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Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Charles
Age: 16
Date of Birth: April 04, 1996

Height: 2'0
Weight: 3 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Place of Origin: Chicago, IL
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Displaced soul

Status: Other
Occupation: N/A

Personality Profile: Charles is a simple soul and wants nothing more than to find a nice, quiet home where he can relax and be happy. Being housed in a bird body is stressful and new to him, making him more anxious than usual. Predatory animals and mischief makers are a concern and keep him alert, looking over his shoulder often.

Physical Description: Outside a body, Charles has an ethereal appearance. Vaguely human shaped, no real features visible on his face though one might be able to imagine them. He has the appearance of a wisp of smoke, floating in and out of reality. Every once and a while he fades from view but still exists in the world. The brightness of his appearance is not something he can control yet.

Most of the time he inhabits the body he found himself in years ago: a American raven. Standing at a bit under 2 feet tall, weighing in at a meager 3 pounds, he's an average bird. Nothing stands out about him other than the occasional glimmer of metal: a stolen bracelet worn as a necklace or some other decoration he decided to sport.

When Charles is inhabiting the bird, his eyes glow a faint blue, the same light that Charles gives off when not in a body.


Powerset: Poltergeist

Ability One: Possession: The ability to take control of or inhabit another living creature's body.

* Driver: Taking full control over another entity's body, giving him full power over it. It's as if the hijacked body is his own, responding as well as his natural body would. All senses are full and colorful, again as if the inhabited body is his own. The entity's consciousness is pushed to the side, forced to be the passenger. They experience all sensations as if they were driving even if they can't control the body.

* Passenger: Simply a ride-along. To slip into a body but have no control over it whatsoever. He sees what the body's owner does, feels what they do and hears all that they can. The driver may or may not detect her presence. If he wants to have any control with the body, he has to try and take it over.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

* Ghost: While not inhabiting a body, he has no effect on the physical world. This is both a boon and curse. It allows him to venture from place to place with ease, sometimes undetected. But he also can't step in on a situation that he wishes to without commandeering another creature's body.

Being without a body, he can't properly speak. Miming out his words does more harm than good. Communication with the living is a difficult and arduous thing, taking up more effort than it's worth. Ouija boards can produce some results but it takes time and effort to guide a target's hand to spell out words.

* Possession: At this point in time, he has a limited ability to communicate with any body he's controlling. While in the driving position, he can't reassure the body he won't case any harm it.

He can only possess animal bodies at this time.

Certain A/V equipment can pick up on his presence even if he tries to conceal himself. Some interference can be caused to electrical devices, especially ones that record video or sound. He's more visible when viewed with night vision. Using these methods, he can be pinpointed even while inhabiting a body.

An inhabited body's eyes glow a soft blue, matching his ghostly body. It's faint but can be recognized by someone who knows what they're looking for. He also emits an aura that can be picked up by recording equipment or by those with exceptional sight. It's more noticeable at night or when he's in a dark area.

** Driver: It takes quite a bit of effort to fully possess any creature. Only the dying, sick, otherwise ill or damaged bodies can be nabbed successfully on the first try. A healthy animal can eject him if they try hard enough, especially if he loosens his control on the body or lets her attention wander.

It takes some time to get accustomed to a new body, especially if it has strange physiology or balance. Going from biped to quadruped or vice versa can leave him unbalanced and give him coordination problems. Things he's not used to like a beak, wings, a long tail, different vision, extra legs, gills or fins would be difficult to control at first. While he's a quick learner this can put the body in peril until he's able to control it properly. A flying bird might crash, fish's gills freeze up, swimming be too difficult and the body drown.

** Passenger: Riding in the side seat is much easier to accomplish than driving. But similar rules apply to this option: he can be rejected just as easily from a test of will, should the entity's consciousness become aware that its body has been invaded.

While in a body this way, he cannot control it in any form. If there's something he wishes to influence, he can begin a test of wills in an effort to commandeer the body, bumping him up to being the driver.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Improved communication between himself and a possessed body via telepathy or some other manner. The ability to talk to people while out of a body via telepathy or some other means. Telekinesis as a power. Perhaps some biokinetic ability to let him manipulate a possessed body more efficiently or modify it in some way, either to repay a willing donor for their help or to make it more useful.

* At some point in the future, he'll gain the ability to take over and control a willing or weakened sentient/human body. But there'll be a time limit in place, lasting only a couple of hours (~2-4) at a time. He may be able to jump from host to host but that will take quite a bit of practice with willing subjects.

Skills: None useful.

Background: Charles's upbringing was a mediocre one. A warm, loving family that could be distant at times. It was standard, as was he. A C student, he didn't excel in anything other than slacking off, playing videogames and listening to music. There was no direction to his life and he just wandered forward. To school, classes, hanging out with his friends, home, games and sleep. On weekends he spent most of the time at one of his buddies' place.

Life went from normal and boring to scary overnight. While playing on his xBox, he choked on a piece of candy and met an untimely demise. His surroundings went from sleeping in a bed to a nest. It was a horrific transition and one that took some time to understand. His new life as a hatching raven had a steep learning curve and by the end of the season, he was able to leave the nest.

But during that season, his grieving parents packed up and left, leaving him to fend for himself. Now he looks for a place to call home and a way to be human again.

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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