Colt Smith - Zap

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Colt Smith - Zap

Post by Creek »

Player Nickname: Creek

Name: Colt Smith
Codename: Zap
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 2/25

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Silver Gray
Eye Color: Glowing Blue
Place of Origin: Salem, MA
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Teenager. Intellectual. Activist.

Teenager - He's almost like the regular teenager vibe except he's from a "rich" family.

Intellectual - Likes to think for himself. Using his high intellect to overcome most obstacles and treats other mutants as if they were special in this world. Besides this, he enjoys both highly developed art and reading similar literature.

Activist - Thinks highly of the mutant population and their place in this world. That they have a right to show their powers and humans should acknowledge them more.

Physical Description: His body is chiseled out and well-toned like an acrobat. Has long silver-gray hair. And glowing blue eyes on an opaque face. Colt wears eccentric or grunge-looking outfits and is topped-off with red lens sunglasses. However, he does seem to keep wearing a particular item: a wrist glove. It would usually be fastened on his left arm, yet, it's uses are quite unclear. Only that it probably deals with his powers somehow.



General Power Information: Colt's powers are of a Electrokinetic variety. He controls electricity at close range, absorb it to a certain degree, and then has a Detection power for it as well.

Ability One: Electrokinesis - Hero has control over electricity at close range. He can lift objects or subjects by using this power but it makes him become more tiresome. Flash his targets with lightning. Or, use it to Fly. And, naturally, Colt has Resistance to the energy type. Colt also has the capability of shooting electro blasts from his hands as well.
  • Sub-Ability 1: Shock Blast - This ability obviously causes damage or stuns the target.
  • Sub-Ability 2: Flight - By manipulating the electromagnetic field in the air he is able to actually Fly. To an airspeed of about 15 miles per hour.

Ability Two: Energy Absorption - Has the ability to absorb electricity and redirect that energy into improving certain power sub-abilities. Flight being one of them but to the extent of increasing the airspeed (as below). Another would be to discharge the energy at a max level. It just explodes out from him when it's full. Or, he can charge it into his shock blast.
  • Sub-Ability 1: Airspeed: He can improve his Flight speed by 5x times the normal variant (or 75MPH). This only happening from how much electricity is absorbed.
  • Sub-Ability 2: Overload: When his absorption is at a maximum level, he's able to let go of it for an explosion effect, or redirect it into his shock blast.

Ability Three:Energy Detection - Colt also has the ability to detect any electricity with-in a proximity of 50 ft. Any further and it overloads his senses into a state of bewilderment, taking a few days to recover from it.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He seems to have problems coming into contact with certain devices--mostly appliances--and somehow hasn't been able to fix that. Making them overload or come back on whenever he's in the same room. However, the nullification effect doesn't seem to work on highly-technological systems or equipment. Only appliances or regular Electronics.
Another problem is that he needs a good local source of electricity just to do some of his powers.

Skills: Parkour, Streetwise, Theology, Electronics, Science, Repair/Tinkering

Background: Has lived in Salem most of his life with his parents. One was human the other a mutant. And he was an only child. *But he wasn't like other children his age. He was enrolled in school at an early age for being very bright. Towering through the ranks to succession and into high school. Being able to pass his senior year at the age of sixteen, or this year.

Being from Salem, Colt was witness to what was going on with the city state. With the migration part about it of course. And couldn't believe how many refugees showed up.

Colt's powers manifested when he was in a computer lab at his school. The computers were short-circuited and all of them were 'turned' off. Colt was only fourteen then, but it was enough to take in, even after what happened afterwards--or the next time--when he accidentally absorbed the electricity in the room and shot it back out to the complex machines. Destroying most of the computers in the room. Even the room itself. But he seemed unharmed considering how he passed out during the explosion.

His parents were devastated when he came home. Especially, from the second time, since he was unscathed by the incident and came out of it alive. He had told them about the first incident, but they just took it into consideration as if it didn't happen because it wasn't too extravagant. Then, the second time and they knew something was up. That he could very well be a mutant. And the idea was stuck in their heads afterwards. Even wanting him to go to Cobalt Hill for training just in case. Plus some homeschooling would be a good thing after the incidents. To make sure they didn't need to pay for it later on.

It had never occurred to him that he was a mutant. He just assumed that he was human and that he was just plain-out lucky. But it wasn't the same way with his parents with or for him. They told him what he could be and it intrigued him. Wanting to know more about his powers and what mutants really are.

So, during the next two years that was the routine: home-school, power training, power learning, and mutant research.

All that before graduation. He was able to finish his studies on time and be there, but he had changed. No more was he a happy-go-lucky but a harsh individual with certain standards and believes. It carried through high school and went into Cobalt Hill, yet, he knew to hide it from the rest of the world. However, he would want to show his powers instead.

He was a mutant and that's how he has his powers!

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Whenever he uses his powers the color of his hair changes from gray to white.
  • A stream of electricity is shown when he's flying.
  • Has pointed-ears like an Elf but it's only passive as a physical mutation. He hides them with his long hair.
  • The crests of his body light up Light Blue naturally when he's pissed-off.

  • RC Gloves are for storing energy and helps him with Parkour. They're immune to his nullification effect.

Character Facts:
  • Was apart of a Parkour gang before he left for Cobalt Hill.
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