Garden Tiger [Trainee]

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Garden Tiger [Trainee]

Post by Naphthalim »

Player Nickname: Naphthalim

Name: (unpronounceable)
Codename: Garden Tiger
Age: Less than one year
Date of Birth: August 26 - 28th

Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 50lbs
Hair Color: typically brown
Eye Color: typically brown
Place of Origin: an open field near Cobalt Hill
Nationality/Race: Complicated
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant Insect swarm

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Curious but skittish, Garden Tiger is naïve and alien.

Physical Description: (The form she's typically in when she has two legs), though no matter what form she's wearing, she always has noticeable freckles, and or birth spots along most of her body.

General Power Information: Garden Tiger is less a person than she is a sentient swarm of Garden Tiger moths with the ability to transform themselves into a human being.

Ability One: Human Form Garden Tiger is a hive mind swarm of moths with the ability to transform into a human. Transforming back and forth is easy for her, to the point where she can disperse an arm into moths but remain human shaped. Her ability to shape herself into a human is based on her understanding (which is quite lacking at this time). Any medical tests will suggest an unusually thick layer of skin with hollow innards (till she learns more). She can theoretically take any human form (though any larger form would have even less mass.

Ability Two: Injury Avoidance No one portion of Garden Tiger is more important than the other. If she takes a shotgun blast to the head, those moths are dead, the remaining moths will shape a new head. She loses mass for those harmed, but isn't dead until the entire swarm is deceased.

Ability Three: Poison Resistance. Garden Tiger moths eat poisonous plants and instead of getting sick or dying they become poisonous themselves. Garden Tiger can do the same in her human form, but with much more potent poisons. Instead of being affected by a poison or toxin, she passes on the effect to anyone unfortunate enough to eat part of her swarm (or body . . . ew).

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
* Incomplete Humanity - Garden Tiger lacks a pulse, a heartbeat. She will very often forget to breathe for extended periods of time. Physical harm will cause the injured portions of her to disperse into her normal form.
* Fragility - Being entirely composed of moths, anything that harms her entire body at the same time "trapped in a flaming building, being frozen" can be lethal. It doesn't take much to kill a moth, and power #2 is based entirely off the fact that it's hard to catch them all at once.
* Weather extremes - Uncomfortable in Hot or freezing temperatures, Garden Tiger is forced into human form to survive at these times.
* Diet - While she can ingest poison, nectar and plant matter, Garden Tiger lacks the ability to digest meats. These will make her physically ill.
* Healing? - Garden Tiger cannot truly heal from wounds. Instead her moths breed, making new moths to join the swarm. Without a place to lay their young, she will eventually die off.
* Fears - Garden Tiger is terrified of birds and spiders. The larger or closer, the more frightened she'll be.

Skills: Garden Tiger can identify plants by smell.

Background: Garden tiger gained sentience in a park in Salem. She saw a human form in a magazine and adopted it as her own. She wandered aimlessly till some police officer came to help her. When he tried to take her to his car, she freaked out and burst into a swarm. The police mentioned Cobalt Hill, and she flew till she found it, landing in the garden, then taking human form.

Criminal Record: None. She has no record at all.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Garden Tiger is a vegetarian (but will often chew on organic clothing materials)
When terrified she emits a high pitched squeak that actually makes bats and other insects avoid her.
When Hungry, Garden Tiger generally loses an arm that will swarm something and devour it.
Garden Tiger is terribly curious of all things Mammal.
She is terribly naïve and has a very literal understanding of English.
She tends to sleep in moth form.
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