Hobo news cast

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Hobo news cast

Post by crom »

News 8 from Salem

A pretty blonde reporter comes on the screen during the 6 pm evening news.

"Good evening this is Trisha Takahawa, there have been reports in New York city of unusual and suspected superhuman happenings of an unusual sort. Reports to police tell of what seems to be a homeless old man having exhibited powers and a green glow."

The reporter then says.

"Police have given a press release as follows..."

On the screen is a superimposed picture of the NYPD shield and the following test with the reports voice reading it out loud.

"We have gotten reports of superhuman events, and while we have not been able to apprehend the suspect or suspects involved, we are taking these reports seriously."

Our affiliate in New York has obtained this cell phone footage of apparently the homeless person in question that has been popping up on social media sites like Youtube. Please be advised some of the footage can be rather graphic.

The screen transitions to a somewhat shaky view of a street rather grubby in appearance. There is a group of what looks like to be street thugs attacking a couple out on the town. One of the attackers hits the man with what looks to be a baseball bat and he goes down.

Then out of an alley a figure detaches from the shadows and the old scruffy bearded man yells at them 'leave em alone or ill bust ya up ya punks!' he then takes a step or two towards them.

The attackers turn on him now and hes beaten down under a rain of blows when suddenly.. There's a flash of emerald green light from the center of the group and a more brilliant explosion of green light and the thugs are thrown away from the old man who was now wreathed in a green light, he seems to rise to his feet as one of the other thugs runs for a car, hopping in he drives at the old man trying to run him down.

The old man half turns towards the oncoming car the glow intensifying and he lets the vehicle hit him. Amazingly the car crumples around him and the driver is blasted through the front wind shield to land hard on the ground beyond him. The old man stumbles as the glow flickers and fades to a thin line of green around his body and he stumbles off to the alley again.

The view goes back to Trisha Takahawa who has been watching the footage is silent for a moment, her mouth slightly agape then she quickly snaps a smile on her face.

"reports from the scene after the attack the couple have suffered of minor injuries from the gang members and have been released from hospital. The thugs involved in the attack were hospitalized with various bruises broken bones but nothing life threatening and have been arrested. The young man thrown from the car is in ICU due to the multiple broken bones lacerations and other injuries. Who ever this old man is it looks to this reporter that he was defending the couple from the attack. Now on lighter news Scruffy the Cats reviews on the new toys out this season fluffy or poofy his vote for the best and the worst coming up next."

After she says this chuckling the view changes to a rather well Scruffy cat playing with a poofy toy mouse...
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