Animal Junction! ( May 17, 2014 )

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Animal Junction! ( May 17, 2014 )

Post by Sisip »

<MarloCross> Marlo is in the gym, doing a bit of endurance training. As customary, heavy metal is playing in his earphones. Possessing a varried taste in musc, Marlo prefered newer metal bands when he lifted. Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch. Just something about certain songs that got hisblood going.

Sunder The metalhead was on his way to the rec, getting ready for a quiet night of relaxation. Spikes, more spikes, still more spikes, nails, light, and a messenger bag of flasks

<MarloCross> Reaching the end of his work out, Marlo took a moment to cool down and towel off the sweat. A deep breath to center himself and off he went, gym bag over his shoulder. He was relaxed, destressed and ready for a rare evening off. Which...didn't realy make him happy, but it was better than a night flight or a saturday night shift at Sully's. Heading near the Rec Center, he spots
<MarloCross> Sunder," Well, look It;s a leather stegasaurus."

Sunder Raises an arm and throw the horns before he even turns to see "Oi! I've got way more spikes than those gits, bloody beginners an no metal to speak of.
<MarloCross> Walking up behind Mal, Marlo gave him a pat on the back...whereever there weren't spikes to inpail his punching hand. He didn't get to actualy relax with his friends much, so he felt better when the opportunity arose."Whatcha up to? Sisip let you out?"

<Sunder> Ahh was just about to put on some sort of shite movie an start a little drinkin. She really doesn't keep me in, very much free reign. Not that there's been much to wander off an do as of late, though there's some plans being made for memorial day.

<MarloCross> "Memorial Day, huh? Never had anything to do then. Might be working myself." He had to, considering the cash he was making from flying and bouncing. Heading into the rec center with Sunder, Marlo plopped down with a groan,"I need more days in the week."

<Sunder> Ahh sure you 'ave, you've just chosen not to. Plan is I get all the speakers 'ooked up, get some tunes going, an a grill an maybe a smoker as well. show up, eat, drink, be merry an piss off whenever you like. If it's warm enough we might set up near the pool an then you get to stare to your 'earts content as well

<MarloCross> To which he laughed just a bit," Dude, I work at a strip club. I see so much T&A it;s scary." That and seeing Kayla in a bikini might not be good for him. But, Sunder was throwing it, so, He'd show up." Sounds good though. If I don't work, I'm there."
<Sunder> Thought you were flying helos, need to fine you a slightly classier line of work mate. (he gestures to the messenger bag
<Sunder> an 'elp yourself by the way, everything is labled.

<MarloCross> "I'm working both, bro. Sully's at night, Highlife during the day." He refuses the booze which isn't totaly like Marlo," And no thanks on the drink. I've been doing that too much lately. Too Many carbs." Always a health freak
<Sunder> Well if you change your mind, 'ave at. (he pulls out a flask of whisky for himself.) Tell me then, all together 'ow many 'ours you pickin up a week?

<MarloCross> He did some quick math in his head, which took a bit considering he wasn't the most scholasticly minded person on the Hill. "I work 4 Ten hour days at Highlife and pick nup like 30 hours a week at Sully's...I know what yer thinkin'..Kayla said the same thing, too much on my plate with patrols and shit." THe name was spoken with a bit of venom.
<Sunder> You know damn well that's far too many hours, an we never did 'ave this chat about you runnin off an patrollin' now did we? Want to work, that's fine. Want to throw your ass at danger on your own you know that's a problem.

<@Sisip> It was a normal evening, not a lot going on. A rather humdrum Saturday, most likely people resting up before the big holiday weekend. Quiet, regular. Until there was a commotion and through the courtyard tromped ... an elephant? From within the walls of the Sanctum the bellow of alarm from the beast could be heard loud and clear as heavy feet churned up the soil. It charged for the window outside the rec center and began to beat its trunk against the glass.

<MarloCross> Marlo was just about to launch into a tirade about how he was old enough to make that choice himself, and that he was the only one willing to go out to help this shitpile of a town when..Yeah..A goddamn Elephant," Listen, Mal I...WQhat in the sweet fucking hell?!?" Grabbing his bag, he pulled out his helmet and gloves. Yeah he was in shorts and a t-shirt, but the gloves and Crippler
<MarloCross> helmet were actualy protective in some fashion.
<MarloCross> "Wanna finish this later?"

Sunder goes to peek out the window "We are going to finish this, because we 'ave to mate. Now where's doctor bloody doolittle when you need 'is arse?" Sighs and unscrews his flask "Been too long of a week." He downs a few shots worth and recaps it, shoving it in a cargo pocket "an where's a bloody flier when you need one? alright, we need a plan to find out if it's actually 'ostile or not."

<@Sisip> *SLAM* *SLAM* The great grey beast focused its eyes on the inside, locking them on Sunder and Marlo, another trumpetting bellow ringing forth. Behind the apparently panicced elephant it appeared as if Noah had opened up the ark and ushered all the animals out. A zebra, a sheep, a small potbellied pig, an ostritch, a short legged miniature pony and even something that fell out of a tree and resembled .. a sloth. All the animals (save the sloth, of course, for it was a sloth) appeared in a panic. Some throwing themselves against doors, some of them grouping together.

<MarloCross> Marlo wastes no time in opening a com to the campus," This is Crippler. We have a situation in the Courtyard. Keep everyone away from the center of the sanctum. Any team members to the Rec center," He looks back to Sunder and groans," I don't think I can knock an elephant out, Sunder. I'd need one huge charge."

<Sunder> I'm thinking first things first. 'ow fast can you get to the roof an get a look at why the 'ell the local zoo dumped everyone 'ere?

<MarloCross> A quick response," two minutes tops using the stairs."

<Sunder> Get up there, i'm going to grab my gear, rifle included.

<@Sisip> In the mass of animal panic there stood a young man. Long necked, broad nosed. The animals stayed clear of him. Slowly, surely, more animals appeared in the courtyard. At first they looked startled, then confused, as confused as a random animal could be. Stumbling around a bit like a newborn they finally found their feet and, like the others, began to panic.

<MarloCross> Marlo bolted up the nearest staircase, pushng himself as hard as he could to reach the the top of the sanctum. Given it's shape, Marlo should be able to peer down into the court yard to see the long necked indvidual in the center of the animals."'re not gonna believe this shit. There's some one in there."

<Kraken> Just what the heck was going on? Was what Kevin wondered with all the commotion going on outside and the alerts that followed signalling that something was wrong very wrong on the grounds this evening. Was this some kind of attack Kevin thought with a panic. There hadn't been an attack in a long long time, something the squidboy had hoped would stay that way, but you can't always get
<Kraken> what you want. Greatfully it was the height of spring, not too hot and not too cold, Kevin was ready and making his way to do what he could. Marlo was spotted before long. "Crippler, what's going on? You sounded the aler-..." Animals. A score of wild animals was in the courtyard. "What the?.."

Sunder Had run for his flat. That assault vest with the bright red reenforced rescue handle slid on, pistol in the crossdraw pocket, radio in it's holder. the earpiece goes in before he grabs the rifle from it's bag, slamming in a mag double checking the safety and chambering one before slinging the thing "So we've got some sort of mutant, doctor doolittle himself, or one fucked up zookeeper. Well, suppose it's time
<Sunder> someone just said hello.."

<@Sisip> It takes a moment or so, but without a doubt as he stared down at the fellow things began to change. Began to shift. An almost dizzying sensation would flood over him. He would feel himself stretching, though there was no pain, and by the time things felt normal for him Marlo was no longer Marlo. Perched on the roof was an anteater. Any time he spoke.. instead of words came the wheezing wuffle that was known as the anteater sound. Kevin, poor fellow, always caught in the middle of things experienced the same sensation, but instead of shrinking Kevin seemed to grow, long legged and furry now, where Kevin was now stood a wobbley kneed moose! It would take a moment for the two of them to realize that any form of talking came out in their animal calls. Now wasn't this a dilly of a pickle? Sunder, having run through the hallways of the Sanctum to get to his flat, seemed to be fine and dandy.

Sunder Taps his com "So i'm kitted up, what's it looking like out there?" He starts to make his way towards a window with a view over the courtyard, kind of hoping this was a case where a polite conversation would do more good than a mag dump.

<MarloCross> Shaking his head from the helmet, a very pissed off Anteater gazed down on the menagerie of animals...suddenly realizing. Oh Shit...TYhey're Us! The warble from his owbn mouth as he TRIED to talk caught him off guard. He knew what he was saying, but he could also hear his voice. Scooping the helmet with his tongue, Marlo headed for the roof's door, which was hopefully still
<MarloCross> open..

<Kraken> Something was going on... something weird and... fuzzy? Kevin was no stranger to having his body torn and twisted. He'd gained limbs and lost them, been deaged and reaged then deaged again, had his body and gender swapped around all willy nilly. And now something was happening again. His tentacles shrivled away, his head stretched, legs stretched, everything was getting bigger. There
<Kraken> was a horrifying sensation as his gills vanished, and bones started growing in, his lungs were completely and strongly functional now. Toes melded together and hardened into hooves, fingers followed. Other unpleasant changes happened and soon enough Kevin was struggling just to stand, bellowing out in fear and confusion, his gret big antlery head thrashing left and right. "Grrrwwwaaaawww!"
<Kraken> He bellowed again as he spotted the Marlo anteater and tried to follow him, all wobbly and trippy. He was terrified.

<@Sisip> Sunder only hears that strange wheezing wuffle over the com before MarloAnteater slurps his helmet and began to waddle fuzzy legs towards the door. Oh NO! Pablo was no fool, one did not let a door to the roof of the sanctum just stay open randomly. It had shut behind Marlo when he came onto the roof. There WAS, however, a fire escape! How convinient! Perhaps not so convinient for the bellowing knobbykneed KevinMoose if he was up on the roof with MarloAnteater. Down in the courtyard the pair could hear that odd looking, long necked, broad nosed young man laugh. His wasn't an evil laugh, it was more a laugh of absolute happiness. "Yes! No NO don't run! Come back! I need to ride you!" He'd gone from standing to chasing around what appeared to be a fairly frightened Gnu.

<MarloCross> Marlo waddles over to the fire escape and sets the helmet down. Think, Retard, think! How do I tell Sunder what's going on If I can't..." THen he got an idea. Snaking that tongue into the helmet, he felt for the com button. An anteater's tongue was longer than it's head so it wouldn't be hard. And with it, he pushed it off and on in a series of clicks. Morse code. He'd learned
<MarloCross> it as part of his internship at highlife in case of a crash. For anyone that understood it, hopefully Sunder, they'd get" S-O-S D-O N-O-T E-X-I-T B-U-I-L-D-I-N-G M-U-T-A-N-T T-U-R=N-S U-2 A-N-I-M-A-L-S"

<Kraken> Clomped after Marlo, his legs nearly buckling with each step as he tried to walk and NOT accidentally step on Marlo. He tried to talk again, but at least it didn't come out as a defening bellow this time, just garbled nonsense. He swung his head side to side again to get some of the tattered remains of his clothes off. The clicks were heard from the helmet, and though Kevin recognized
<Kraken> it as morse, he didn't understand anything but the SOS part. dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot dot was pretty much pop culture by now.

Sunder Taps his earpiece a couple times, then hits transmit "Equipment failure, just getting noises." He leans over, looking out the window trying to get an idea of what was going on, he hadn't heard anything that sounded like an attack yet.

<@Sisip> The animals continue to throw themselves at windows and doors, uselessly. The Sanctum was built of sturdy materials. Finally the panicced elephant gives up and turns back to the strange young man. Footfalls echo as it trumpets and charges forward, trunk swaying. It wasn't exactly fast and the fellow saw it easily enough. With a wave of his hand the elephant seems to vanish from sight. Where the elephant had been there was now .. an armadillo. A confused armadillo that seemed not to want to mess with the out of control mutant anymore.

<MarloCross> When that didn't help, It only enraged the Anteater Marlo further. Here he was, half blind, no powers, all these horrid smells assaulting his senses and the guy in the center, who wasn't much more than a blurr to his poor eyesight, was laughing like a DICK!! He watched the Elephant get..Changed Again? He damn sure hoped it was random. Looking back at Kevin, Marlo flashed him a angry
<MarloCross> look and pointed his clawed hand to the fire escape. He knew HE could navigate it, but could Kevin?! Hopping down onto the metal grating, he started to slowly knucklewalk his way down the fire escape, getting furious with each step. He didn't know if Anteater's could fight, but he'd damn sure try...

<Kraken> Stared at the fire escape and at Marlo, leaning down to see him better. He couldn't get down. He wouldn't even fit on the fire escape. Kevin shuffled and clopped along the roof, blinking at the surroundings... He could get hurt yes, but he had to do something to get off this roof. Trees... trees... a thick one, many leaves, many branches. With a snort to Marlo Kevin stepped further to
<Kraken> one edge of the roof before charging forward, letting fears behind. He hoped he chose a good strong tree. It looked sturdy, but his eye sight wasn't the best right now. Charge... and then he leaped for it. Will the tree break his fall? Will his fall break the tree?...

Sunder Watches for a moment. It was apparent the guy at the center was the cause. The real question was would a shot in the head undo the damage, or leave the creatures stuck? He was certain the elephant didnt' like becoming an armadillo. He grabs for the tazer in one of the tac pockets and starts jogging for the front door, trying to think up a reasonable plan for closing the distance unnoticed.

<@Sisip> Dick, for lack of a better name, continued to laugh as he ran over and scooped up the terrified armadillo. Leprosy be damned! He cuddles it close as he spots a the stubby legged mini pony. Laughing he gives chase, throwing the poor armadillo down to the ground without a care. It bounces before landing on it's side and giving a pathetic wiffle of it's own. MarloAnteater finds his way down the fire escape easily. It wasn't the fastest going but at least it wasn't ... leaping off a roof in Moosey glory and soaring into the wild blue yonder... which is apparently what KevinMoose tried to do! O,O Moose, while they don't look it, could launch themselves quite easily. He soars, majesticly, off the roof and tangles himself in the nearest tree. He is, however, a frikken MOOSE, and the branches crack and snap under his weight. He drops from branch to branch before findign himself splayed out on the ground beneath. He was dinged and bruised, scraped and scratched, but no limbs were broken.

<MarloCross> Stomping as menacingly as an anteater could, Marlo moved toward 'Dick', his helmet transfered to his tail. It was metal, so it might serve as a bludgeoning device. Anteaters did have prehensile tails after all. And those claws were sharp enough to do a little damage. I'm gonna beat you to death with my helmet you Retard! When he got close enough, he'd try to club the guy in the
<MarloCross> back of the knee, hoping to make him fall forward.

<Kraken> Bellowed all the way down, grunting with every limb he hit and snapped. If a moose could say ow or oof, Kevin would yell that with each impact. BELLLLLOW! Look out below for the bellowing moose. He hit the ground with with one last pained grunt. He whuffled and blinked. He could still feel pain, still move. Nothing was busted, he was... he was alright. Slowly he got to his feet and not
<Kraken> having seen what happened to the elephant before, he only saw red. He was hurt, and moose don't have the best of tempers when injured, angry, and confused. Right now, Kevin was all of those. He didn't even bellow when he got back to his hooves and ducked his head, antlers pointed and Kevin charged for the long necked Richard...

Sunder Looks out the windows next to the door and... Stares... He cannot help but try to look up after seeing a moose fall out of the sky "Angel's gotta be wanderin round gettin us all 'igh or some shite.. No just... No." He shakes his head and steels himself, gripping the taser tight before coming up with something resembling a plan. Play it quiet, get close. At least he was wearing almost all black, while the moose
<Sunder> bellowed he'd slip out the door, looking to move behind cover a large animal or a tree at least.

<@Sisip> Dick yelped pathetically as the seemingly benign anteater smacks him with a damn helmet. "Hey! YOU BEHAVE!" He'd fallen to his knees but managed to whip around and glare at MarloAnteater. His happy merriment was gone and the broad nosed long necked mutant fellow looked just a bit alarming. His scowl was enough to send shivers down a normal persons spine, crazy eyes in full force with this one. A long finger points directly at MarloAnteater and once again that sensation would come over Marlo. No longer MarloAnteater... he had upset Dick and now found himself... Marlo... Naked Mole Rat. He'd been concentrating on MarloNakedMoleRat when KevinMoose began his charge. Eyes widened as he looked up towards what was potential doom and carnage and with a shriek that was almost girlish KevinMoose practically exploded, and in his place was now KevenPanda! So cute! Feeling rather secured around a fluffy Panda and a Naked Mole Rat "Dick" moves and scoops up the helmet he'd been hit with. Plopping it on his head he laughs, "I am .. MAGNEEEEETO! JUGGANAUGHT.. GET OUTTA MAH HEAD CHARLES!" He was obviously having a good time with the headpiece. Sunder really did not see his friends furry fates, else he most likely would have thought twice about heading outside. As he did just that, like Marlo and Kevin, things began to change and shift. Suddenly he was slender legged, long necked, feathery.. and a nice vibrant salmon pink. SunderFLAMINGO was gorgeous. A fine speciman, but the gorgeous bird was without clothes, pockets and any items SunderDude had been carrying. All he had left was a long pair of legs, a curvy beak and gorgeous plumage. He was a gorgeous SunderFlamingo... in black human clothing.

<Kraken> Instead of getting a gutfull of killer antlers, Richard was booped rather forcefully in the stomach by panda head. Kevin was disoriented and growled. Pandas aren't just the slow bamboo munching lazy balls of fur pictures made them out to be. Pandas are still bears. And have been known to attack humans when angered. Though this butthead likely didn't think that. He was being all cuddle
<Kraken> happy with his creations... Cuddle on this! Bite. This was not only a panda, but a panda with a squidman's brain. And he wanted out of this ridiculous shape shifting party. Poor, Kev, he didn't see the sorry little wrinkly form Richard had turned Marlo into. He was probably dooming himself, but this guy had to be stopped! "Rawr! Grrrr...." He was so desperately trying to say Stop this!
<Kraken> Turn us back!

<MarloCross> So, now he was a mole rat and TWICE AS PISSED. Now what to do? Well about the only thing his animal instincts COULD was...Dig. Hitting the ground as hard and fast as his body could take him, Marlo started to burrow near Dick's feet, hoping that the nearby pandoKevin would be a distraction. THis was getting ridiculous. Once he was normal, he'd be beating this guy to death.

Sunder Spends a fair bit of time working his way out of his gear. This was.. New. Very new. Many drinks would be required, a full brain bleaching after this one assuming it ended. He would start to walk around slowly, awkwardly because he was a bloody supremely long legged bird. Guy never even saw him, seemed it was an area of affect thing. He'd start to work his way closer, not that bright pink was good for stealth

<@Sisip> Dick oofs as he's pandaheadbutted. The bite pulled a shriek of pain from the mutant and Dickie realized his mistake. Suddenly KevinPanda was KevinKinkaju! "I SAID behave! Behave or no cuddles!" Tears spilled over Dick's cheek's as he sniffled. Looking down at the MarloMoleRat he was completely distracted, an eyebrow raising. He didn't even see the gorgeous plumage of SunderFlamingo.

<MarloCross> THe digging wasn't fast enough. So, he just sat on his hauches, looking up at dick, like Rufus from Kim Possible and just held his arms out in a sort of, What The Fuck motion. Well, as best a rat could. He was not pleased. He hated this guy and wanted to beat the stupid out of him, knowing that doing so would kill the idiot.

<Kraken> This time, poor Kevin didn't even know what it was he'd been turned into! He made some confused sounds and blinked up at the man. He didn't have the moose's rush nor did he have the teeth of the panda. He was... some kind of notamonkey thing with a long tongue. A tongue which was lolled out along with Kevin's open mouth as he panted, all the stress and activity getting to him. And now
<Kraken> here he was in this weak and questionable body right in kicking range of Richard.

Sunder Makes his way up towards the animals and the man. This was just absurd, but he had to try something right? Well, a quirk sharp headbutt was a good start, aimed for the bridge of the nose.

<@Sisip> As the little molerat held his arms up for hugs Dick's tears dried instantly and he gasped, a surprised happy gasp! Reaching down he scoops up the gross looking little creature and gives MarloNakedMoleRat such a cuddle. "You are so cute! I love you so much! Your little wigglynose and squidgy face!" He makes kissynoises at the Mole Rat before spotting the Kinkajou. "OH no! So tired!" Dick was obviously a little tetched. Holding the molerat in the crook of his arm he reached down and scooped up KevinKinkajou and adminstered cuddles to him as well. See Dick Cuddle. Cuddle, Dick, Cuddle. He wasn't so bad up close. As SunderFlamingo struts upwards Dick's smile grew to SUCH delight! This night was turning out so much better than expected! The animals LOVED HIM!! He'd MADE them love him! The beautiful bird came right up to the mutant "Good BUUHH.." The headbutt was perfectly aimed and with incredible force that curved beak shattered Dick's nose. Blood gushed as eyes rolled back in his head. He collapsed to the ground, still holding the mole rat and kinkajou.... but... as he finally lost conciousness... as he slipped into the black of pain free sleep... his grip on his abilities faded. The courtyard full of paniced animals was suddenly a courtyard full of naked Cobaltians. There were cries of relief, which turned into disbelief, then to horrified embarassment.

<@Sisip> Where the elephant turned armadillo had been a very naked (as everyone was) Sisip stands. It certainly wasn't the first time she'd been naked in the courtyard.. well.. nearly naked counted. It was, however, the first time she'd been turned into an elephant and then an armadillo. Covering herself as best she can with a circle of dirt caught in a windstorm she heads towards the group, "You son of a bitch!" She was angry, for obvious reasons. She did have to stop, however, eyes sliding over Sunder. A break in her thunderstorm of a mood, for just a moment, "I always knew you were secretly fabulous." Looking back to the downed Dick she narrows her eyes, "We need to get him to the maze. Before he wakes up."

<MarloCross> Final in his human form again, naked angry Marlo got to his knees and grabbed for Dick's collar. He saw the guy was unconcious, but Marlo was too pissed of to give a sweet fuck." Oh I'm gonna FUCKING KILL YOU!!" He balled up a fist, ready to pummel the unconcious mutant into..further unconciousness. The Pony had been Calvin, who was now hiding behind a bush," WHAT THE HELL WAS
<MarloCross> He would stop when Sisip said something however." Can we put him in with Scarlet? I wanna see him try to hug her and watch as she rips his fucking beak off!"

<Kraken> Well, now this was awkward... very awkward indeed. Kevin was... well, not exactly human again as he was quite animalistic to begin with. But, you could definitely say that he was back to his version of normal! Gills, webbed appeandages, tentacles, the works! Kevin was his aquatic self again and shoving away from Richard like he had the plauge. The he turned an interesting shade of salmon
<Kraken> all over, before he want into full blown camo mode whach was definitely a LOT more impressive than under normal cicrumstances. He nearly looked invisible! But yes, the lower two tentacles were covering some rather personal parts of his body. He didn't have a com with him or anything for that matter, but this guy needed to be taken in... InvidoKev nodded to Sisip. "He gets the maze, Marlo."
<Kraken> Already Kevin was gathering the unconscious mutant up and retraaining him with his built in 'chains' The two tentacle not currently covering his shame. The it was a very awkward journey into lock up.
<Kraken> so awkward.

Sunder Looks about, there was a marlo, and a kev, and a sisip, and no clothes anywhere except his pile over near the door. "Well nothing for it is there?" He stands up, turns towards sisip and waves "Well 'ello fellow sorta flightless fowl."

<@Sisip> Sisip was covered by that whirlwind of dirt and leaves. Marlo was still naked as a jaybird. Reaching up she pinches the bridge of her nose as she averts her eyes. "Marlo.. go get some .. clothes on." Doors burst open as security spilled forth. They'd seen it all go down, of course, but being such stellar people they decided to let the 'pros' handle this one. Blankets were quickly distributed as people were ushered in to medical just to get a general once over, as was usual for mass transmogrifications. Kev was quickly camo'd, which solved that problem... she moved over to Sunder and cleared her throat, making sure not to get TOOOOO close else her sandstorm of cover hurt him, "I'd say you should get some clothes... but..." She shrugs and snickers, winking his way. She sighs softly, "Kev, Marlo.. Mal.. thank you."

<MarloCross> From half behind a bush, Cal cries out," Could some one find my coveralls, please?" Marlo just calmly walks up the fire escape. His tatoos were visible, the Crests of the three clans he could claim lineage from, Mom, Dad and Grandma Ruby and his Grandfather. And the scar on his back was now gone, or just a light mark. He wasnt ashamed of being naked. He knew what he looked like
<MarloCross> . Putting his cloths on from the roof, he hops back down, slowing his descent. " If this is some one's way of saying we need to love our enemies...well fuck them."

<Kraken> Came back to the surface some while later with a blanket tossed over his form. But camo was still up and active. "Ug, what a night..." He grunted. The squid man looked like he needed a drink or two.

<@Sisip> A full powered SND was slapped on Dick as he's stretchered away, Sunder's crack on the nose having knocked him out cold. Sisip wraps the blanket she was given around her like a large towel. She watches Sunder head in before she looks back to the gathering. Everyone was heading back into the Sanctum. "Well, that was... interesting."

<MarloCross> Retrieving his helmet, Marlo made a statement of fact," I am going out. I'm taking my bike and I'm going to pulp the first street thug I see just to get the fucking memory of this night behind a good old fashioned ass kicking."
<MarloCross> Calvin was trying to get into his coveralls without looking at anyone or without anyone looking at him. He was still uncomfortable withn his body and so was nervous as all hell. He was just hoping Ashlynne wasn't out here. Yeah, she'd be in the kitchen, right? Sure!

15<@Sisip> Sisip raises an eyebrow but says nothing. She'd watched Marlo spiral downwards for some time, always hoping he'd pull himself back, but it didn't seem like it was going to happen soon. She clears her throat, "Vigilantes don't get the backing of META... or me." It's all she says as she heads off after Sunder. | Ashlynne WAS outside. She'd been in the tree when everything had happened. She'd done a good job of holding on until she'd been startled awake by the angry elephantSisip. She'd fallen from the tree. She was easy to see in the dark, the deep yellow glow of a very embarassed stretchy girl. Wrapped in her blanket she looks at the ground as she is ushered towards the doors.

<Kraken> "Interesting is not the word..." Ug, he shuddered and drew the blanket closer around him, using his lower tentacles as a make shift belt. Finally his camoflague went down, though his skin was still flickering and rippling with shifting colors and pulsating patterns. He couldn't help it, it was a reflexive and subconscious thing. "Have a good night Sunder... Sisip. Try to keep safe,
<Kraken> Marlo." Then he was off, probably back to his tank...
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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