Luna Walsh

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Luna Walsh

Post by LunaticRose »

Player Nickname: LunaticRose

Name: Luna Walsh
Codename: None as of yet
Age: 16
Date of Birth: June 9th 2002

Height: 4' 11"
Weight: 500 lbs
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Ireland
Nationality/Race: Irish
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee/Resident
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Luna is young and full of hopeful optimism. She can be quite brave and at times will act in a dangerous situation without thinking, however she is terrified of water any deeper than a shallow puddle.

Physical Description: Due to Luna's mutation she is quite compact. The molecules of her body are densely woven. While she boasts a lithe frame and what appears to be an acrobat's build, her skin is rigid to the touch and her motions much less graceful than her appearance might suggest. She has long, straight strawberry blonde hair. Long not because she enjoys the style, but because she has yet to find a pair of scissors capable of cutting it. Her eyes are Irish green, and her skin is fair and seemingly flawless.


General Power Information: Luna is Very strong and hard to injure physically

Ability One: Extreme Durability - Luna's molecules are much more densely packed than other humans and form bonds that are nearly unbreakable. Her skin, muscles, bones, organs, are all extremely resistant to physical injury. Her limits have not yet been fully tested due to her age and lack of worldly experience.

Ability Two: Super Strength - Luna's enhanced mass has an added side effect of giving her physical strength beyond what would be normal for a human. There is a world class bodybuilder trapped inside of her petite frame. Paired with her nearly indestructable skin and bones this allows her to perform feats unheard of in normal humans like punching dents in steel plating and lifting the back axle of an armored SUV off of the ground to keep its occupants from escaping.

Ability Three: Energy Resistance - In addition to being difficult to injure physically, Luna's body seems resistant to most forms of energy damage. She can walk across hot coals and lift red-hot steel girders without showing signs of burns. She has never had a sunburn despite her fair complexion (Nor has she ever had a tan much to her chagrin). X-Rays can't seem to penetrate her body and it is uncertain if she is resistant or immune to other forms of radiation as well. Time and trials will tell.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Despite being nigh invulnerable physically, Luna has a host of weaknesses that she must learn to overcome - -

- Her increased mass and dense molecular structure make her sink like a rock in water. There is no bouyancy. None. Forget swimming in the pool or the lake or even taking a bubble bath. Luna avoids water deeper than her ankles like the plague because...

- Luna still needs to breathe. Sure she can storm into a burning building and lift blazing rafters off of trapped civilians, but without an oxygen supply she's going to quickly succumb to the smoke and pass out, and with skin and bones that can take a howitzer shell point blank it would be very very difficult to perform chest compressions!

- Lastly, Luna's densely packed molecules reduces her agility immensely. There is no grace in her. While more agile heroes might leap tall buildings in a single bound, Luna prefers to just charge through the walls at ground level...

Skills: Luna is still young and hasn't had much opportunity for exploring talents that she may possess, but being raised on an Irish sheep farm she sheers sheep with the best of them. Oh, and she cooks up a pretty mean shepherd's pie!

Background: Born on the Emerald Isle, Luna was a Godsend to her mum and da who assumed they would never be able to have children. Her early childhood was quite normal; filled with the love of her family and lots of daily chores that could be found on a farm. It wasn't until she was nearly thirteen that things started to take a turn for the weird with her. Just like nearly every young girl she went through a rebellious phase, doing exactly the opposite of what her parents wanted her to do. She was tired of sheering sheep and slopping hogs and knitting sweaters and blankets. She wanted excitement and adventure and she found it... In the arms of an older boy. Quinn was a handsome boy. He was confident, popular, and (most importantly), attracted to Luna. Luna had never had a boyfriend before and she knew her da would murder her if he learned she was seeing a boy nearly six years her senior. Quinn was her first love, her first kiss, but it wasn't long before Quinn wanted more than Luna was ready to give. He pressured her to have sex with him and when she refused he tried to force the issue. It was during this moment of panic, of extreme fight or flight, that Luna's mutant genes activated. She slapped Quinn... Later she would learn that she had given Quinn whiplash... in addition to a shattered jaw, a caved-in eye socket, a concussion, and three cracked vertibrae in his neck.

Once it was revealed that their little girl was a mutant, the Walsh family sold their farm and relocated to America. They have tried to keep Luna's abilities secret and have done an amazing job up until a few weeks ago when Luna's da was involved in an crash that left their car stranded on train tracks and her parents trapped in the twisted wreckage. When she heard the train whistle blow, Luna panicked. Instead of doing the sensible thing and use her strength to extract her parents and drag them to safety, all she could think was that she wanted the train to stop. People would come help her mum and da if the train would just stop. She charged the train and slammed into it, buckling the front of the engine and causing the train to derail. Luna's gifts were made very public at that point with so many bystanders witnessing her feat of strength. It wasn't long after that when the Walsh family received a visit from some nice men from a place called Cobalt Hill...

Criminal Record: Possibly reckless endangerment and destruction of property from derailing the train?

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Luna loves listening to music and almost always has headphones and her mp3 player with her. She's a hopeless romantic who loves Disney movies and stories with happy endings. She had never had pizza before coming to the states, but now she might be addicted.
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