] * Patricia_Cromwell nodded, "Id' have to agree with you there." She shook her head, "It be nice if they didn't take so long to come up with a strategy." She hmmed a bit, "Let's just see what they do." She retook her seat watching and waiting.

[18:40] <MarloCross> As the Simulation Starts, the Civilians start to panic and run. Crippler steps forward, stopping a few civilians and moving them to the buildings, " Get as many as you can to safety. Carnage and the group will show up at any time. Hide the civies and remember where they are so you can defend and move them.." In the Control/Observation Room, the Heads up display pops on. the SIm's
[18:40] <MarloCross> voice speaks to Cornwell and Sisip, " Simulated Villans at 15% normal Capacity. Is this Setting Acceptable?"

[18:42] * Ethan` blinks and looks at Crippler "I don;t know if you noticed, but i'm nto exactly Mr. Defensive. shouldn;t I be lookign for abetter line of fire or ambush position?"

[18:45] <Sisip> Sisip laughs, eyes widening. "Oh.. Oh honey.. this? This is running faster than most of the real life events we've had the team handle. This group has some pretty good headway here." As the SimVoice speaks Sisip nods, "Acceptable, proceed. Authorization Webster 6969." She had been allowed to choose her own authorization code when she first joined up. She was young. Shut up!

[18:46] * Aisling listened to Marlo and while glancing nervously around her she approached some of the panicked citizens and in a small voice that held very little authority: "please hide in that building you will be safe." She ran to the building and tried the door... locked. With a deep breath she tried to anihilate the handle but the metal proved too strong for her powers.

[18:49] <Shandi> Swallowed, well she asked to join and couldn't back out now. Nervous though she was she... She didn't want to be a coward. She would be outh there, not hiding. Getting the civilians to safety, glad Mar-Crippler told them who they were up against. Though he could have made it a rescue mission and then the baddies showed up as a surprise. Something big was going to happen and soon..

[18:51] * Angel`Pearson followed Aisling and Shandi to help direct civilians to safety in the moments they had before the baddies showed up on scene

[18:54] * Brittany`Miller as Aisling tried to get that door open, a figure came slamming into the door, busting it open at the lock. There stood Brittany, wearing a very figure hugging suit like the others, hair tied back, currently phased into a steel form. She grinned "Need some help?"
[18:56] * Ethan` ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds )

[18:57] <MarloCross> It seems Marlo thought of everything. THe Sim would allow Sisip or even Dr Cornwell to adjust the difficulty as the students improved. Crippler looked back at Brittany and saluted,
[19:00] <MarloCross> It seems Marlo thought of everything. THe Sim would allow Sisip or even Dr Cornwell to adjust the difficulty as the students improved. Crippler looked back at Brittany and saluted, " Glad you made it. You two secure the civilians in as few buildings as you can. Ethan, you have a good idea. Think you can get up a fire escape? Give us a good view?" He was loading civilians into
[19:00] <MarloCross> a building across the street from Aisling and Brittany, " Shard, Tripper, Keep your eyes on the buildings. These guys are flyers and walcrawlers."

[19:01] * Aisling grinned and hugged Brittany tightly, her terrified little hummingbird heart beating rapidly in her chest. "Thank you... everyone hurry inside." She called out, feeling ever so slightly emboldened with her friend beside her. "I need to power up..." she knelt. It was New York she started anihilating the trash in the streets, her body starting to glow a flouescent green-yellow.

[19:03] * Brittany`Miller looked from the hugging girl to Marlo "Figure with things bein' as they is, Ah gots a code name too. Just call me..LoneStar" She smiled, hugging the smaller girl to her even though she was hard as steel right now "Let it loose. Ah'll watch yer back"

[19:13] <Shandi> Looked at the hugging. Now didn't really seem like the time for it as any moment bad guys could come crashing in powers blazing. BIG bad guys. The really dangerous killy ones. "I'm keeping a look out." Claws were ready... she could make something larger or throw them.

[19:15] * Angel`Pearson nodded at Marlo's instructions, transferring a blade to his dominant hand and stood watch with Shandi, doing his best to keep his eyes open and stand ready for the baddies enterance.

[19:20] <MarloCross> Noddin tp Brittany, he started call out orders, " Okay then Lonestar, get your skin a bit more solid. these guys hit hard.." Crippler was just getting an old woman inside when the first attack came. The Doppleganger. It looked like a evil version of spiderman with six clawed hands, teeth and bugged out spider eyes. Swinging from a webline of razor sharp webbing, It hammers
[19:20] <MarloCross> Crippler with a kick to the ribs and jumps to the ground, roaring in victory as he slams through a nearby window. It Looks around at Angel, Ethan, Shard, Lonestar and Aisling and laughs evly at them.

[19:22] * Brittany`Miller glared at the beast as it sent Crippler flying, and squatted, taking in the steel of the building's structure, turning even harder then before as she slowly pushed Aisling behind her "Keep at it. Ah'll keep ol' bugboy here distracted.."

[19:27] <Aisling> "Marlo!" She cried out, not yet used to the whole codename thing. In her panic a ball of energy shot out from between her shoulder bladea, rocketting down the street behind her and into amytjing that might be in its path. "Hurry and get inside, people!"

[19:27] * Angel`Pearson did his best to shout a warning when the monster-spidey swung in, and as it paused to leer and do the evil laugh at the assembled cobaltians he let loose with his first throwing blade, using the one in his left hand to aim. After letting the first blade loose he snatched the second from the opposite hand in a smooth practiced gesture and let it fly as well, aiming for the broad target of the monsters chest.

[19:28] <Shandi> "Crip-" She was about to yell to warn the kinetic mutant, but her call came just a bit too late to be of any use. "ler!" There it was, the second syllable of Marlo's code name. Shockingly though, the frightened girl didn't yell at the sight of the monstrous looking six armed spider-man double. She raised her hands and would make a sharp swatting gesture in the air, firing off first
[19:28] <Shandi> five glass claw spikes from the right, then the five on the left hand at the beast.

[19:32] * Ethan` leaps on top of a car and sucks every joule fo thermal energy out of the atmosphere around him which he converts into raw plasma and unleashes a barrage of small blue bolts leave actinic trailes of ionized air as they streak to the pesudo-spiderman

[19:45] <MarloCross> The Doppleganger is fast, but not fast enough to evade all of those attacks at Once. Angel's blade catches it off guard at the start. Growling in rage, it ducks low with a fluid motion, dodging most but not of of Shandi's glass shards. In his crouch, it then leaps, barely evading the explosive barrage from Ethan. It leaves the steps of the store a rubble ridden ruin. Six Arms fly
[19:45] <MarloCross> outward, each firing webbing at the students. Meanwhile, Aislings detonation ruins a parked car, senting glass and metal flying down the street.

[19:51] * Brittany`Miller growls and tries to sheild Aisling,as that webbing came at her. For someone made of flesh the webbing would rend, but all it did was tear at her uniform, baring abit of that gleaming metal skin as she grabbed the webbing, and gave a big yank, hoping to send the beast flying right into a right hook.

[19:54] * Aisling shrieked as the webs began flying her way and from her chest seven spheres of the kinetic energy flew forward and amazingly enough, all 7 streaked towards their targets, the webs.
[19:56] <Aisling> The spheres seemed to roll around Brittany, focused on their targets even though she was standing in their way.

[19:57] <Shandi> She too shrieked and tried to get out of the way of that razor webbing. She didn't have her glass up nor time to call up a new swath of sande of significant enough size. And aww, she'd been doing so well too, but when she felt the sting of the razor edged webbing, poof! Shandi went fox, and that fox would run.

[19:59] * Ethan` dives for cover, trying to avoid the razor. throwing a cluster of plsma bolts towards Doppleganger, hopign to hit him and.or vaporize the webbing

[20:01] * Angel`Pearson darted off to the left as the dopplegangers arms spread and he shot out the strands of razorweb toward them, passing his last blade to his dominant hand and hurling it toward the creature as he moved, making a dash for cover behind a nearby car.

[20:06] <MarloCross> Missing Ethan andAngel completely, the Doppleganger managed to wrap Shandi and Brittany up with lines of webbing. However, With Shandi's fox shift and Lonestar taking the hits for Aisling, the evil spider thing would be pulled toward Lonestar. The right hook hits, but not without cost. Four arms come up at once into Brittany's ribs. Would her Metal skin save her from too much
[20:06] <MarloCross> damage. As Ethan hits the deck, He may catch sight of a Burning streak across the sky and the shrill scream of, "SSSSSINERSSSS!!!" Demogoblin was on nthe scene. As for Angel, He'd soon see a horde of people rushing toward him, all chanting 'CAR-NAGE, CAR-NAGE!'.

[20:08] * Brittany`Miller growled as she knocked that bug's face in, and got a face full of arms for her trouble, grappling with the beast as she crash to the ground, rolling about in the sea of limbs as she looked to Aisling "GET TO COVER!!"

[20:16] <MarloCross> BeeTeeDubs - Ethan's plasma barage and Aisling's spheres hit and shred other strands of Webbing, Allowing inocent civilians to get to cover. Even more so, they manage to tage the Dopplegangerm leaving holes in it's twisted frame. It still wasn't down, but one arm was near useless rigfht now as it tangled with Brittany...Continue

[20:19] <Aisling> "No! " she called out as Brittany was snagged. Her power reservea was very low, her glow almost imperceptable. She might be panicked, but she has a scientific mind that quickly reasons out that her spheres wrapped around Brit rather than pound into her. Knowing that they can maneuver mid flight she releases one focussing on the back of Doppleganger's head.

[20:23] <Shandi> Well not much she could do right now other than run around in a panic and try to take control back from the fox brain. DANGER! RUN! was going through its little mind. A bigger fiercer creature, a predator was nearby. But there was something else... She had to do something... She couldn't just run. Well run away she couldn't run away and leave everyone else behind... so ankle biting
[20:23] <Shandi> time! And with a blast of heat yet too! She charged.
[20:25] * Ethan` pulls at the atmospheri cheat a bit more, and engages the aerial demogoblin, sending a pair of actinic blue streaks his way,

[20:38] * Angel`Pearson shit! Civilians! Do not hurt the brainwashed civvies! He stumbled and hopped backward as the mob rushed toward him, reaching for his SND to disengage it, a cloud of the airborne hallucinogen surrounding him as he did. As they drew closer he spit a concentrated stream of the liquid into the faces of those in the front line of the group while they grabbed at him. Trippysnake!

[20:47] <MarloCross> The Fist fight between Lonestar and Doppleganger was epic. Fists and fury flying about in a tangle of limbs. When the Kietic bolt hit and the vulpine hero chomped down on the ankle, the Doppleganger reared up screaming. Leveling an arm at Aisling, it was ging to send a flood of webbing at her...Until Crippler exploded from the wal he'd been knocked into and slammed into it's face,
[20:47] <MarloCross> knocking it away. " Goddamn No Heartbeat...You Fuckin' GAAAAH!!" Meanwhile, Ethan's bursts were dodged and answered by a volley of pumpkin bombs. Down the street was an interesting scene of heaps of civilians milling around..mindlessly. Angel could now see the white skinned, black suited woman glarring dagers at him. Shriek. "You little Freak! GIVE ME BACK MY PUPPETS!!!"

[20:49] * Brittany`Miller held the beast up, socking it in the face until Marlo sent it flying. She wiped her face "Thanks"

[20:51] * Aisling had that deer in the headlights look as Doppleganger's arm leveled at her, sure it was the end for her. As Crippler slammed into him, though she fell to her knees, breathing heavy, too scared to move or even blink.

[20:57] <Shandi> Went flying a good distance with Doppelganger, afterall she was attached to the creep's leg. With a high pitched and startled yelp she let go and ran back into the fray, getting her mind back on track enough to turn human once more and ready another volley of glass spikes.

[20:58] * Ethan` snarls and directs more plasma burst skyward, hoiping to tag Demogoblin, he was leadign the slippery bastard

[21:09] * Angel`Pearson oh lovely, he'd drawn the attention of crazy gothy lady. He switched his SND back to its previous state and drew another weapon from the bag on his hip. A throwing axe this time, just a small thing all one piece of molded metal from blade to handle...He'd been practicing with them lately, and the training session seemed like an alright time to try them out. Shriek was offered a simple "Sorry..?" that didn't sound very sincere.

[21:20] <MarloCross> THe Demogoblin's Firebat abrorbed most of the Plasma's heat, however, it could only d so much. It spiraled into a building, clipping off the ledge as Demogoblin snarl in anger, "VILE HEATHEN!!" a jet of Helfire shot out from his hand toward Ethan. A Battle of Fire has begun. As the main group stood ready to take on the Doppleganger, Crippler turned just in time to see a decayed
[21:20] <MarloCross> hand reach out for him and Brittany. Carrion! He'd phased up through the street behind them, " LONESTAR!! Watch It! Don't Let him touch you." He grabbed the sizzling claw as it reachged. Looking to Aisling, " Aisling...ugh..need some help here." As that transpired, the Doppleganger lept at Shandi, taking the glass shards in the chest. What could stop this thing?! As for Shriek
[21:20] <MarloCross> and Angel, He'd be getting a Sonic Burst aimed for his cute widdwe head...

[21:21] * Brittany`Miller rolled back quick as she could, barely avoiding the thing's touch. It gave off the feeling of death. She looked about, and began hoisting up large bits of rubble "Let's see if he can play catch!" With that she began hurling it towards the wraith

[21:29] <Aisling> "Marlo! I don't... I'm out of energy!" She called out, looking for something to juixe up with, concrete and metal everywhere... except there was a scrawny tree growing in a planter not too far, maybe it wouldn't be too hard. She stood and took off to it grabbing it with both hands and with a bright flash she anihilated the shrub, now she was glowing so brightly her featuees could not be made out and she was painful to look at.

[21:32] <Shandi> "What 's this feral spider-man made of?!" She yelled as she thought of what she could do... it was a risky thought... But she had to try something, right? This time willingly and consciously, Shandi went fox and would appear to flee from the Doppelganger. Small, fast, agile... But she was running away. She was making it give chase so there was some space between them and it would rush
[21:32] <Shandi> at her. But she would be ready, turning back to human form and readying her hands for something a good deal larger than the glass claws, if Doppelganger pounced? Well... he'd be impaled by a rather long spike.

[21:35] * Ethan` dodges back, exntyeidng his powers to try and absorb soem fo the hellfire, but more importantly to try and put Doppleganger in between him and Demogoblin's line of fire and hope the flyign frekashow scores on own goal

[21:49] <MarloCross> Helfire was a bit different than regular flame. Ethan might feel a bit of a burn coming on as he sucked up some of the ambient heat. It still did the trick, though it put Shandi into the line of fire too. Her Glass spear impails the Doppleganger, a deep bloodless wound opens up as the creature slumps forward. Then Helfire errupts around the Doppleganger. Shandi would have t be fast
[21:49] <MarloCross> to avoid getting burned. Meanwhile, Crippler and Lonestar had successfully taken down Carrion thanks to a thrown hunk of debris from Lonestar's metal mit. As for Aisling, she'd hear a voice behind her, a creepy evil voice, " <sigh> All the kids are playing so nice. Makes a father proud."

[21:54] * Brittany`Miller breathes abit heavy, looking winded. Perhaps since she was pushing herself just to keep her powers running. She looked around for Aisling, blinking as she tried to find her. Looking off she saw her, her face twisting into a shocked expresion "AISLIN'!! LOOK OUT!!!"

[22:06] * Aisling freezes as chills run down her spine from the voice shivering she looks over her shoulder and sees the horrific visage of Carnage. "NO! Get away!" She screamed, and energy spheres rocketed out in all directions, uncontrolled and zipping about she shoved her hands at Carnage. In her panic she cries out for the need for more power and her body might just oblige if her hands connect with Carnage.

[22:12] <Shandi> It worked? It actually worked! Shandi almost let out a little squeal of joy but was distracted by a very good thing to be distracted by. Hellfire. Luckily for Shandi her thermokinesis kept her safe from fire... or so she would think. This wasn't normal fire. She yelped and would try to run only to see the true nightmare of the simulation. Carnage . Shandi shrieked.

[22:15] * Ethan` snaps his head around as he hears Aislign scream and his attention si diverted, he charges Carnage, hauling his left hand back and concentratingon hispower,trying to replicate last night's accident with the punching bag, hoping a plasma impact detonation would severly injure or at the very least, distract Carnage from Ais

[22:26] <MarloCross> The fight just got bad. When Ethan turn to launch himself at Carnage, a volley of Pumpkin Bombs burning wth Hefire rained down on him. Never turn your back on a monster. Hopefully he can dodge or absorb the fire...the force maybe not so much. As Marlo and Shandi moved to help, Lonestar's warning comes on frightened ears. Her hands touch Carnage, as he was so close the resulting
[22:26] <MarloCross> falout was....THe Simulation Ends. The Group is standing in the deactivate Simulation Chamber. Their score popps up: 45% out of 100%. Marlo removes his helmet and sighs, " Well..We did good for a bit there." Aisling had detonated, killing them all. Luckily, it was only a simulation. Angel survived by being far enough away, however. Carrion and Doppleganger were taken down before
[22:26] <MarloCross> the boom. "Aisling. You okay?"

[22:28] * Brittany`Miller stared as the simulation ended, looking around, before racing to Aisling and throwing her arms around her, hugging her tight "Are ya alright!?"

[22:36] * Aisling shakes like a chihuahua in Brittany's arms, wide-eyed with wet cheeks from her terrified tears. She looked at Marlo and seemed... angry. "No." She answered in a quiet, hoarse voice.

[22:41] * Ethan` blinks and discharges the accumulated plasma into the sim chamber's wall, knwoing it was deisgned to be proof agaisnt just attacks "What the hell went sideways?"

[22:44] <Shandi> Shuddered as it ended. They all died? That was the endiing? She swallowed... but at least she hadn't gone fox again. "45%..." Not even half?...

[22:48] <MarloCross> Marlo brought up the results. " Ethan, dude, you got killed two seconds before we all died...Demo roasted you when you turned your back. I forgot to watch for the Doppleganger...No heartbeat so I fucked up there. And we almost roasted Shandi. As far as power control," He brought that stat up and everyone got fairly good marks, sadly except for Aisling. She'd done wel until the
[22:48] <MarloCross> bought with Carnage. "I guess we know fear can trigger a detonation. You still did good for as long as we survived."

[22:51] * Brittany`Miller had gone flesh again, trembling as she held the frightened girl, looking to Marlo with wide eyes

[22:53] * Aisling looked down at her feet and shook her head. "Wasn't fear... I mean I was scared, more scared than I've ever been... but I touched him, and I felt that numb tingling... I think I disintegrated him... too much energy."

[23:00] * Ethan` sighs, realizing his attraction to Aisling is what got him "killed"

[23:05] <Lanse> Victoria Jane Allison sat outside the sims, her feet kicked up onto the console. Her feet were only covered by a pair of socks, her sneakers resting on the floor. Most of her athletic legs were bare, up to her blue exercise shorts. Covering her torso was a typical brightly colored Union Jack t-shirt, and over her eyes were her typical mirrored shades, making it hard to tell if she
[23:05] <Lanse> was awake or asleep. Platinum blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail as the Brit remained rather motionless, arms crossed over her midriff idly.

[23:16] * Aisling lay a hand on Brit's arm "I'm okay now." She said with a distant tone to jer voice and walked towards the exit. "Sorry I killed everyone."

[23:17] * Brittany`Miller looked to her then down :Ah failed..."\

[23:20] <Lukas`> I'll admit. I'm amazed they lasted as long as they did. I was expecting a 'fatality' within the first opening gestures.. A deep, slithery voice wafted out from a large, bent figure overlooking the sim controls over the Brits shoulder. The many eyes of Wilbur glanced out from beneth the hood he wore over his head. Clad in jeans; and his heavy oilskin coat..with its new hood! Fashion gosh
[23:20] <Lukas`> darnit, fashion..

[23:21] <Ethan`> "I fucked up first. Took my attention off the target I was fighting"

[23:22] <Aisling> With her back to everyone she pulls off her glasses (which had miraculously stayed on during the fight.) and wiped her arm across her face and when she turned back around she was smiling. "I'm kinda hungry. Gonna go get something at the cafe... after a shower. I'm all sweaty now."

[23:22] <Ethan`> "may join....*COUGH* I may go take a shower too"
[23:22] * Ethan` coughs as he nearly says somethign REAAAAAAAAAAAALLLY STUPID

[23:22] * Brittany`Miller just sat down, staring at the ground quietly

[23:23] <Lanse> After a moment she showed signs of life by reaching out and tapping the intercom into the sim, her heavily accented voice echoing faintly "Ye cin all afford t' look less like a bunch o' sorry sad sacks, mates." She remarked. Slumping back into her chair she started after a moment and glanced back over her shoulder. "Jesus fuck. Wilbur, don't fuckin' sneak up on people. Or
[23:23] <Lanse> talk t' people. Or bloody exist ."

[23:25] * Aisling didn't really seem to hear either of them or if she did she didn't acknowledge it. She proceeded on to the locker room and gathered her clothes choosing to return to her room to shower and change.

[23:28] <Lukas`> A chuckle, heck..two simultaneous chuckles came from the fanged beasty. I did make an attempt at the last of those, but alas..I'mhere to stay for the time being.. The sneaking up on people, Wilbur was like friggen Batman with how he seemed to manage it. They seem to be taking their loss rather harshly. A shame really, it might put a few of them off pugilsm for some time..

[23:31] * Ethan` figures he shoudl find some of those field manuals his dad talked about, and read them. a rudimentary understandign fo combat might help
[23:33] * Ethan` offers Brittany a hand up
[23:33] <Ethan`> "c'MON, you did a good job dealing with Doppleganger"

[23:34] * Brittany`Miller slowly looked up at him, face looking totally devoid of any joy "Ah failed her..'

[23:37] <Lanse> She rolled her eyes and stood up. "It's a fuckin' simulation. They should get th' hell over it. And that's not even gettin' int' the fact that those poor sods are followin' Marlo's direction. Marlo's dumb heart is in th' right dumb place but th' kid hasn't got a bloody clue in his brain." She rubbed her eyes under her glasses and shrugged her shoulders. "But everyone suppose
[23:37] <Lanse> I am a horrible role model, and also no one wants t' talk t' ye still. Meself included." Tori waved a hand dissmissively before wandering off.

[23:38] <Ethan`> "it was our first time working as a team Brittany, we have to expect...less then optimal results"

[23:39] <Lukas`> Oh, dont you try to flatter me.. 6 Wilbur smirked. If the insults were genuine, wouldn't have cared. If they wernt, he would dismiss them just the same. A polite bow of his head to the escaping Tori.

[23:42] * Aisling had a lot to think about after that little excercise. She knew it was just a simulation and no one got hurt, but it was real while she was there and she learned things about herself and her abilities that she hadn't considered before. She stood in her shpwer letting the hot water run over her back while the little hamsters in her brain ran their tiny legs off spinning their wheels.

[23:49] * Brittany`Miller looked back down "Ah..think Ah need to be alone..fer a while.."

[23:51] <Ethan`> "moping isn;t gonna help. we chalk this up to a learngin experience, figure out what we did wrong, then try not to do it next time"
[23:52] * Ethan` blinks as he hears himself reciting some of the lines hsi father had spoken to him growing up. He never thought his dad's brand of gung ho, military trainign techniques woudl be applicabel to his life, but BAM suddenly there they are.
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