Sabine's vision 8/8

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Sabine's vision 8/8

Post by vile »

"Corruption, flowing from a man with one eye.." and then, muttered almost to herself, "..atleast the other one's bleeding already.." because clearly, whatever she was seeing was -bad-, and Sabine was slowly slipping from that trance. , another little shake of her head as if to clear her vision, to bring the -real- world back into focus. What the fuck was with all this doom and gloom? Salem was -cursed-, yo.

Another shake of her head, and the gypsy blinked, glancing almost furtively to the group near her, and then sighing. "I.. I'm sorry." She'd start moving off, then, though not in the direction she'd been heading. Back towards the housing, which is also not where she'd come from. ..Maybe she should get a cellphone. It'd sure make it easier to call Gains, rather than going home again. She'd linger, though, if people asked her things, etc.

Sabine paused, glancing back to Gina and the rest. "I'm going to call Gains, as he requested." Just because Jamie sent him something didn't clear Sabine of her obligation. She'd said she'd call, and so she would, regardless. Gains could just tell her he knew and hang up, if he wanted. "I saw the earth splitting open, spilling darkness and corruption like cancer, and a one-eyed man leading an army. Here." With blood flowing from the other eye, much to her unwarranted satisfaction. Such visions took a lot out of her, and she was trying not to be snappish-- trying not to be annoyed with the woman she didn't really know. Hells, why she had even answered, she wasn't really sure. She probably should have kept it quiet until she'd talked to Gains. Or security, she supposed.
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