Two Weeks or Boot! Cleaning the OOC

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Two Weeks or Boot! Cleaning the OOC

Post by Sisip »

It would appear we're back into having the "People come into the OOC room to bullshit and never bother RPing" problem. So after a bit of discussion (and I do mean just a bit) :
[07:41] <@Shannon> ... pinball
[07:50] <@AnE> She won't stay...
[07:52] <@Shannon> if she's just in here to harass ppl oocly...
[07:53] <@SisipWork> I still vote for "boot people if they're not RPing" again.
[07:53] <@SisipWork> Give them one private warnng... and if in 2 weeks we see nothing... out they go
[07:54] <@AnE> I don't mind that.
[07:54] <@SisipWork> We can create a thread on the Op Board giving a date/time of when a person was warned.
[07:54] <@SisipWork> That way we're all on the same page.
[07:55] <@Shannon> sounds good

So here's the thread! We can start handing out warnings - make a note of them here and if in two weeks we don't see them RPing.. out they go! That way we've given the plenty of time to find a way to get into the RP and show us that they actually want to participate in something other than OOC chitchat.

Perhaps it could go something along the lines of:
Hey there, we've noticed that you've not really been participating in the IC/Roleplay part of Cobalt. We'd like to encourage you to join in so that you've more options other than simply sitting in the OOC room. Although we understand that roleplay isn't quite for everyone it really IS why this room exists. It's simply come to the point where if we don't see a rise in IC participation we're going to have to start removing people from the OOC room.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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