Alexander Reid [Shaddow]

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Alexander Reid [Shaddow]

Post by Thomas`Marshall »

IRC Nickname: Thomas`Marshall

Name: Alexander Reid
Alias: Shaddow
Age: 19
Date of Birth: October 31st
Hometown: Wilmington, North Carolina

Height: 6 feet even
Weight: 193 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: He is an extremely down to earth guy. His philosophy is mind over matter. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter. If someone becomes his friend, they are friends for life. Become his enemy, it will take you quite some time to prove to him that you are different.

Physical Description:

Character Picture (Optional): Image



Primary : Shadow Manipulation: Alexander has the ability to form shadows where there are none, and alter the characteristics of existing shadows. Though he hasn't quite fully developed this ability, he already has enough influence over shadows to completely fill a room. He can also give the illusion of a person standing inside the shadow, giving off a darkened form of what could be a person, even when no one is there.

Secondary : Stealth: This ability, along with his shadow manipulation, makes Alexander practically invisible when he chooses to be. He can move with virtually no sound emitted and can easily make his way through an entire building if he were to combine using stealth and his ability to manipulate shadows.

Tertiary :

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Sometimes Alex loses concentration due to medical reasons. His shadow manipulation is effected if he were to lose concentration.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.) I believe that he will eventually be able to cover as much area with shadow as he sees fit. Hopefully he will take control of his medical issues and stop losing concentration.

Background: Alex was born on the coast of North Carolina. As a child, like most other mutants, he led a normal life, spending time with his family and friends, doing nothing out of the ordinary. As he grew older, he began to notice things changing around him.

Everywhere he went, shadows seemed to follow him like a lost puppy. He couldn't seem to get away from the darkness until one day he simply stopped and yelled at the shadows to leave him alone. With a crowd of people standing around him, some being family, others not, people began to think he was mentally unstable, even though the shadows had, in fact, disappeared after he yelled. Over the years, Alex began to realize it was he who brought the shadows upon himself, creating them from literally nothing. Though it could have been the depression he was going through that manifested these powers, no one will ever really know where they came from. He soon found other odd things happening, like scaring his friends in high school by sneaking up on them.

He has since learned how to mostly control each of his mutations, but has come to Cobalt Hill Academy to further his knowledge on how to use the abilities he has been gifted.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Alex has a minor case of ADD. He is kind of easy to distract depending how his day is going and what kind of mood he is in.
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