Purple Rain

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Purple Rain

Post by Sisip »

July 01, 2015

<@Sisip> The rumble of thunder continued, closer this time than before.
<@Sisip> The evening would be nice, were it not for the booming threatening thunderclouds that filled the sky.

* @Midas stepped out of the Administration building to stretch his legs for a moment. The young latino mutant yawning a little as he lifted his arms up stretching. Dressed in a pair of black slacks, with a white short-sleeved button up shirt on. His gold-thread hair combed back against his head, as he'd twist it this way then that to pop his neck, before eyeing the clouds briefly.

<@Sisip> Lightening begins to leap from cloud to cloud sideways, lighting up the evening sky as thunder booms.

<@Sisip> A few residents cross through the courtyard, umbrella's in hand. They peer up at the violent stormclouds that threatened to unleash watery doom upon the Sanctum.

* [Tremor] steps in and glances up at the sky, quirking a brow slightly. Was rain in the forcast tonight? He couldn't remember. He begins heading for the cafeteria. No sense in getting his jacket wet.

<Jessica> Jessica had just come out from the dorms but today she had with her little more than her cane. There wasn't any way she was going to talk her dog into coming out into this. The feel of the storm not only above but in the air as well as most storms often do. The hair upon her arms rose, to which is paused and rubbed them back into place. Unlike the other footfalls about her all hurrying
<Jessica> to somewhere were it would be dry she was fully content on standing under the ledge and just listening. Adoring storms of pretty much all types.

<@Sisip> With a window rattling boom of thunder the storm began. Rain dropping from the sky in sheets. This rain, however, was different from your average Salem storm, there was a strange tint to it. One of the residents caught in it yelped as they quickly became soaked, bolting for the doors. Upon entry her face was dripping with purple. Prince would be proud!

* @Midas took a little half step back under the partial protection of the admin buildings entrance. Peering out as the rain fell. "We could use the rain." He'd comment to no one in particular, as he watched it fall.

<Jessica> Turned her head, the yelped surprise she only figured came from getting wet suddenly. She hadn't heard lightning strike anyway so she just assumed. She laughed softly through closed lips, trying not to smile and look more serious as to not further embarass whoever it was. The color was something she couldn't comment on, at least not yet. A new voice made itself known then and she pulled
<Jessica> her cane closer to be out of anyones way. Agreed.

* [Tremor] looks at the resident dripping in purple and his mind calculates seven possible explanations, all of which seem far fetched, and five prince jokes. Standing just inside the doors to the cafeteria he looks up at the sky and ponders calling Worm. This... -might- warrant attention.

<@Sisip> It was difficult to see, at first, but slowly things in the courtyard, no, all around Cobalt itself began to twist, and move. A bench bows downwards in the middle before twisting, a fallen toy dinosaur (probably Tonys) twitches for a moment then actually begins to move on it's own. All around things began to come alive.

* [Tremor] spots the warping and then objects start to move. Yep, he'd be calling Worm for this one. He pulls his cell and hits a single button to speed dail his handler, then takes a picture and hits send. He wouldn't say anything. Worm wouldn't pick up anyway. He just hoped that whatever this was didn't block signals.

* @Midas lifted a hand to partial shield his face, mostly knee-jerk reaction. Eyes squinting. "What in the world?" Leaning forward a little as the bench started to move, then apparently the discarded toy, well. "Well...shit. "

<Jessica> Everywhere there were sounds now. Groaning, creaking, moaning from this and that. Now this made Jessica furrow her brows and take a step back further under the over hang she found herself. What's going on? She'd ask to whoever it was standing next to her. For once she was grateful she had decided to wear her jeans, rainbow colored stretch shoes, a long sleeved shirt and a currently
<Jessica> unzipped hoody. It was this hoody that she began to zip back up to mid-chest. Midas was cursing now and she had been within hearing range so that only made her all the more nervous.

<@Sisip> A pair of brave souls head out of the parking structure, both huddled under an umbrella. They were halfway through the courtyard when a flurry of movement began. The umbrella began to flap, like a bird, opening and closing on the pair of startled girls, beating them about the head. One of the girls wails, arms flailing as she tried to protect herself from the assault. Neither of them noticing the lampost bend, stretching for them.

* @Midas would reach up to his ear, to active the ever present comm device when he was on the grounds. "I think we have a situation in the courtyard. Some kind of Devil-Magic or something.." Very scientific of him Catching sight of the post bending. "LOOK OUT!" He'd shout at them in warning.

* [Tremor] spots the two suddenly being attacked by their umbrella and frowns. If this was the effect then there was no telling how soon the buildings themselves would turn on them. The lamp post comes to life and he starts working the distance in his head. It was pretty far out to the parking lot from the cafeteria. Knife might turn on him if he tried to use it. He stays put for now. Hearing
* [Tremor] Midas shout his warning.

<Jessica> Screams, now that she knew well enough to be extremely bad news. She swallowed hard, the grip on the cane she held tightening until her knuckles were white. The sounds of flapping, metal screeching as things moved were almost too loud for her as she had been focusing so much on them. And now the fellow at her side was yelling to someone else and this made her actually jump. That overwhelming
<Jessica> feeling of absolute uselessness again being more than apparent. She pushed back again until her back was against the wall where she'd wait. For what? She hadn't a clue as of yet.

<@Sisip> Things began to wander around the courtyard, benches, bikes, a towel that had been dropped at some point slinked along like a slug. The non flailing girl heard the shout and in a moment when the umbrella wasn't battering them across the head she caught sight of the lamppost. Unfortunately it was too late! It curled around her friends ankle and she was yanked backwards. Her scream of alarm is cut off as her head strikes the post, the girl being hauled upwards. The other girl fell backwards, into the wet grass, umbrella rolling away from them. It took only a moment before she began to shriek, pulling at her clothing which seemed to twist and wind around her body. The other girl, of course, was experiencing the same, but since she was currently unconcious there were no noises coming from her.

* @Midas cursed in spainish, his powerset didn't really lend itself too well to fighting inanimate objects made..well animate. Still he reacted darting across the courtyard towards the two assualted girls. He had no idea how he was going to get the unconcious one loose, but it was worth a shot he figured. He'd do his best to avoid any of the other animated objects if possible. If not however
* @Midas were it small enough it would meet his shoe int he form of a kick.

* [Tremor] 's frown deepens. There wasn't much to be done. It was a quick sand situation. Going out there would only result in more problems, and there wasn't a real way to avoid becoming snared like the rest unless... He glances down at his clothes and sighs... "Please... -please- tell me I don't need to run out there naked."

<@Kraken> He left Sisip to rest and recover some more. Rain had started, that was something that the cephalopodal mutant greatly enjoyed. The wetness, and the way it cooled down a summer night. His attempt to enjoy the rain was shortlived though as the screams started, it was impulse and instinct. Kevin ran for the source. His powers were purely physical, he'd have to wrestle the inanimates...

<Jessica> Glass shattered somewhere near by, likely from the post or some other such slinking living thing around her. Torn between wanting to run to the screams to help and running inside to take cover. Debating between the two she heard the quick steps away in a splashing run out into the rain. Muttering something under her breath she took up the cane much like a baseball bat and followed after.
<Jessica> It would be easy in all of this to follow those footfalls after all.

<@Sisip> As if it spotted Midas running through the courtyard the horse from the decorative weathervane atop the greenskeepers hut began to run beside him, kicking it's feet as it bucked in what appeared to be amusement. As the latino made his way towards the girls he would feel his wet clothing begin to twist, coiling around him. Jessica, splashing into the weather, would quickly find that cane feeling limp, then something coiled around her arm like a snake, tightening as it inched higher and higher. The girl on the ground coughed and choked as her wet tshirt began to cover her face. Whether it was smothering her or simply trying to leave was unknown, but the waterboarding effect was taking it's toll and she began to panic. Meanwhile LampPost Girl was being swayed to and fro, slowly at first though with more and more height as she went. Kevin, likewise, would feel his clothes tighten as if coming to life.

* [Tremor] grumbles and quickly takes off his jacket, quickly slipping out of the rest of his clothes and sprinting out into the rain. Worm once told him pride was a weakness far more often than it was a strength. If there were lives on the line, he'd have to check that pride at the door. He poured on the speed as he headed for the lamp post, his hands already humming with a deadly vibration
* [Tremor] that could reduce the aluminum to scrap in seconds. He'd have to address the other threats as they came.

<@Midas> That wouldn't do, not at all so he did what any young latino man might do in the rain when his shirt began to come alive. He'd rip the front of the button up shirt open, and fling it from his body wetly. So long as the pants didn't constrict or hinder him too badly that was bareable having his shirt potentionally strangle him not so much. Seizing the downed girl as her shirt sought to
<@Midas> well smother her. "I better get in trouble for this..." He'd jerk at it struggling to rip the actively clothing off the girl! Probably for the first time for a legit reason to boot. "Lampo-" Catching sight of Jessica then as.."Oh shit your leg!"

<AnE> Blatant Boy wastes no time in catching a few snapshots of people who are either stripping or being stripped.

<Jessica> Had she known the full affect of what was going on about her she may not have come out as she did at all but still she needed to do something other than stand there like a deer in the headlights. Full intentions on hitting anything making a metalic sound but those intentions died quickly when the very thing she wanted to use started to move against her. Long cane twisting and curling
<Jessica> about her arm, latching onto both long sleeved shirt and zipped up hoodie as well. What in the.. She said to herself, her running coming to a stop just before reaching the unconcious girl and her friend. Her free hand gripped onto the twisting cane and yanked as hard as she could downwards. The scream Midas gave her barely registered against the pounding of her own heart.

<@Kraken> Hissed and flailed, his tentacles wiggling about behind him and exposed flesh was rifling its way through all different colors. Including purple, a lot of purple. Afterall purple was a surprised and angered color. His clothes were tightening. Kevin hissed and tore at it with his tentacles, ripping the shirt off. "What is this?!"

<@Sisip> Naked people everywhere! Or half naked, or rather... Tremor was totally nude! The lamppost swung the girl even more before it releases her, launching her through the air and into the hedgemaze. As NakedTrem touches the post it begins to crack and tremble, falling apart into tiny little wriggling pieces. The latino boy machismo'd his way into barechestedness. As he pulled at her shirt, tearing it from her, the fabric coiled around his arm tightly. After her cane began to writhe and twist the blind girls clothing began to shift, twisting, her hood whipped up and over her head, blinding a non blind person, but just being a bother to Jessica. Kevin's clothes were ripped off, all these people being covered in wet purple rain. It would be hot if it wasn't so ridiculous! A bench came up behind Kevin, seeking.. quite possibly.. to be the sitter rather than the sittee.

* @Midas staggered back as the shirt came loose and begain to coil around his arm. trying to fling it off. "RUN!" Was all he told the no topless girl he'd heroicly partially stripped. Not even a moment to oogl-I mean be satisfied at his heroics. Ripping at the shirt around his arm. "Fuck.." He'd saw when he caught sight of well..Jessica's own clothing, and cane turning on her. Without a
* @Midas spare thought he'd run towards splashing water with each step. "Hold on can you breath!" The source needed to be found, otherwise it was like the whole campus would be turned on them.

<@Kraken> Still had a human's modesty for the most part, so there were going to be some Jackie Chan esque shenanigans happening while undressed, trying to evade animated furniture and trying to rescue whoever else was caught in all this! Luckily he could keep one of his tentacles wrapped around his lower area. He snarled at the bench and wrestling would commence.

<Jessica> Her focus was on the cane, gripping it tightly and pulling it as hard as she could away from her arm. She had no way of knowing if it actually did turn into a snake but the fact she couldn't hear it talking gave her a clue that it hadn't. The hood that yanked up quickly to cover her head was another thing to worry about as that slick purple rain got into her eyes. She closed them tightly,
<Jessica> bending down at the knee to press one rainbow colored shoe atop the cane 'head' and pull away that way. At the same time the zipped up chest and back of the hoody began to constrict and limit her breathing. She wanted to say something but feared if she did that air would leave her lungs and right now that wasn't such a good idea. When she was spoken to she only nodded, it wasn't tight to
<Jessica> cut off her air, yet. Her left hand was already pulling down the zipper to open up the hoody and get it at least partially off anyway. Luckily she had a shirt under, or.. unluckily.

* [Tremor] barely glances at the girl beign tossed into the hedge maze. Bigger problems now. He bolts for Kevin, "Heads up!" He does a homerun slide in the wet grass past Kev to grab at the bench's rear... leg? If successful, he'd channel a vibration through it to shake it violently to pieces. It was toned down, partly because of the different substances in the object and partly because of
* [Tremor] Kev's proximity.

<@Sisip> Gasping for breath the girl, remainder of her clothing still protesting their current placement, scrambles upwards and bolts for the Sanctum, wailing and shrieking! A gorgeous trellis from within the hedgemaze climbs up and over, walking towards Jessica. Kevin began to wrestle with the bench, and it did the same, planks of wood bending and curling, trying to grab hold of the fellow. The toy dinosaur found Kevin's foot and clamped down on his ankle, biting with little plastic teeth. Unluckily indeed for Jessica, as she pulled the zip down her shirt became purple with wet and started to squirm and writhe. Tremor, in all his glory, grabed the rear of the bench and it crumbled, the smaller pieces pressing inwards towards Kevin, trying to work tiny little splinters into his flesh.

<@Kraken> "Hsssss!" He, hissed. Tremor announced his presense, but then came a sharper hiss, especialy when the splinters pierced his delicately squishy squidflesh. Something bit him! Tentacles flailed and ink would fly. He'd try and seek purchase on the bench, coil and tear, rip it apart! Something was biting him! Seemed the weirdness quota was taking its claim with a vengence!

* @Midas would do his part since she nodded at his question, grabbing ahold of her cain in an attempt to help her yank it from her person. Jerking it back with a grunt as he tried to pry/unwrap from her body. He should have had a quip ready for the mini dinosaur attack but alas he a little focused at the moment.

<Jessica> With her zipper open she took both hands and gripped hard on the hood, trying to rip it off and away from her eyes. It wasn't that she needed them, per se, but having something baring down on your head and eye wasn't exactly comfortable, mos especially when still wearing sunglasses under them. That'll leave a little mark later. The cane was no longer a worry though now that someone had
<Jessica> grabbed it and yanked it away. After forcing the hoody top off her glasses hit the floor but she really didn't care right now. She peeled the rest of the hoody off, throwing it to the side, anywhere but in the direction of Midas and herself. The white shirt she wore under (and yes it was white before the rain) was soaking in the purple and not only twisting but now becoming rather.. pasted
<Jessica> to her and see through. Thanks for that, Sisip.

* [Tremor] frowns, "hrm." That made things worse for poor Kev. "You may wanna just run for it!" and then he was up and doing just that. Looked like the next target was the Trellis walking towards Jessica. Ok, new plan. Slow -down- the objects and give people time to hobble to safety. He charges his grasp with that intense destructive hum and moves to grab at the Trellis' walking support,
* [Tremor] channeling enough to rend the metal apart.

<@Sisip> Rolling out from under a bush where they had been stuffed by a little hand when his mother wasn't looking, came a large amount of lego blocks. They separate and spread out, angling underneath the feet of those wrestling with objects, wet shoes tightening. Laces, reaching out to tie to each other. Poor Tremor, a good portion of those legos ended up under or around his feet, like a tiny carpet of death as he tore the trellis to pieces. As those splinters dug into Kevin's flesh they stopped moving, that purple rain no longer animating them. As Midas helped Jessica a lamppost inchwormed it's way along the ground towards them. There was a loud cracking noise, when suddenly out of a back area strode a large.. thing.. with legs. A writhing tarp was draped over him, obviously this statue was still being worked on before released to the public. When the tarp slipped away a 12 foot tall Matias Santiago, ex CEO of Cobalt Hill, made his way towards the group. A large hand whipped down, batting a bench out of the way as he headed towards the half naked heroes.

* @Midas would try to fling the cain away after pulling it from Jessica. Though he was basically doing it more orless one handed, the other girls shirt still wrapped around his other hand and forearm. He'd go to take a stepback, before finding himself falling backwards fal on his back with a grunt. Tripped up, sabotage of his own foot wear of all things as the laces tied themselves together!

<@Kraken> "Running sounds good! What is this stuff?!" Then came the splitered bits of bench. Kevin screeched and sprayed all around him with ink, tentacles no longer covering anything. He was purple all over. Whether this was dyed from the rain or he was subconsciously camouflaging was anyone's guess. "Out! Out! Everyone just run for shelter! Go go!" He'd take off running, inking, reaching for
<@Kraken> anyone to rescue and drag along with him to the nearest shelter. "Ok..." He saw the Sunpuncher's animated statue. "Has a reality warper been watching Ghostbusters or something?!"

<Jessica> The shirt was twisting but not yet constricting hard enough that she couldn't breathe so that suck would stay on for the time being. White-grey eyes blinked before she closed them and kept them closed, hearing Midas hit the ground. Are you- She felt her own shoes start to squeeze but she had no laces so she grabbed one after the other and chucked those as well in the direction of
<Jessica> her hoody (which was away from the both of them). The large statue was little more than a large grinding sound somewhere and she turend her head in that direction only long enough to realize that someone really bad was out there. She knelt down reaching out to feel where Midas had fallen, close enough to her that she'd be able to start yanking off his shoes, heel to toes first, taking the
<Jessica> socks with it.

* [Tremor] does the time honored lego pain dance untill he's managed to hop away from the bulk of them. Then comes the statue and he glances over at Kev, "Ether that of you guys recently aquired a haunted painting." The really -really- scary part was that his look said he wasn't joking. He turns to face the statues stomping their way, "We have to slow it down. Breaking it apart will only make
* [Tremor] more problems." he prepares to dodge a swing by the creature.

<@Sisip> The thunder crashes and booms, lightening flashing wildly as the rain beings to die off! The legos surrounded Jessica and Midas in a circle. They had nowhere to go! Whichever direction they moved they would have to risk stepping on them! The statue grabs at Tremor! Somebody get that naked man some Jackie Wilson!

<@Sisip> As Kevin cries for everyone to run for shelter that small weathervane horse bucks alongside him, the small plastic dino still clamped on to his ankle.

<@Kraken> "It's always with the magic..." His purple flesh shuddered... Some of the worst stuff they'd come across was magic. People getting turned into muppets, Faeries taking powers away, this. Was this magic? Kevin didn't bother asking that outloud. He cursed as he stepped on some animated foot peril. "Got it, trem. Treat this like a hydra. AVOID THE HEAD!" He called ut as a warning, the
<@Kraken> screeched as he trod upon the horse. Ink flew.

* @Midas working with her yanking, he was soon freed of his shoes before sitting up. "Oh damn..we got a problem.." He'd say when he noticed the legos encircling them, then the giant statue that snatched at Tremor. "And one Big problem..." Very descriptive for the blind gir. "You alright?" He'd ask wincing hoping that Tremor was quick enough to evade it.

<Jessica> She had heard the yell to get inside and out of the rain but she had someone before her down and she wasn't about to just bolt in that direction, not after what he did to help her. The legos made tiny little scraping noises on the ground but with everything else going on at the same time it was hard to place them anywhere, let alone a circle around them. Then someone was asking about a
<Jessica> painting and although the mun gets it, Jessica sadly didn't. Still, everything that was said gave her a better view point of where people were. The constant writhing of shirt and pants was annoying but nothing she couldn't ignore for now. As Midas spoke she nodded again, standing up and extending a hand if he wished to take it. It's not to bad. I'm okay. What do you see, what is it?

* [Tremor] gets grabbed. That was the bad news. The good news was that the statue was now holding onto a body charged with the kind of vibrations he used to turn stone into chalk dust. He grunts in pain from the impact though, and even if and when the arm explodes around him, he'd be feeling that in the morning. He seems to choke out an reply to Midas, "Peachy..."

<@Sisip> The thunder rumbled as the rain finally ended, but that didn't dry things out immediately and the wet items continued to move. That glistening lampost continued to inch towards Midas and Jessica. As Kevin stepped on the horse it jerked and hitched, kicking at that foot. Santiago's large hand grabs and squeezes Tremor, not for long though, that arm turning to dust. Cracklines appeared over the entire statue. There was some artist out there who was going to be PISSED. It swung it's other arm at Tremor.

* @Midas while doing a quick 360 spin, he'd finally notice the lamppost. "Lamppost and legos..Got us surrounded..." He'd make his way towards the lego ring, before bending over a little to sweep a hand down at the toys to fling them aside trying to clear himself and jessica a path.

* [Tremor] ducks and rolls for the statue's legs, narrowly avoiding the strike thanks in part to this damn wet grass acting like a slip and slide. He slaps both hands down on the feet of the statue and focuses a jolting violent tremor through them, enough to turn them to gravel if that. He didn't care what was animating this thing, feet were required to walk, and unless this thing had amazing
* [Tremor] balance, it'd be just as top heavy as it should be. That was the good news. The bad news was that he was starting to feel the drain from all this... oh and there was a statue about to fall on him.. that might suck.

<Jessica> Sighed and again nodded, the rain above slowing down to a crawl and dying out. The shirt still twisted and pants squeezed, just enough to make her limp but that was all. The swiping aside of legos she heard and she kept very close to Midas, maybe even a little too close for people who didn't know one another. Without her cane she had little choice but to stay near someone. The thud had
<Jessica> her turning her head in Tremor's direction, brows furrowing in concern. Still the sounds of another beating off (cough) a bench had her looking that way as well. She should have just stayed in doors. Tell me what to do to help.

<Blackheart> Oh look. Naked people. And...things. Things moving around that shouldn't be moving around. A very confused Simon stares at the scene while eating an apple. He stops mid-chew. Is this an R-rated re-enactment of Beauty and the Beast? Where's the singing candlestick? The blonde recovers momentarily from the shock and resumes eating an apple while staring at Tremor in particular.

<@Sisip> The wet legos are flung aside, but as soon as they hit the ground they begin to roll back, trying once again to get underfoot. That is what legos were designed for, afterall, to be vicious plastic caltrops. As nakedTremor grabs the statue's foot and vibrates those cracks began to widen before the leg burst apart, toppling the statue over to the side where it fell, one arm and one leg flailing, unable to get back up. Slowly things started to wind down, moving items now twitching rather than actually ambulating.

<@Kraken> had definitely learned by now that his ink was useless against these things.... and there was Tremor, right under the statue like a beaver gnawing a tree from the wrong angle. "Trem! Roll!" He called out as he changed his running to shelter to running for Trmor, gasping with each footfall. He had to try something, whipping his tentacles forward s far as they would stretvh to grab and
<@Kraken> pull the vibration mutant away.

<@Sisip> The tiny dino clamped on Kevin's ankle is finally flung away to lay, teeny arms wiggling, in the grass.

<@Midas> "Just stick with me! ACK DAMN IT!" He'd curse as one of the little infernal bits of plastic was stepped on. Kicking and swiping at them, with the odd hop if his feet landed on one. He wouldn't think anything ill of the closeness. While he might not know Jessica terribly well. She wasn't exactly hiding that she was blind, nor obviously didn't have Daredevil level abilities. We're going
<@Midas> inside. Reaching up as he flung another lego aside to tap his communicator. "I need medical in the Hedge Maze five minutes ago..."

<Jessica> Followed after, her hand extending if she thought she got too far to grab what would have been shirt had he still been wearing a shirt, hand finding instead skin so she'd pull it back again. Sorry. Keeping close was going to be harder than she thought. The damnit coming from Midas made her flench and hiss through closed teeth, something had happened that caused pain to him. She
<Jessica> didn't want to interupt his call for medical assistance, yet another thing she couldn't help with and her shoulders sagged. She said absolutely nothing, chin slightly downward and purple dripping hair matted to her cheeks in the same way clothing matted to the rest of her.

<Blackheart> Should he join the nakedparty? Oh look. Legos. That doesn't really look like a fun nakedparty. So he edges towards the door, peers up at the sky, wonders why grape drank is raining down, and resumes staring from behind the safety of glass windows. His free hand waves at the group and he pushes the door open and pokes his head out. "Uhh. Guys? What the hell is going on? I think...you got
<Blackheart> too much to drink, man. Who got the animates-random-crap mutant angry anyway?"

* [Tremor] gets pulled in the nick of time! He shakes his head andgets back to his feet, looking at Kev, "Damn glad you're still around, Squiddy." he smirked and then looked around as the objects seemed to be returning to normal. Well... that was good. ... and he was still naked. He grumbles and starts heading back to the cafeteria where he left his clothes. He gives Simon a glare, "Better
* [Tremor] not find this on youtube."

* Badger films it all especially Tremor in 1080p high quality HD the light glistening off his base ass.. no not really he had been inside doing paperwork and just got the alert of the shenanigans going on outside. he pushed open the glass doors taking in the scene.

<@Sisip> The rumbling thunderclouds slowly dissipate, leaving a fairly nice evening behind in their wake. The courtyard is a mess, things not where they should be, legos everywhere, and a massive statue that slowly twitches for a bit until it remains motionless. Medical finally arrives and goes searching through the maze. That sucked, for obvious reasons. It's a maze. They finally find the unconcious, and now mostly naked, resident and load her onto the gurney, covering her for decency sake. Decent people find a way to keep clothing on.. TREMOR.

<@Kraken> "You're welcome, Trem." He chuckled dryly, still purple head to toe... "Gah!" Lower tentacles wuld wrap around his lower half. Threat was over and yea... nudity was now glaringly obvious. "Wouldn't be the first time..." He muttered as Tremor mentioned Youtube. He grunted and limped, there were all sorts of shards, splinters, and other little owies stuck in his flesh. "No idea..."
<@Kraken> To Simon, and then he shuffled on for medical - in a non Zoidbergy way! He needed some things removed from his skin and clothes.

<Blackheart> There's no camera out. Nothing to record and put anything on youtube. However! Just as bad is this: Simon flashes a toothy smile, a wink, and wolf whistles at Tremor. "Ohey wish I would thought about it earlier. But considerin' yer lettin' it all hang out it'd be going up on xtube or something. That's some real weird stuff yanno. Wrasslin with an animated statue naked. Weeeeird." There's
<Blackheart> less joke aimed at Kevin and he winces. "Aw man the hell happened to you? Time to go visit the medical center. Uh. You guys okay?"

* Angel`Pearson had dozed off in medical earlier, and woke to the hubbub of the medical staff gathering to respond to the call from the hedge maze. Blinking his eyes awake he hopped up to head after the group to see what was going on. The purple-y rain was given a dubious look when it was noticed, and he yanked a small umbrella from the bag on his hip, its surface black and covered in blue stars...When the clouds rapidly
* Angel`Pearson cleared he blinked again as he took in the area, closing the umbrella just moments after opening it "..Whathappened?"
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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