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Post by corragh »

[14:00] <vile> VROOM VROOM. A spifftastic Mustang rolls through Crowley's, following the outskirts to a less-than-spectacular street. Half the buildings are condemned or in a state that's close to it. Windows are closed up by plywood, black iron bars or cardboard and those that aren't are dusty and just old. The sidewalks are overrun by dried out weeds and loose rocks. It could be worse. There's still a couple of shops open and clear residences here and there. And then there's that building he owns. The place is three stories tall and just plain ol' dirty. The plate glass window on the front of the place probably needs to be replaced. The words Butcher Shop is painted across the top right over some pictures of cartoonish pigs dressed up like chefs. It doesn't take long for him to arrive. The car rolls to a stop outside that place and he takes a moment to get situated. He rifles through his man purse, looking for some paperwork.

[14:04] <Ahriman> There's someone waiting for Nick outside that building. Probably that guy he was just talking to, regarding the inspection the undead guy needed. Probably that guy. He looked formal, with his business-casual attire, and his glasses, and his clipboard.

[14:11] <vile> Clipboard. How professional! Unlike Nick, who's in a t-shirt and jeans that are stained by grease, dirty and grime. He's been busy the past day and night working to get that shitty old building clean. Judging from the outside, he hasn't actually put a dent in the workload either. A folder of documents is clutched against his side like he's worried about losing them. He heads over to the suited man and offers a charming smile. A hand, one that's clean save for the ick under his nails that requires more thorough scrubbing, is thrust towards him to offer a shake. "Why hello there!" he chimes, acting all friendly. Of course this is the inspector! People in suits don't really come through this street very often.

[14:12] * @Kraken ~~~ Awwww lookit that! Dillon's little birdy friend, Sam appears to have gotten away from his dandy owner. Though this was quite a ways for the little guy to hae flown on his own! Perhaps the former professor was somewhere nearby? ~"Nik'las!"~ Same that familiar squawk of recognition as Sam flitted down for a landing on the man's shoulder. ~"Peanuts?"~ Timing, Sammy... you should really work on that. ~~~~

[14:17] <Ahriman> "Nicholas, correct?" he apparent inspector greeted, accepting and shaking the less-than-fully-clean hand. He'd have a date with some hand sanitizer soon. "Let's get this started with right away, shall we?" he turned for the building's entrance, and waited dutifully for Nick to open it up.

[14:22] <vile> PEANUTS! Nick can't help but look happy about the bird's appearance. He likes Sammy! The bird is offered a pat on the head. "I don't have peanuts right now, sorry. I promise I'll get some soon. Say hello to the nice man." He nods towards the inspector and returns the handshake. While his hand might not be perfectly clean at least he has a professional grip? Well it counts for something! "Yes, of course. Right this way." A keyring, one that's almost awkwardly loaded down with keys both large and small is pulled out and used to open up the shop's outer door and inner. He holds both open to let the fashionable man in. "I'm still working on it but, er. Not the structure." OH GOD IT'S SO DIRTY. But he's in the process of cleaning it! Bleach, pine-sol, vinegar and water, buckets, scrub brushes, a broom and dustpan. All kinds of equipment can be found lying around, evidence he's been a busy man.

[14:26] <@Kraken> ~"Hello, Nice man."~ The parrot would dutifully obey, especially with the promise of peanuts later.

[14:30] <Ahriman> The 'inspector' frowned at the bird. "I hope you'll stick strictly to guidelines regarding pets once this establishment opens," he commented while Nick unlocked everything. He steps in, but he wasn't the first one in there. The inspector stepped to the side once he was in to make room for Nick, but once Nick followed, he'd clearly see a special guest. A very well-dressed special guest. A guest Nick had helped foil just days ago. "Ahh.. Nicholas. So good to see you again," he said, voice smooth and full of terrible foreboding.

[14:40] <vile> "Oh yes, of course! Er. This is a friend's parrot. I'm just babysitting him while he's getting his hair done." he explains to the first man. Sam's given a pat on the head and he shuts the door behind them. It's then that he notices there's a second guy inside! His hazel eyes widen with surprise, he glances over at the 'inspector' and stares at the guest. "Oh my." is mumbled and he strolls over to offer a handshake. Foreboding? Terribleness? Yeah like his past week wasn't filled enough with that already. Might as well be friendly!

[14:42] <@Kraken> ~"Clean bird!"~ Sam sounded offended, surprising tone coming from a parrot, but he was a smart little guy. ~"Friend."~ Was he correcting the 'inspector' on calling him a pet? Who knew! Nick's finger was nipped a little harder than an affectionate nibble but hey, he's an animal! though after the nip, Same rubbed his feathery little head along those fingers before attention was turned 6inside. New sights! New people!

[14:47] <Ahriman> The inspector moves to stand in front of the door, his expression impassive. Hayden of course accepts Nick's handshake, even offering a wolfish smile. He doesn't let go of Nick's hand, though, making sure he stays close for whatever he had to say. "I'm going to cut to the point. I want something from you. Nothing dangerous; despite your..actions..this weekend, I'm aware of how much you dislike confrontation. I want information, Nicholas. Information on everyone inside that building. Names, powers, deepest darkest fears."

[14:54] <vile> Yay for...handshakes. Of course the smile is cause for worry. One of his eyes twitches and he just quietly sighs. It's a resigned sound like he's given up already. Confrontation? No, of course not. "Er. Well. I don't really know anyone." Such a lie. Well. "Well enough to be of any use. But I could listen." A wicked smile cracks across his gaunt face. "And is there anything in particular that you'd like to know about? Or anyone?"

[14:59] <@Kraken> ~"Fears! No use. No one."~ The parrot mummbled in Nick's ear.

[15:04] <Ahriman> "Well, your security killed my sweet old mutant sensor, so I'd like to find a replacement, even a temporary one. Otherwise, I'd like to know what I'm dealing with the next time I pay a visit." Plotting another destructive run already? Oh yes. Hayden was thoroughly upset at having been foiled last time. "I'd like to find someone who can regenerate tissue, as well. I don't need an entire body.. just enough to where the powers that body had can be extracted and utilized." Which body, he of course wouldn't say. "You've helped me in the past, Nicholas. I would be pleased if you would help me again. I find threats to be..distasteful. But take from that what you will."

[15:11] <vile> Nick glances over at Sam and continues to pet the bird like it relaxes him somehow. But he pays attention to Hayden, listening to the other man's intentions quite carefully. "Yes, well. I don't approve of what happened to Julie." He nods to the bit about regenerating tissue. "I can heal injuries but that's not quite what she did. There's no biokinetics as far as I know and nobody else who did what she was capable of." You're shit out of luck, buddy! He nods to the bit about threats aren't good. "Oh but of course! I do like helping, especially when I dislike some of the people who could be preferred targets." The thought of sending this guy after his enemies is amusing! Also very nice. "Well. You know how to find me. I'll make sure to keep an ear out."

[15:16] <@Kraken> ~"Don't 'prove Julie."~ Sam parroted and then preened some back feathers. The topic obviously going over the bird's little brain. Smart as he was at some basic concepts such as who that guy is, He promised me a peanut!, his address, and even sentenses that seemed oddly convient.

[15:18] <Ahriman> Hayden frowned at the mention of Julie's demise. "I had nothing to do with her death. I was there to liberate her." Kinda. He was gonna lock her up and use her powers as he needed, but at least she wouldn't be stuck under Cobalt Hill. "That Indian woman saw fit to liquify her. Don't believe the lies they tell, Nicholas. Julie attacked no one; she was only trying to escape." He did chuckle at Nick mentioning he disliked certain people. "Well, if you prove to be as useful to me now as you were before, I don't see why some of those people can't be made to have never been born. Now, to keep this arrangement discreet," he finally let go of Nick's hand, "this will be the last time we meet for a good, long while. But you have my number. Text works best. Just send along anything you think is pertinent. Aside from what I need, if you could uncover information about the people who helped briefly disturb my plans, I'll certainly make it well worth your while." From the door, the 'inspector' coughed. A hint? Or maybe just some dust. Who knows.

[15:26] <vile> "Yes, I know that. I was there. I saw what happened." The memory makes his jaw tighten up some and that damn twitch come back. "Yes, I know. She called it self-defense to justify murder." His free hand balls into a fist, relaxes and balls up again. Not this chat again. Not more about Julie! When the contact is broken, he looks down at his hand and back up at Hayden. "Yes, of course. I'll remember that. Don't worry, you'll get your intel. It was nice seeing you again." A smirk is flashed at the 'inspector' and he nods. "And good luck."

[15:32] <@Kraken> ~"Murderrr."~ His wings fluttered. ~"Good luck."~ Those beady little birdy eyes stared at Hayden before the parrot turned back to Nick and began headbutting his chin.

[15:33] <Ahriman> There's a knock at the door, which the 'inspector' answers. What's this? Another Hayden?! That's sure what it looks like. The one that had been there takes a few steps back, while the new one moves to stand where the old one had been. There's a grin on his face given to Nick. "See you in a few minutes," the new one says before disappearing, leaving just the old one again, also grinning. "It was a pleasure, Nicholas. Enjoy the rest of your day." He patted Nick's shoulder, then left through the still-open door, with the 'inspector' following behind.

[15:36] <vile> The sight of a second Hayden seems to make Nick's brain screech to a halt. Oh god there's two. "That's...impressive." is his simple observation. He offers a wave to the departing men and lingers around. It takes him a minute or two to recover and he looks over at Sam. "Yes, I see you." is muttered and he resumes petting the clean little bird. "So...peanut." is added and he sighs. So much for a vacation.

[15:37] * @Kraken there was a surprised squawk and a ruffling of feathers. Duplicating and Vanishing People. This was bad. ~"Sam."~
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