James Horatio Eagleswing [Badger] [Security]

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James Horatio Eagleswing [Badger] [Security]

Post by crom »

IRC Nickname: Robb^

Name: James Horatio Eagleswing
Alias: Badger
Age: : 22 (Presumably)
Date of Birth: Unknown but celebrates Nov 15
Hometown: Yukon Territory Canada

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180 lb / 81.6 kg
Hair Color: Silver Grey Black and White
Eye Color: Amber
Nationality/Race: Unknown presumably Amerindian

Occupation: Survivalist Shaman Tracker Also Security

Personality Profile: Badger is out going and friendly, he’s also studious when he has to be. Badger as a Shaman sees to the needs of those he considers his family, which naturally he considers almost all that reside at the Academy. He is thoughtful and would rather try to talk things out than engage in combat.

Physical Description: He is short broad with compact muscle in massive quantities his entire body is covered by fur with prominent tufts on his forearms and lower legs. He wields claws on both his hands and feet. His feet have a semi opposable thumb at the heel instead of a large human toe that allows him to grip and use his feet as hands. His most prominent unusual feature is a 7 foot long tail that is strong enough to hold his own weight as well as 400 pounds more and can be used in combat to trip, or to curl around someone to keep them warm.

Character Picture (Optional):Image



Primary : Heightened sense of Smell and Hearing : Badgers natural mutations were due to his environment. His olfactory abilities allow him to track prey through some of the most inhospitable of environments. With a sense of smell surpassing that of the turkey vulture who has the capacity to scent from over 10 miles away.

His hearing is supernaturally acute as well and coupled with his rotoscoping ears he can hear in almost any direction around him.(rotoscopic means he can swivel his ears like that of a dog or cat to pick up faint sound from most directions) Basically if a mouse farts in the forest anywhere near him he'll hear it.

Secondary : Enhanced Strength : Dense bone and muscle give him enhanced strength, however this does not enhance his resistance to harm bullets and physical injury still hurts his body. His density is approximately 3 times that of a normal humans. His maximum lifting weight is around 2 Tons. His main use of his strength is his extraordinary leaping ability and to put power behind his punches and kicks.

Tertiary : : Healing Factor : His ability to heal is not at the pinnacle he can handle most common injuries, such as bruises and wounds. in the past when he has had to heal anything greater than say a gunshot he must go into what can be termed hibernation where his body repairs itself,that has rectified itself for the most part. So if he was hit by say a large truck and actually survived the impact it would take him several weeks to repair the damage. It is not to say that his regenerative abilities make him immortal far from it. He can die like any one else it just take more than the usual. His Healing does slow his aging however and he’s got the body of a mature adult, though its anyone’s guess how old he could really be…and he ain’t telling.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : like most feral mutants (i.e. Anthromorphs ) Can lose control and go into an animal rage. This he keeps in check at all times knowing what he can be come and has done in the past. Also his heightened senses can be as much a hindrance as a boon sudden very loud noises can mess up his hearing, and strong scents especially ones involving pheromones’ (like in most expensive perfumes) can make him do things he usually wouldn’t. Also Strong scents can mess with his ability to track if he gets them up his nose.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?Badgers abilities will advance to the point he will not be able to be snuck upon. His strength hasn’t reached its peak but he surmises that it is almost there. His ability to heal is also of unknown level and could eventually get to the point that limbs can be regenerated.

Background: Born in the Yukon Territory of Canada or so he claims he keeps his past life secret from everyone. He seems to have had intimate contact with the Amerindian’s of Canada. Having learned the ways of nature and that of the peoples therein, He’s completely at home in the wilds, able to live off the land without help. He’s traveled the Canadian and Alaskan wilderness extensively, However he considers civilization just a different kind of wilderness with its dangers and unknowns. Since his physical looks are exotic to say the best he tends to keep himself hidden around most people as some would consider him a freak at best or a demon at worst.

Since coming to Cobalt Badger has become bolder actually making quite a few friends with his friendly out going nature. He’s taken it upon himself to be an ear for others to talk or rant to and perhaps suggest things for them to do. He’s become friends with some of the children in town and for the most part their parents are alright with their new found furry friend. He strives to open the eyes of the world, to let them know that looks aren’t important its actions and what’s inside that matters.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): .): Badger is a very good dancer and player of simple instruments like the flute, drum, and other native American instruments. He also is a pretty good cook in the foods of his Native people as well as throws a mean pizza. Badgers out doors life has made him an expert tracker in the field as well as a good hunter if he needs be, with skill of the weapons of his people more to the point the spear compound bow and knife.
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