A-Maze-ing: The Above Ground Story

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A-Maze-ing: The Above Ground Story

Post by Goldbolt »

* [Tremor] sits at his usual bench out in the courtyard, leaning back and looking up at the sky. He ponders how long he can do this before the desire to fish a cigarette out of his jacket overtakes his general apathy to move. Two minutes? Three?

<ThalinVien> <Donny walks into the courtyard himself, deposits his money and gets his Boston Globe> Evenin' *he says to Tremor*

* [Tremor] gives a lazy wave in Donny's direction without looking, "Evening"

<ThalinVien> <Donny> What's goin on?

<AnE> A paper plane soars through the air with frightening precision, only to gently thunk Tremor in the back of the head.

* [Tremor] is about to answer Donny when the paper plane plunks him in the back of the head and he tries to snatch it out of the air before it can fall to the ground. He props himself back to sitting upright and unfolds the paper to see if another message lies within. He wasn't even mad or anything, just curious to see what it might say. He had a theory it might be from Seven, but it was baseless at best. He glances to Donny and remembers he was overdue for a reply, "Not much."

<ThalinVien> <Donny> Looks like an airstrikes been launched at you!

<AnE> The note read: "Hi :)". Very threatening stuff.

<Midas> |Seemingly at Random the lights would flicker on and off for a bit, as if a power surge at hit the lines. However a few moments after that initial flickering a loud POP could be heard reverberating through the sanctum as the power simply died out right. The scary part? The Emergency Generators didn't immediately kick like they should.|

<MarloCross> Marlo was in the gym when the lights went out. He looked up with a groan and gave the bag a last punch as he took off out of the facility. Pulling his phone out, he dialed Sisip.

* [Tremor] nods at Donny's statement, "Ether that or the worlds most discrete mailing service." He quirks a brow at the message and then looks up as the lights flicker on and off and then at the pop. He mentally counts down till the generators kick in and is on his feet as he reaches two seconds too far. He looks around then over at Donny, "I think we might be in trouble." He pulls his phone and quickly taps away at it.

<AnE> With a startled yelp, Seven faded into view with another half-folded paper airplane clutched in her hand shortly after the lights all died. "... I didn't do it." The no-longer-invisible girl quietly declared, clearing her throat and balling up the paper to toss it aside.

<ThalinVien> <Donny> Alright.... what's going on...

<Sisip> The injin woman was already on the phone when she realized the backups hadn't .. backed up. Looking at the caller ID she sets her son back in the playpen and grabs.. yup.. another phone. The woman was always connected somehow. As Marlo is called, when he picks up, he can hear the injin woman clearly, "No, that's absolutely stupid. It's not because we didn't pay our bills, FaeFae, get on the other line and find out what the hell is going on. Right now. Call META if you have to, just get -someone- on the line before I come down there and provide you with your own glow by lighting a god-damned fire under your ass, okay?"

<ThalinVien> <Donny> My cousin works on these things.... wouldn't surprise me if he's the contractor for here

* [Tremor] glances over and spots Seven tossing a ball of paper, a grin flashing across his face, "I -knew- it!" The moment is over as soon as it began and he thinks a moment before heading in the direction of the medical center. He wasn't 100% sure where they were keeping coma-kayla (Comla?) but if this was the Kaylas then they had a goal.

* Julian`Weiss reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell phone, flipping it open he looks around the library by the light of his phone's screen. "The hell just happened?" He stands up and walks towards the doors stepping into the hall way, he looks left then right before heading off to find someone who might have an idea about what's going on. "Hundred million dollar facility and they don't have a back up generator."

* Badger woke up finally from his nap and reaching over to get his ear thingo he over reached and fell out of his hammock and hit the floor rather hard."owowow whats up ow."

<Midas> |The Click of the back-up Generators kicking could likely be heard by some at lest as the emergency lighting kicked in. Only to simply fade off as well a few moments. That's when radio chatter from the Maze would start. "We've lost power down here! Whats going on? Why aren't the back ups working?" Along with various other somewhat panicked broadcasts could be heard by those with a radio.|

* Sunder The metalhead had decided on a 'quiet' night of listening to his good headphones, and reading comic books. Then the power died. "Bloody effin 'ell... The one time i'm not wearing all the glowy shite.." But the tablet would serve well enough to allow him to find and put on all said glowy shite, his tac harness and grow a few flashlights shoving them in pockets before going to wander the halls. The power cutting never preceded anything good.

<MarloCross> And that was the woman who looked after him. No wonder she was the one who held his leash. " Ok, shit's FUBAR. What's the plan?" Marlo asked as he stepped by Julian. He motions to him," Round up whoever you can into the rec center."

<AnE> Not entirely sure about what to do, Seven looked around, then vanished from sight, reappearing at Tremor's side and padding along after him. "Where are you going? It's darker in there than it is out here." She mumbled, tilting her head in thought.

<Endymion> Also in the library was the resident other-worldly visitor. He seemed perplexed, though not alarmed by the outage. Julian was sensed not that far ahead and Endymion hurried up after him. "Is it normal for the flameless lights to go out like this?" He questioned and followed the magic man.

<Sisip> The quiet sound of her earbud sounds like one hundred wardrums to the injin woman and when she hears the feedback from the maze the woman grabs that earbud and pops it in. She freezes, eyes widening as she hangs up without even talking to Marlo and dials a number. Dial-a-team goooo! Small lights that seem to be strategically placed around the system, battery operated, began to flash red. Cellphones of team members and candidates begin to vibrate and buzz with a 911. Pressing a finger to her ear she speaks loudly into the comm, scaring Tony into crying. "Roll call. Team Respond. Get to the Maze. Power's out. Need backup for security." She repeats that, over and over again, hoping someone responded.

* Badger turned on his room light..or tried to 'okaaaak' he opened the door to the hall relying on mainly his enhanced senses and the knowledge of the place."what all is working I'm heading down there now." he grabbed his gear and quickly got into it before heading out. hmm no power good time for a break out.

* Julian`Weiss nodded as the lights kicked on temporarily then shut down. "Rec center, got it." He headed off down the hall as Endymion caught up he looked back. "Well I'm not expert but I doubt it. Can you head outside and round up anyone you see, send them to the rec center, I'm going to check up stairs and do the same. Meet you there in ten minutes?" He headed towards the nearest set of stairs as he spoke.

<Midas> |"All Security Personal report to the Maze. Power Suppression systems are off line." Could be heard crackling over the radio along with a steady, loud thumping in the background during the guards radio broadcast. A keen eyed person might catch a flash if they are outside, coming from the back of the Admin building as well.|

* Kyrstin` emerges from her room, tucking her hands into the pockets of her shorts. Power outage. Typical. Though around here, also quite likely to be some jackass wired themself into the grid. She was a bit ticked off at having her TV watching interrupted, but perhaps this was a sign she should get out for a bit. Maybe a good time for a rooftop observation of the forest. Unlikely to be anyone around there anyway, peaceful and quiet.

* [Tremor] looks to Seven as he approaches the Med center, his phone still in hand. He thumbs through an option or two and activates the built in light, "Doesn't have to be. At any rate I don't know what's going on for sure, but the last time something random like this happened, it was all a distraction to get security away from the Med Center." He looks over his shoulder as he spots a flash in the general area of the admin building, then looks back to Seven, "Or maybe they're trying something new... What do you think?" If anyone knew sneaky, Tremor figured it was Seven.

<MarloCross> Marlo heard that loud and clear. He was already to his room, getting his gear. " Crippler enroute to the Maze. God, please dont even try it." The last part was said under his breath. Locking the helmet in place, he headed out, ready to fight.

* Angel`Pearson was drifting through the halls when the lights went out, stopping in place and blinking when after a few moments in scurry darkness no backups kicked in. He felt and heard the buzz of his vibrating cell, and reached to fish it out of the bag on his hip before bringing it to his ear "This is Angel. Um. Right. The maze. Onmyway." ...Oh this should be a big giant effing bucket of fun. After tapping the screen a bit, a light flicked into life on the back of the phone, and he used it to help find his way.

<AnE> "Oh, right... phones have flashlights..." Seven murmured with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. She wasn't always hip to the current trends in technology! With a twitch of her tail, she paused, glancing about with slightly narrowed eyes. "Uhh-- when the power is out, the big concern tends to be what's happening underground. But if someone has already accessed a key area..." Trailing off, she gave a shake of her head. "It would be silly to try the same diversion tactic twice." Says the girl who throw two smileyfaced paper airplanes in a row.

* Sunder Was easy to spot as he moved down the hallways. Glowing charging cables, bright glowing goggles, very very bright flashlight. He'd tap on his com "The maze? Ahh 'ell. Right, be there in a few."

<Sisip> Things went from bad to worse as she managed to tone out her temper tantrumming child. Because why not. Mary P, Sisip's live-in nanny, comes out of her room (which just so happens to be Seven's old room) and bundles up the baby, despite being her night off. She nods to Sisip and lets the woman bolt off, shuffling electronics as she grabs the pouched belt that always seemed to be by the door. Her voice comes over the com again, "Power suppression is off. Repeat, power suppression is OFF. Stay on your toes. Nobody down there is fluffybunny status." Well, almost nobody. Down in the maze were a bakers dozen of Kayla's.

<ThalinVien> <Donny> Alright so... what's going on?

<Midas> |Security would begin to check in from the various levels of the Maze Verbally. One by one each level called in as secure, but dark. Shouting from locked up inmates could be heard at various times in the background. Yet as the deepest levels guards checked in they would heard this instead. "Checking in, All Cel- CRACKBOOM!" The sound of a heavy steel door flying off it's hinges could be heard as it slammed into a wall. "Situation! Meta Offender 225 is, oh sh-" The signal is lost then, though blessedly it seemed the back up generators would finally kick on for good.|

* Badger listened and sighed of course he pulled out his battle sticks, he was against killing Sisip knew this but he would do what he had to do to protect the people in the facility. hearing the call out he growled and bounded off towards the entrance to the maze.

<Endymion> "Yes, Julian I can do that." And with that, he was gone, rushing out to herd any outside people to safety. He wouldn't even chose the closest window as his way out, rather entering his Ether and slipping through the physical world, emerging once he was once again outside. "To the rec center!" He would announce, taking flight to urge others to the building. Meanwhile, down in the Maze would be Kevin, holding flashlights with his upper two tentacles, leaving his hands and the lower two tentacles to deal with any hostile mutants.

* Julian`Weiss took the stairs two at a time as he climb the inside of the building. As people passed (NPC) he directed them as Marlo had instructed him head towards the Rec center. He cleared each room with an unnaturally loud shout. "Everyone head to the rec center, this is not a drill!" His eyes began to glow with a soft purple light. He cleared the last two class rooms before hitting the roof access. He hoped Endymion had found any one outside and for a moment he thought about Angel. The air had began to cool and as he crossed over the roof towards housing. He entered the building and began his way down the stairs again.

* Kyrstin` started to to climb the stairs, being entirely unaware of anything going on below or around. She was humming a tune to herself, though she couldn't quite bring the words to mind.

<ThalinVien> <Donny heads to the rec center and turns his Radio on, listening in to his dispatch as well as PD and security for the building>

* [Tremor] looks to Seven as he listens to Sisip's words being piped in over his phone. "You might be right..." He should have known better than to think they -wouldn't- install such a feature in the device. Mind racing he looks at the doors to the Med Center again and then to Seven, "I don't suppose you could scout around and see if the Kayla's aren't trying the same tricks again? At the very least we need someone with eyes on the unconscious one. I'll check to see what that flash was near Admin." He looks at her, "That ok?"

<Midas> |The flash Tremor had spotted would be revealed as well. Though as the power came back on, as he'd round the corner he'd see a pale man, with short cropped black hair, rather slender in build wearing a jogging suit pull his hands away from a breaker box on the outside of the admin building. Arcs of electricity racing through his body from that breaker, electricity that finally stopped flowing as the back ups came on and this unknown mutant dropped down to his knees panting.|

<AnE> Seven's brows knit thoughtfully and she quickly bobbed her head in a nod, lifting her hand and giving a faux-salute. "Roger!" With that, she vanished from sight, slipping through the door to the medical wing and beginning to weave in and out of walls until she'd be able to locate the comatose one, incognito-like.

* Julian`Weiss spotted Kyrstin as he descended the stairs. "Something up. The powers been knocked out and the strike teams have suited up Marlo wants everyone rounded up into the Rec center. I've already cleared the main facility can you help me get everyone out of housing? Endymion is rounding up anyone outside the building." He didn't really stop to wait for Kyrstin to answer, he just left the stair well and entered into the top floor of the housing building. Again his voice reached further and louder than it should have. "This is not a drill please evacuate in an orderly fashion to the Rec Center immediately." Then he was gone down the stairs to the neck level.

* Kyrstin` blinks. "But.." she starts to respond, but Julian was already gone. Sure, gather everyone in one place. Cause then they only have to blow up ONE place. she thinks to herself. Not to mention that evacuating everywhere to a single location meant increased likelihood of encounters with whoever or whatever did this. Assuming of course it wasn't a lightning bolt 50 miles away.

<MarloCross> He heard the call and felt the boom as he shot down into the maze. " Skieweaver, who is 225?" He was waiting for her to get there, or at least Sunder, and take charge.

* Sunder The metalhead would be heading for the maze, running past the rec center on his way considering to pause long enough to drop off some flashlights for everyone there when the light came back on "Well.. Alright then." Back to double time running for the door and across the campus towards the maze, listening to everything coming in over the radio and cursing loudly.

* Angel`Pearson hand moved to adjust the flap of his messenger bag, flipping it back so that he had easier access to the pockets containing his throwing blades. When the lights kicked back in, he clipped his phone to the strap of his bag with a convenient little clip, and drew out one of the small, drugged up knives from inside, eventually meeting up with Marlo and then Sunder en route to the maze.

* [Tremor] 's bowie knife is out in the blink of an eye the second he spots the stranger backing away from the breaker box. His blade makes a sound like the low note on an electric guitar that somehow refuses to end and blurs slightly even while still. He had a feeling this guy was behind the power outage and thus the chaos currently going on, and that put him instantly on Tremor's shit-list. He glares at the man, "You better hope they find us before I'm done."

* Badger had bee lined to the maze himself. he knew the most probable big threat would come there. he met up with Sunder and bounded along side him."i was having a wonderful dream about me and 150 pounds of steak dammit."

<Kayla> There were actually three comatose Kayla's ... resting peacefully. Slumbering (hopefully) having happy coma dreams. Down in the Maze, however, familiar screams begin to sound. not just the sound of villains trying to escape.. but higher pitched, frightened screams.

<Sisip> frowns just a bit, running things through her mind. Who WAS 225? "I... Crippler.. 225 has no designation." That .. couldn't be good. "I repeat, team, Offender 225 has NO DESIGNATION. 225 has been ghosted." That was something she'd never seen before.. absolutely no information on an inmate number. "Exercise extreme caution."

* Julian`Weiss hit the ground floor of the housing building and crossed the court yard. When the power came back on he felt a small amount of relief, but until someone with a level of authority told him otherwise they facility was till under attack and he was going to follow the orders he had been given by Marlo, whom he perceived to have just such authority. He slipped his cellphone back into his pocket and headed towards the rec center. His eyes had gone full purple and he was on the look out for any unusual mystical energies stalking about the place.

<ThalinVien> <Don paces around the Rec room nervously, keys his radio> Hook and laddah 15 firealarm <Radio> Answers the hook! <Donny keys> What going on down at he Sanctum? <Radio> No idea sir we're working it out now

<Midas> |The pale panting man would look up at Tremor and smile at him. "You'd better hope, they can stop him. Mo's coming home tonight." Shakily he'd push himself up onto his feet. Suddenly a jumble of radio voices would erupt. IT was bedlam and hard to make out what was going on. "What is tha-" "Is he naked?" "Everyones dying!" The during that last call out screams could be heard in the back ground along with what could have been a large man bellowing. Finally another guard would chime in. "I've secured one of the doors to the lower levels. Contact lost with anything past here."|

<Kevin> "A ghosted designation? What does that even mean?" He shined his two tenta-lights around, turning them off once power restored. Cautiously, he started walking around the Maze, knowing that more than 225 might be about, and nothing was known about 225 apparently. He was camo shifting, sticking to the walls. Quiet and unseen. Back with Endymion: The winged wonder met back up with Julian.

* Sunder Looks to angel and then Marlo. The screams coming out of the building put a bit of pressure on things. ".. Right, really no time for a plan is there? We 'ave to sweep an clear, no time to go grab flashbangs an fancy nonsense. We stay within arms reach of each other alright?" He taps the comm "Skieweaver - me, crippler an angel are 'eading into the maze.. We could use whatever support you can send, there's a lot of bad screaming in there."

* [Tremor] bolts in the pale man's direction, juking at the last second to avoid a possible response and coming at him from an angle, his blade flashing out at the stranger's neck, the steel literally singing its malice.

<MarloCross> "GHOSTED?! You gotta be kidding me!!" Spotting Angel as the fall in behind. Looking to Sunder for leadership, he passes by Scarlet's cage. The girl was still there. " Don't you move!!" " I won't. ..jeez" Crippler centered himself as he followed Sunder into the pits of META hell. "I'm going in with no charge. This could get hairy".

* Julian`Weiss nodded to Endymion as he arrived. "I think we should move everyone into the Auditorium, it has no windows and securable entrances, if this is where Marlo wants everyone, I assume that would fall in line with the best strategic plan." He looked around Angel was part of the strike team and now doubt was engaging in their shenanigans. "Everyone, please head into the Auditorium until we receive and all clear from the security teams!" His voice was clear, loud, and some what tangible as he spoke. He slowly began to move towards the Auditorium. He kept his attention split between what was going on in this room and any fluxuations in the surrounding ambient magic. He didn't expect a supernatural assault, but when one lives a magical life, magical things tend to happen.

* Badger snorted at Marlo's 'hairy' comment. he put away his fighting sticks and extending his claws."you got that right kid." he growled his ears and nose twitching. if anyone was killing people down here he would scratch their eyes out.

<Midas> |In order to organize things: We are going to say everyone heading into the Maze manages to make it down to the guard that radioed the Entry to the lower levels as being secure. Everything seemed fine, yet muffled screams and cries could be heard coming from beyond that door, and a loud thumping that grew closer to it. "What do we do?" The guard would ask no one in particular. "Do we just seal the level..and let it die out or...?" Obviously overwhelmed the poor guy likely never considered anything like this. Meanwhile as Tremor assaulted the tired looking pale man he would wrench himself to the side. Avoiding a fatal wound, but still taking a wicked slice from the nape of his neck down to his collarbone.|

<AnE> Welp. "...Three comatose Kaylas all accounted for. This isn't... weird... at all." Except it was totally weird and kind of creepy! She had no communicator, as her extracurricular activities tended to class with the good-doings of the Sanctum's team and all. Still, at times like this, she supposed it would have been useful to be in the loop. Maybe she could steal one! For now, she'd keep watch, though it was quiet.

* Angel`Pearson Angel's thoughts ran somewhere along what Kevin had said. Ghosted? What even was that? Some supersecret whackjob META had dumped on them maybe? It didn't sound good anyway. He looked to Sunder as he spoke, and nodded "Right." he passed the blade he'd been holding to his free hand, and drew another from his bag, trying his best to stay focused and not let the sounds from the comm get to him.

<Sisip> "On it, Sunder." She was bolting down the hallway, skirting around bewildered residents who were just .. moseying. She catches sight of Julian and Endymion. They seemed to be corralling the people they could into a safe zone. She skids to a halt, "Julian, Endymion, we have a major security breach." She doesn't know how to explain this, "Bad shit is coming up from the basement. If you can help, we would appreciate it, if not then we need as many people kept safe as we can get." Her skin pales just a bit, "In case they get past... everyone." Which meant getting past her family.

* Sunder Draws the pistol from his tac vest, flicking off the safety and looks between their small assault force "Right.. Level by level, if everything's locked up tight we move down again. Stay close, don't let anyone in there beg plead an mess with you, we're not opening a single door for anything. I'll volunteer for point, can't very well shoot through anyone. We ready?" He eyes over each, Marlo angel and badger.

* Kevin added in over the com. "Right above you, Crippler. I'm ceiling crawling here, could always drop something if you need a quick boost." He offered, and would wave a flashlight wielding tentacle at the kinetic mutant from several feet above his head. As for Endymion, he was near the door standing still as a gargoyle or grotesque with his bladed tail arched and eyes trained on what lay before him. As Sisip spoke he nodded. "I understand. I will eliminate the breach of hospitality should he show his face here." Prisoner or not he was still applying the guest label to the convict Mazies. And violating that was serious to Endymion. Very strict minded on that rather medievally minded tradition. If he said he'd eliminate 225... his tail blade would not be for show.

* Badger looked to the panicked guard and sniffed him yes he actually smelled the guy then nodded he was real."get yourself to the med facility now." he glared back to the locked door and growled he didn't know who or hat was on the other side killing the inmates but he was gonna make if wish it hadn't woke up this year.He nodded to sunder he had claws being mainly an in close fighter. "careful mate."

* Julian`Weiss shoulder through some poeple as they passed, hearing Sisip he took a moment to process her words then looked from Sisip to Endymion, then back to Sisip. "I am at your disposal lead the way." He nodded to Endymion, "Sometimes you get to be in the story rather than just listening to someone tell it. Keep them safe." He turned towards Sisip. "I am at your disposal lead the way." He had every intention to hold the line if need be.

* [Tremor] 's pressure game doesn't allow from breaks or pauses. Tremor wasn't about the 'fair' fight, because such a notion didn't exist. He could see his target was still looking tired and he would -not- let him recover, sending a series of slashes at the stranger, each strike intending to disable or mortally wound.

<Midas> |"You guys are nuts, I am asking for a raise after this shi-" The guard is cut off, oddly enough as he moved to check the secured door a fist sized dent in it would appear from the other side. Causing the guard to fumble backwards towards those that came down to the Maze. "The hell.." BAM! Another blow would befall it. "Help! He's coming let me out!" Could be heard from the other side of the door. "I'm sorry I killed those people Don't leave me trapped!" BAM! another fist sized dent...judging by the cries...seems the guy knocking at the door i s an inmate, but not the rampaging 225.|

<MarloCross> Crippler stayed close behind, big meaty fists at the ready. He gave Badger a nod as he showed up. He always respected Badger. " I'll back you Sunder. " He'd move tight behind, looking back at Sunder as the door bulges. "Sure you don't wanna let me go first?"

<Sisip> The short injin grabs Julian by the hand and drags him away. She lowers one hand downwards at an angle and each step she takes is amplified by a burst of wind, propelling her as fast as she can without dragging the fellow behind her, literally. As they get to the maze she points, "There, I need to get backup!" And with that Sisip is gone down the hallway.

<Midas> |The Pale Mutant would stumble backwards, he wasn't a trained fighter so his moves were purely defensive. Well in that he kept his arms up trying to protect his vitals as he's cut and slashed. Grunting and letting out yelps with each cut. Strange he could fry the grid, but didn't unleash that electricity on Tremor.|

<Badger> Bifrost : there was a new voice on Sisips comm."this is Bifrost do you need my assistance Sisip?" he was concerned and on alert since the power went out. it never went out.

* Julian`Weiss nodded heading off into the very unfamiliar maze approaching the group as they rallied at the secured door.

Maze Fight Continued Here

<Endymion> "I am writing my own story." Was his reply before attention was back on the door, ready to go at an invader should the maze fight result in further breech. "I wish you and yours luck where you are headed."

* [Tremor] scowls at the pale man, he was -done- with this. The blade hums a lower, harsher note and blurs more visibly as he amps the vibrations to levels where it would cut through steel and stone with ease, let alone flesh and bone. He makes a couple of hard, underhanded slashes at the stranger's defending arms in an attempt to 'disarm' him so to speak. He wasn't sure why he wouldn't be using his powers, and at the moment he didn't much care.

<Midas> |A sharp scream could be heard as his right arm well, was sliced off. Any pretense of trying to defend himself was abandoned. The fact that he managed to stay upright was miracle in its own right, as He'd turn his back to tremor and well..attempt to flee, to spite the rather copious amount of blood pouring from his new stump.|

* [Tremor] chases, keeping pace with the armless man. He only gives it a few yards before attempting to slash low and cut the hamstrings, though it wouldn't be entirely needed now. At this rate of blood loss, the stranger would be killing himself faster by running.

* [Tremor] plants his blade firmly in the stranger's spine just to make sure he wouldn't be getting away and then grabs a leg and begins to haul his body towards the Medical Center. Once there, he places the body in the most secure room he can find and locks the door behind him as he leaves, making his way towards the maze.

Time Passes

* Julian`Weiss left the maze and heaed straight for the housing center. Glad that everyone was still held up in the Rec center. He entered the building and headed to his room for a shower and a change of clothes.

* Badger would have been taken to the Med centre on his belly his detatched tail laying on his back to hopefully get reattatched asap. he could heal this no problem but it would take time most of the damage except the tail thing. he started burning off the halucinagentics that angel doesd him from and slowly began to regain consciousness.

* Dietrich_Kappel could be seen headed across the courtyard, dressed in a pair of gray sweat pants, house slippers, and a white t-shirt. Without missing a beat he'd fall into step with the medical staff transporting Badger and Kevin. Following them well..straight too MEdical. Detached limbs, well..that was something he hadn't gotten to try to heal yet..murmuring something to himself in German along the way.

* Angel`Pearson followed Julian out of the mazey area, calling after him "Come out to the courtyard after if you aren't too tired!" as he headed for the housing complex, detouring for the courtyard himself as he drew near one of the exits onto the outside. Angel was going to smoke all the smokes ever.

* Kraken Was taken to the med center and placed in his room he was still seriously out of it but he'd stopped putting on that psychdelic chromakinsis preformance. Now he was dead fish color and working off the drugs. Judging by how he didn't bleed to death it was evident the tentacles could at least grow back, slowly. Only one was missing and the other three were in bad shape. He would live though, especially with Dietrich's help.

* Endymion was right where he was left, guarding the people in the RecCenter where he would remain until told otherwise.

* Badger lay there grumbling as they reattached his tail it was embarassing but he hoped the others were ok. worst of all..he was going ot have to take a shower having been basicly covered in the guys blood.
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