Ashlynne Clark [Gamut]

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Ashlynne Clark [Gamut]

Post by Sisip »

IRC Nickname: Sisip / Ashlynne

Name:Ashlynne Clark
Age: 18 (ish)
Date of Birth:02/13/11
Hometown:Salem, Massachusetts

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Honey Gold
Nationality/Race: Caucasian

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: A huge ham, Ashy is the most outgoing of the triplets, taking after her father in personality as much as she takes after her mother in looks. She's almost constantly smiling, even her sharp-mouthed sister Isabelle having a difficult time pulling her down. A bit of an attention hog, Ashlynne loves the limelight and will go out of her way to be in it. She does not, however, use it in a negative or manipulative fashion.

Physical Description: A recent brush-up with a villainous hair growth mutant has given Ash long wavy hair like her mothers had been, inky black and luscious. Her clothing style varies but it usually entails something that can be moved out of the way easily so she can get access to her sides on the off chase she gets a wild hair to 'glide'.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Elasticity:
Because of the unusual accident in her mothers lab many years ago something in her genetic code passed down to Ashlynne, giving her the ability to stretch herself to unusual proportions. This is done by the stretching and reforming the cells themselves. Currently this manifests itself in her two favourite tricks, puffing her cheeks out to abnormally wide widths like a hamster with her face full, and stretching the skin on her sides out to give herself "wings" like a flying squirrel or sugar glider. With increased practice Ashlynne has learned to project her limbs outwards, stretching them up to five feet away. She cannot leave them extended, however, and they quickly pull back to normal size.

Secondary : Bio-luminescence
Like her mother, Ashlynne, has the ability to manufacture and manipulate light. Her abilities are limited to about five feet in diameter surrounding her own body, as the light is typically emitted through her skin. It can become quite bright when she concentrates, often the same strength as one of the outdoor lamps of the Quad.

Tertiary : Radio
When focusing, Ashlynne is able to hear radio waves. She does not choose which ones to hear and can do nothing with them. She simply 'receives'.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : To keep up with the constant recreation of skin cells Ashy's body has a massive metabolism and she is required to eat more often, and with greater amounts, then her siblings. Also because of the constant recreation of skin cells Ashlynne seems to -always- give off a faint glow, even when asleep. She is her own nightlight. Unfortunately she seems unable to stop the glow, making her an easy target in the darkness.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.)

With training and time it is Ashlynne's hope that she will be able to get a better control over her 'glow' and eventually be able to turn it off. She also wants to see if perhaps there are other elements of skin manipulation she may be able to uncover in addition to simple elasticity.


Daughter of Ena Duchesne and Jameson Clark, she and her siblings, Isabelle and Jameson Jr, were born after an extremely accelerated gestation period that only lasted about a month of pregnancy. Upon being born, the triplets continued to age extremely quickly, growing to their current ages over the course of two weeks.

Like her siblings Ashlynne's powers manifested at birth and she immediately was labeled the "clown" of the group. Because of the attention given to her she, most definitely, grew to love it. She, also in line with her brother and sister, seems to have stopped aging at around 17 or 18. She's not quite sure where she falls so she rounds-down, as most females tend to do. Enrolled with her siblings now in Cobalt Ashy struggles with grades, though she's not a dimwit, she simply has more important things to do than study and pay attention... like having fun!

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
- Smart as a whip but failing classes because of her carefree attitude.
- She loathes reading and often tries to dissuade her sister from her abnormal enjoyment of books.
- She still, even as an intelligent and smart teenager, has imaginary friends she talks to.
- After an attack on campus neutralized everyone's powers Ashlynne realized she is terrified, to the point of being phobic, of the dark.
- Early Feb 2012 Ashlynne had her last name legally changed from Duchesne to Clark, her father's name.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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