Cwenyth Androse - revamped

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Cwenyth Androse - revamped

Post by AsurKat »

(( Hey Annie, revamped the too-much-mind-controlly part and limited it down to simple suggestion. Let me know if this works out better or how I can tweak it to fit. Thanks!))

Player Nickname: Karys, Cwenyth

Name: Cwenyth Androse
Age: 24
Date of Birth: Oct 31

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lbs
Hair Color: Pale blonde
Eye Color: Greyish-green
Place of Origin: San Diego, CA
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: META Agent

Personality Profile:
Cool. Professional. Some might even say cold. When it comes down to business, all of the above are true and more. Then again, her particular job description requires her to be all of these things. Outside of business, however, she is found to be quite warm once you get to know her.
Cwen is firmly of the belief that mutants should have equal rights with the rest of humanity and the current heated situation is not to her liking. Her work with META, while not always enjoyable, gives her a sense of purpose. Afterall, how can mutants expect to be treated like equals when they continue to act as if they are gods? Mutants who flaunt and misuse their powers are, to her mind, the worst of the worst.

Physical Description: Cwen has a slender athletic build, like that of a runner. Doe-eyed with what some have termed an angelic face, she doesn't outwardly seem like a threat.

Powerset: Mental manipulation and control

Primary: Telekinesis:
Simply enough, she has the ability to mentally move and manipulate objects with complete control, including people. Currently she is limited to about 350 lbs total weight lifted or pushed about at a time.

Cwen has focused on learning how to immobilize targets with her powers, a useful skill for getting someone to sit and stay for questioning.

Secondary: Force Field:
Through her telekinesis Cwen has been training to create a force field around herself. Currently this is confined to her immediate person and about 1 foot in all directions around herself. She could protect one other, but they would have to be practically wrapped around her to be fully shielded. She can maintain this shield for about 5 solid minutes at a time, thougth it requires her full concentration and she cannot manipulate anything else while maintaining the shield.

Tertiary: Suggestion
This mental ability works by disrupting nueral pathways that leave the brain vulnerable to suggestion. Vulnerable, but not always susceptable. It is, in its way, akin to hypnosis, but done with just her gaze and voice. She is able to make to make subtle and simple suggestions, increasing the likelihood that someone would be willing to talk about or forget something they otherwise would not. A weaker talent for sure, this particular power is primarily used during interrogations or when trying to find information, encouraging people to talk more readily.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Telekinesis: Currently she is limited to a total weight of about 350 lbs being manipulated at a time. Pronlonged use of this power gives her headaches which could, if she pushes herself too far for too long, leave her incapacitated for a few days. Also, when immobilizing a target, if they are able to lift more force than she can put on them then they can break out of her mental hold.

Force Field: As previously stated, the shield only extends out from herself about a foot in any direction, requiring full and complete concentration to hold. She cannot move objects around while maintaining this shield and will be left significantly weakened if holding it up for the full 5 minutes.

Suggestion: The weaker the will of the target, the easier it is to get them to spill their guts. Steady eye contact is also required, so if she were blinded in any sort of fashion this gift would be rendered nearly useless.

Projected Power Growth & Development:
Her telekineses has room to grow and eventually she should be able to increase her max weight manipulated at a single time by another 50 - 100 pounds.

With continued training of her force shield she should be able to extend the radius to about 5 feet in any direction around herself, allowing more people to be covered, and increase the time for holding the shield.

Suggestion: This ability is her weakest and already at its full potential.

As a runner, Cwen is conditioned to run long distance or swiftly sprint longer distance, useful if having to persue a fleeing subject.
While by no means a hacker, growing up in this new digital age has made Cwen rather proficient with computers.

Background: Like most mutants, Cwen's powers manifested with puberty. Things started moving about the house by themselves, almost like the family had a poltergeist. Then there was the way that suddenly she was taking her parents into what she wanted with no arguments. Once they'd figured out she was a mutant she was immediately shipped off to a special school so she could learn to control her powers and not abuse them. Money was no object and her parents, both players in the political arena, wanted to try and keep their daughter's powers out of the media spotlight. While not entirely supportive they weren't disapproving either.
After college she was approached by META and immediately went to work for them. Her job - information gathering. Cwen would be called in when people needed to be prodded into giving up their secrets then later forgetting what they knew. She would also be called in to attempt and retrieve information from stubborn targets before other more forceful methods were tried.
Her job now brings her to Salem where she will be assigned to the new Mutant facility being built where the Academy once stood.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
She has a fondness for exotic cuisines, Indian food being her favorite.
Cwen is a runner and participates in several relays or runs every year so long as work allows her the time.
She is also a rather good cook and enjoys baking as well, having a sweet tooth for homemade cookies.
Cwen majored in Political Science and Psychology
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Re: Cwenyth Androse - revamped

Post by Remu »

After some discussion, we've come to the decision that in order for this character to be playable, she'll need a new profession that doesn't involve working for META directly -- if she wants to be under the Sanctum's employment or similar, that would be fine. We'd also like a better explanation of her forcefield, like how much force it can withstand.
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