The Lolthread

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The Lolthread

Post by Remu »

Stupidity, hilarity, facepalm-worthy moments, both IC and OOC go here.
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Goldbolt »

So, this guy came in early today, and posted as such --

* Sebastian_Black ( has joined #Cobalt*Academy
* Sebastian_Black walks in, brandishing two fully automatic shotguns with large circular slugs seen from the barrel at closer range, encased with anti-mutant venom so that it would be equally effective against mutants as well as humans.. he's dressed in a black trench coat.
<Krieg> _6... That's a .. joke.. right?
<Sebastian_Black> (( Are you IC? ))

I proceeded to drag him into whisper.

Session Start: Fri Feb 29 09:53:51 2008
Session Ident: Sebastian_Black
_01[09:54] <Krieg> Your IP looks familiar.. Do I know you? And no, it's a little early for most people to go IC.
[09:54] <Sebastian_Black> I don't know
[09:54] <Sebastian_Black> But that wasnt a joke
_01[09:54] <Krieg> Uhh, have you been here before?
[09:54] <Sebastian_Black> My character's a mutant hunter.
[09:55] <Sebastian_Black> For the government
[09:55] <Sebastian_Black> You know, president Kelly
[09:55] <Sebastian_Black> And the under ground movement to assassinate mutants
_01[09:55] <Krieg> Again, I ask, have you actually.. been here before?
[09:55] <Sebastian_Black> No
_01[09:55] <Krieg> Oooook.
_01[09:55] <Krieg> Well.
_01[09:56] <Krieg> Number one, waltzing in and attempting to declare some sort of... hunt on the populous probably won't work out so well. Number two, there's kind of a.. process involved in getting into the roleplay, which you should have probably seen upon entering the channels, but it's cool that you're eager.. and.. there's no number three.
[09:59] <Sebastian_Black> You think that in a X-Men rp there'd only be mutants?
[09:59] <Sebastian_Black> That's silly
[09:59] <Sebastian_Black> an*
_01[10:00] <Krieg> No. But deciding your mutant hunter's going to amble on up and start firing away kind of doesn't fly. Mainly because you're a person who, to my knowledge, has never been here before, so we don't know, OOC, what kind of things you intend to do. And, uh, as an op, I kind of like to be informed.
[10:04] <Sebastian_Black> Listen..
_01[10:04] <Krieg> Listening.
[10:05] <Sebastian_Black> Your concept of roleplaying is misconstrued on so many levels I don't even know where to begin..
[10:05] <Sebastian_Black> Anything you know about me ooc doesn't effect what my character's actions consist of, at all.
[10:06] <Sebastian_Black> I've been roleplaying for twelve years, I can jump on any storyline and roleplay in it no problem.
[10:06] <Sebastian_Black> not just bullshit planned out Rp like you seem to do.
_01[10:07] <Krieg> While not trying to dictate what your character may or may not do, the rules and guidelines are in place so people do not randomly wander in and attempt to godplay. It may say freeform, but it does not mean 'come on in and do whatever the hell you feel like it'. RP isn't planned, but things that could have a large impact on peoples' characters DO need to be run by ops, as it's only caused _6-_
_01[10:07] <Krieg> _6- trouble to let players dictate the way the channel has run in the past. _
[10:08] <Sebastian_Black> Godplay?
[10:08] <Sebastian_Black> You guys use that word a lot.
_01[10:08] <Krieg> You guys?
[10:08] <Sebastian_Black> Yeah, amateurs.
_01[10:09] <Krieg> And frankly, I don't care how many years you've been roleplaying. If it's been that long, you should know enough to show common courtesy in someone else's channel and have the decency to at least inquire about the setting if you're interested instead of slinging around the 'I'm better than you' card.
[10:09] <Sebastian_Black> You call any attack at any time "god play"
_01[10:09] <Krieg> No.
[10:09] <Sebastian_Black> Save for punching someone in the face, or something lame like that.
_01[10:09] <Krieg> Mm, no.
_01[10:09] <Krieg> Do you know ANYTHING about the setting?
[10:09] <Sebastian_Black> My character's a psionicist.
[10:09] <Sebastian_Black> Yes, of course.
[10:09] <Sebastian_Black> I've been reading marvel comics for years.
[10:10] <Sebastian_Black> My character's actually a mutant, same power as Jean Grey or Professor X, but also a highly skilled gunner, and boxer.
[10:10] <Sebastian_Black> I read the whole website
_01[10:12] <Krieg> I doubt it, considering everything you've done thus far has shown the exact opposite.
[10:13] <Sebastian_Black> You're negative about everything I do, its starting to make me think this isn't right for me.
_01[10:15] <Krieg> I'm trying very hard to be positive, but I'm not really sure what kind of impression you expect me to have of you when you seem to want to call me an amateur roleplayer because I questioned you about something you did in our channel. O_o
[10:17] <Sebastian_Black> Lol.
[10:17] <Sebastian_Black> I was kidding
[10:19] <Sebastian_Black> You're alright
[10:19] <Sebastian_Black> Want to roleplay?
_01[10:19] <Krieg> ....
_01[10:19] <Krieg> I'm confused is what I am..
_01[10:19] <Krieg> So, you say you've read the website. You know you're supposed to register your character and have it approved for use? And yes, I'm slinging around the term godmode, because many people have done it in the past and it's something that's gotten way out of hand.
[10:19] <Sebastian_Black> Confusion is to be expected as an amateur gamer, lol.
_01[10:19] <Krieg> ...
[10:19] <Sebastian_Black> No, but seriously.
[10:19] <Sebastian_Black> I'm a godmoder.
[10:19] <Sebastian_Black> I'll call the sun down to the earth and use the ultraviolet rays to cook everybody in the channel, then leave.
[10:20] <Sebastian_Black> In a huge 8 paragraph post
[10:20] <Sebastian_Black> Legit
_01[10:20] <Krieg> Err..shit, I missed a whole statement there. Insert something along the lines of, 'it's there to prevent godmoders'.
_01[10:21] <Krieg> Anyways. What I was saying was.. it's like, a 5 minute process to register to the forums and create a character sheet, then it takes virtually no time to be approved if it's decent.
[10:21] <Sebastian_Black> Hmm..
[10:21] <Sebastian_Black> Well I mean.
[10:21] <Sebastian_Black> Honestly, I'm just trying to fight.
[10:22] <Sebastian_Black> Roleplay for a little bit
[10:22] <Sebastian_Black> Then leave when I get bored
_01[10:26] <Krieg> Then this is probably not the place for you, I'm afraid. I'm sure I can think of a couple of other channels you'd prefer for that sort of thing, though.
[10:27] <Sebastian_Black> Yeah? Where
[10:28] <Sebastian_Black> YO
_01[10:29] <Krieg> Welllll, there's several other X-Men based roleplays on Sorcery.. there's Xaviers_School, which is, to my knowledge, far more strict to the comic than we are.. then there's another... Boreale*Accademia.. I think it's based in Italy or something..

Meanwhile, Kas is also talking to him in whisper.

<Kass> [10:14:49] <Kass> Hey. Your entrance, does not fit in with the scenery and setting established in this game. Simply walking 'in' to a gated facility with a guard post does not make much sense. While I appreciate the fact that you are trying to make something happen it would be advisable that you familiarize yourself with the layout of the setting, as well as the rules in place.
<Kass> [10:15:21] <Sebastian_Black> Well you listen here, buddy boy.
<Kass> [10:16:07] <Sebastian_Black> I didn't necessarily walk in, I was attempting to. If the guards would stop him then I assume somebody would post an action indicating that.
<Kass> [10:16:11] <Kass> Did I demean you in anyway? I dont think so, there is no need to use negative terminology such as buddy boy. When I am simply informing you of your faux paus.

<Kass> [10:17:21] <Kass> Did you register your character?
<Kass> [10:17:24] <Sebastian_Black> Yeah.
<Kass> [10:17:35] <Kass> And it has been approved?
<Kass> [10:17:46] <Sebastian_Black> Yes, Krieg approved it.

This was a lie. Strike one.

<Krieg> ...
<Krieg> Why do I continually get the feeling that this dude's been around before. I don't see too many people toying with me like that.
<Kass> [10:19:40] <Kass> So you are aware of the presence of a clearly visible robot several stories high on campus? As well as the fact that the gates are sealed until the gate guard opens them?
<Kass> [10:21:28] <Sebastian_Black> Yes, but I'm sure that somebody ON SITE will prevent that in an IC situation.. I don't have to belittle my roleplay because of that simple obstacle.
<Kass> [10:21:55] <Kass> You do have to adjust according to what is going on.
<Kass> [10:22:30] <Sebastian_Black> Are you an op?
<Kass> [10:22:34] <Kass> Walking up to a gated facility with a shotgun, when said facility is not near anything of note...IE it wouldnt make sense not to drive there, is out of the norm.
<Kass> [10:22:55] <Kass> Indeed.

<Kass> [10:27:57] <Sebastian_Black> So what should I do to remedy this whole situation
<Kass> [10:27:59] <Sebastian_Black> My nizzle
<Kass> [10:28:10] <Sebastian_Black> Just bounce or wat
<Kass> [10:28:19] <Sebastian_Black> Excuse my french im maaad high, lol
<Kass> [10:28:44] <Kass> If you would like to rp here, then I suggest you really register your character and wait for approval, while actually taking the time to read the setting.
<Kass> [10:28:58] <Sebastian_Black> But I mean..
<Kass> [10:28:58] <Sebastian_Black> Will I be respected
<Kass> [10:29:01] <Sebastian_Black> Like the rest of the jews?

That was like, strike two and three all bundled up into one. I let Kass aid me in his downswiping because I was not up for very long, and frankly, didn't know wtf the dude was talking about half the time.

So, what have we learned today?

1.) If you don't let everyone play whatever they want, you're an amateur roleplayer.
2.) 12 years of roleplay experience means you can be an ass.
3.) Don't get on IRC while you're high.
4.) Every mutant channel has the same setting and storyline.
5.) Lying about your status on the website and having read the setting is f**k retarded.

That's all, see you next time in AnE's Corner. *bows*
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Goldbolt »

[14:36] <Holtzmann> "Too elaborate? I do seem to remember a certain guy who screwed up a lot of people in really nonsensical ways, apparently for the sake of it. You might have met 'im, Nick... dressed in red, liked big hats and genderbendin'? And occasionally puttin' people thru excruciatin' pain? Ring a bell?" Bah, he wasn't in the mood to trade any more barbs. "Anyway, talkin' to the guys who are plannin' this most likely wo
[14:36] <Holtzmann> make 'em go 'whoops, our bad! We didn't know you'd be pissed off'. Even if the reality show guys -are- part of it for some stupid reason, they'll just deny it. Aaand back to square one again."
[14:40] <Angel`Pearson> when did musicman wear big hats? ))
[14:40] <vile> <tophat>
[14:40] <Angel`Pearson> ohright ))
[14:41] <Angel`Pearson> i was thinking like...foam cowboy hat ersomethin lol ))
[14:41] <vile> <lol>
[14:41] <Holtzmann> ((We should get AnE to retcon him wearing one of those in the final battle.))
[14:41] <vile> < ^ >
[14:41] <Holtzmann> ((Then he'd have died with style.))
[14:42] * Kraken makes it sooooo~~~>>>
[14:43] <Angel`Pearson> lol tooootally ))
[14:44] * Marlo has joined #Cobalt*Academy
[14:44] <Angel`Pearson> "PREPARE TO DIE COBALTIANS!!" " that a giant foam cowboy hat?" "Why yes, yes it is." ))
[14:47] <vile> <lmfao>
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Remu »

[13:29] <Ricochet> 'So this is the day that I die.' Rick thinks to himself. 'It had to be gravity. Not invisibility, or teleportation, or turning into a bear. Oh man, how cool would that be? Turning into a bear. GRIZZLY MAN. Wait, what was I thinking about? Oh, right. Jameson is going to kill me.' He clears his throat, and offers Jameson his most winning, friendly, innocent, couldn't-possibly-contemplate-murder-against smile. "How are you doing today? The cookies smell great. I'd have one, but I just ate, so I'll take some with me for later."
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Suzthulhu »

[20:25] <Ph`Ahriman> As he'd done once before, Fergus could be seen running from the dorms, hootin' and hollerin' and making a damn fool of himself. This was in spite of the poor condition of his feet, even. By curious and/or confused parties between the dorms and the rec, he could be seen carrying with him several boxes of varying sizes.
[20:40] > A tree root trips Fergus.
[20:47] <Ph`Ahriman> Fergus falls, drops everything, and for the next hour anda half sits where he fell, gripping one of his shine and sucking in sharp, pained breaths, fucking with equally pained "Ahhhhh!"s.
[20:49] <Brad> "Dude, get a room." Typo wanks passed.
[20:49] <@AnE> Blatant Boy stares at Fergus' display of fucking and then quietly wobbles off to his bunker.
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Typical Night on the Quad

Post by Goldbolt »

[21:53] <Jimadelphia> A set of double doors were kicked open from the rec center, and a figure came hurtling out of those doors. Something with horns. As he raced across the quad, anyone lingering in the area would see Jack hauling ass across the grass, zigging and zagging to avoid slamming himself into the occasional construction vehicle. He... seemed, to be wearing some sort of a costume, a tan and white leather loincloth with felt 'hooves' over his feet. His face was painted white, and strapped to his head were a pair of... what look to be antelope horns made of paper mache. He sprinted past the trio on the bench, his loincloth fluttering behind him to show a bit of cheek. He looked terrified.

[21:54] <Buzzard> He remains silent, not wishing to force an argument about God. He has his faith, and he holds to it strongly, and it has just been shaken to its very core as WHAT just ran by. He blinks, then looks at the other two with a somewhat dumbfounded expression. He's seen a lot in his time, but never... whatever that was.

[21:56] <Suzthulhu> "Sumerian?" Al Basti... the tales went as far back as Sumerian myth, one of the names for Lillith. Not that she ever entertained the idea of being such a thing, but others had. "I have read a great deal abo... " Words failed as... whatever that was ran by, looking terrified. She looked at Brew and Conrad, expression probably just as confused as Conrad's. "You did see that too, yes?"

[21:56] <Brew> "Um, I believe I speak for everybody when... what?" He said aloud as Cernunnos, Lord of the Hunt made his stately exit from the Rec Center. His blue eyes went uneven, his right eyebrow riding high on his forehead.

[21:56] <Sisip> Quickly afterwards comes Sisip wearing very little in the way of clothing. Her own loincloth that showed a much nicer bit of rear and a 'jungle' vine top. Her hair is wild around her face as she bolts after Jack, bare feet carrying her across the quad. Over one shoulder is a length of rope and in her hand is a padded tip spear. She draws back as she runs, her well practiced aim kicking in as she LAUNCHES the nerf-spear at antelope Jack.

[21:57] <AnE> Blatant Boy looks up from his DS, only to -- ... go speechless. He fans himself, then continues on his way.

[21:57] <Buzzard> "Yes, I saw..." He turns his head quickly to see Sisip following afterward. He pauses, for a moment, a long moment of introspection, then turns quietly to Tobias. "You said you tend bar, yes?"

[21:58] <Suzthulhu> "Eh... it is usually customary to keep one's... games? In privacy?" The infernal woman looked totally dumbstruck for a second, and then shook her head, attention returning to the conversation at hand.

[21:59] <Jimadelphia> Jack galloped out of the way of the nerf spear, spinning around to stick his thumbs into his ears and wriggle his fingers at Sisip as he ran backwards, raspberrying her, before vaulting over a bench and escaping towards the townhouses.

[21:59] <Brew> "Yeah. Int..." Sisip then showed up, providing perfect illustration to his earlier talk about indigenous people and their practices. He steered his mind back to what he was saying - it took a moment. "Yeah, Interesting Times, near Crowley's, downtown." He said. "Very friendly to people like us. The only thing is, sometimes cops or haters like to watch it."

[22:01] <Sisip> Sisip's war hunter cry, a stereotypical injin -yayayayayaya-, rips through the quad as she disappears after him, closing the distance between her and her prey quickly.

[22:01] <AnE> Sensing absolute havoc on the verge of returning home, Seven patted her rats, gathered her things, and left for her normal nightly routine in Salem, praying to whatever god that may have existed that there's no strawberry syrup murder to clean up on the ceiling when she gets back. Also sock on the doorknob kthx.

[22:02] <Buzzard> He glances back to the... spectacle. It's hard not to, he's been trained well to keep keen observation of his surroundings. He shakes his head, and turns back to Tobias. "Good selection of whiskey?" He asks, hopefully. He's willing to pay good money for a quality single malt now and again.

[22:02] <Suzthulhu> "It is a nice place. I have been once, but it was nice to go somewhere and not have to hide... although I did." More out of consideration for others and personal space than anything. She tended to take up a lot of room when she was in her normal form, as evidenced by the way there wasn't really room for anyone else on her bench but her, unless they felt like sitting in her wingspan.

[22:03] <Buzzard> [Ricochet] Rick walks out into the quad, playing with his phone. He looks up. "Welp." He turns around and goes back inside the dorm.

[22:03] <Suzthulhu> Gina cheers them on and sells tickets to the show.

[22:04] <Brew> "Actually, yeah. Finnegan, the owner? That's his passion. That and beer." The array of brown liquors occupied several shelves though few people seemed to buy most of them. He looked at Narcisa. "So you can just hide them like an illusion or do they fold in?"

[22:06] <Buzzard> "Excellent, I will have to stop by some time." He smiles, still a bit of a grisly sight, but he can't help that.

[22:07] <Brew> "Yeah, you should. And hopefully, it won't be attacked by giant robots this time either." Way to lose a customer, Toby. But Brew figured that this guy who was missing half his face wouldn't be deterred by a petty thing like killer robots.

[22:07] <Buzzard> [Ricochet] Okay, yeah, that shit's going on YouTube.

[22:08] <Sisip> Sisip finds it eventually and favourites it! Particularily proud of her warcry!
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Suzthulhu »

<Brad> owls
> there are no god damn owls
<Brad> well no not since she sold the logging rights there aren't
<Brad> :D
* Suzthulhu dies
> Wait...
> Is logging rights some sort of euphemism?
> Cuz if so, that was pretty damn good.
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Remu »

[13:41] <Suzthulhu> I've got something crammed into an economy class seat.
[13:41] <Suzthulhu> MY PANTS.
[13:41] <AnE> ..
[13:41] <AnE> I don't get it.
[13:41] <Isaiah> she's talking about her ass.
[13:41] <Isaiah> its in her pants and crammed into an economy class seat.
[13:41] <AnE> ...She should have said that in the first place. :(
[13:42] <Isaiah> she likes the innuendo.
[13:42] <AnE> I'd like to be in your endo.
[13:42] <Isaiah> ...
[13:42] <Isaiah> you have to at least buy me dinner first.
[13:42] <AnE> Alternative response: She likes what in my endo? D:
[13:42] <SisipWork> She likes sippin on gin and juice.
[13:42] <Isaiah> smoking endo?
[13:43] <AnE> With her mind on the money and her money on her mind?
[13:43] <Isaiah> lol
[13:43] * SisipWork grins.
[13:43] <SisipWork> Laaaaiiid back.
[13:43] <BradWorkin> I'm sorry I'm confused
[13:43] <Suzthulhu> ...
[13:43] <Suzthulhu> LMFAO
[13:43] <Suzthulhu> Flying through the air, smokin endo, sippin on gin and juice...
[13:44] <Suzthulhu> But really, I'm just doing the flying part. And drinking coke.
[13:44] <AnE> You don't drink coke, you snort it.
[13:44] <AnE> Jesus, can't you do anything right?
[13:45] <Suzthulhu> ...
[13:45] <Shannon> <.<
[13:45] * Suzthulhu snorts her coke.
[13:45] * Suzthulhu drowns.
[13:45] * AnE goes to find a lynx to high 5 her.
[13:45] <Suzthulhu> IT DID NOT WORK, ANNIE
[13:45] <Suzthulhu> All I got was a brain ful of fizzy carbonation =/
[13:45] <AnE> You could try injecting it but I don't think they'll let you do that on an airplane.
[13:46] <TiredJim> ... I take a nap and come back to Compton
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Goldbolt »

<Suzthulhu> braaaaaaaiiiinnnnns
<Suzthulhu> Or, if you're a zombie conductor, traaaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnssssss
<Suzthulhu> Zombie pilot! Plaaaaaaannnnnneeeeessssss
* Suzthulhu goes to her room.
<Ahriman> Or if you're a zombie farmer, graaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnsss
<Suzthulhu> ahahahahaha
<Suzthulhu> Zombie weather man, rrrraaaaaaaiiiiinnnnsssss
<AnE> You're both terrible
<Suzthulhu> blahahahahaha
<Ahriman> Or a zombie lion, maaaaaannnneeesss
<Suzthulhu> zombie bowler, laaaaaannnneeees
<Ahriman> Zombie arsonist, flaaaaaammmmmeeesss
<Suzthulhu> zombie construction worker! craaaaannnneeesss
<Suzthulhu> (Annie is going to kill us)
<AnE> Nah. :)
<Suzthulhu> Oh no, we missed an obvious one.... zombie plumber, drrrraaaaiiiinnnsssss
<Ahriman> Also works for zombie ornitholigists, Suz
<Suzthulhu> hahahahaha
<Shannon> Zombie doctor: paaaaiiiiinsssss or window installer paaaannnnnnes
<Suzthulhu> hahahahahaha
<Ahriman> The zombie-head of Cobalt: Gaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnsss
* AnE sets mode: +m
<AnE> Oh man that felt good.
<Shannon> one more! Zombie Underwear model, Haaaaaaannnessss
<Shannon> XD
<AnE> >:|
* Shannon goes quite now
* AnE sets mode: -m
<Suzthulhu> hahahahaha
<Ahriman> XD
<Ahriman> Worth it
* You were kicked by AnE (/Newspaper)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #CH*OOC
* Rejoined channel #CH*OOC
* Topic is '[Marvel-Inspired Roleplay] Out of Character Channel for #Cobalt*Hill and #CH*Beyond | Character submission required for play! | Visit us at [ ] | SPACE CRAFT! - 12/22/11 - | The Sanctum has been built! See the website for info!!!'
* Set by AnE! on Thu Dec 29 21:55:00
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
<Suzthulhu> LMAO
<Shannon> ow!
* Shannon whimpers and scampers off to the corner
<Suzthulhu> ^5
<Ahriman> ^5
<Suzthulhu> _5
* Shannon sickers
* Suzthulhu dodges
<Suzthulhu> totally worth it
<Ahriman> AnE, after all the bad zombie jokes: migraaaaaaiiiiiinnnnneeesss
* Shannon puts on a hardhat
* Ahriman hides behind Sho.
* Ahriman was kicked by AnE (/Nailbat)
* Ahriman ( has joined #CH*OOC
<Shannon> hehe
<Ahriman> Still worth it.
<Suzthulhu> LMAO
<BradWork> I must have missed something
<Ahriman> ಠ‿ರೃ
<BradWork> Could someone explaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain?
<Ahriman> XD
<Suzthulhu> OH GOD NO
* Suzthulhu dives under a desk, nuclear war style
<AnE> ...
* BradWork awaits his just punishment.
<Ahriman> Too much of this, and it'll become ingraaaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnned
* AnE dropkicks Brad down the stairs.
<BradWork> ow ow ow ow ow ow *doorknob*
* BradWork was kicked by AnE (/Opendoor)
* BradWork (Mibbit@6ca5f0be.14055af5.206.74.imsk) has joined #CH*OOC
<Shannon> wb
<BradWork> (._. )
<Suzthulhu> Careful, or you'll end up with a spppprrrrraaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnnn
<Suzthulhu> SHIT
* SisipWork (SisimunWor@14055a79.6ca5f03e.209.249.imsk) Quit (Quit: ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Y U NO HOME YET?)
* AnE ( has left #CH*OOC
<Ahriman> D:
* Suzthulhu wheezes
* Shannon cracks knuckles
* Suzthulhu hides
* Suzthulhu was kicked by Shannon (/flyswatter!)
* Suzthulhu ( has joined #CH*OOC
<Suzthulhu> !!!!
<Ahriman> I guess we should have refraaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnnned
<Suzthulhu> OW, my fly!
* Ahriman was kicked by Shannon (that was bad and you should feel bad)
* Ahriman ( has joined #CH*OOC
* Suzthulhu wipes a tear
<Suzthulhu> ahahahahaha
* Ahriman 's sides hurt
<BradWork> Now I feel bad.
<BradWork> Downright ashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamed
<Ahriman> You can't be blaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmed
* Suzthulhu is laughing too hard to type... this took 4 tries.
<Shannon> then you should have abstaaaaaiiiiined *hangs self*
* Suzthulhu loses it
* Shannon just killed suz via too much laughter
<Ahriman> This stuff just comes naturally, it can't be traaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnned
<Shannon> or contained
<Ahriman> ^
<Shannon> ok we've showed we can rhyme. you pass kindergarten
<Shannon> now for arpies...
<Suzthulhu> hahaha
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Re: The Lols Thread

Post by Goldbolt »

* MarloCross ( has joined #CH*OOC
<MarloCross> hi
<Dillon> it's a marlo
<MarloCross> so what have i missed?
<Dillon> the aliens stole all the burgers from the cafeteria
<Dillon> XD JK
<Suzthulhu> They also broke the gym so Marlo has no place to work out again
<vile> ^
<Brad> And Kayla got turned into a potato.
<vile> ^
<Brad> She's okay, but I assume there'll be an adjustment period for the both of them.
<vile> he can just carve a hole into her
<Brad> :|
<vile> just don't forget to soak her in water or else it'll turn brown
<vile> but then she'll sprout. in a couple months, she could have a sister!
<Sisip> And when cooked she tastes delicious!
* Suzthulhu dies
<vile> and she's covered in poisonous eyes!
<vile> and she turns green if you leave her in the sun too long :(
<vile> she can give you food poisoning!
<vile> owait that's sisip
<Sisip> Really easy when it comes to getting baked.
<vile> lol
* Dillon giggles
<Dillon> potato
<vile> just stick her in the microwave for 5 mins, remove, wrap in tinfoil! THAT EASY
<Dillon> gotta stab her with a fork first
<MarloCross> Marlo would do a potatoe
<vile> or she'll explode
<Dillon> ...
* vile dies laughing
<Suzthulhu> Somehow I am not shocked by this.
<vile> well. he's a barely legal teenage boy so
<vile> taters and socks aren't out of the question
* Suzthulhu wheezes
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