Simulation - Brazil - Saturday October 22, 2011

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Simulation - Brazil - Saturday October 22, 2011

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> Her friendly demeanor vanishes, almost in an instant, quite like it had when she'd run the first sim. Clearing her throat she nods to Shannon and taps her nose, pointing at her. "No giving this one away." A wink is given to her teammate and friend before she turns back to the group. Once everyone is settled down Sisip picks up a clicker and presses it, the viewscreen flashing to what appeared to be a compound in the middle of a rain-forest like jungle. "One of our sister labs down in Brazil hasn't reported in yet. Our contact time was supposed to be 12 hours ago. Technopaths have tried to look into the situation only to find themselves facing what appears to be dead ends." Sisip frowns. "Apparently, according to the intel we have, the entire lab has gone dead. No electricity, no communication, no anything. We've no clue about anything that is going on there right now."
* Shannon is now known as Ion
* MunInFull ( has joined #CH*Beyond
<Ricochet> His eyes widen as he watches the briefing, even if it's a simulated one, in rapt fascination. He is SO INTO THIS.
<Doppleganger> Gina idly taps a finger on the desk while she watches, already plotting out some astral recon.
<Ahriman> Fergus regards the other with a smile, a nod, and a wave for each. Even Rick, though his smile was slightly less than the others'. His attention, though, was mostly on the table along the back wall. Several of those items he'd been training himself with, which made his curiosity all the greater. His attention was divide between Sisip and the view screen when it came on; he had to struggle
<Ahriman> a little to keep a neutral expression. This sounded like travel, a bit of sneaking, and a lot of taking out bad guys. Of course, he hoped it was just major malfunctions at the other lab, despite the intel to the contrary.
<@Sisip> Clicking the clicker once more a photo of a woman with fairly curly hair done in a very 1980's style appears. "This is Doctor Vitalea. She's the lead researcher and will probably be able to answer any questions we have. If you can find her and bring her back then we want that. Quite a bit." Sisip shrugs slightly.
* Mr_Clean nods as he looks at the slides, rubbing his chin as he continues to listen to the briefing.
<@Sisip> "Now you know what we knew. Other than that, you have 30 minutes to get your gear together. Our teleporter will make sure you get to where you are supposed to be." From a side door steps a blonde man with almost glowing blue eyes and similarily coloured glowing veins stretching along his skin. And with that Sisip steps off to the side of the room, leaving the group to discuss. No Question Answer time, it's a very quick 'go in blind' mission. What WAS going on out there? ((And strategy can be discussed while Vile runs to get dinner! WALK QUICKLY VILE))
* Fiesta_Pickle is now known as asdlkfj|brb
<Ricochet> "Okay," He starts the roundtable. "I can get in and out of a lot of places really quick, and I've been learning to move pretty quiet." He offers as a skill to those gathered, looking hopeful that he's making a decent suggestion. "I mean, I can't turn invisible or anything, but I can keep out of sight pretty well and scope things out."
<Doppleganger> "I'll take initial recon. I can astral project inside, invislble, undetectable, and take a look around. I just need cover while I'm doing it, since my body is vulnerable." She glances at Rick and gives a muted smile.
* Mr_Clean purses his lips and frowns slightly "Get me in close to the place and I'll be able to tell you if there's any power flowing, or where the breaks are... more or less. Other than that, I'm pretty much just muscle on this mission."
<Ricochet> He nods hurriedly, as Gina's idea sounds a lot better than his. He didn't really know what she could do up to this point. He settles back in his chair and listens, thinking maybe it's best to let the people with more experience put together a plan.
<Ahriman> "I take it we'll be using non-lethal means?" he nodded toward the back table. "Either way, I can passify some at distance."
<@Ion> "I won't, Skie. No worries about that. I want them to be just as surprised as we were, also been working on a Wonderland Sim myself not sure if anything'll ocme of it but if I do finish... hopefully there will be survivors in the simulated version." And then on to the intro of the Sim, Ion stood at attention, staring at the briefing. She'd been at the real one... "Invisible's a hard one
<@Ion> anyway, Rick..." Visible light, a form of radiation Shannon struggled with and couldn't manage to control at her current level. "Me... i can see through walls and take people out from a distance, I have my filters already worked to a safe level." She looked to Fergus, nodding. "Non lethal."
<Doppleganger> "Since we have someone we need to bring back, non-lethal is probably preferred to avoid accidents." Gina nods. "After the initial recon, we will still need to go inside. Depending on how well the doors are locked, etc, we'll need to get those open and get in. Hopefully I'll be able to find our doctor, but if not, we'll have to do a sweep and see who's where and what happened, and see if
<Doppleganger> we can get the place back up and running again, too, if that's something we want to do?"
<Mr_Clean> "Doors shouldnt be a problem... If they're electrical, I can get them working. If not... well, thats what prybars are for. And arc weldling works just as good as cutting torches."
<Ricochet> He nods as the others discuss, and tries to interject again. "So long as there's space to move inside, I should be able to keep anybody we come across busy. I mean, anybody we come across that needs to get beat up." If there's one thing Rick excels at, it's being distracting.
<Doppleganger> "You and me both." She gives Rick a thumbs up. Gina was good at three things: fighting, screwing, and eating, and so far, she was on a roll for at least two of the above today. Thank you, Anchorman.
<Ahriman> "I'd suggest masks and goggles. I'll have pepper rounds," he regarded each with a nod. He didn't quite have a team suit just yet, but he had clothing appropriate enough for this mission. Getting to his room and getting his equipment would be easy; changing in a hurry would take the most time.
<Doppleganger> "If anyone needs to go get anything, I'd suggest doing so now." She rips a couple pockets on her vest open and pulls out a set of goggles and a small filter mask. Stringing the mask around her neck, she swings it out of the way under her ponytail. The goggles are next, and she perches them on top of her head within easy reach.
* asdlkfj|brb is now known as vile
* Mr_Clean nodded "Goggles and masks are a good start." He makes sure his mask is accessable, and attached to his belt for quick access.
<Ricochet> "Oh, right!" He dashes back to the locker rooms for a moment and gets his goggles and a mask. The goggles he puts over his eyes, those were specially made for him to begin with. The mask he lets hang around his neck for the moment. He dashes back in and takes his seat again.
<@Sisip> Stepping out from his spot in the corner the glowing blonde haired blue eyed fellow looks over the group. Without saying a word he motions to the team to come closer to him. It was obviously time.
* Mr_Clean pushes back from the table, slipping his riot baton into its holder and slings his backpack over his shoulders, cinching it tight
<Ricochet> Rick nods, a little stiffly, and gets back up out of his seat, then moves towards the blond guy. He tries to look like he's not nervous, but probably fails at doing so.
<vile> Gabriel remains quiet and, at some point, chimed in about how he's useful at beating the snot out of people and can take a considerable amount of damage.
<Ahriman> Fergus jumps up, exits the sim room in haste, and sprints all the way back to the men's dorm. He huffs and puffs while hopping around, trying to dress in a hurry with all the coordination of Awk Ward. Soon enough he's changed, gathers a paintball rifle and a trio of full hoppers, and after a couple deep breaths, sprints back to the rec and down to the sim room.
<Doppleganger> Gina stands up, fishing into another pocket, where she'd tucked her iPod. Drawing out the ear bud, she tucks into the ear without the team bud, and grins. "Time for some fat beats to kick some ass to." She presses play, at which point some DMX starts up, and she heads over to the teleporter, donning a pair of fingerless gloves, reinforced with kevlar over the backs of the hands and
<Doppleganger> fingers.
<@Ion> "Masks and goggles? Don't need to blink or breathe, but the suit'll take care of anything my body doesn't vaporize. But thanks for the warning and sentiments all the same" Though her teamates needed it... She approached the glowing man.
* Mr_Clean walked towards the glowing fellow as well, glancing around and taking a deep breath
<@Sisip> The teleporter steps up to the group and extending his arms he surrounds them in a blue light. Within moments the room melts away, replaced by an almost wormhole like scene, lights shifting, churning and swirling in a stomach twisting fashion. When it finally stops the scene dissolves into ... the middle of a rainforest. No lab anywhere. Humid and sticky, insects and fauna making noise, a river off to the side. The teleporter gives a shrug, obviously not about to explain why they aren't near the lab, then he simply disappears. Upon further investigation there IS a path leading into the jungle, at least they weren't just dropped off like an unwanted pet in the middle of nowhere.
* Mr_Clean is now known as Circuit
<Doppleganger> "Comms check. Doppleganger here. Read me?" Erf, humid. Gina glances around at their surroundings.
<vile> With a simple request, Gabriel avoids running home to nab his mace. Instead...he requests the chamber to provide it for him. And it is, too! One moment he's without it, the next, good ol' Gus is in his hand. Of course, it's not the real one but it will function well enough. His clothing is changed as well, to the standard team uniform, and his wing armor shifts to match, turning to the
<vile> blues and blacks the team uses. Once in the forest, he glances around briefly and tilts his head to one side. "Which way?" he asks to nobody in particular, having no idea who in the group resembles a leader.
<Ricochet> "Ricochet here." He whispers into his comm unit, looking around as well.
* vile is now known as Seraph
* Seraph is now known as Seraph`
<Ahriman> Fergus, of course, had just made it. He had to dive to be included, but he made it. Conveniently. He loads the first hopper, steel-cored rubber 'glass breaking' rounds. After fitting his ear piece in, he gives it a press to check. "Deadeye here. Read you clear." Those clothes he changed into? Black turtle neck, black cargo pants, black slip-on shoes, and his trusty black knit cap. Stealthy.
* Circuit rolled his shoulders and nodded to himself, before lookign around at the group "Call sign Circuit." activating his coms "Circuit checking in."
* Circuit glances around "Alright folks, lets get moving. Stay alert, but until we get reason to believe otherwise, lets take this as a possible equipment failure. Doppleganger, scout ahead. Ion, Ricochet, keep an eye on her while she's out and about. Deadeye, we'll pull security. Sound good?"
<@Sisip> There is nothing to guide them, no little leather skinned guide to show them away. There's just them, in the middle of the Amazon rainforest.
<Ricochet> "Got it." He says, nodding to Isaiah. He's not one to rankle at being given orders. He looks over at Gina and waits for her to make a move, hand holding onto the hilt of the nightstick he'd picked up for the mission. It felt like a good, solid weapon for him, short range and not likely for him to lose his grip. "Doppleganger, you're up. I can get up in the trees pretty easily and get a
<Ricochet> veiw up there if you need me to."
<Doppleganger> "We need to get closer before I do any scouting. Can't even see the compound yet. So let's head up the trail. Seraph, read guard, please." She takes point though, heading further up the trail, nodding at Rick. "Do your thing, Richochet."
<Seraph`> Nooo! No blue cat people flashing tons of sideboob action? The horror. Gabe clues in and mutters into his com unit: "Seraph here." he hisses. "I can fly as well." he points out but shakes his head, "But I lack the keen eyesight of an eagle." sad! For now he falls quiet and sticks with the group, waiting for an indication of what to do. He looks to Rick, watching with interest.
<Doppleganger> ((put my post after vile's!))
<Ricochet> "On it." He nods briefly, and then he starts scrambling up the nearest tree trunk, shifting his gravity so he can simply crawl upward. As soon as he's about halfway up, he shifts again to move more quickly, leaping to a tree across from him, and then springing off towards the upper reaches of the tree he'd started on. He lands softly, without much of a sound, pretty high up, and scopes
<Ricochet> out the area in case he can see anything. He can't get the vantage point Gabe could, but he's likely less conspicuous to any nearby cameras or snipers.
<Ahriman> "Sounds like a plan," he nodded his agreement. "I can guard Dopplegangster once she goes," he offers. Sure, he'd been training for the close quarters stuff, but the farther he was from definitely having to put it to use, the better he felt.
* Circuit nods as they make sense. Get a little closer... derp. He was thinking of sending Gina's astral body down the trail to scout ahead before moving the entire team, but he's not really the leader, is he? so... it looks like they will move closer to the lab, or atleast move down the path somewhat. He focuses on trying to detect any electrical fields that arent part of 'their' signatures
* @Ion hated that form of teleproting... Even if it was just a Simulation of it. Shannon shuddered inside her suit. She knew worse was to come so she shook it off and continued on. "On it." She replied and took to floating, no steps, no sound, not even a glow gave her away. She looked to Doppleganger's body then the path the astral went...
* emily ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
<Doppleganger> "Ion, what do you see?" All she sees is jungle, and trail, and more jungle. She pulls her goggles down over her eyes since they didn't hamper normal vision and glances back toward the floating tin woman with a cocked brow before continuing further down the trail. "Ricochet, anything?"
<Ricochet> "Not much. Forest starts to thin out ahead of us, more empty space. I can't see any buildings, but maybe these are manmade clearings." He frowns slightly, then leaps to another treetop, and then another, getting ahead of the group to try and get a better bead on what they're walking into without giving themselves away.
<Ricochet> "Can't be sure, but maybe smoke ahead." He adds, narrowing his eyes through his goggles. It's hard for him to tell.
* @Ion shiffted her vision throughout the spectrum looking for any signs of well... anything. Animals, enemies, buildings... "Some animals, in the distance there's fire, small fires and a throbbing of nuclear energy..."
<Doppleganger> "Nuclear? Is it contained, can you tell?" That would be just shitty, if they came out here to get chicken fried. The fires weren't too much of a concern... yet? "Ricochet, any sign of the actual compound itself? How far away are we?"
<Ricochet> "Okay," He says, as he reaches one of the further treetops. "Uhh, this doesn't look good, guys. I'm seeing... well, I guess it used to be a lab, but it looks like King Kong dropped a squat on it. And then dug it in. This is bad." He narrows his eyes, then leaps towards a closer tree. "Looks like some bodies, some fires. Circuit, looks like most of the electric systems have been
<Ricochet> smashed. Sorry bro." He frowns slightly, staying where he is. "I think this is about as close as I can get right now, this feels pretty off."
<Circuit> "Right. Okay, lets move in for a closer look." he nods as he starts up the path with the rest of the group. Not much else to do but see exactly what they were in for."
<Doppleganger> "No." She gives Isaiah a look that clearly says "shut it."
<Ricochet> Rick remains clinging to the treetop where he'd landed, looking out over the scene of devastation, and waiting for further orders.
<Doppleganger> "In case you missed the nuclear part, let me say it again. Nuclear. And Ricochet says it feels off to him, so let's wait and let me go check it out, alright?" The look on her face is not one to be questioned at the moment, and she starts to step off to the side of the trail, waiting for Ion's assessment on whether or not she could tell if it was contained.
* Circuit shook his head. If the nuke wasnt contained, at this point they'd have already gotten a leathal dose. "And if it was chernobyl time, we'd already be glowing, so I dont think there's much to worry about so far as that goes."
<@Ion> "No, it's not contained, but don't worry about it. If we need to go over to it, I can keep the radiation off you guys. I'm made out of it, remember?" She remained floating in place looking off in the distance to where it was...
<Seraph`> "Is all this dickwaving necessary?" Gabriel mutters and glances between Gina and Isaiah. "We will solve nothing, just standing around listening to you." he runs a hand over his hair, quietly sighs and looks up at Shannon, watching the woman float around.
* Circuit gestures in the direction of the lab, nodding to Gabe "Exactly." He shrugs again "Lead, and I will follow."
<Ricochet> "Guys," He says through his comm. "I'm just looking at a lab that was here, and now it isn't. Something hit this place hard, and I'm thinking we should just take this slow. I don't know if it's radioactive or what, but whatever's going on, it's got major chops, and... hey." He reaches for his goggles, and then starts tapping a button on the side. "Oh, badass, I can transmit images
<Ricochet> with these things. Hang on." He starts tapping again, and if any of the team members have receivers, they can pick up what Rick is seeing.
<Doppleganger> She nods, and starts off in the direction of the compound again. "Can you tell how bad it is, or how long ago this happened, Ion?" The images Rick sends transmit and obscure the vision over one eye, and she shakes her head. "Damn. What the hell happened here that just... no one noticed?" She flips through the images with the tap of one finger on the side of the goggles.
<Ahriman> Fergus likewise scanned the received images. He gave a very movie-like cock of his paintball rifle, following behind Doppleganger. "You don't see anything moving down there?"
* Circuit is wearing his goggles and gets a look at what Rick is viewing. Letting out a low whistle he shook his head "Damn, that place looks like it took a serious pounding" He also heads in the direction of the compound, keeping pace with the rest of the group
<@Sisip> The group comes up on the lab. Or where the lab once stood. It looked as if Godzilla had come in and done a Mexican Hat Dance over the building. Debris was everywhere, electrical wiring still sparking and small fires randomly burning. Scattered bodyparts are seen once in a while. Whatever happened here was obviously a bit more than simply 'explosion'. Great long, twisting vines with brightly coloured pod like flowers draped along the devistated building. Aside from the crackling of electricit it would almost be considered peaceful. Apparently there was a jaguar sighting. It was majestic. Shame Rick didn't mention it.
<Seraph`> "We are in the middle of a very large forest. Of course nobody noticed. Perhaps the loggers did but there are not many others around to witness this sort of destruction." he chimes in and quietly sighs. He heads along with the group, staying close, one of his hands hovering over Gus, ready to snatch up the mace if so needed. When they arrive at the lab, he stares at it in awe but soon pays
<Seraph`> closer attention, using the heat vision to search for any possible guards or people still lingering around.
<Doppleganger> "Yes, but there are satellites that look for specifically this kind of th... holy shit." Gina stops dead in her tracks as the compound comes into full view. She flips through the various modes of vision on the goggles as well, but she's not really hoping for much. "Not sure we're going to find much of anyone who could live through this."
* Circuit frowns as he looks over the devestation... "Holy...mother of God..."
<@Ion> "I can take care of the radiation, guys. Don't worry about it." She created a small glowing orb of her power in her hand to show them, then dissipated it. "The fires look a few hours old... odd much less time than we've been out of contact with them. The radiation levels though... don't worry about it, we won't be here long enough for damage and I'll be filtering it, seems to be greatest
<@Ion> around the plantlife."
<Seraph`> "There is someone in the rubble." he announces and heads for the human-shaped heat signature. He wastes no time going through the stone and whatever else lay between him and the apparent survivor, throwing the crap off to one side as he looks for that person.
<Circuit> "Guys... something about those plants are just giving me the heebies..." he shook his head as they approached the ruined lab "Say, what was it they were studying out here, anyway? Anybody know?"
<Ricochet> "Gabe!" He calls through his comm, but it's probably too late. The guy could be a trap, or god knows what. He leaps from the canopy, then lands back on the forest floor with a soft 'fwump' and sighs. He shakes his head at Isaiah's question. "You got me, man."
<Doppleganger> "Plant life soaks up radiation, right? Mutates with it? Or is it -coming- from the plants?" She too, looks alarmed when Gabe takes off for that he says is a survivor, and swears under her breath, darting over to help him. She moves faster than an eyelash viper, and starts to help Gabe pull rocks and stone away; at least if the guy is a trap, hopefully she can get out of there fast enough
<Doppleganger> not to get caught in it.
<Circuit> "Ion... are you getting anything off those plants?" He keeps an eye on them, staying somewhat close to Ion, even as she is filtering the radiation in the area... damnit, he wishes he'd brought a machete
<Ahriman> Freakin' Gabe. Fergus opened his scope as it came up to one of his goggled eyes. "I got Seraph," he whispered through the comm with his free hand. He scanned slowly, making sure nothing about the winged wonder moved.
<Ahriman> *around
<@Sisip> As Gabe heads towards the heat signature and begins to shift rubble .... not much happens! O.o Well, he does end up revealing a small man, fairly mangled yet somehow still alive. He's in no condition to give any assistance and will probably require a double leg amputation in the near future, but a survivor he is! Unfortunately it's NOT the doctor they were looking for. As Gabe and Gina work to clear the rubble the sound of debris falling can be heard off in the distance, just a bit behind one of the half torn down walls.
<Seraph`> Gabe wins the team player award, just running into retarded shit. But hey, there's a person in there! They could have...information...or something! Perhaps it is a trap and he'll learn something about making informed decisions instead of just running into shit blind. But oh, at least it's just some little guy. Perhaps their doctor is in another pile of debris! "He is badly damaged."
<Seraph`> Mr.Observant mutters under his breath, reaching down to lay a hand on the other man's chest. Of course, this will do no good, as he's not a healer or possesses any abilities other than to break things. "Unfortunate. Do you think he is of any use?" he asks Gina and glances up at her.
<Doppleganger> Gina looks up at the noise and gestures for everyone to shhhh.... "Be still, gonna go look." Her body gets very still as she separates from it, invisible astral form heading off in the direction of the sound to... see what she can see.
<Ricochet> "Okay guys," He says through the comm in his ear. "I've got 32 flavors of bad feelings about this." He's keeping his distance for the moment. He's not like Isaiah, or Ion. He can't unleash the fury of radioactive or electric death on his opponents. He's got to stay cautious and wait for an opening. He strats scrambling up the nearet tree again, trying to stay as quiet as he can. At
<Ricochet> least if he remains unseen up top, he can get the drop on something. That's a good plan, right?
<@Ion> "It's focused on them... The radiation, I mean. Stay back." She turned to Seraph, wincing at what he found, that poor guy. Seraph seemed to have the situation in hand and Ion turned her gaze to more debris piles, shifting through the spectrums for sight of other bodies or anything important.
<Ahriman> Like Rick, Fergus holds back, mostly covered by foliage. He kneeled to give himself a little more covered, picking a spot that still gave him fairly clear line of sight to those who went ahead. A vein began to stick out on one side of his forehead, and with both eyes open - one peeking through a scope - he scanned what he could see of the compound.
<Seraph`> Gabriel frowns at the man, not quite sure what to do about the injured man. On one hand, he could just end the guy's suffering. On the other, just leave him to die. Gus is removed from his belt and he holds the handle of the mace tightly. But he opts to just leave the guy, as he's out cold anyway and too far gone to rescue. A couple of steps are taken away and he starts crossing the rubble,
<Seraph`> heading towards the source of the falling rocks. It's a slow creep, not wanting to run headlong into a bad situation...again.
* Circuit makes his way over to Seraph, and sets about rendering first aid on the man that had been found... he has to resort to a pair of tourniquets to get the bleeding to stop... "Damnit..."
<Ahriman> "Seraph, stay with Doppleganger," he whispers through the comm. "I think she's gone for a..walk." He panned up to the building Birdman was approaching, adding it to his awareness.
<@Sisip> It was difficult to stay back from the plantlife, those vibrant green vines laying on most everything. Occasionally one of the vines is bumped, completely innocently, yet when they are those great flowering bulbs open up. Insta bloom! Perhaps the greenhouse should get some. They're fairly pretty, all things considered. Bright reds, yellows and oranges with a splash of almost neon purple. Nothing much is seen, just more rubble and plantlife. Unfortunately as Gina takes a peek at nothing.. one of the vines, with an almost unreal speed (considering it is a vine) twines upwards around her legs and gives a tug.
<Ricochet> He continues hopping from treetop to treetop, trying to get a better angle on the situation. All he can see is rocks and vines and devastation, though. He frowns. "Anybody getting anything I'm not?" He calls through the comm unit in his ear.
<Doppleganger> The yank on her physical body abruptly ends her astral walkabout, sending her reeling back into her body. The effect is disorienting for a moment or two, and Gina actually loses her balance, pitching forward onto her hands. "SHIT! The vines are alive!" The rest of whatever she has to say comes out as anincoherent mass of swearing as she starts kicking at the vine wrapping around her
<@Sisip> The sims were special like that and when Isaiah ramps up the power. The pod around him dies almost instantly, unfortunately, being underground, that means dirt and ground quickly begins to fill up the cavity left. However the power he's expelling seems to travel along the lengths of vine, cooking it as it goes. Above ground the vines seem to stop their attacks and begin to flail around, whipping about with little to no direction, spiked thorned lengths simply slashing through the air, hitting whatever may be in their way. Gabe's pod, almost underground, was shredded messily, allowing the winged, digestive fluid soaked man to climb out of the pod should he choose (which it would appear he would). As poor Fergus dumped the capsaicin into the tears of the vine it begins to flail, whipping back and forth through the air, going so far as to try to bash him downwards onto the ground. Vengeful vine is vengeful. The zapped vines around Gina shrivel up faster than normal, helped along by the waves of electricity coursing through them from their underground attack.
<Seraph`> Gabe gets the fuck out of the pod SO FAST. The second he has a chance to, he drags himself out, fingers digging into the ground as he claws himself across the forest floor. Badideabadideabadidea. Hopefully the trauma of being eaten by a plant and having to cut his way out has taught him a damn lesson! His wings, body and tail are shaken quickly in an effort to get some of those digestive
<Seraph`> fluids off of him. The goop is raked off his face and slung to the ground. Gus is picked up and he sets to work attacking any pod he lays eyes on. ANGRY GABE SMASH. Repeatedly. Like the goddamn psycho he is.
* Circuit keeps up the power, pushing power like its goin out of style, just call me 'Nikoli Tesla' Baby!, however, as the world (literally) starts to crumble around him, he calls out on the comms "Uhhh... little help down here! Fuck, its getting tight down here, and I
<Circuit> 'm not a mole!"
<Ahriman> Fergus, being all anaconda'd, is kinda helpless to the flailing. He went along for the ride as a most unwilling participant. Never would he forget a knife again.
<Doppleganger> Gina busies herself shocking the shit out of the remainder of the vines wrapped around people up top on her way to where Isaiah is buried, moving quickly. "Don't panic. Help is coming." Once there, great handfuls of dirt start flying as she works to dig him out, both of her.
* ShoAFK is now known as Ion
<@Sisip> Psycho Gabe smashes like a fiend, smooshing vines left right and center. They draw away from him quickly, turning very brown very quickly. All the vines seemed to brown quickly, including the ones wrapped around Joe and Fergus, the grip loosening them quite noticably. As Fergus is whipped back and forth they open, flinging him away. Thankfully Gina starts to dig, the ground loose enough to be moved quite easily, which is good considering Isaiah's almost completely burried, the soil pressing hard against him. Smoke rises from the vines as his electric overload roasts them, killing whatever lays deep within the ground.
<Joe`Jager> And Joe beamed out.
* Joe`Jager ( has left #CH*Beyond
<Seraph`> Yeah. Fuck you, vines! Gabe seems to be having a ball murdering the plants. It's clear he likes harming these things way more than a normal man should. When he hears the cries for help, he lowers his mace and bolts over to Isaiah and joins Gina in digging him out from the ground.
<Ahriman> Freedom! But not the way he hoped. He grabbed clumsily for the vine, this time wanting to stay attached to it. Of course he picked a smooth one to wrassle with, though; his flung momentum didn't slow very much, and soon he knew what it was like to fly. After this, he'd be curious about what it was like to fly when he wanted to.
<Doppleganger> "God in heaven, this thing smells horrible." She pulled her mask around to block out the smoke and nastiness and kept digging.
* Ricochet ( Quit
* Circuit was doing his part to try to keep enough space around himself to avoid being crushed... in a lot of ways it was like being in an avalanche... with a carniverous plant... okay, it really wasnt like an avalanche, but he was trying not to panic, and thinking about absurd comparisons could be helping! Really!!! anyhow, he tries to make sure he doesnt get smashed underground, and keep
* Circuit the intakes on his rebreather from getting clogged with dirt... or he was gonna suffocate before they got to him
* @Ion digging, not too good at it, but Shannon joined in. Lucky her to not have a sense of smell on the foulness around her. Just need to get her teammates out see everyone makes it back alive.
* Circuit was repeating to himself over and over... dont panic...dont panic... dig dig dig... it was really dark underground, dimly he could perceive the heat bloom of those digging for him with the thermals in his goggles
<Seraph`> Gabriel doesn't see moved by horrible smell. He just keeps digging, trying to free Isaiah from his grave as soon as possible! The winged idiot works hard, flinging the dirt to the side and behind him. "We're digging you out." he mutters into the com unit, hoping that the man would hear him.
<Doppleganger> Eventually Gina uncoverd a hand, and grabs ahold of it, bracing her feet on the ground. She starts pulling, working to haul Isaiah up out of the ground while the others keep digging.
<@Sisip> The plant was dead, all that remained for them to do was rescue their burried comrade. Thankfully that was simply enough given the loose ground. When Isaiah's head is finally dug out the wave of foul smelling, but fresh, air floods over him. Thankfully he is not dead! Not this time at least, until Sisip came down, of course. The scene remained, smoking vines draped everywhere, occasionally one twitching but doing nothing more than that. It was obviously over when Sisip appeared in the middle of the scene, walking over towards where Isaiah was burried and his teammates were trying to dig him out. "Good job, everyone." Her eyes watch Isaiah as he's pulled from the dirt.
* @Ion ( Quit (Quit: brb)
* Circuit gasped for breath as he was freed, gasping more from the wave of panic that was starting to grip him, than from lack of air... thank god for rebreathers, but even then they would only keep you with air for so long. "Oh thank god..." he said as the crushing weight around his chest was relieved
<Seraph`> Once Isiah is freed, Gabriel stands and faces the injun. Gus is put away, strapped to his belt even though this mace is a simulated one. But bamf! It's gone! As is his team uniform, replaced by the sleeveless shirt, jeans and boots he'd worn in. His brows are furrowed and he looks less than pleased. "Good job?" he asks and glances around, "That did not end as well as I would have hoped."
<Seraph`> they got ate! "The objective was to slay the monster? I thought we were looking for information." birdbrain.
* Shannon ( has joined #CH*Beyond
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
* Circuit is now known as Isaiah
<Doppleganger> "The fuck it was." Gina is clearly still very unamused, and flops back in the dirt after Sisip comes down. She rakes her hands through her hair, yanking her ponytail out as she does. SHe's already dirty and disgusting, so a little more isn't going to kill her.
<@Sisip> Dark eyes slide over to Gina as her lips curl up into an amused smile. Looking back to Isaiah she nods towards Gina. "You should be dead now, Isaiah. The only reason you're not is because I hate killing team members in a SIM." Clearing her throat she looks back to Gina, "Your observations?"
* Isaiah lays on the dirt, letting himself calm down, mask laying beside himself, goggles in the dirt on his other side... he'd even unzipped the front of his uniform just enough to help get more air... "..."
<Seraph`> Gabriel frowns. When the others are addressed and his own words ignored, he simply falls quiet. His blue eyes divert to the ground, he crosses his arms over his chest and grimaces. He knew he did dumb shit and failed miserably. Sigh.
<Ahriman> Fergus grumbled to and at himself, picking himself up after his landing. He trudged to where his rifle had been discarded, pulled it free, and approached the others. Already he was bracing for a reaming, and making his own mental notes of things he forgot to bring or could have done differently/better/sooner.
* @Shannon stood up and watched the other team members give their assessments of the simulation. Her gaze lingered on Isaiah for a little longer than the others.
* Isaiah sat up and rubbed the back of his neck "Well.. that could have gone better... Part of the problem is that we didnt act as a coordinated team... we werent leaning on eachothers strengths... and well... we just didnt know what we didnt know."
<Doppleganger> "My... observations." Gina sits up, knees drawn up to her chest, arms resting on them. "First, I think we should make it more clear who calls the shots for missions. Not saying it should be me. I don't give two shits, but having more than one person making calls is not the way to go." She looks over at Isaiah, then ti Sisip, and shrugs. "Second, charging over to check a survivor before
<Doppleganger> an area has been scouted was dumb. But it happened, and so I went with Gabe in case of... well, we saw what happened. But it shouldn't have gotten to that point to begin with. Shannon said the plants were wonky, and we went right into the middle of them before checking things out. And last... but in no way least... why the FUCK did everyone all of a sudden decide, hey, let's get eaten?
<Doppleganger> REALLY? That's at least two, maybe three team members dead, right there. Which means the rest of us would have very likely followed if this had been real." SHe gestured toward Sisip. "Take it away."
* emily ( Quit
* Doppleganger is now known as Suzthulhu
* Isaiah waits for the hammer...
<@Sisip> As Gina talks Sisip nods. "Yes, a clear leader was needed, yes.. charging in after the survivor was a mistake. So was writing him off as unnecessary." Eyes slide over to Gabe, pursing her lips. "When this was a real mission we had Joseph Vogel with us. He was able to transport Shannon here underground safely in order to do what Isaiah did." She shakes her head. "That would have gotten you killed, Isaiah. Dead. Game over. Not coming back. HOWEVER, you did what needed to be done to complete the mission." She shakes her head and sighs. "Fergus, " She looks over towards him. "This is why having perfect aim doesn't always help, but all things considered.. good job. You also, Gina, even with chasing after Gabe here." She rubs the back of her neck. "Mistakes were made but elements that were good also showed up. Not every mission is going to be an absolute success and you may just lose someone. We try NOT to, however. And we certainly don't rush into dying."
<Seraph`> Gabriel winces visibly and looks up at Sisip. His chin lifts and he listens to both Gina and Sisip's words. "Should we have made an effort to patch the survivor up and carried him with us? He is not the man we were searching for and would have been a burden." his tone is not that of a man arguing or defending his actions, instead seeking an honest answer.
* Isaiah nodded slowly "Yeah... well..." he doesnt have anything really to say past that. It was stupid. He'd have gotten himself killed... and well, thats the end of the story. way to go team dumbass
<Ahriman> Fergus nodded at Sisip. "I also forgot my knife," he added to what she either missed, or hadn't pointed out. He figured airing his own faults would help him remember in the future, and help the others to remind him.
* Isaiah rubs the back of his neck some more. At least it was over... thank God. Buuut, no way was he going NEAR the greenhouse for a while... *shudder*
<Suzthulhu> Gina hauls herself to her feet, offering a hand out to Isaiah and one to Gabe as well. "It's alright. We're here to learn. All of us. Don't take me personally, the harshness." She looks over at Shannon and grins. "That was pretty damn cool with the iron beams though, I gotta admit."
* Isaiah accepts the hand and stands up, dusting himself off "Thanks. At least nobody died. It was a sim, and nobody died."
<@Sisip> "If there is someone alive and needing help, Gabe, we are the one's who help him. He survived, by the by, the man we found, and he lives quite happily in a sleepy little town about three hours from here." She smiles softly and shrugs her shoulders, "You did, Fergus, but now you won't forget it. Your knife can be your best friend." Grinning over to Gina she nods, "That was sort of cool, yeah. One doesn't get to see red hot I beams flying through the air every day. SO! You guys are free to go. I'll write this up and get another one together. By the end of this I'm sure we'll work as a finly oiled unit."
* @Shannon shuddered at the memory... Vogel's teleporting while it didn't hurt - it was an unpleasant experience for one of her form. "Took it out from the inside... I don't have a body and am wearing armor... my powers destroyed it from the inside out, i think i was actually inside the main body..." She didn't like thinking that she was like antilife, but it worked for what they needed.
* @Shannon Shannon nodded to Gina. "Thanks, good idea on your part too, alone either one would not have been as effetive."
<Seraph`> Gina's hand is given a shake. He nods and quietly sighs. "It is better to learn these lessons in the sims than in the real world. I believe we are in desperate need for more of these sorts of meetings. Simulated missions." he looks to Sisip when she speaks and nods. "I see. I will remember that for the future." he quietly sighs and manages a tired smile. "Yes. We will be a good unit once we
<Seraph`> work together enough. I honestly thank you for the experience. I hope that we preform better next time." he nods to Shannon but idles around, not so quick to flee from the sims.
<Ahriman> His best friend, indeed. A freakin' awesome best friend. Sisip would get the forms for the sort of friend he liked in a day or two. >.> In the meantime, he made sure to clear his paintball rifle, removing the propellant before peering down the barrel. At least he didn't have to clean paint out of it this time.
<Suzthulhu> She grins. "Welp, I need to go home and rape a pizza. Not necessarily in that order. I think I'm gonna go for a swim first though, unless you're up for another round, Fergus?" The dirt and whatnot disappeared as the sim did, or would anyway, just leaving her sweaty. "You can join me for that swim too."
<Ahriman> Fergus shook his head. "I need to do some research after.. this." he gestured nonspecifically at the sim room.
<Suzthulhu> "Have fun with that!" And off she went!
* Isaiah looks around as people depard the sims... he takes a slow, deep breath and lets it out "Annnd... I think I'm gonna go get a burger." he was suddenly very hungry, and wanted nothing to do with any food that had green in it...
* Isaiah nodded to Sisip and walked out of the sims, in desperate need of some comfortfood...
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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