Megumi Ishikara

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Megumi Ishikara

Post by Megumi »

Player Nickname: Ai Ishihara

Name: Megumi Ishikara
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 29th July 1994

Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Place of Origin: Kyoto, Japan
Nationality/Race: Japanese
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Ex-Geisha/Running from the Yakuza

Personality Profile: Polite and Respectful, Megumi still has much of the Japanese culture in her. Not particularly assertive she tries to keep a low profile. She hides in the many masks she puts in front of her and is an expert at it because of her Geisha training. She is perceptive and mindful of other people and can be a great conservationist. Some might call her a social chameleon.

Physical Description: Japanese in descent, Megumi always carry herself with poise. Trained in the arts of the Geisha, she is graceful and lithe, every placement of her hands, every posture and pose practiced. She always seems to have a smile on her face but her eyes sometimes betray her, showing some hidden sadness and fear. Long black hair, covering her shoulder blades, it always seem well combed, never a kink or knot. Her pale skin is well looked after and free of blemishes, very much like a porcelain doll. Usually dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, she seem out of place and some even say out of time.


Powerset: Density Manipulator

Ability One: Phasing: By lowering the density of her body Megumi can become insubstantial allowing her to phase or walk through solid objects

Ability Two: Durability: By increasing her density Megumi can increase her durability allowing her to withstand heavy blunt force trauma, most conventional bladed weapons, and lower caliber weapons for a short period of time. A side of effect of her increased density is increased weight so at max density Megumi will weigh almost over 650 pounds.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: When in her lower density form Megumi is unable to breath normally meaning that she can only hold her lower density/phased form for as long as she can hold her breath before she must become solid again or risk passing out. While lowering her density is fairly simple increasing her own density is fairly taxing on her body which means she can only hold this form for a certain amount of time before she would pass out from exhaustion and any increased activity will only speed up this process

Skills: Due to her training as a Geisha, she is a skilled in the Japanese Tea Ceremony, Dance, playing the shamisen and the drums, calligraphy and literature (poetry). Megumi also has some training in Aikido and fluent in Japanese and English.

Background: A soft spoken, respectful and talented girl. Megumi was born to a traditional Japanese geisha family, Megumi was inducted as a Geisha on her 18th year as was her mother before her. Even before her official promotion from Maiko, she was already very popular with her clients. However, it was not to last, on one fateful night, she was hired by a party of unsavory men, the son of the local Yakuza Oyo-ban was celebrating his 21st. During the festivities, he beat one of his dates to death and turned to Megumi to silence her. In fear, Megumi’s powers took over and she slid through the floors and landed downstairs and ran. Once home, her parents arranged for her to disappear to the United States to live with some relatives in Japan Town, San Francisco. Once she arrived at the international airport, she was greeted by more men from the Yakuza but managed to get away from them. Finding her relatives, she managed to stay out of sight for many months, learning more of her abilities, until the Yakuza found her again. Instead of using her newly found powers, she ran and hid herself in a semi-truck heading to the East Coast.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Loves to play her shamisen. Her one love that she managed to bring in to the States. A handmade musical instrument that looks very much like a exotic guitar.
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