
NPC refugees, townies, so on and so forth. The faces in the crowd that don't usually stand out.
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Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Chirp
Age: 10
Date of Birth: February 14, 2009

Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Hair Color: Variable
Eye Color: Variable
Place of Origin: Ft Worth, TX
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Security and bodyguard - employed by Fractured

Personality Profile: None. Chirp only sits and waits for instruction. Anything that can be taken as a personality is likely imagined by the onlooker.

Physical Description: Variable but if dampened it would be a mannequin. A basic humanoid shape without any distinguishing features.


General Power Information: Shapeshifting horror

Ability One: Shapeshifting. Can assume any shape or form assuming it has enough mass to do so. It’s capable of rapidly devouring living entities around it to increase mass quickly. Generally speaking Chirp is dangerous to touch. It has no organs and devours its food by contact. The outside of its body is coated in a highly corrosive acid that only reacts with organic matter.

Ability Two: Mesmerizing stare. To help lure prey it swirls entrancing color and glitter in its eyes. The effect draws those caught in the state towards it like a siren song.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Chirp is incapable of higher thinking. It is a monster of instinct. Few can control it and requests won’t work. Anyone with psychic powers can wield Chirp.

The acids don’t discriminate so any organism that touches it is in for a world of pain.

The cloning isn’t perfect. There will always be things off. Coloration will be a bit skewed and details changed or added. The size and visual texture may be strange like a cheap copy.

While Chirp is capable of speech it will be completely incoherent. At best it can make sounds that sound like English but that is just it. The speech merely sounds like it. Mere coincidence is the only reason a recognizable word will come from it.

Skills: None

Background: Chirp was once known as Mike. Mike was a fantastic guy and was generally liked by everyone he met. Courteous, kind, and always willing to help a stranger in need. But what happened to him was the absolute worst case scenario.

He was a mutant who made copies of himself and one day he stretched himself too thin. With far too many copies to control he completely lost control. Two dozen dead clones and one semi-sentient mannequin-like body was left. A hollow shadow of his former shelf. That being is now Chirp.

Very seldom does Chirp show any semblance of humanity and when it does the gesture is fleeting. Mike is functionally a dead hush that seeks to fill the void with other beings. One may say it’s trying to recombine its other clones together to form Mike once more.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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