Michael Jensen

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Michael Jensen

Post by NoobusPerpetuus »

Player Nickname: TheOtherOne

Name: Michael Jensen
Codename: Eclipse
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 22nd November 1992

Height: 6’1”
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Norway
Nationality/Race: US citizenship, Norwegian and Swedish parents
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Michael was always a particularly quiet child, especially due to having a physical condition which made his voice fairly weak and hoarse. Therefore, he very rarely spoke much, and didn’t make his own case much. An introvert from the beginning, he had only a few friends even in his early childhood. However as he became a mutant, he became, for lack of a better word, paranoid. Basically, he is very sheepish around non-mutants, believing his mutant powers to be something to hide in public, something to be ashamed of, similar to an addiction.

On the other hand, he is very likely to be nice and friendly with other mutants, for which he does feel a kinship if only because of the way they are treated by society. In a strange sort of way, he finds that he prefers mutants than the company of normal people, even while cursing himself for the bad luck of being one.

At the moment, his main goal is to restore some semblance of normalcy in his life. As it stands, he could not even afford any sort of apartment, let alone getting a job, or going to college for a course in engineering. Engineering in general is his passion, especially airplane engineering, of which he used to own many books before he deserted his home, and becoming an airplane engineer would be his dream job.

In general, right now he’s ridden with a great discouragement. Seeing the turn his life has taken in the last two years has made him feel like his dream is unattainable, and left him with a distaste for humanity as a whole, as well as a bit of creeping misanthropy bred from hopelessness for his personal situation.

Physical Description: Michael is born of Scandinavian fare and this shows in his appearance. Practically unable to tan, he is pale to the point of being a few shades away from bone white. This paleness is barely helped by his blonde hair, which he keeps trimmed short, in a purposefully messy manner. The only source of color in his face are his dark brown eyes, which are wide and almond-shaped, and the slight red tinge of his freckled cheeks.
His face is fairly handsome, oval-shaped with a slightly strong jaw. In general, his frame is fairly large, although recent malnourishment has seen to it that he is underweight for his build. The freckles on his face can also be found on his upper chest, shoulders and back.


Powerset: His powers are all interlinked in a manner which requires one to power the other. He has the ability to drain light – Not by taking it from the source, but by covering himself in his own personal field, and then use the power from the light created to form objects.

Ability One: His first power is that of draining all light that touches his body. Visually, this causes him to turn into a human silhouette, as all light that touches him is absorbed into his personal field and used to empower him. To limit this power from overwhelming him by absorbing too much light, his eyes serve as valves from which to emit the excess light. Beginning from a slight dim glow when he’s slightly powered, to a full-fledged bright torch-like glow when fully powered, it keeps the level of light absorbed stable. He can see while in this form, although the light emanated causes him to be unable to discern colors.

Ability Two: Using the light drained, he is able to create a multitude of different objects. These items cannot leave his personal space, as even after they are created, they are maintained with the constantly absorbed light, and seem to be made entirely out of light itself. The consistency and strength of the objects created can be anywhere from paper to rope to steel. All the objects created are solid in nature, and therefore nothing functioning can be created that has any internal parts. The size of the object is also limited to objects roughly his own size, although it does not need to be limited to his dimensions- He can both create longer objects such as ropes and ladders, or a suit of full armor.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The light absorption power is directly linked to his own energy. While it allows him to create those objects when he is empowered, the lack thereof causes him to become weakened physically should he attempt to use his powers without proper absorption, which may, in extreme cases cause fainting or even death. Furthermore, his powers are powered by light. If he is placed in complete darkness, his eyes begin to valve out the excess, and within half an hour, he is rendered powerless. Finally, his powers have weakened his skin to heat somewhat due to the protection granted by his field, meaning that conditions of fire or high heat hurt him a bit more than they otherwise would.

Skills: Other than a high-school diploma, Michael’s a bit lacking in skills. The only other skill he has is surviving on the streets, having had to do so for the better part of a year. He’s able to scrounge out enough to survive from whatever he finds, a skill which he had to develop whether he liked it or not. Otherwise, his lack of skills useful off the streets is a point of self-disappointment for Michael.

Background: Born to Josef and Charlotte Jensen, Norwegian and Swedish respectively, Michael was the first generation of his family born in the United States, more specifically Stamford, Connecticut. Perhaps surprisingly, his parents always showed a mistrust of mutants, although it was a mistrust borne of fear and a bit of a negative view of humanity. Those who have power tend to abuse it, so what can you say about those born with it? Confirmation bias quickly set in as stories of mutant villains cropped up, leading them to go from mistrust to outright hate of mutants.

This caused a large problem, needless to say, when Michael began to manifest. He would spend days locked up in his own room, and thankfully was never caught until he got his power sufficiently under control to hide it from his parents. He went through the rest of high school without telling a single person of his manifestation, which took quite a toll on his psyche. However, he began saving money via a simple pizza delivery job, so that by the time he was 18 and finished high school, he told his parents of what happened. Predictably, they kicked him out of the house, and unfortunately for him the money he had saved up did not serve him, and he soon found himself without a job and on the streets.

It was after a year or so of being homeless, that he had heard of the Sanctum the next state over. Pooling what little money he had, he hitched a ride over to Salem, arriving, literally penniless, at the gates of Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record: Loitering, public intoxication, public disturbance, et cetera. A few misdeamenors from his time while homeless, landed him in jail for a couple of days

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Partially due to his lack of voice, he has the habit of over-exaggerating his expressions, to a comic point sometimes. Picks scabs when nervous or bored. Doesn’t particularly like children and avoids them when possible, generally finding them too loud and obnoxious.
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