Marshall, Llewellyn [ mutant, berserker ]

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Marshall, Llewellyn [ mutant, berserker ]

Post by Garrit »

Player Nickname: Garrit

Name: Llewellyn Marshall, "Lee"
Codename: N/A
Age: ~38
Date of Birth: 4/30/1974

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 230 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Laramie, Wyoming
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: N/A

Personality Profile:
Llewellyn is a little spoken man, with a gruff and impersonal appearance. He is stubbornly, self possessed and rarely tolerates the instructions of other people. It isn't a tactic that would get anyone very far in life, but Lee looks the sort of man who can - and probably has managed just fine with nothing at all. In many ways, Lee is an anachronism. He might be coarse in appearance, but his mannerisms are concerted and patient to the degree that he might have come out of that twilight time before the quick distractions and conveniences of modern life. He is clear spoken when he does talk, and he displays a depth of perception and intellect that one might not attribute to a person such as him.

The man is not quick to temper and most people would not think of him as an angry man. In most instances he can be quite kind if he has a mind to be. It takes quite a bit to work the man up, but most intelligent people can tell by looking at him that he isn't the sort of man you wanted to make angry.

Physical Description:
He is a stocky, robust man with short, brown hair, and ruddy, weathered features. He has a pugnacious appearance.



General Power Information: Berserker

Ability One:
Berserker - rage consumes him and he enters into a state of animalistic frenzy where he feels no fear, pain, or doubt. In this state he is completely unreasonable. Enraged, he is only interested in the complete destruction of everything and anyone around him, and often with brutal precision.

Ability Two:
Strength - an extension of his rage, he can exhibit extra-human strength (~2 tons dead lift) without becoming berserk, but only with very careful control and only for short durations. If he pushes this limit, he can potentially enter into rage.

Ability Three:
Regeneration - not an extension of his rage, he can heal relatively quickly though a gun shot wound is not going to heal within seconds but more like hours.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Allowing his rage to consume him is more of a drawback than it is a gift. After any such episode, the man is very prone to re-enter into rage. He will become easily aggravated, and he will have a tendency to erratic and unpredictable behavior. Much of these problems are solved, unwisely with alcohol, which represents another general weakness of the man.

A lifetime of odd jobs has given him a strange, mixed bag of skills that mostly involve grunt work construction, ranching, or lumbering. He can shoot a coyote while riding, and he can size a pine, four feet wide, and fell it within one foot of his intended mark. Incongruously, he also knows how to operate a surprising variety of industrial machines.

Lewellyn had a brief but violent childhood, which he does not remember much about. Lee's rage is inherited from his father, who was as much a creature of violence as Lee could be. Lee's father eventually murders his mother before turning the gun on himself. At 13, Lee disappears from Laramie and has never returned since. For most of his adolescence, Lee traversed the Badlands and the wilderness of Central Canada. Along the way he took up seasonal work on ranches and eventually settled for most of his twenties in the Pacific Northwest, where he followed the logging crews northward, each season, from California up to Alaska.

For the entirety of his life, Lee has managed to hide his powers. Most people knew of him as a violently strong man, who could enter into states of bull eyed fury. In those times, Lee would do no more than wreck bars or destroy vehicles. This changed recently when he was discovered as a mutant and attacked. Lee managed to survive, but everyone else didn't. He ran. He took to the road and went East, where there was that place, that refuge.

Criminal Record:
Trespassing, vandalism, poaching, petty theft, DUI, assault.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
He's a skilled draftsman and has an artistic eye. Also he's surprisingly well read in various esoteric literature.
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