Ranger Thomas

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Ranger Thomas

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Ranger Thompson
Age: 18
Date of Birth: May 10

Height: 5'6
Weight: 230
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Marshall, Minnesota
Nationality/Race: American
Classification: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Exterminator

Personality Profile: Ranger is astoundingly simple. As long as his basic needs are met (food, warmth, shelter), he'll virtually always be in an upbeat mood. There's not a malicious bone in his body and he's almost incapable of premeditated violence. Few things can rile him save from insulting his mother. The only things he wants out of life is to be accepted, happy, and healthy.

Physical Description: Average height, on the pudgy side. There's not a whole lot that stands out about Ranger. At least until one gets a good look at his face. One side looks like a great animal decided to try and rip it off, mangling him horribly. The damage runs deep enough to render one side of his mouth partially unresponsive, slurring some of his words. An eye patch covers his ruined eye. His hair is shoulder length and he wears his bangs long, brushed over the scarred side of his face in a half-assed attempt to hide the damage.


Powerset: Animal shifting/senses

Ability One: Dog form

*Ranger has the ability to change into a black Labrador and back at will. While shifted, he keeps his pudgy build and weight, staying 230 pounds. The change is quick, taking only a minute or two to complete. He changes only to a full dog, having no man-dog/furry form.

Ability Two: Keen senses:

*In both human and dog forms, he has a keen sense of smell and hearing. However, it's much more pronounced while shifted. Both the senses are amplified but only to the level of a dog and no more. It's superhuman but not above average for a dog.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

*Simple brain/short attention span: This is a bit more of a problem than just being easily distracted. Certain triggers can completely derail every train of thought he has and switch his focus to the new stimuli. Most notably would be bacon/cats/moving cars/squirrels. When human, these things can simply distract him but while in dog form, he can forget he was ever a person at all. More than one time he's found himself in a strange place, having chased a small animal or vehicle there, having no recollection of what brought him there. Some times, while shifted, his simple dog-like brain doesn't understand he can change back at all, leaving him in a canine form until he regains his senses.

*Diseases: He can be infected by diseases that a human or canine can get, meaning he can get ill twice as easily. The canine diseases mean he has to stop by a vet if a traditional doctor can't help him.

*Shifting: Going from dog to human and back again isn't a pleasant experience. It tingles, the bones shifting are painful and going between the two forms drain his energy and can leave him tired. If he changes to and from man and animal too many times or too quickly, the added strain can injure him. There's a chance that if he grows too excited or stressed, he can lose control and shift forms.

*Keen senses: This goes both ways, being both an aid and weakness. Strong scents can cover up or block the more subtle ones. Things that smell wretched and strong can rattle him. Stinkbombs are Hell on earth and easily drive him away from the source. Loud noises harm his ears and leave him more prone to attacks that target the senses.

Projected Power Growth & Development: None.


*Repair: Things like mechanics and repairing things can keep him occupied for quite some time. He enjoys building things, especially if he already knows how. New tasks or designs take him a while to learn and can frustrate him tremendously but he likes to pick up new skills.

*Tracking down animals/people/targets: This comes with him having amplified senses. But he honestly likes finding hidden things, whether he's supposed to or not. It's gotten him in trouble before, sticking his nose in places it doesn't belong. Once on a trail, he finds it difficult to stop or give up, having a pathological need to be victorious.

Background: Ranger's childhood was...interesting. His mutation didn't spring up out of the blue at puberty but instead when he was a young boy. House training soon followed after potty training. It was doubly frustrating to his parents but they hung in there, determined to raise their boy as best they could. In the early years, Ranger couldn't control his powers, flicking between dog and boy every few hours or so. It meant attending a normal school was way out of the question. Much of his schooling was done at home.

Years later, he grew able to stay human most of the time. Still, if he gets overly stimulated, he can abruptly change while in public. It's this lack of complete control, and a desire to be around other mutants, that has led him to Cobalt. He's still in contact with his parents and they're in the process of selling their house and intend to move to Salem.

Criminal Record: None.

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Re: Ranger Thomas

Post by Remu »

Sorry, we can't approve this character right now due to a large number of animal shapeshifters already listed.
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