A Skeleton [Bones]

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A Skeleton [Bones]

Post by Brad »

Player Nickname: Brad

Name: Unknown (Possibly Arthur)
Codename: Bones, but please don't call him that. It's an offensive term.
Age: Unknown, still seems fresh
Date of Birth: Irrelevant

Height: 6'0"
Hair Color: Dependent on color of wig
Eye Color: Hauntingly vacant
Place of Origin: Either a graveyard, possibly a medical school classroom
Nationality/Race: Skelecaucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Skeleton

Status: Other
Occupation: Important skeleton business

Personality Profile: Pretty upbeat, as far as skeletons go. Always has a smile on his face.

Physical Description: About six foot. No skin, muscles, organs. Your basic male skeleton. Strong jawline.


Powerset: Skeleton

Ability One: Is a skeleton, and therefore is capable of any action that a skeleton would be capable. Excels at remaining immobile, grinning hauntingly, and reminding others of the transient nature of life and the stark reality of their own mortality.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Is a skeleton.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Well, one of his legs could fall off. That would be pretty spooky.

Skills: An excellent paperweight, and in a pinch, can play the role of Yorick in Shakespeare's HAMLET.

Background: He was alive once, but now he isn't. And thus, a skeleton was born.

Criminal Record: One count of falling out of a closet and scaring an old lady.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Enjoys the works of Brahms, and the early films of Martin Scorcese.
Last edited by Brad on Thu May 17, 2012 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Skeleton [Bones]

Post by Remu »

I have to address a few problems with this character, beginning with the obvious.

First of all, 'Arthur Skeleton'? What are the chances that a skeleton would have 'Skeleton' as a last name? You know better. A skeleton would not weigh 26 pounds. The thought is just ridiculous. Also referring to a skeleton as svelte is kind of redundant. 'Vacant' is not an eye color. Believe me, I checked. A skeleton wearing wigs is just silly and he would be laughed at, literally, all the time, but he's your character and if you want to subject him to that kind of ridicule, it's your right.

I'd like to know what business skeletons think is important. No, really. We can't have super secret skeleton agents running around (clattering around?) and causing mayhem, driving tanks onto the lawn and whatnot. Think about it. This area really needs to be defined better.

His weaknesses, especially when compared with his absolutely bloated skeleton abilities, are very, VERY slim. You might want to add something like 'frequently attacked by stray dogs' to balance it out.

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Re: A Skeleton [Bones]

Post by Brad »

ok i changed the weight but i think the rest is fine >:C
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Re: A Skeleton [Bones]

Post by Suzthulhu »

I can't wait to RP with this high-quality character.
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Re: A Skeleton [Bones]

Post by Brad »

man i was sure this one would get approved...
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Re: A Skeleton [Bones]

Post by Jeem »

We'll be opening negotiations to revamp this character and get it through the approval process.
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