Adriana Hammond

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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:56 pm

Adriana Hammond

Post by emily19 »

Player Nickname: `Emily

Name: Adriana Hammond
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 1-1-93

Height: 5'7
Weight: 133 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: New York
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Meta Human

Status: Other
Occupation: Online consultant for Hammond Labs

Personality Profile: Adriana is smart but quirky, she often comes off as scatter brained, a little bumbling, and she thinks the weirdest things are cool.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Kinetic Shields

Ability One: Kinetic Shield: Adriana through complete accident was exposed to a unknown dimensional radiation that gave her the power to generate a energy shield that absorbs and redirects all kinetic energy directed at her turning her into a human pinball bouncing from service to service gaining speed and momentum with every bounce, the kinetic force can from variety of thing such as physical objects like bricks or bullets or resisting energy and fire and even explosions.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Adriana has a big control problem, anything over the smallest of bump or unexpected hits can activate her kinetic shield and send her bouncing around, the harder the bump the harder it is for her to gain control. The bubble only protects against kinetic energy and force not mental powers or electricity or things like this.

Skills: Adriana loves science and grew up learning all about advanced tech, computers and other things that normal people fall asleep when you talk to them about it so computer programming and troubleshoot/fixing/ electronics or fancy tech and the like are easy for this girl.

Background: Adrianna is from a normal family that is safely in the” I will never need to do a day’s worth of hard work” bracket thanks to her family owning the very successful Hammond Labs. Adrianna grew up running around the labs and learning everything she could about well everything, this is actually what led to her gaining her powers. You see Adrianna has always been curious and when she happened upon a mothballed project that had been designed to produce free energy by tapping into another dimension she couldn’t help but tinkering with the thing and this resulted with her being bombarded with extra-dimensional energy, the same energy that gave a hero by the name of Speedball his powers. Luckily Adrianna bounced back quickly, pun complete intended and was able to hide her new found powers from her parents and now at the ripe old age of 19 she has come to Salem where she hopes to do some real good with her powers!

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Adriana’s powers actually form a costume around her when they activate unless she focuses on keeping it away. Adriana’s voice also takes on a hollow echoing like quality while suited up.
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