Episode II, Revenge of the Spiders (9/8/2012)

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Episode II, Revenge of the Spiders (9/8/2012)

Post by Sisip »

01<@TellerOfTales> The storm rages fully, people would do well to stay inside on this particular evening. Even though it's only dusk the sky is as dark as night, the lightening striking alarmingly close, sometimes even connecting to the precautionary lightening rod situated atop the apartment tower. One particularly powerful strike, accompanied by a deafening boom of thunder, rocks the windows in the frames and, after a bit of a struggle, the power in the Sanctum goes out. How convinient though that Machina was Machina and didn't dare pause surgery for this.

<plaguevile> Hunter shakes his head. "Real good to know. Still want'cha to nail me on accident. Just like I practice my aim too." He makes guns with his fingers and mimes shooting them at Angel. "Uh. It's, like, raining. Are you sure you wanna stay out here? I don't want you to go messing up yer clothes n shit." He nods towards the door to leave the courtyard. Of course he still
<plaguevile> doesn't give two shits about getting drenched and muddy. RAGING STORM! Okay that's enough to make him trot towards the door, suddenly eager to escape the storm! Rain he can deal with but lightning is something completely different. He yelps once when the lightning booms so damn close and runs.

06* Sunder Was glad he had been expecting that. He would reach into his messenger bag and pulls out his cell, handy thing with a rather impressivly bright dual flash that doubled as a flashlight. He'd flick it off full, putting out enough light for most to navigate the cafe "Not me this time, I swear! see the cell still works!"

06* Yulianna stands up as the lights go out, her eyes traveling to the only source of light, Sunders phone.

<plaguevile> Blatant Boy glances up from his handy dandy DS and leers at Sunder. "Uh-huh. We're all still gonna blame you anyway." and walks off.

<MarloCross> Marlo wakes up on the floor seconds after the boom. His Kinetic Senses overloaded in an instant. Great, yet another weakness: Thunder. Well, it might have been different if he was fully expecting it and it wasn't so damn close. He pulled himself up, and hearing he got Sisip's voice maiul, hung it up. Dazed, he stood, feeling a mild tingle of kinetic power. Nothing major, but it did tell him the storm was CLOSE.

<Yulianna> "Uh.. aren't there geneators or something around here??" she says, diggin in her pockets for a lighter and coming up empty handed.

06* Angel`Pearson grinned and snickered further at the fingerbanging, before blinking when the storm got all crazy monsoon, nodnoddding quickly when Hunter suggested dipping inside he darted for the door leading off the courtyard.

03* ^Felix^ is now known as Naz^food

06* Sunder Flips blatant boy the piss off symbol and looks to yulianna "Good question, I imagine they've got something that'll run the critical bits, but I don't know if the rest is supposed to be backed up.. Well in any event i've got some torches back in the flat, come along then." He'd grab up his pack, pick up the phone and starts down the hallway towards the apartments

01<@TellerOfTales> There were generators, yes, and people were racing to get them online. Emergency lighting glowed along the hallways, gentle guides to keep people from fumbling around and getting hurt. Out the window the storm heaved threes back and forth, shadows stretching alarmingly, like great black spindly arms, which would have been understandable.. had it been winter and the trees free of leaves.

06* Yulianna follows him, careful not to fall on her clumsy face.
06* Yulianna , already having the heeby jeebies, is glad she is not looking out the window. "Your name is Sunder, right?"

<plaguevile> The door's ripped open and held that way to let Angel through before he slams it shut. "Yeesh! The fuck was that shit about." the ugly man bitches and scowls at the nasty weather. The shadows are noticed and he stiffens up some, uncomfortable by the trick of light. "Not cool. Uh. I don't figger there's no glowing mutants around is there?" he asks and tilts his head from
<plaguevile> one way to the other. "I could change back into a dog. Lead ya somewhere safe. Where you wanna go, man? Is there somewhere not creepy as fuck?"

<MarloCross> Getting to a window, Marlo would give the swaying trees the double take. Had the wind blown the trees free of foliage? Must be one bad ass storm. Using the lights as a guide, Marlo heads toward the cafe', hoping to see if some one else was as creeped out as he was.

06* Sunder Gives a soft chuckle "Nah, parents weren't quite cool enough for that. I just go by sunder." He'd open up the door. Yep, it was a bachelor pad, in the light of the phone one could see couch, tv, giant speakers, and some computer gear laying about. He'd head straight for the closet, grabbing his get and go bag. Only took him a moment to dig out a couple proper flashlights, handing her one "There we are, got a few more

<Sunder> stashed about the place. Go give a look, see if anyone is stuck in the dark i'll catch up in a tick" He takes the team radio from one of the pockets on his tac vest and places it in his ear "Sunder 'ere, anyone listening?"

06* Angel`Pearson darted in when the door was held for him. Awwww, he liked Hunter! He was so nice! His head bobbed in another quick double nod, digging in his messenger to remove a small flashlight and click it into life "There's Ashy, but I dun see her anywhere...Hrm. Idunoooo, rec maybe? What do you think?' O! At the sound of the voice from his bag his hand dipped in

06* Yulianna takes the flashlight from him and clicks it on, nodding, "Okay." she says, turning on her heel and cursing herself for not having put on a proper shirt after she was done jogging this afternoon. She heads down the halls, shining the light in front of her, gripping onto her handy dandy tennis ball as if her life depends on it, which it might. "Hellooo?" she says, looking around for
06* Yulianna anyone else as she heads back in the direction of the cafe.

<Angel`Pearson> to snatch out the teamy comm thing he'd been issued "Angel is listening! Weathers gone all monsoon on us!"

01<@TellerOfTales> Those near the rooms closest to the outer walls would hear cries of alarm. Perhaps fear of the dark? Perhaps fear of whatever it was that could be seen moving up the walls. The random flashes of lightening elongated those black blobs as they moved up and over. Small blobs but also large ones, that with each arc of lightening glisten and gleam. As it was the night before the spiders have returned. Moving through the night on a destined path? Or merely seeking another meal? The sound of glass shattering can be heard, as well as another, more panicced scream.

03* Toasty_ (toasty@phg-00-964-430-980.wi.res.rr.com) has joined #Cobalt*Hill

06* Yulianna curses under her breath, freezing as she hears glass breaking and screaming. She turns and starts running in the direction she thinks it's coming from.

02* Toasty (toasty@phg-00-964-430-980.wi.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
03* Toasty_ is now known as Toasty

<MarloCross> Marlo got the buzz on his com and popped it in his ear. He hadn't heard Sunder, but the thing squaked enough to alert him from his pocket. " Hey, some one on the Coms?" Then the breaking glass. Marlo's mind went into panic mode. Picking the nearest area with crashing( possibly the food court or the courtyard on the map), he bolted as he spoke into his radio," Did anyone else hear that?!"

<plaguevile> "That's tha place wit' the TVs right? Awesome!" He pauses, realizes the error in that train of thought and frowns. "But they aren't gonna work. So, uhhh. Um. If you think the rec's safer, let's head there. Um. Lead the way?" He doesn't know the place half as well as Angel does after all. He keeps his attention up and keeps sniffing at the air, wary of danger. It's dark,
<plaguevile> lightning and thunder are horrible and scary!

06* Sunder Was far enough away he didn't hear a thing of it. He was just going through his supplies. He slung his bug out bag on his shoulder, and started going through his other stashes, gathering more flashlights. He'd tap on the comm again "'ear what? I'm back in my flat, i've got a good 'alf dozen lights, make your way towards the rec, i'll 'and 'em out an then we'll go find anyone stuck in the dark."

02* Toasty (toasty@phg-00-964-430-980.wi.res.rr.com) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)

01<@TellerOfTales> As Yuli starts running down the hallway a door bursts open and out runs a woman who had reptilian features. Her eyes were wide as she screamed and ran towards the girl, arms reaching outwards, "RUNN" She wails at her just before she trips and falls with a cry. Around her ankle is that sticky webbing and she's yanked backwards swiftly, back into the room. Outside the spiders continued their sojourn, all sizes from large to small. It's almost as if they were out for a wet stroll.

06* Angel`Pearson well, he certainly heard it. The beam of his flashlight swept around at the sound of broken glass, and he couldn't help shuddering when those moving blobs of blackness were spotted through the windows...Ohgod. Horrible! And he didn't have his zappy-blades yet! "Broken glass...Ohcrap. The spidery things are here again!...Yes, meeting up in the rec is probably a
<Angel`Pearson> great idea!" his com was clipped to the strap of his bag near the shoulder, and his free hand fumbled one of the team issue shocky-sticks from his bag before startig off for the rec center with Hunter.

06* Yulianna screeches to a halt seeing the woman come bursting out. "Come--" she starts to say, but the second word catches in her throat as she sees the girl trip, and get yanked backwards. "Holy shit!" she screams, turning and running the other way.

<MarloCross> "On my way already." he replied to Sunder. He'd have to take the stairs with no power. At full run, even at his shape, It'd take a few minutes." Anyone with you?"

<plaguevile> "Eh? What?" he grunts and looks around. Another sniff is taken of the air. OHSHITSPIDERS! He yelps again and glances over at Angel. "You gots any weapons on you?" he asks and yanks out a gun from the waist of his pants. One too big to be a handgun. It's cocked and readied. He eyes Angel's shocky sticks and grins. "Good! Always good'ta be prepared, yanno." He nods
<plaguevile> quickly and trots towards the area with broken glass, ever ready to get into a FITE!

03* Naz^food is now known as ^Naz^

06* Sunder he pauses his hunt for flashlights, cliking on the comm quickly "Wait wait wait, did you just say spiders? ... oh hell, they want in out of the bloody rain.. Don't go to the rec! Get your arses in the interior hallways as fast as you bloody can! I've got a spare shooter if one of you is a worthwhile shot" and then he'd see yulianna running back with his flashlight "Not alone 'ere, head straight towards the
<Sunder> residential complex if you can" The first stop would be his gun case, grabbing his pistol and its mags, stashing them in his tac holster before going for the rifle bag and shouting out "In 'ere! No windows!"

06* Angel`Pearson nodnodded quickly, eyes shifting to the gun a moment before they started off "Yus, is always good to be prepared. Totally shouldve started carrying a giant can of industrial insect spray as soon as I heard these things were back." he followed Hunter, blinking as Sunders voice came over his comm again, tapping the send button and replying "Got it, residential." and
<Angel`Pearson> shifting course he'd begin to head that way rather then the rec.

06* Yulianna is hyperventilating. As she hears the word SPIDER both the flashlight and the tennis ball explode in her hands, sending pieces of them shooting in all directions. She sees Sunder then, running to him as she gasps for air. "they--got--some--one" she spits out, if he can ever understand her.

03* Emily (cp@y-38-86-78-45.hsd8.ca.comcast.net) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
02* `Emily (cp@y-38-86-78-45.hsd8.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

01<@TellerOfTales> The woman was gone, her screams silenced, before anyone had a chance to get to the room. Instead, from the door poured spider after spider, all about the size of a corgi. Some aren't entirely lucky, however, bits and pieces of tennis balls piercing their carapace, making them ooze green gunk. Five of them crawl up the walls to the ceiling, several more pour outwards, legs ticticing along the floor. They head down both directions, the creatures more exploring than attacking.. at first. Once they catch sight of Yuilianna and Sunder a trio of them head forward towards them. One pauses and faces away from them, squirting out webbing in a most disgusting fashion, directly towards Yuli, cause lets face it, she looked tasty!

<plaguevile> "Yeah. Real good idea. But stompin' works great fer the smaller ones. Maybe a good kick an' stomp fer medium. Extra large? Um. Yeah." He grimaces. LOTS of kicking for the giants! "Bug spray's good. I'll start bringin' around some better shit then that." He nods sagely. "Residental? Uh. Lead the way?" Because he has no idea where they should go! ALKSJDF spiders!
<plaguevile> Instead of running off, he starts a game of stomp-a-spider! Since they're bigger ones he goes right for the head. "Man. I gotta start wearin' body armor er somethin' cuz this is nuts."

06* Sunder cringes at the blast "Get in 'ere! .. An don't grab anything!" Shit! Spiders! Smaller than he expected, good because the pistol could actually kill them, bad because it would be harder to escape them. He'd make for the closet once more, grabbing something he hadn't had to use since salem's zombie invasion so long ago... The sledge, because it was going to be another real mother of a bad night.

06* Yulianna is, in fact, tastey. She gets webbed, screaming again. Because she is already hyperventilating and also, oh yeah, has a terrible fear of spiders she goes down. She wriggles and pushes and pulls at the webs, trying to shake them loose.

<MarloCross> Finaly upstairs, Marlo readies for a fight. His senses reach to their limits, sensing for the pitter patter of furry legs on the walls or ceiling as well as the floors. When he feels them, he heads in that direction. Between him and Sunder and Yuli was a nice swarm. with no real power in his body, he grabs a fire extinguisher and starts SPRAYING THEM," C'mon you Spud Uglies! Git outta my fuckin' House!!"

03* Rever[end] is now known as Reverend

06* Yulianna lays still for a second, trying like hell to catch her breath. She knows if she keeps freaking out she is going to blow up the webs and probably hurt not only herself but also Sunder.

01<@TellerOfTales> CRUNCHSQUIRTCH! Hunter's boot goes straight through the arachnids head and it convulses a bit as gore and ooze, as does the next one. One, however, decides that he's not going to be crunchsquirtched and drives a leg forward towards Hunter's leg. Spiders continue forward towards Yuli and Sunder, not realizing that charging a man witha sledgehammer wasn't a good idea. As Yuli struggles and wriggles the webbing seems to tighten around her and the spider attached to the other side heads back towards the room, dragging the girl with lurching yanks. Those that go after Marlo shy away immediately from the spray but really ultimately go around the cool foaming goop and continue towards him.

06* Sunder Drops a few of the flashlights he had gathered, all combined they put off a rather considerable amount of light. First order of business was the spider attacking yulianna, a quick lunge and he'd bring the hammer down on it with a shout "Get some you bloody arses!"

<MarloCross> When he's cornered, Marlo swings the thing like a golf club, spinning around as quickly as he can. and when they jump, his Kinetics borrows from thier forward momentum. If they jump that is. Untill then It's stomp, swing and Spray. And... If Anyone were to be down stairs, there is a short chubby GWAR extra spearing spiders on shards of bone! BoneHead was flailing like a freak, covered in a frightening skeletal Carap

<plaguevile> Those scuffs and other assored wear and tear didn't get on his boots for no reason! He jerks up his leg when the spider attacks it, giving the thing a clear shot at taking a bite out of...the steel plate on the front of the boot. Or a patch of thick leather if it's lucky. "Hey! Ain't takin' no chunks of Huntermeal tonight! Nope!" he shouts, keen on getting back to stomping on
<plaguevile> spider heads.

06* Yulianna scratches at the floor as she starts getting tugged away by an eight legged bastard. She shouts out a random profanity, looking at either side of her. As Sunder kills the spider that has her she reaches around blindly, grabbing onto the first spider she can. She, for the first time, forces her energy into that little bastard, causing it's leg to explode.

03* Warlock is now known as [zZz]

01<@TellerOfTales> The spider didn't so much crunchsquirtch as it EXPLODIED. Gross spluts everywhere, taking no prisoners. The spiders surge towards Sunder despite their comrade being crushed. Legs dart outwards, trying to peirce the metalhead and one has the audacity to lunge forward to try to sink its fangs into his boot. Marlo swings the fire extinguisher and as the spiders jump at them he belts them away against the wall, crushing them with the force. They stick and slooowly slide downwards. Pablo's going to be PISSED. Hunter continues to crush the spiders like eggshells, wading through them like a mighty Jolly Green Giant through a valley of peas. Yuli is dragged backwards, but since Sunder has obliterated the spider she's safe, though still quite bound by the webbing. As she grabs the random spider it explodes. Godzilla bukakke! Poor Yuli will need a shower and some mouthwash.

02* Voodoo (Angtsy@24.142.ru.klh) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)

01<@TellerOfTales> More spiders pour from the room. It was almost as if there was an open window or something, in that apartment.

06* Yulianna coughs and spits out spider guts, continuing to try and push the webbing off of her with one hand while she grabs around with her other hand to keep exploding the spiders. "We need to get in that room!" she yells out.

<MarloCross> With a bit of desperation, Marlo charges toward the room door. On his second step, He puts every jule of kinetic force he'd manage to cobble up and kicks himself toward the door, shoulder first. He hadn't seen the poor reptile girl dragged in. If he had, he might not be slamming the door on her rescue. His intent was simple: shut the Fucking thing!

<Yulianna> "NOO! There'e someone in there!!" she screams at Marlo.

<MarloCross> Bonehead, on the otherhand has been webbed up to an extend but is so covered in spikes that the Spiders can't pull him away: He's drived two long resin spikes through the freaking floor!!

<plaguevile> Hunter is totally enjoying making these spiders explode and be nasty! Every once and a while he cackles and roars with laughter like this is the best fun he's ever had in his whole life. Pablo's going to have a stuffed pit bull head stuck on the wall soon! "Woo!" he even shouts and continues on his killing spree. SPURT! BOOM! SPLORTCH!

06* Sunder Jumps! Twin steel toed boots coming down, hopefully on top of a spider "Easier said than done!" He blinks, someone in the damn room? He'd haul back and throw the sledge towards marlo, aimed to land near him "use it!"

06* Yulianna grabs another passing spider and blows it up as she starts to panick again, avoiding the spider goo she draws rapid shaky breaths.

01<@TellerOfTales> There was no screaming, no indication of anyone remaining within. As the door slams shut the impact of bodies against it could be felt, spiders charing too fast to stop. Thud.. thudthud..thud..... thud... Some spiders escaped past the group, disappearing down the hallway and causing numerous screams of alarm. Thankfully sturdy Bonehead was better protected than anyone else. Hunter is livin the high life! Spider after spider is felled by his stompy boots! Sturdy stompy boots that seem to repel most of the legs and fangs that attack. Sunder squidges another spider violently, but another drops from the ceiling down towards his head! As Yuli bukakke's another spider she'd realize they were beginning to thin out with the door closed.

<MarloCross> Catching the sledge hammer, Marlo stands away from the door. Powerfull arms swing in an upward arc. Like a long drive, it would cleave it's way through the spiders. Hopefully, it would give the other two-Sunder and Yuli- a clear path. After one swing, he'd tap the Com," Crippler to Any Team Members. Status Report! Sunder and I are upstairs with one resident. We have their entry point!"
<MarloCross> Bonehead just...grew more spines," I...need a latte'...like now."

06* Yulianna is starting to run out of energy quickly from blowing these things up. She is still on the ground fighting to get out of this web but she is starting to look a bit gaunt.

06* Sunder Looked like he was about to help yulianna when death from above struck, the only light was the scattered flashlights, which was the only thing that provided the creepy shadows that gave him any amount of warning, not that it was quite enough. A shout of pure terror as the spider the size of a small dog latched onto his head, and well... what else was there to do? He went to headbutt the wall as fast and hard as he could

06* Yulianna falls onto her back, unmoving except for the heaving of her chest as she draws in quick, raspy breaths.

03* Emily is now known as `Alexandra

<plaguevile> By now his boots are pockmarked by holes and more damage than they had before. But odds are he'll keep wearing them anyway until they can't guard him any longer. His attack strategy doesn't change and he just keeps stomping around like mad. "Hoo boy! Man these things'r great fer workin' up a sweat!" he hollers and continues on. Eventually he starts making his way towards the
<plaguevile> group even if he doesn't have a comm unit to pick up the info.

03* ^Naz^ is now known as NazSemiHere

06* Yulianna regains a bit of energy and looks up to see is Sunder was able to kill the critter trying to eat his head, and try to see what's left. She glances at Marlo, then lays back down.
06* `Alexandra grins madly as she comes running up her magical baseball bat in hand!!.."sorry Im late, I got caught up with the storm!" Alexandra had been out on the roof enjoying the thunder and lightning so she had kind of missed the whole intial attack and call for help but hey better late than never, charging in she started swinging her bat with gusto at any spiders within reach

01<@TellerOfTales> FOUR! More spiders are crushed and bashed away by Marlo and the sledgehammer. As other spiders escape down the hallway they manage to dodge past Bonehead and continue deeper into the apartments. Sunder effectively smashes his head into the wall, killing the spider instantly but giving himself a disgusting gore-shower. The pack of spiders thins out considerably, one or two still scuttling around but so far the remainder seem locked behind the door. Well, the remaining in the immediate area. Outside more spiders wander past, they don't seem to be intent on stopping for a snack, they obviously have a purpose, but the taptapping on the inside of the door was proof that while contained there was still a breech in the walls and there were still spiders in the building.

06* Sunder The metal head lets out more than a few dozen curses as he wipes away bug guts. His head hurt like hell, asprin was not going to help but at least he wasn't dead.. As soon as he cleared away enough bug guts he would pull his multitool from it's pocket on the tac vest and brings out the blade,starting to cut yulianna free "fookin spiders.. god damn mother -.." he would rattle on as he worked as quickly as he could, eager
<Sunder> to not be a sittng duck on the floor

06* Yulianna looks at him, "Are--they--gone?"

<MarloCross> "Okay..Lets secure this door and try to find any other breaches." He turns to Sunder, face covered in sludge s it were," I got nothing from the others. Looks like we're it." He leaned on the door, holding it closed." Any thoughts?"

<`Alexandra> (alexandra contacted marlo over the comms)

<plaguevile> Hunter stomps over to the group and eyes Marlo for a minute before looking around. He takes a second to wipe some goop off his face and fling it to the floor. Of course he doesn't really care about the mess but he doesn't want to get that shit in his eyes. "So now what?" he asks and glances around. His ears twitch and he glances around, listening to the scrabble of legs behind
<plaguevile> the doors.

<Yulianna> "I can make a sheild over the door.." she says quietly, breathily as she shoves the bits and pieces of web that Sunder cuts her free of off of herself.

01<@TellerOfTales> Taptaptap and finally, for those with fairly good hearing, the hint of a noise now that things had settled down, all from behind the closed door. A hint of a noise that wasn't a sound a spider would make. Taptap. Tap.

03* NazSemiHere is now known as Naz[Here]

06* Sunder Takes in a deep breath, putting his thoughts where they needed to be, instead of on the bits of bug oozing down his entire head. "We'll 'ave to get something proper to shore up that door. think you can 'old it up long enough yulia-.. tha's a bit quiet.. Ready on the door! Marlo you breech it, you useful git covered in bug you back 'em up, yulianna sheild might be 'elpful be ready. Go when ready marlo" He unslung the
<Sunder> rifle from his back, bringing it into a low ready position. if it was one of the bigger bugs doing a fake out, it wasn't going to make it far

06* Yulianna stands up, nodding, "I don't know if i can let him in and out and still hold it."

<plaguevile> "Dude...there's someone in there!" Hunter snaps at Marlo and points at the door. "I hear 'em. Whimperin' n shit. We gotta git em out!" he says and heads towards the door. "Yeah, man." He smacks a fist into the opposite palm and he narrows his eyes at Marlo.

<MarloCross> Quick to Follow Sunder's suggestion, Marlo throws open the door and lead in with the hammer at the ready. He knew he'd need to drop it if he got some charge. He couldn't focus it through objects yet....

06* `Alexandra was out in the hallway smashing as many spiders as she could with her large magical bat cause well thats what she does@

06* Yulianna sets her feet shoulder width apart, holding her elbows in tight at her sides she holds hers hands out with palms up, in front of her. She shoots the grey goo out of her fingers, and it forms into a sheet-looking .. well sheet... in front of the door, leaving just a bit of space on the side for Marlo to be able to run back out.

03* Pigasus is now known as Alek`Trofim

01<@TellerOfTales> Poor Marlo. When he opened the door it was like opening a door in a horror movie. The walls moved, alive, covered with corgi sized spiders everywhere... except one large white sticky pod stuck half in and half out of the window. Something moved within it. A few spiders crawled over the webbing, poking at it, adding to it. When the door opened and fresh food presented itself the spiders surged forward like a wave of eight legged death. The only thing they were missing was a white horse. The window was smashed open, there would be no closing it unless with some sort of board or .. shield!

<Sunder> Marlo out! Shield after him! (the rifle dropped on it's sling, the one idea he had involved the bug out bag dropped in his doorway a few steps away. Grabbing the bag he'd pull out a couple of JJ's flashbangs. something with eight eyes couldn't possibly like something a few dozen times brighter than the sun could they?)

<MarloCross> For a moment he would let them crash against him like a wave, collection their momentum aslong as he could. When he couldn't manage it too much longer, or risk being webbed up, He'd raise the hammer up and,....Drop it behind him. Bringing his hands, palm down to smack the floor, Marlo would create a shockwave. Just enough energy to send the spiders sprawling, but not enough to push the coccoon through the window.

<Yulianna> "Huurrrrryyyy..." she groans quietly.

06* `Alexandra came running up to the group a large smile on her face and her bat covered in spider gore only to let out a loud whistle as the door is opened to reveal the giant door of spider horror.."well it looks like you guys found the mother load now didnt you"

01<@TellerOfTales> The wave of energy pushes the surging spiders away from the door, throwing them back against the walls, a few of them OUT the open window itself. If they had voices you'd be able to hear the AIAIEEIEIEIEIE as they fell to the ground. There's no noise from the spiders themselves, though whatever was in the coccoon continued to shift and move, once in a while a choked noise coming from within it. Once they recover the spiders head forward once again, eager to get at the fleshy, yummy bipedal creatures that were standing in the hallway.

06* Sunder Runs towards the door with the flashbangs in hand. "Marlo! Grab the thing an get back out 'ere!" He'd pop the pin on one of the flashbangs, holding it ready to throw "Let 'em threw, I toss this then put the shield up an close your eyes!"

<Yulianna> "NO!" she yells, taking a step back, "It'll tear! Get the door!" the shield shrinks about 6 inches when she yells out, but expands once she finishes.

<MarloCross> With a somewhat clear path, marlo made a sprint for the coccoon. Like a fumble on the goal like, He scooped the wriggling package up. Unlike the fumble, he had to sling it over his shoulder. Turning, he starts to the door."TOSS IT!!" He said, Eyes closed as he rushed toward the spider choked exit!

02* `Alexandra (cp@y-38-86-78-45.hsd8.ca.comcast.net) Quit

01<@TellerOfTales> The sealed cocoon is flung over marlo's shoulder, one or two spiders falling from it as he breaks for the doorway. Arachnids crunched underfoot as he bolted towards it but the young mutant would escape unaccosted for now. The spiders try to press forward towards the shiled, trying to escape into the hallway. One or two actually retretrat out the window. Outside the spider stampede seems to have died off, the only bugs remaining seemingly inside this small apartment.

<Sunder> Bang out! Eyes closed ears plugged! (he tosses the flashbang deep into the room and shuts his eyes and covers his ears, it would only be a couple second wait)

06* Yulianna is done, she falls over backwards after the big boom happens, out like a light.

<MarloCross> With as much control as he can muster, Marlo extends his kinetic field to attempt to encompass the bound figure on his shoulder. It wasn't something he'd ever done before. It would probanbly hurt him more than help his ward. But, It atleast would hurt...whomever this was...To the door and toward the gap in the shield Yulianna left!

01<@TellerOfTales> As the flashbang goes off light seers through the dark room and spiders seem to become confused, falling still for the most part though about three quarters of them quickly retreat out the window leaving only a handful left in the room itself. Marlo's cacooned ward doesn't seem to move anymore, merely slumped over his shoulder. Thank god for the flashbang though, as Yuli passes out the shield fades, leaving the spiders to derp around.

<plaguevile> Hunter continues to stomp on spiders even if it's not fair because derpy. Oh well. They're still fun to pop!

<Naz[Here]> *Felix kills one of the smaller spiders with his bedpan. *CLANG*

06* Yulianna hopes someone will take her body to a couch or something.
03* Yulianna is now known as yuliout
02* yuliout (Bree@nxg-09-52-435-088.columbus.res.rr.com) Quit

06* Sunder Once the bang goes off he opens his eyes, and grins seeing that it worked, he runs in, grabbing the mattress and flips it upright, shoving it up against the window to block it. and then goes to shove a dresser against it. Perfect? OF course not, but something would be better than nothing "Oi you! Spider smasher! They'll keep comin in, we need to seal this room off"

<MarloCross> Turning with the fall, Marlo lets his back slam against the halway oposite to the door. His wind goes out of him, as he can't slow himself in time. Guarding the downed form, Marlo tries to locate a head to pull the webs away. Whomever was inside was probably suffocating!

<plaguevile> The spider smasher slides a big ol' sheathed knife towards Marlo, "Open 'er up wit' dat!" he shouts and nods to Sunder. The smider smasher extrodinare eyes the door and...runs off! The next apartment door finds its door being assaulted as he kicks it in, searches for a dresser or something else he can drag out and pin the door shut with.

01<@TellerOfTales> POPSPLURTCHCRACKPLOOTSQUIDGE! Hunter wades through the remaining spiders easily. Sunders basic zombie-barricade was an effective spider blockade as well! They weren't as insistant as zombies were, however. Marlo tries to pull the webs but they're tougher than they appear.

06* Sunder beats a retreat out of the room, and goes to pick up one of the dropped flashlights... it'd be nice if the crews got the power back on sometime soon. "Second to catch our breath I think before we go clearing the rest of the damn place.."

<MarloCross> Taking the offered knife, Marlo spends his time carefully yet quickly trying to cut the face free....

<plaguevile> The chest of drawers is drug out and parked in front of the offending apartment door to barricade it off. Once that's done he glances around and sighs. "Yeah, yeah. I'm ready'ta work whenever you are."

01<@TellerOfTales> It was almost like magic! The lights returning just as Sunder thought it would be nice. Perhaps someone was reading thoughts somehwere in the main office! As the lights come on a blender starts up in the kitchen, noisey and startling. Marlo cuts open the webbing. It was a shame he wasn't with Nick a year ago. The lizard-woman is pale and her green eyes focus on Marlo, lips parting in a silent scream. Something bubbles up from her throat as she begins to convulse. It WAS like a horror movie. Hundreds of thumbnail sized spiders climb out and surge forward, all from the twitching woman's mouth.

03* ^Casey^ (Casey@hz27-526-002-55.fv.ks.cox.net) has joined #Cobalt*Hill

<plaguevile> Hunter walks over to Marlo to check out the girl and openly stares, eyes flying open. He utters an assortment of noises and staggers back, having totally not seen that coming. "Oh man!" he exclaims and just stares. Of course he stares. Who wouldn't other than someone busy in the middle of puking?

<MarloCross> "GET A MEDIC OVER HERE!!!" Rolling her onto her side, he tries everythiong he can to get the spiders out so she could breathe," Oh Jesus, God, SOME ONE HELP ME OVER HERE!!!." He was horrified. More Nightmares for the already troubled mind. He tried patting her back, diging the spiders from her mouth...Anything. He didn't want her dying in front of him. His hand went to his Com," NICK!!! NICK WE NEED YOU UPSTAIRS, NO

03* Lukas` (lllithid@y086507189l15g76p.ss.shawcable.net) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
03* Alek`Trofim is now known as Pigasus

06* Sunder Well that would get a curse at the metal head "I'll get someone, you smash the damn things!" And with that he'd be off in a dead run towards the medical center

03* Addison is now known as Addison|sleep

<plaguevile> Well they're already in the apartment buildings! The scrawny zombie is tucked away safe in a closet. The blinds are drawn, windows covered by drapes. No way he's answering a knock on the window again nosiree! But when summoned over the comm units, he bounds out of his room and shows up at Marlo's side...and falls with a thud. Dead faint. Who wouldn't when they have a fear of spiders and
<plaguevile> come across this sight? Oh he's going to be hating Marlo later. So much.

03* Kat[work] is now known as Kat
02* Kat (Cessara@216.129.imj.omo) Quit (Quit: rage)
03* Cessara (Cessara@216.129.imj.omo) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
03* Pigasus (psytroba@klue-35-405-330-306.nycmny.east.verizon.net) has left #Cobalt*Hill

01<@TellerOfTales> Her body twitched and shook, mouth expelling more and more tiny spiders until there were no more spiders left to expel. She falls still, eyes unfocused and the light within them fading. Poor Nick could have warned them. Never open the caccoon. It was never worth it. The GM is a bitch like that.

03* Reverend is now known as Rever[end]

03* TellerOfTales is now known as Sisip

<MarloCross> Until carted away by others, Marlo would be pasting the tiny spiders on the floor, Screaming until his voice cracked....

01<@Sisip> And carted away he was, when security and medics finally arrived on scene. The spiders were hunted down and eliminated with no more loss. The lizard-woman, they said, had no chance of survival. Marlo was escorted down to medical because... he was obviously not in a secure frame of mind to leave him on his own, the same with Sunder and Yuli. The entire group, including Hunter, escorted in.

01<@Sisip> And Nick. pussy

06* Sunder the metal head couldn't help but go look at the lizard girl. It was his call to seal that room, he should've scouted it first wall of spiders or no. For now the metal head was coming down from the adernaline, and the hit on his head was starting to hurt like all living hell. He'd let them give him a soft spot to lay for a bit while they checked for a concussion.

<plaguevile> His nickname's tomcat for a reason!
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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