Isaiah Acrididae [Swarm] by Jim

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Isaiah Acrididae [Swarm] by Jim

Post by Remu »

IRC Nickname: [Swarm]

Name: Isaiah Acrididae
Known Aliases: Swarm
Age: 142
Date of Birth:

Height: 5'3 natural/ 5'11 in 'normal' form /variable
Weight: 94 lbs / variable
Hair Color: White (hairless)
Eye Color: Green (whole socket)
Nationality/Race: Asian originally/indeterminate now

Occupation: Mercenary

Criminal Record: Multiple counts of murder, theft, and such; however, it's extremely difficult to pin a robbery on a swarm of insects.

Personality Profile: Isaiah is a monster. He revels in the suffering of others, delights in causing pain and confusion.

Physical Description: Swarm's entire body is a writhing mass of innumerable arthopods. He often forms a thick blanket of cockroaches over himself to act as a sort of hooded trenchcoat, only noticeable as insect life up close. Subconsciously, he always forms the rest of the swarm into a humanoid shape, typically with three thick fingers and a thumb for hands, and vaguely boot-shaped mounds for feet. He Image



Primary : Swarm Generation

Swarm's primary mutation, naturally, is his body's ability to produce a swarm of insects (or more specifically arthopodia in general). The hypermutated insect colony that now exists entirely as his body is capable of copying and storing the genetic code of any species of arthopod. Through a grossly accelerated gestation period that occurs within Swarm's body, he is capable of birthing hundreds of insects of his choosing, typically done by vomiting, or the creepy-crawlies boring through his skin.

At any given time, at the peak of his 'health' he is encased in thousands to millions of various insects, arachnids, and other arthopods. Isaiah is capable of manipulating the swarm in any way he chooses, as well as using it grow to larger sizes. At a human size, he has fine manipulation over the swarm, but if he grows the swarm to immense sizes, due to the level of control required of him, his finer functions begin to falter.

Isaiah's 'human' body is entirely made up of the hypermutated insect colony. Existing as a tightly compressed hive mind, it is able to disperse and move like the rest of the swarm. Through this, Isaiah is capable of extending his consciousness, the individual colony insects (some as small as the cellular level) clinging to individual members of the swarm. Each insect is thusly linked to a hive mind network comprising of Isaiah's consciousness. However, in this state he is unable to birth more of the swarm, and the further he extends himself the more control he loses. Isaiah has to bring the colony together in order to reproduce; essentially, Isaiah cannot heal or sustain himself without reforming his core. He has tested the limits of his consciousness up to two square miles.

His strength is grossly increased when he is bringing the full bore of the swarm to bare. Anything less than wood is able to be eaten through by the swarm, and heavy objects and obstructions themselves are able to be battered by a concentrated thickness of the swarm. (if this is kept up, exhaustion will occur, as with each blow dozens to hundreds of insects are killed/smashed/squished/insert word for destroyed here).

Secondary : Swarm 'Healing'

Isaiah's 'human' body is fragile and weak, and thusly, he uses his swarm as his true lifeforce. When he is damaged in combat, it results in swathes of the swarm being killed off. Capable of rapidly birthing insects and such, he can heal himself by simply growing more of his swarm. This can only happen to a point, however, eventually hitting his limit and being unable to strain his body's storehouses any further. At this point, he requires rest and sustenance to reform his swarm.

Tertiary : Arthopod Control

In addition to the swarm he is capable of generating, Isaiah is capable of controlling any insects, spiders, etc he comes across; microscopic core colony members attack the arthopod's systems and bring it under the colony's control. Isaiah often lives in the grimiest, most vermin infested areas of cities when he isn't accomplishing a mission, to absorb pre-existing life into his swarm and spare himself the energy required to birth them himself.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Intense levels of heat and cold can, naturally, kill off portions of the swarm more easily than other methods of combat.

Background: Forthcoming!

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): Forthcoming!
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