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Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:06 am
by Remu
[10:31] <AnE> Oh.
[10:31] <AnE> Brad.
[10:31] <AnE> Darling.
[10:32] <AnE> I have to tell you what I was commissioned to sketch last night.
[10:32] <AnE> You're going to get a real chuckle out of it. :3c
[10:32] <Brad> oh dear
[10:32] * Kraken premptively shudders
[10:32] <Brad> lay it on me
[10:32] <AnE> Vultureman porn.
[10:32] <Brad> but first
[10:32] <Brad> hahahahaha
[10:32] <Brad> yes
[10:32] <AnE> TWICE.
[10:32] <Kraken> twice?
[10:32] <Brad> wow
[10:32] <Brad> it's an epidemic
[10:33] <AnE> Mannnn
[10:33] <AnE> okay
[10:33] <AnE> I drew my first bird person (non-porn) literally 3 days ago
[10:33] <AnE> And this dude's like 'okay, can you draw mine?'
[10:33] <AnE> And I don't get penguins or parakeets or some other cutesy bird. :|
[10:33] <AnE> I get a goddamn vulture.
[10:33] <Brad> hahahaha
[10:33] <AnE> And he's like 'Can you make it sexy? :D'
[10:34] <Isaiah_wrk> ROFL
[10:34] <AnE> My first thought was 'IT'S A VULTURE. I CANNOT.'
[10:34] <Isaiah_wrk> LMAO
[10:34] <Isaiah_wrk> ROFLMAO
[10:34] <AnE> My second thought was 'I'm going to enjoy telling Brad about this later.'
[10:34] <AnE> ¬_¬
[10:35] <Kraken> hehehe
[10:35] <Kraken> hoatzin!
[10:36] <Brad> You've brightened my otherwise dreary morning.
[10:40] <Brad> annie
[10:40] <Brad> draw me a sexy conrad
[10:40] <Brad> make his burn scars extra sexy
[10:40] <AnE> shouldn't joke like that.
[10:40] <AnE> I'll do it.
[10:40] <Brad> hahahaha
[10:40] <Brad> DRAW HIM AS A BISHIE
[10:40] <Brad> with soft focus and sparkles around him
[10:41] <AnE> and shoujo bubbles uguuuuuu
[10:41] <Brad> YESSSSSSS
[10:41] <Isaiah_wrk> LOL
[10:41] <Brad> god i would laugh so much


Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:21 am
by Brad

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:03 pm
by Suzthulhu
* @Sisip sings "You picked a fine tiime to leave me Lucille!"
* @Sisip looves this song so hard.
<@Sisip> Unfortunately it makes getting into an RP mood difficult.
* @Sisip turns on her spooky RP music.
> All of a sudden, the aliens start doing a line dance...
<@Sisip> LOL
<@Sisip> Sisip offers them BBQ and a peace deal is struck.
> Rick is just like, what the SHIT. I am NOT going with them!!
<Angel`Pearson> lol
> Reminds me of Scary Movie 4, ahahaha
> And then someone gets kicked in the nuts in greeting.
> Probably Rick.
<@Sisip> Yeah
<Angel`Pearson> interstellar hodown
> ^
<@Sisip> And Ashy just stands in the background laughing, probably dressed like a shark.

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:45 pm
by Suzthulhu
<Jim-foraging> brb poop
> ...
<vile> TMI TMI TMI
<Jim-foraging> obamas
<vile> brb fapping
<@Shannon> brb checking on cupcakes
> and there's Sho for the kill
<vile> ...
<vile> LOL suz
<Krys_Gallagher> haha, I didn't catch that one. baby in my lap. hahaha
<Brad> brb, ritual killing
> brb, cougaring
<vile> brb pondering
<Brad> brb, lemon party
<Thomas`Marshall> brb, throwing up now
<@AnE> brb, anal
* Suzthulhu chokes
<@Shannon> back
* vile dies
<Thomas`Marshall> HAHAHA
<Krys_Gallagher> I sthere cake?

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:55 pm
by Goldbolt
<AnE> So, I'm working on vile's painting of Nick
<Shannon> yes?
<AnE> And 'Rude Boy' comes on my playlist. And I'm like ''s funny because no, he can't get it up. Nor is be big enough.'
* AnE sighs.
<Shannon> ¬
<Suzthulhu> LMAO
<Shannon> ¬_¬
<Angel`Pearson> lol

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:24 pm
by Brad
<@Sisip> Someone needs to draw Kev in groucho glasses and a fake mustache
<@Sisip> Oh please, someone draw that.


Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 7:11 pm
by Goldbolt
<Brad> "It is not my fault you have decided to whore yourself up like some form of slatternly cockatrice." He rumbles again, to the departing boy. And then, once more, he's silent, cold, blazing eyes gazing hatefully across the empty courtyard. Massive, gauntleted hands rest on the hilt of his sword, which is buried point down in the earth below his feet. The very air around him seems to
<Brad> freeze even colder than it already is, evidence of his ethereal nature. The pigeons stare lifelessly upward, tiny eyes locked forever in one question, one simple plea. "Why? Why? All I wanted was to poop."
<Edwin> At least he took up his vigil in the courtyard and not in the men's room, or else there would be a bunch of frozen mutants with the exact same expression.

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:07 pm
by Goldbolt
<Brad> oh god this is going to be awful
<Brad> you're all going to hate me
<Kraken> we didn't hate you after the groucho kevin XD
* Kraken snickers
<Suzthulhu> That was fucking genius.
<AnE> It's true.
<Rumpvilestiltskin> lol
<Rumpvilestiltskin> groucho kevin
<Suzthulhu> I am LOLing at Groucho Kevin right now
<Kraken> with the glasses taped on
<Kraken> he has a nose again!
<Kraken> hehe
* Ph`Ahriman ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<Brad> okay i'm
<Brad> i'm gonna scan this
* Rumpvilestiltskin squints
* Rumpvilestiltskin punches annie in the dick
* AnE pukes everywhere.
<Rumpvilestiltskin> ._.
<Kraken> ew
<AnE> I'm watching Kick-Ass for the first time. ._. I'm entertained.
<Rumpvilestiltskin> haha i like that movie
<Brad> okay
<Brad> (Yeah it's pretty good, that movie)
<Brad> Okay
<Brad> guys
<Brad> i understand
<Brad> if I'm banned forever
<Rumpvilestiltskin> =.=
<Brad> Image
* AnE chokes.
<Rumpvilestiltskin> lmao
<Suzthulhu> OMFG
* Suzthulhu spits Dr Pepper
* Kraken chokes
* Suzthulhu wheezes
<Rumpvilestiltskin> HE HAS NO CANE BECAUSE HE ATE IT
* Kraken chokes again
<Rumpvilestiltskin> brb setting that as nick's default pic
* AnE is fucking dying
* AnE can't breathe
<Holtzmann> Brad, confess! You just traced over a picture of Gabe Newell! D:
<AnE> i a mdying
<AnE> ojrwhjwi4wjkw4tjtw
<Suzthulhu> I have tears running down my face ahahahahahaha
<Holtzmann> (It's uncanny!)
<Brad> So does he
<Brad> a bloo bloo bloo....
* Suzthulhu sniffles
<Suzthulhu> ahahahahahha
<Suzthulhu> Brad... I love you, hahahaha
<Kraken> he eats cause he's sad. and he's sad cause he eats
<Brad> "Slow down there, tubby! You're not on the moon yet!"
* Kraken snrks

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:23 pm
by Goldbolt
[13:27] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:27] * Ph`Ahriman (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:28] <Brad> ... bbits.html
[13:29] <JJ> oooooh
[13:30] <Suzthulhu> I wanna go!
[13:31] <Suzthulhu> wb Ahri
[13:32] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:32] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:33] <Suzthulhu> ACK
[13:33] <Suzthulhu> I wbd him off the net =(
[13:33] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:33] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:34] * Suzthulhu completely ignores Ahri now.
[13:34] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:34] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:34] <Suzthulhu> DON'T SAY HIS NAME
[13:37] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:37] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:37] <Brad> ugh, what is my dog barking at
[13:38] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:38] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:39] <Isaiah_wrkin> holy F
[13:40] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:40] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:41] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:41] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:41] <JJ> ...
[13:41] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:41] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:42] <JJ> might have to temp boot ahri if this keeps up
[13:42] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:42] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:43] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:43] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:44] <Brad> o_o
[13:45] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:45] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:45] * Lanse sets mode: +b *!*
[13:45] * Suzthulhu was kicked by Lanse (CUT IT OUT)
[13:46] <Lanse> Missed
[13:46] <JJ> ...
[13:46] * JJ sets mode: +b *!*@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk
[13:46] * Timer 1 activated
[13:46] * Timer 1 halted
[13:46] * Reverend was kicked by JJ (temporary)
[13:46] <Lanse> It jumped the name down automatically!
[13:46] * Retrieving #CH*OOC modes...
[13:46] * JJ sets mode: -b *!*
[13:46] * JJ sets mode: -b *!*@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk
[13:47] * Reverend (Teg@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
[13:47] <JJ> ...
[13:47] <JJ> ok
[13:47] * JJ sets mode: +b *!*@a5557b.14055b10.32.147.imsk
[13:47] * Reverend was kicked by JJ (Reverend)
[13:47] <JJ> ok... keep that up
[13:48] * Lanse is now known as [Out]Lanse
[13:48] * Suzthulhu ( has joined #CH*OOC
[13:48] <JJ> wb
[13:48] <Sisip> UG This stupid steamcleaner comes with screws I've got to use.. but it's stupidly given me short screws.
[13:48] <Suzthulhu> !!
[13:48] <Suzthulhu> hahahahaha
[13:48] <Suzthulhu> the hell happened? LOL
[13:48] <JJ> Doug missed
[13:48] <Brad> Doug missed
[13:49] <Sisip> ^
[13:49] <Brad> ....or so he says.
[13:49] <JJ> bwaaaaaaam
[13:49] <Suzthulhu> D=
[13:49] <Brad> Doing the FIRST LOAD OF LAUNDRY in my new house this is an exciting milestone
[13:49] <Suzthulhu> Made me close out and errthing, damn channel order!
[13:49] <Suzthulhu> Who were you after?
[13:49] <[Out]Lanse> It totes automatically jumped the name down after Ahri disconnected (AGAIN)
[13:49] <Suzthulhu> LMAO
[13:50] <Suzthulhu> I go afk for FIVE MINUTES to change laundry...
[13:50] <[Out]Lanse> (boottothehead)
[13:50] <[Out]Lanse> Alright, really leaving now.
[13:50] <Suzthulhu> I swear I'll never do laundry again!
[13:51] <JJ> i told you what happened in ic but you left
[13:51] * JJ * Suz buys new clothes instead
[13:51] <Suzthulhu> lol
[13:52] <Suzthulhu> I saw it, hahaha
[13:52] <Suzthulhu> I had to close out, channel order OCD
[13:52] <JJ> yessss
[13:52] <JJ> if it's not in a certain order i can't rp!

Re: The Lols Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:02 pm
by Goldbolt
* duskyafk has joined #Cobalt*OOC
<duskyafk> hey vile ^_^
<vile> heya :D
<duskyafk> my net at home been acting up <<;
<duskyafk> you have time to rp around now?
<vile> D:
<vile> and yes
<duskyafk> yay!
<vile> and you caught me without painkillers in me, too!
<duskyafk> I know you have work at sometime so ...?
<vile> i'm of today
<duskyafk> ouch <_<;
<duskyafk> well I guess James is going to be extra special today
<vile> howso?
<duskyafk> cause your off painkillers ^^;
<duskyafk> or at least the people I know who take painkillers the phrase "off painkillers" = "extra grumpy"
<vile> ohh nah. i'm not in pain now so there's no reason to take them. the antibiotics make me a liiiiittle loop but not much
<SisipWork> Her nickname is "VILE" .. do you reall think even without the painkillers she's going to be sunshine and lollipops?
<vile> the painkillers make me friendly and such
<vile> lol
<vile> yeah, basically, andi. i'm not that horrible of a person but yeah
<SisipWork> LOL
* SisipWork knows this to be true, but ;P
<vile> haha
* duskyafk orginally imagined vile as a sexy guy
<duskyafk> like the Shaun Connory
<SisipWork> ...
* duskyafk blushes
<SisipWork> Like in the Iraq?
* Julie`Leon hides behind sisip
<duskyafk> no like guy who was captain of the Red October and was James Bond
<SisipWork> ...
<SisipWork> NO.. REALLY?
<vile> i'm a fat bitch that sometimes gets mistaken as a guy
<vile> which doesn't bother me
<vile> been toying with the idea of taping my tits up
<duskyafk> yeah before I realized vile was a girl I aways had her with Shaun Connory's voice in my head
<vile> haha
<vile> i hate seeing pictures of muns. i'm always wrong! i picture people as this or that and they're...not.
<vile> like, bigtime not
<duskyafk> whoops Spelling Fail.
<duskyafk> Plus you probably not fat compared to most people I know.
* duskyafk is fat
* SisipWork saw Vile's photo and knew she was a girl!
<duskyafk> like 100 pounds over weight Q_Q;
<vile> i think it's part my voice. they usually correc themselves quickly when they see me. it's happened 3 times and i usually just tell the person it's fine. :B
* duskyafk has never heard you ^^;
<vile> i sound like a generic nerdy chick
<duskyafk> lols
* duskyafk thinks every girl in Cobalt probably does
<duskyafk> neards unite!
* SisipWork doesn't.
<duskyafk> ^nerds
* SisipWork snickers.
* Julie`Leon sound squeaky...
<SisipWork> I don't think Vile does either, but ah well.
<duskyafk> so NPR yestereday talked about the words younges opera singer ^^
<Julie`Leon> the UPS man always imitates my voice by saying "Hello!" in a falsetto when I say hi to him XD
* duskyafk is now known as dusky
<vile> lol NPR i like Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
<vile> my stepma listened to it but i don't anymore
<SisipWork> We don't normally get up early enough, but Ryan and I love WWDTM and CarTalk
<SisipWork> I normally trounce him during WWDTM .. since I listen to NPR most of the time anyway (to/from work) and he only listens to the local radio stations.
<SisipWork> they don't always cover the same stuff. LOL
<vile> haha
<Julie`Leon> 1d10
<Julie`Leon> !d10
<TrishTron> Julie`Leon rolls 1 D10 dice and gets: (2) = 2
* Julie`Leon is now known as Shannon
<dusky> ... sk-concert
* Angel-Pearson has joined #Cobalt*OOC
<SisipWork> <3
* vile joins in the <3
<Shannon> <3
* AnE has joined #Cobalt*OOC
* ChanServ sets mode: +o AnE
<vile> annie <3
<SisipWork> <3
<AnE> hi2uall
<Shannon> back uafk
<vile> wb
<Shannon> ty
* Shannon pounces the AnE <3
<AnE> squee
* vile pounces as well :3
* AnE dies.
* Shannon is a shosammich.. smooshed between AnE and vile
<vile> :D
<Shannon> and now i'm hungry..
<vile> go eat! :D
* JDead has joined #Cobalt*OOC
* JDead is now known as MunInFull
<vile> heya :D
* dusky has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)