Marlo Cross [Crippler]

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Marlo Cross [Crippler]

Post by MarloCross »

IRC Nickname: MarloCross

Name: Marlon James Cross
Alias: Crippler
Age: 19
Date of Birth: August 23rd 1994
Hometown: New Brenton, Massechusetts

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 190 'bs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black with white pupils, wears glasses when out in public
Nationality/Race: Caucasian. Irish Descent

Occupation: Pilot in Training

Personality Profile: Marlo carries a chip on his shoulder the size of Fenway Park. He's emotional, aggressive but likable most of the time. He is protective and can be easily provoked to violence

Physical Description: He stands 6 feet tall and weights 190 lbs. His black hair is now worn short and he's starting to sprout a bit of chin scruff. His eyes are his most noticable feature: Black with White pupils. He hides them in public with sunglasses. He's also rarely seen without his newsboy cap. When in his Cobalt Team attire, Marlo wears a faceless metal helmet to protect himself.

Character Picture (Optional):

Mutation/Powers: Tactile Kinetics

Primary: Tactile Kinetic Absorption/Expulsion

Marlo can absorb kinetic shock, force or motion, canceling it's inertia if possible, and store the ambient energy within his cells for later use, where in Marlo can initiate physical contact-in the form of a kinetic based hand to hand with an person or object and discharge the stored energy. The force he expels is equal to the Force he absorbed plus his own punching power, average for a physically active teen. This kinetic discharge serves to damage the target and protects Marlo's limbs used in said attack. However, there are drawbacks (See Weaknesses)

Marlo's power also allows him to stop his own descent to a degree should he fall a great distance. Note that he cannot absorb the energy, as that energy is used to counter the effects of his fall. Another protective measure is a limited protection against electricity, giving Marlo the ability to absorb the amperage with some nasty drawbacks...

In short, if Marlo is aware of it and It's kinetic, he can absorb it. In a few cases, demonstrating a skill his father used, Marlo can sense the kinetic forces of the very Earth's rotation, siphoning just enough to make a long distance leap. This is a dangerous feat, as dipping too deep could shatter ever bone and capillary in his body. Though he has all but mastered the technique, the after effects can be annoying. (Yeah, Weaknesses again)

Secondary: Kinetic Sensory Awareness

Marlo's senses have become so acute to the kinetic 'spectrum' that minute percussion like heartbeats, footfalls and even gunshots can he felt, not heard, by the young mutant. This can cause more than a few complications.(Weaknesses...Take a number)

Tertiary: None Yet

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :
-Inexperience: Marlo still cannot regulate the amount of his kinetic intake. Too little and he could be blown back, too much and he could be concussed
No Power, No Punch: Marlo must gather a charge that contacts him. He cannot generate it. He also can't land too well. If he his some one, he can't always absorb the impact.
Kinetic Jump: 25% Chance that he will get so overloaded that he becomes violently ill.
- Blades: Fine, sharp objects are too thin for Marlo to absorb, as there is very little active surface to lock onto. He must redirect blades instead of absorb.
- Electricity: When Marlo absorbs amperage, that leaves the voltage behind. This can cause severe burns, the equivalent of being stuck in a microwave
-Mental Instability: Marlo's power creates a vibration frequency that has altered his neural chemistry. He is over emotional and bi-polar normally, but when he is charged, he grows hyper aggressive and angry
-Heath Problems: Due to his constant use, Marlo's Nervous and Cardiovascular systems are under constant strain. He is subject to headaches, from chronic aching to severe migraines, stress fractures in his hands and feet, nose bleeds and intestinal problems. He's already working on an ulcer at 17.
- Unconscious Detonation: If while holding a charge, Marlo goes unconscious, there is a chance that his stored energy will discharge in a radius around him. The more he holds. the larger the possible boom.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
Marlo's battles with his power are in it's day to day control over his personality. The sheer desire to use it is the only thing he must outgrow,

Background: Marlo Cross was born into poverty, but was never left to want. His father, a mutant himself, hired himself out to local crime bosses to make ends meet, calling himself "Slugger". An invaluable 'henchman', Wendell Cross's death was felt through out the community. As Marlo grew without the guiding hand of his father, he started to act out in school. His powers having manifested at age 8, he was looked on as a danger. It was only by a miracle of chance and funding from Fausto Rossetti that Marlo was enrolled into the Academy. Since his enrollment, he's taken 3 lives in horrific fashion. Each life has weighted heavily on the young ma, who many have taken to calling 'Cobalt's Wrecking Ball' ot Juggernaut Jr. He takes his position as the bruiser to heart, often letting it pus him into depressions.

Marlo has developed a love for flying, and has become a Pilot in training for Highlife Aviation. He's a natural plot, even without his kinetics. He also loves growing things due to his stay in Ireland with distant cousins following his beloved grandmother's death. The time spent in the dirt or in the air seems to calm Marlo and distance himself from his Crippler Persona, the alter ego created in his head by Insaniac

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): Marlo is not a bad kid, he just has a hard time dealing with himself. He tends to fly off the handle when charged, as his powers create a bit of tension. Some think the young Cross might be bi-polar due to his power's unique effects.
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