Ethan Hollister

These characters need a little more work. They may be too strong, not well thought-out, there may be too many occurrences of the same power in channel, or they may not fit with the channel's theme!
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Ethan Hollister

Post by Rolandhtg »

Name: Ethan Hollister
Codename: Winterborn
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 12/6/96

Height: 5'9
Weight: 190
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: green
Place of Origin: Boston, Massachusetts
Nationality/Race: USA/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Metahuman

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student/short order cook

Personality Profile: Ethan is an introverted, somewhat reticent young man, unsure o fhis powers and how he'll be accepted becuase of them.

Physical Description: Image

General Power Information: Ethan;s powers encompass a form of exothermic energy conversion.
Ability One: Thermokinesis. Ethan is able to suck the thermal energy from objects and the surrounding atmosphere, resulting in precipitous drops in atmospheric temperature in the immediate vicinity. As a side effect, Ethan is resistant to the extremes of cold his power produces.

Ability Two: Energy Conversion and projection. Ethan can convert the extracted thermal energy into plasma and store the plasma in his mutated muscle fibers.
Ability Three: Plasma Projection. He is able to project the stored plasma in the form of a series of rapid fire bolts. Each bolt is estimated to pack the same punch as a high explosive 30mm cannon shell.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: While his powers give him increased resistance to cold, Ethan is susceptible to warm temperatures that would ottherwise not harm ordinary humans
Skills: Having been raised around the restaurant business his entire life, Ethan can cook, bake and handle pretty much every kitchen task. He's hoping to be accepted into the CIA and open his own restaurant in Boston someday. Ethan is also an avid gamer and inclined to talk the ear off anyone who will isten, about his 17th level Paladin.

Background: Born in Boston, Ethan grew up around the restaurant business, his parent sbeing the owners of the Miss Paragon diner in Waltham. Ethan was always cosnidered a little weird, but his parents never thought much of it, figure he was just a geek, which his mother encouraged. His dad, a Vietnam vet and former college football star, was less then enthused about this, and their relationship was tense, until the day Ethan's powers manifested. On a quiet sunday mornign, during the brunch rush, four gang member barged intot eh crowded diner waving guns and demanding money. Durign the ensuign scuffle, Ethan was pushed onto the hot grill, giving him severe burns on his palms, the scars of whcih he still bears. This trauma triggered his latent X-gene and within seconds every BTU ofheat had been sucked out of the grill and converted to plasma, which Ethan instinctively directed at the nearest robber. Seeing their compatriot have his heart and lungs carbonized, the two others ran. When META and the police arrived, Ethan's father sat him down and revealed a secret, that during the Vietnam War he had been the metahuman supersoldier known as Lieutenant Liberty, and he was always worried that the chemical enhancements the Army had done to him were passed on to his son. His fears were well founded, META's medical workup of Ethan showed the supersoldier drugs given to the elder Hollister had strengthened Ethan's latent X-gene and allowed it manifest.

Addendum: After a conviction for the capital murder of two unarmed civilian protestors, Ethan was remanded to the custody of META for a life Sentence.
Criminal Record: Sealed Juvenile Filed, manslaughter charges dropped by Middlesex County Prosecutors.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Hates the summertime. Spends alot of time in the kitchen. When he gets nervous, he cooks. Has grillmark shaped scars on his palms.
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