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Post by Remu »

Yeah, we're having one of those. This is the thread where we take a look at players who have ragequit, made general asses of themselves, and proven to us that they're super duper childish and above all, BASIC BITCHES. Logs, quotes, anecdotes -- go cray-cray.

These incidents (you know the ones) should go HERE instead of in the lolthread!

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Post by Sisip »

What not to do when you've waited all of 6 hours for a character approval of a horribly overpowered character. Give the ops a sarcastic comment or two then whine like a bitch when you get sarcasm back.
[17:32] <Semthak> Thankee. I mean it could develop further into animation level of control...but at present I'd say hurling it at best mentally
[17:39] <@AnE|Away> o_o What happened to getting your first approved?
[17:41] <Semthak> well I was told to wait to be talked too...
[17:41] <Semthak> and hung around for like 6 hours with no notice
[17:41] <Semthak> While the ops discussed it.
[17:42] <@Sisip> 6 hours? OH NOES
[17:42] <@Sisip> LOL
[17:42] <@AnE|Away> To be fair, a bunch of issues were pointed out directly while you were here. o.o
[17:43] <Semthak> To be fair Shannon told me to sit quitely and wait for input
[17:43] <Semthak> and Sisip if you wanna be a smartass about it
[17:43] <Semthak> deuces
[17:43] * Semthak (Mibbit@75.9.rv.rxs) has left #CH*OOC
[17:43] <@Sisip> ...
[17:43] <@AnE|Away> ...
[17:43] <@Sisip> HAAHAHAAHA
[17:43] <`Emily> wow
[17:43] <@Sisip> Chuck you farley.
[17:43] <@AnE|Away> Woooow.
[17:43] <@Sisip> Can we just pop that piece of shit in the denied bin then?
[17:44] <`Emily> I sat and argued with you guy for 5 hours yesterday on and off and didnt react like that
[17:44] <@Sisip> yeah
[17:44] <@Sisip> If one OH NOES bothers him that much he can suck my internet nut.
[17:45] <`Emily> of one OH NOES bothers him he is in the wrong channel, people can be mean in here lol
[17:45] <@Sisip> LOL
[17:45] <@Sisip> And honestly? We're pretty tame.
[17:45] <@Sisip> He may as well just log off the interweb.
[17:47] <Semthak> App deleted. Have fun being a dick
[17:47] <Sisip> LOL
[17:47] <Sisip> Seriously?
[17:51] <Semthak> Yes, as an admin you represent your channel. If your an Ass chances most people in said channel are asses now as well. So I bid ya'll a farewell.
[17:53] <Sisip> I'll pass on the good word. Thank you. ;)
[17:53] <Semthak> Go for it.
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Post by Remu »


On the bright side, you sort of broke this thread's cherry.
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Azrael Antonio Adryany Raphael Tepes Celestine

Post by vile » ... zrael#p897

[09:36] <@SisipWork> Adama decided five times that he was going to traverse my bedside table and knock shit over. He wouldn't stop. I know it was five times because I can clearly remember them in my mind.. which is amazing .. because normally I'm lunesta'd out for the night. I also remember, clearly, launching him across the room the last time.. and I'm pretty sure he bounced off the dresser.. but I care not at
[09:36] <@SisipWork> this point. -,-
[09:39] <@Shannon> ick
[09:42] <vile> D:
[09:42] <vile> ...but he didn't do it again after that
[09:43] <@SisipWork> There wasn't enough time.. that was 4am .. and I'm up at 5.
[09:43] <Azrael`> Use a squirt bottle on yer cats. How I trained all my cats. Works
[09:43] <Azrael`> Awwies
[09:44] <@SisipWork> Yeaah... because.. that's the first thing you thinnk of.
[09:44] <Azrael`> Adama cool cat name
[09:44] <@SisipWork> Nothanks.
[09:44] <@SisipWork> I'l throw the fucker.
[09:44] <Azrael`> I've flung cats
[09:44] <Azrael`> Broke one's leg once
[09:44] <@SisipWork> OH wait... he woke me up at 4 am.. where's the damn water bottle?
[09:44] <Azrael`> The spray bottle?
[09:44] <Brad> Um, congratulations on breaking a cat's leg. Good job.
[09:44] * Brad claps?
[09:45] * @SisipWork obviously doesn't throw her cat with the force of the Hulk, so she's good.
[09:45] <Brad> Ten tons of force should be enough, Andi
[09:46] <@SisipWork> You know... that would work. If I throw enough beanbags at him.
[09:56] <SuzthulhuWork> Also.
[09:56] <SuzthulhuWork> I just want to say.
[09:56] <SuzthulhuWork> .....................................................................................
[09:56] <SuzthulhuWork> that is all.
[09:56] <@SisipWork> ...
[09:56] <Azrael`> Breaking the poor cat's leg was accidental. I didnt Hulk Smash throw him. What happend was I tossed him and my dog jumped up and he bounced off the dog and landed wrong.
[09:56] <Brad> ...
[09:56] <@SisipWork> Why ...
[09:56] <@SisipWork> ....
[09:57] <Ahriman> ...
[09:57] <@SisipWork> Why would yu do that.
[09:57] <Azrael`> You make me sound like I'm a sadistic bastard
[09:57] <vile> what.
[09:57] <SuzthulhuWork> Fuck, if I could make them bigger I would.
[09:57] <SuzthulhuWork> ...................
[09:57] <vile> you threw a cat at a dog and broke the cat's leg
[09:57] <Brad> Well, you make it sound like you tossed your cat at your dog and broke its leg so...
[09:57] <Ahriman> ...................
[09:57] <SuzthulhuWork> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[09:57] <SuzthulhuWork> Thank you, Ahri.
[09:57] <Ahriman> There, Suz. Bold and italicized.
[09:57] <Brad> ````````````````````
[09:57] <@SisipWork> ...
[09:58] <Ahriman> *********************************
[09:58] <@Shannon> ۝۝۝۝۝۝۝۝۝
[09:58] <Azrael`> On second thought..please remove my character from the website. I won't be coming back. Ya'll have fun now.
[09:58] * Azrael` ( has left #CH*OOC
[09:58] <SuzthulhuWork> I cannot ... any harder.
[09:58] <SuzthulhuWork> BYE DOUCHE
[09:59] <vile> so who gets to add that to the ragequit topic
[09:59] * Ahriman lol'd
[09:59] <@Shannon> what just happened?..
[09:59] <@SisipWork> It was less of a ragequit and more of a derpquit.. but either way.
[09:59] <vile> i guess she finally swallowed those pills
[09:59] <@SisipWork> AARTCTCTAR just quit
[09:59] <SuzthulhuWork> Make sure you include all the ...s because that's what really sent him over the edge, I bet.
[09:59] <vile> NOOOO DOT
[09:59] <@Shannon> i see that andi >.>
[10:00] <Ahriman> You mean the person who played once, then left for a month, then came back and talked about playing but didn't - isn't going to come back?
[10:00] <SuzthulhuWork> My apologies... for being... rude...
[10:00] <@SisipWork> That's the best explination that I can give.. because... she's a friggen moron.
[10:00] * Ahriman cancels all plots; deletes all characters; ragequits.
[10:00] <vile> lol
[10:00] <@SisipWork> She got upset because Brad and I used ... after she derped being a moron.
[10:00] * vile adds it to the flounce topic
[10:00] <@SisipWork> Said it was rude.
[10:00] <vile> but she threw a cat at a dog and broke a leg
[10:00] <Brad> Just, for the record, yes
[10:00] <vile> how is this not wtf
[10:01] <Brad> She threw a cat at a dog and broke its leg
[10:01] <@SisipWork> I think she was trying to tell me I was evil for tossing Adama because she broke a cats leg once.
[10:01] <Ahriman> I think the ... were fully justified.
[10:01] <vile> ..
[10:01] <vile> but you didn't break his leg
[10:01] <Brad> My initial ... that started that was justified
[10:01] <@SisipWork> YES
[10:01] <@SisipWork> IT WAS
[10:01] <Brad> Because this was that conversation
[10:01] <Brad> Me: New Bond movie
[10:02] <Brad> Her: But I don't like Timothy Dalton as much as Pierce Brosnan
[10:02] <Brad> Me: what does Timothy Dalton have to do with Skyfall?
[10:02] <Brad> Her: I believe he will be playing Bond
[10:02] <Brad> Her: I'm not sure
[10:02] <Brad> Me: I believe he hasn't played bond since 1989, and they probably aren't going to recast Craig when they're in post production
[10:02] <Brad> Her: Oh, I meant Daniel Craig
[10:02] <@SisipWork> ^^^^^^^^^^^
[10:02] <Brad> Her: Who is Bond in the new movie?
[10:02] <Brad> Me: ...
[10:02] <@SisipWork> ME: ...
[10:02] <Ahriman> ...
[10:02] <vile> lol
[10:03] <vile> ...
[10:03] <@SisipWork> Her: AMG THAT'S RUUUDE
[10:03] <Ahriman> And nothing of value was lost.
[10:03] <vile> ^
[10:03] <@SisipWork> Her: I've been on IRC for 11 minutes and that's rude
[10:03] <@SisipWork> OH sorry
[10:03] <@SisipWork> years
[10:03] <Ahriman> 11 years? Amateur.
[10:03] <vile> ONLY FOOD DOES
[10:04] <Brad> I'm thinking it might have been a supposotory.
[10:04] * @SisipWork snickers.
[10:04] <Brad> Or like.. a whole bagel.
[10:04] <vile> and that she dated a romanian person for years and researched them her whole life but doesn't know gypsy is an insulting slur
[10:04] <Ahriman> Well now that she's gone, I guess all my pills are goin' up my nose.
[10:04] <@SisipWork> OH god yes.. I love that one
[10:04] <vile> lol ahri
[10:04] <Brad> And they all talk like cartoon draculas, don't forget that
[10:04] <@SisipWork> I RESEARCHED ROMANIAN GYPSIES... well.. obviously not very hard...
[10:04] <vile> IT IS A SLUR
[10:04] <@SisipWork> unless you were hanging around some really skuzzy people.. because most romanians would punch a fucker out for being called a gypsy.
[10:05] <vile> yeah cracker
[10:05] <@SisipWork> Florin and Catalin would get pissed if you even joked about it.. since it's the equivilent of being a dog/child rapist.
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Post by Brad »

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Post by Suzthulhu »

[17:43] <AnE> Okay, one thing before I touch on anything else in the bio.
[17:43] <Mark`Hudson> Yes?
[17:43] <AnE> You played a character with the same name last time you were here. Aaaaand he killed himself.
[17:43] <AnE> So.
[17:43] <AnE> ...
[17:43] <AnE> What's goin' on.
[17:43] <Mark`Hudson> New character, not the same. It is possible for people to have the same name in the world.
[17:44] <AnE> Well, yes...
[17:44] <Mark`Hudson> Do you wish me to use a different name?
[17:45] <Mark`Hudson> I have it saved to my computer, I just have to go through and change all the people's names. Won't take long.
[17:46] <AnE> Well. We feel like it's sort of... retconning what happened, especially since there ARE still characters around who knew the other one.
[17:46] <AnE> I know it's NOT, but with the name being the same?
[17:46] <AnE> It's hard to overlook. :)
[17:46] <Mark`Hudson> ok
[17:46] <Mark`Hudson> I'll think of something new. let me delete the profile from the site and then I will edit.
[17:47] <AnE> You don't have to delete it, just change the title once you've pasted the edited version in.
[17:49] <Mark`Hudson> Too late lmao
[17:51] <Mark`Hudson> One question
[17:51] <Mark`Hudson> Actually nvm, I am just gonna look up something lol
[17:54] <AnE> k.
[17:55] <Mark`Hudson> Ok done and posted
[17:57] <Mark`Hudson> Better name? :P
[17:57] <AnE> Yes. :>
[17:58] <Mark`Hudson> Traditional Marvel style. ( 70% of people in Marvel have both first and last names starting with the same letters. )
[18:16] <AnE> Okay, so, there's just afew things about your character.
[18:17] <Mark`Hudson> Well there's alot lol but go on :P
[18:17] <AnE> The biggest things, we've decided, are that 10 tons of force (in either direction) is a LOT to start out with, as is being able to stop all projectiles.
[18:17] <AnE> Especially considering how light his weaknesses are.
[18:18] <Mark`Hudson> 10 tons is really not that much
[18:18] <AnE>'s 20,000 pounds.
[18:18] <Mark`Hudson> for a blast of energy
[18:18] <AnE> Which
[18:18] <AnE> The average rifle has about 8,000 pounds of force
[18:19] <AnE> 20,000 is enough to instantly turn someone's head into red mist.
[18:19] <Mark`Hudson> It's also the weakest form of an energy blast that any known mutant who can project energy is capable of.
[18:20] <Mark`Hudson> I also stated that "All projectiles up to 10 tons of force. " So a .50 call could punch through his barrier easily.
[18:22] <AnE> Yes, well, we don't have that many bad guys running around who tote .50 caliber rifles around. The 'power level' of most characters is a bit lower in general so they can't engulf things in the sun's fire and auto save the day. :)
[18:23] <Mark`Hudson> really? that's how your going to compare me?
[18:23] <AnE> It was an example?
[18:23] <Mark`Hudson> To using the sun's power and auto saving the day?
[18:23] <AnE> It example.
[18:23] <Mark`Hudson> You know my guy cannot harm about 83% of the people in the rp
[18:24] <AnE> o_O That's not true at all.
[18:24] <Mark`Hudson> right? He's a really weak character compared to everyone else
[18:24] <AnE> Er, no, not really!
[18:24] <Mark`Hudson> People who can absorb kinetic energy a basically indestructible
[18:24] <Mark`Hudson> Cyclops' optic blasts have a concussive force of over 100 tons
[18:25] <AnE> In theory. We don't let them get played that way. And, yes, that's Cyclops. We tend to at least try to have a smidge more realism than the comics, which we're only semi-based on. :>
[18:26] <Mark`Hudson> By decreasing his strength of powers he cannot hold up his own against any characters
[18:26] <Mark`Hudson> you realise this
[18:26] <AnE> I'm not seeing how that would happen. :(
[18:26] <AnE> We generally do not have SUPER super powerful characters running around and even trimming the numbers down your guy would be really powerful.
[18:27] <Mark`Hudson> You have alot of over the top super powered characters though
[18:27] <AnE> And that's because they gained power over time by participating in plots and such. They didn't start out that way.
[18:28] <Mark`Hudson> Gravity manipulators, kinetic manipulators. Telekentics, telepaths, elemental controllers, people with indestructable bodies and healing factors
[18:28] <AnE> ...and none of them are over-the-top in our eyes, since we approved all of their upgrades.
[18:28] <AnE> Which of those are over-the-top again? At a glance, yes, but one has to look at the entire writeup, which we always do.
[18:29] <Mark`Hudson> Really? Healing means you cannot die. Indestructible? Nuff said. Telekenetics can crush a person's skull with pressure same with gravity. hell they can break every bone in a person's body in a split second
[18:29] <Mark`Hudson> Kinetic manipulaters are just a walking nuke
[18:30] <AnE> We don't have any indestructable characters. And for characters who can come back from the dead? We have one, who is very squishy, and the entire 'coming back' process is traumatic. Again, none of the registered characters with powers that SEEM over-the-top are written out that way. They're balanced out with limits and/or weaknesses.
[18:31] <Mark`Hudson> As is mine
[18:31] <Mark`Hudson> the 10 tons max blast is like if he were pissed and put all his entire focus behind it. Not every single blast will have that force
[18:34] <AnE> Like I said, your character's weaknesses are pretty light, which is fine, but the numbers have to be cut down. If his blasts were the equivalent of, like I said, a rifle or similar, and he could withstand similar, it would be a vast improvement. And...that's it!
[18:35] <Mark`Hudson> So basically my guy cannot have any means of defending himself
[18:35] <Mark`Hudson> Got it
[18:35] <AnE> What?
[18:35] <AnE> That isn't even close to what I said. :(
[18:35] <Mark`Hudson> Ok.. So I can defend myself if the police or gangs decide to shoot at me? I'm screwed if they use Ak 47's or desert eagles though
[18:36] <AnE> Even if you cut the numbers down he'd still be perfectly capable of defending himself. And... yes? Yes, he could. And...yeah? It's not like most characters would have that kind of a chance, your guy would just have way more because of the shields?
[18:37] <Mark`Hudson> Not really
[18:38] <Mark`Hudson> Everyone could with stand the physical impact of his blasts. Everything would go through his shields. I may as well throw paper air planes or sponges at people
[18:38] <AnE> ...if his blasts had the power of the average rifle how would EVERYONE be able to withstand them?
[18:38] <AnE> That makes zero sense.
[18:39] <Mark`Hudson> because rifles are piercing rounds. You get hit with a solid concussive force of a rifle it's like getting hit with a fuckin bean bag
[18:39] <Mark`Hudson> sorry for swearing
[18:40] <Mark`Hudson> Concussive, solid impacts. Not piercing like a bullet
[18:40] <Mark`Hudson> It strikes a surface and explodes with that force
[18:41] <AnE> I don't care about the swearing. I just wish you'd understand where I'm coming from. :(
[18:41] <AnE> BRB
[18:41] <Mark`Hudson> So I have to have the physical force of a bean bag or potato gun. Fine
[18:49] <AnE> Back. And...again, that isn't what I'm saying at all. ):
[18:50] <Mark`Hudson> You said give him the same force of a rifle. Have you ever seen a rifle fire a bean bag? Seen the impact it does to a body?
[18:50] <Mark`Hudson> It's like getting shot with a harder version of a paintball
[18:50] <AnE> A rifle..firing..bullets, is what I meant.
[18:50] <AnE> ._.
[18:50] <AnE> Why would I say otherwise?
[18:50] <Mark`Hudson> Yes, but bullets penetrate
[18:50] <Mark`Hudson> My powers don't
[18:51] <Mark`Hudson> The blast explodes upon impact with a surface
[18:51] <Mark`Hudson> which is where the concussive force is felt
[18:51] <Mark`Hudson> A bullet keeps going and doesn't stop
18:52] <AnE> No, no, no. I think we're in a state of confusion here, let me clear things up! :)
[18:52] <AnE> A solid impact against the body, piercing or not, is more or less lethal. It breaks bones, causes internal swelling and hemmhoraging.
[18:52] <AnE> It's definitely NOT a beanbag.
[18:53] <Mark`Hudson> So someone has died from a bean bag shot to the shoulder?
[18:53] <AnE> At 10 tons of force, it could literally pulverize a human body. It would turn it into paste and powder.
[18:54] * Mark`Hudson fails to see where Spiderman or cyclops ever turned a person into paste.
[18:55] <Mark`Hudson> Spider-man has the strength of 10 tons. I've never seen him punch someone and turn them to gew or break bones
[18:56] <AnE> If someone threw 10 TONS of force, that's 20,000 pounds, at someone? Even if it didn't pierce the skin? Half their body would just be GONE. And that's because comic writers generally ignore physics in favor of whatever looks/sounds cool. >.>
[18:57] <Mark`Hudson> fine 100 pounds of force you got it
[18:59] <AnE> Well.
[18:59] <AnE> Okay!
[18:59] <Mark`Hudson> I will make him incredibly weak so he can die so fast
[18:59] <Mark`Hudson> cause thats what you seem to want
[18:59] <AnE> That is not what I want so please stop putting words in my mouth. :)
[19:00] <Mark`Hudson> You are though
[19:00] <Mark`Hudson> You don't see it from my side
[19:00] <AnE> All I'm getting out of you is 'If I can't have 20,000 pounds of force/resistance my character is weak'. Even if we cut that in HALF he'd still be really powerful but you're just plugging your ears and going 'lalalalala' at whatever I say.
[19:02] <Mark`Hudson> Your lowering his defense to allow everyone to be able to harm him
[19:02] <AnE> Who is 'everyone'.
[19:02] <Mark`Hudson> Everyone
[19:02] <Mark`Hudson> Every hero/villian/student on the site
[19:02] <AnE> ...
[19:02] <AnE> So the girl who can stretch and glow could kill him? Or the goatlady? Or the guy with the ghost knight inside of him?
[19:03] <Mark`Hudson> If you can walk, you can beat my character
[19:03] <Mark`Hudson> yes they all can
[19:03] <AnE> Are you reading these things you're typing? O_o
[19:03] <Mark`Hudson> His barrier can be walked through
[19:03] <Mark`Hudson> If you move slowly, you can get inside the kinetic barrier
[19:04] <Mark`Hudson> Or if you move fast enough
[19:04] <Mark`Hudson> My energy blasts are easily avoidable.
[19:05] <Mark`Hudson> You can literally hear them before he shoots them off. Plenty of time to get to cover or move
[19:06] <Mark`Hudson> Forget it, I will figure something else out
[19:06] * AnE sighs.
[19:06] <AnE> All I asked you to do was cut it down, not reduce it to zero.
[19:07] <AnE> But if that's what you want to do. ):
[19:07] <Mark`Hudson> Right now, at 10 tons. He has a little bit of protection. Reducing it means you could spit through his shields
[19:08] <Mark`Hudson> It will negate his flight ability
[19:08] <Mark`Hudson> And the only way he'd be able to actualyl hurt someone is getting angry. ( if I went with rifle damage for blasts. )
[19:12] <AnE> If you must figure it out, figure it out, because as it stands, we can't approve him as written. I'm sorry. :(
[19:12] <Mark`Hudson> I will go back to the drawing bored and scrap the character
[19:12] <Mark`Hudson> sorry for wasting time
[19:13] <AnE> You could...adapt and not throw him away when I give a suggestion but ok. There's tons of ways he could be adjusted to be channel-appropriate.
[19:14] <Mark`Hudson> Your turning him into nothing
[19:14] <AnE> Let me rephrase.
[19:15] <Mark`Hudson> Ever been hit by a cannon that fired air?
[19:15] <AnE> There's tons of ways he could be adjusted to be channel-appropriate that wouldn't break him or reduce him to what you call 'nothing'.
[19:18] <Mark`Hudson> Fine, you win. I won't return. Sorry.
[19:18] <AnE> ...
[19:18] <AnE> Did
[19:18] <AnE> Did I say you couldn't
[19:18] <AnE> What
[19:19] <Mark`Hudson> i'm sorry I wasted your time
[19:19] <AnE> Okay bye I guess.
[19:20] <Mark`Hudson> My history is an issue, I get that. And I thought maybe I could have a second chance but I'm being put into a tiny box. It's obvious your holding onto a grudge and I am sorry for bringing things back up.
[19:20] <AnE> I never had a grudge?
[19:21] <Mark`Hudson> sure seems like you dislike me
[19:22] <AnE> ...How? I tried to help you change your character to be appropriate for the setting. @_@ I never said anything mean.
[19:23] <Mark`Hudson> By making my character have nothing special about him??
[19:24] <AnE> ...nnnnnnno.
[19:24] <Mark`Hudson> that's the wrong choice of words hang on
[19:24] <AnE> Not even. O_o
[19:24] <Mark`Hudson> Making my character useless to everyone
[19:24] <AnE> We didn't even find a number to settle on, YOU just decided anything less than 20,000 pounds is WEAKSAUCE.
[19:25] <Mark`Hudson> because it is
[19:25] <AnE> Except it's not.
[19:25] <AnE> I gave you examples.
[19:25] <AnE> You ignored them.
[19:25] <Mark`Hudson> The examples would have made him useless
[19:26] <AnE> How? 20,000 pounds of force even WITHOUT a bullet, from a fucking FLUFFY BUNNY would take someone's head and half their body off.
[19:26] <Mark`Hudson> But one bullet and my shields are down
[19:26] <Mark`Hudson> I deflect one "rifle" round and my shields are gone, my character is useless
[19:28] <Mark`Hudson> Do you not see where I wrote that he can only withstand up to 10 tons of force. That doesn't mean with a single hit of 10 tons
[19:28] <Mark`Hudson> It means enough hits to equal 10 tons and it's down
[19:29] <Mark`Hudson> What your suggesting for me to do is make it so that my guy would be weak, vulnerable to attack and fully drained of energy if he blocks just a single shot from a rifle.
[19:30] <AnE> We're going to have to agree to disagree since you decided that you're unwilling to listen to the ops' decision, which has NOTHING to do with what you did in the past. And... up to 10 tons is a big number regardless of it being in one hit or several, since most characters and villains do not wield that kind of power. You claim I'm trying to make your character useless, you're making him unstoppable. No BULLET in existance hits with 10 tons of force.
[19:30] <Mark`Hudson> omg
[19:30] <Mark`Hudson> How much force did you say a rifle hits with?
[19:31] <AnE> 7,000 pounds.
[19:31] <Mark`Hudson> so I can withstand up to 3, maybe 4 shots from a rifle. Before my guy is depleted
[19:31] <Mark`Hudson> Thats what I'm at now
[19:34] <Mark`Hudson> I'm not sayign every blast is going to be 10 tons of force. He can only do enough blasts to equal up to 10 tons of force
[19:34] <Mark`Hudson> Either put all his focus into one strong 10 ton blast or fire ten 1 ton blasts
[19:35] <Mark`Hudson> before he is drained
[19:36] <Mark`Hudson> Think of it like weight lifting. You can only lift so much weight before you get tired. In one lift you could exceed your normal amount but become drained and tired after one large object is lifted.
[19:36] <Mark`Hudson> ok i'll shut up
[19:36] <Mark`Hudson> you can just ban me
[19:38] <AnE> Can I?
[19:38] <AnE> Because all you've done is whine at me about how we're trying to break your character, given me ridiculous examples that defy physics, shown that you have no idea of how physics work, and cry persecution. I DIDN'T have a grudge, but now I do, my infinite patience has worn out because you are a goddamn miracle worker, and I'm pretty goddamn glad at this point that you've chosen not to come back because you are a headache and a half and I can't even decide whether to laugh or be mad at what a basic bitch you're being.
[19:38] <AnE> Peace.
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Post by Remu »

Mard`Hudson AKA Russel decided to send me an e-mail after his bannination-ragequit combo.
Hey AnE

So this isn't me trying to comeback, I'm not going to ask for anything but you to read please.

Karma finally caught up with me, and I know what I was doing was fuckin wrong in alot of ways. I have been diagnosed with cancer. Originally just thought it was intestinal but it's spread vastly.

I know Im gonna die and I know i'm goin to hell but I just wanted to say I'm sorry and you can be happy to know that yes I am dying and you will never hear from me again. Just thought you'd like that bit of good news.
To which I politely responded:
Thanks for the heads up! :)

P.S. Please feel better! :)
...Wouldn't want to seem uncaring, would I?

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Post by Phira »

From what I have seen, at least in my short time here and reading the logs posted it looks like you are all a very tight little group and feel threatened by new people coming into the group because they might disrupt the flow of how things go. Either consciously or not it seems like you constantly push people away so all that is left is the core group. Those that do stay generally conform to the general theme of the game and the characters in it, which would include but is not limited to the following ; Dark, gloomy, psychotic, mentally unstable, power hungry, arrogant, self centered, self loathing, unhappy and well mostly all that I have seen is a really dark and uninviting atmosphere on the part of the characters so far.

An event that might be meant to be fun and get people to mingle and laugh and be happy is instantly shut down by the grumpy depressed and gloomy mentally unstable characters that most of the people here seem to play. I don't know if it's just because you don't know how to play anything else or because you are so much like your characters that you can't play anything else because you yourself have never known any different. While there is nothing wrong with this, try playing something outside of your comfort zone once in a while you might have even more fun!

Just a thought for the future, when dealing with new players especially ones that don't fit into your normal niche don't make them feel like they are unwelcome by being demeaning or simply being rude. In the case of Azrael a simple statement was honed in on and attacked by everyone rather than just either dismissed or briefly addressed and then dropped. The conversation about it having continued well after the person had already left is petty to say the least.

The case of mark`hudson could have been handled much better than it was in my opinion. Measuring things in pounds of force especially when talking about kinetic energy is just silly and is not how you measure something in applied physics. The measurement of kinetic energy in SI unites is either joules (J) or foot pounds (ft:lb). Here are some common everyday usages of this.

The muzzle velocity of a 5.56 NATO round is 1,300 ft/lbs or 1,700 J.
The kinetic energy of an average car (1600 lbs) traveling at 65MPH has around 232,608 ft/lbs or 315,375 J.
A single stick of dynamite has a rated energy of roughly 2,000,000 ft/lb or 2,700,000 J.
A baseball traveling at 90mph has around 85 ft/lbs or 115 J.

As I was reading what I took from the chat log is that to me is the player (Mark`Hudson) was trying to make what is called an ablative shield, rather than a regenerative or burst shield. An ablative shield is one that can sustain damage, absorb energy, redirect etc up to a certain rating. Once that rating is met or surpassed the shield fails and must be recharged or repaired before being used again, as well as losing either size or over all strength as damage is sustained. If you were to say "Well, that shield could withstand a quarter stick of dynamite before failing." that would give you something to set at. That would be still be high as you could absorb a fast moving car hitting it as well as a barrage of 5.56 rounds (330ish). If you said around 50,000 J that would be around a single magazine of 5.56 rounds which would be perfectly acceptable as a defensive ability, which of course could grow into the future.

Applying real quantifiable numbers to these kinds of situations can avoid all kinds of arguments since the formula for calculating such energies is readily available and an OP/Admin can easily determine by plugging in some numbers if a shield of X strength can withstand Y amount of energy.

The one thing I do have to say about the quote by AnE at the end is this, While I do not know the entire situation nor what kind of conduct was shown by Mark`Hudson before these posts, your comment about his email to you regarding his condition is in my opinion so much worse than Azrael's comment about breaking a cat's leg by throwing it. That said, I don't know you. I don't pretend to, however that comment spoke volumes to me in regards to your character. Regardless of if his claim is true or not you could have handled yourself in a much kinder and professional manner than you did. Being the 'owner' or 'administrator' of a community means you should do everything you can to give yourself and your community a good public image rather than the image you are portraying. If you are content with having a small private group of friends to play with that's great, but don't be surprised or offended when your approach or abrasive nature sends new players heading for the hills.

A suggestion for the admin body as a whole. Currently the forums are designed great, for people that know how to navigate them and are familiar with them. Perhaps creating a separate forum group for unapproved members something like an 'orientation' process should be done, nothing too complex just have an admin dedicated to new players to answer their questions if they have any as well as being in charge of a forum 'school' which would explain certain things such as the setting, character creation, interactions between characters and other such stuff. Make it like an orientation at a university, have a bunch of different topics and a questionnaire at the end to see if you 'passed' or 'failed' your exam to be allowed to start the character creation process.

Just some observations I have made and some opinions/suggestions that I have for everyone to consider. No disrespect is meant nor implied on my part and any that you infer on your own is your business.
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Post by Remu »

Hi there Phira. (: Thanks for voicing your concerns. I think I should start from the beginning and work my way down, as you've covered a lot of ground.

Let it be known that the 'group' here is perfectly willing to accept new people as long as they follow the rules and don't make asses of themselves. Two small, small things that most people seem to have a tremendous difficulty grasping, but I'll touch on that later. (:

I don't know whom exactly you've been playing with, but from what I've checked, not very many people at all. It seems, however, that you've managed to pop in during a channel-wide plot where many people's characters have had their lives seriously affected which may account for the 'gloomy, dark' behavior. Or maybe you've been seeing someone play a villain, which would explain the psychotic behavior.

Somehow I feel like you haven't interacted with enough people to make that decision, claiming people only play 'psychotic, power-hungry characters', because I can assure that the majority are...not. I could even pull up a list if you like! Ops can't force people to play with people who they don't want to, but it goes both ways. People can't just constantly vacate IRC when the one person they've bothered to interact with leaves and then be surprised when other people are less than enthused to RP with them, given how exclusive they make themselves seem. (;

It would also help if you knew some of the background on some of the people. Given Mark`Hudson's history of flipping out TWICE (once because someone tried to join in and play with him in a public room while he was monologuing, another when he was informed after his FIRST ragequit that if he came back nobody was going to pretend he was brand new), I think I handled the situation pretty well. It wouldn't have mattered what kind of powers he wanted, he was unwilling to compromise, period. At the end of the day, he wouldn't budge. At one point, this man called one of our ops 'worse than the Nazis'. See the line? There it is. He crossed it.

Regarding the e-mail? I'm out of fucks to give. He had NO reason to send me that message besides to guilt-trip me. I have my own life to worry about, that manchild is not a friend of mine, and if he is truly sick, then I wish him the best, but if he's not (because this is the internet and it's not like people ever lie about things like that!) then he's a fucking scumbag and the sarcasm in my reply was not wasted. Think what you want about 'my character', it's still in tact because, as this is not a JOB, I am free to set my bullshit tolerance levels as high or as low as I want, and I didn't do shit to deserve that guilt-tripping bullshit especially after, for 3/4s of the previous conversation, I was perfectly civil and polite.

We try to be nice to newcomers and have even tried to town down our craziness overall, but at the end of the day, it gets tired to have 3, 4, and 5 new people try to join up without reading the rules and being thoroughly unwilling to cooperate with us. Like I said, none of the ops are paid for this. We get new people just fine. Either they get along with us, they grow a thicker skin, or they leave. We become abrasive when people give us a reason to be abrasive, and if they act like idiots, you can bet your ass we will try to deter other people from acting like idiots.

Everything that anyone needs to know about the channel or its setting is on the website. I've had to amend the rules and add and tweak them for folks, which is fine for clarification's sake, but nobody wants to make yet ANOTHER thing that people won't read. Generally speaking any of the ops are willing to help new people, and Sho (Shannon/Kraken/JJ/Dillon/etc) has been especially helpful in that regard. If people don't know how to interact, theeeen that's not our problem. We've given plenty of suggestions.

There's your observations, there's mine, have a pleasant day. If anyone else has thoughts on this matter, feel free to chime in.

EDIT! EDITEDITEDIT: Some logs were found by our very own Sisip/Andi. THIS is the manchild you're claiming that I mishandled.

>> << THAT GUY. RIGHT THERE! Did I still mishandle him? Did I?

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