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Post by lllithid »

IRC Nickname: Lukas`

Name: Unknown. Refuses to use or give it. Actually punched the last person who asked square in the teeth.
Alias: Shitload
Age: 26
Date of Birth: October 15th, 1983
Hometown: Hell, Michigan. (it’s a real place, really!)

Height: Variable, depends on host.
Weight: Same as height.
Hair Color: Same as weight.
Eye Color: Same as hair colour.
Nationality/Race: Caucasian-born, but varies with host.

Occupation: Professional Trouble Maker. A borderline terrorist for hire, Shitload is an all around unpleasant man, willing to do most anything for a decent rate. “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, more horrific things done on a sliding pay scale. Pay up bitches!”

Personality Profile: Psychotic to use the term loosely. Shitload treats his own body like a rental car, and is willing to treat others the same way. He seems to possess absolutely no empathy for his fellow man, or is at least able to suppress it to a remarkable degree. “Antisocial” is a polite term for this kind of person, known for inflicting harm on a whim, with a pretty much total disregard for the safety and rights of others. Despite this, Shitload can on occasion put up a veneer of sensibility and tact, and he is hardly a brash and savage, bloodthirsty brute. He is violent and cruel to say the least, but he is certainly clever enough to make it work, or to pretend to be otherwise. Its what kept him out of any real trouble for this long.

Physical Description: This varies, depending on his host body. Please see his powers for the reason why.

Character Picture (Optional): None yet.



Primary : Swarm Self. Shitloads body isn’t so much a ‘body’ as it is a swarm of awful little beasties. Each of these creatures is chalk white and just a little smaller then a grain of rice. There are countless numbers of these composing Shitloads actual self, all sharing some form of hive-mind/mass consciousness. The creatures are capable of high speed flight, moving at about 60mph while airborne. While each individual part of the swarm is no more durable than the average ant, the swarm is capable of regenerating its numbers very rapidly. Together, this means that it takes a great deal of work to actually damage Shitload to any real degree in his swarm-state and that unless the swarm is entirely captured and annihilated; Shitload is capable of regenerating the numbers and returning at a later date.

Secondary : Meat Puppet. The Shitload-Swarm is actually capable of flowing into, and ‘infesting’ a living (or recently deceased) target, residing in the brain and other tissues of the host body. Once infesting a host, Shitload quickly destroys/ replaces/subsumes important parts of the host body, effectively killing the host and giving Shitload a body to play around in (Though the body technically isn’t dead, the personality is annihilated; but the Swarm is capable of sustaining biological function; and even imparting false function back into fresh cadavers). Because Shitload is technically only riding around in a stolen body, he does not suffer the weaknesses of said body, such as pain or fatigue. In effect, he treats each body like a “rental car” and is more then willing and able to push the body well past the limits it may have originally had. This gives Shitload the equivalent of class-2 super-strength while in a normal human host body, regardless of the host’s physicality (unless the body would naturally possess greater), along with similar levels of stamina. Shitload is capable of healing the host body from even grevious injuries, but since this healing itself is an act of will on his part, it is generally only used to restore function and not to bother fixing up cosmetic damage. If infesting a mutant, Shitload is able to utilize powers inherent to the physical body, as Shitload pretty much eats the mind and thus cannot access any of the more abstract powers. Sufficiently advanced healing powers, either possessed by the victim, or used quickly, before the swarm has managed to complete the infestation, are able to stop the ordeal and drive Shitload out. The Shitload-Swarm is capable of burrowing through any material softer then tough leather.

Tertiary : Psychic Sandblaster. Through unknown means, Shitload is capable of utilizing the mass mind of the swarm to send a signal into the brains of people he wishes to hurt. People who have been subjected to the effect describe it with the following story. “Imagine an island, a magic island. On this island, are a thousand men...all madmen, all evil beyond reason. Keep them on this island, without food, entertainment or shelter; and keep them alive for five thousand years. After this time, when they’ve been driven well past insanity, well past cannibalism and self-mutilation; you drop a statue onto the island. This statue is of a gorgeous, naked woman made entirely of T-bone steaks. Now record the sound of this group simultaneously tearing it apart, eating it, and fucking it. Add to this the mental images going through the minds of the men, and now play it over a ten-thousand watt stereo system with a huge HDTV screen. Now beam that signal directly into someone’s head.” Fortunately, the normal mind is not equipped to deal with this level of psychic barbarism and will shut down in an attempt to resist. Most often, this means a loss of consciousness as the brain just shuts itself off for self preservation, but it can take the form of any number of mental actions designed to resist this (such as replacing it with pain, or flooding the mind with good memories, etc), but whatever the effect, the result is just as debilitating. Shitload is capable of projecting this out to a range of 50 yards, either full strength at one target or at a slightly weaker level in a omni-directional broadcast. Shitload is capable of using this power while in Swarm-form, or while infesting a host body. A side effect of this, is that there is always a constant element of this power within Shitload himself. Anyone who would be foolish enough to come in contact with his mind; would be instantly assaulted and effected as if taking the full brunt of this power. On top of that, they also have the added insult of not actually getting access to his brain.

Secret Villain Power!: Teleportation! Through unknown means again, Shitload is capable of teleporting the swarm, and only the swarm. By compressing the swarms mass into a small space and applying some power; Shitload is able to teleport the swarm up to 3-5 miles, as long as Shitload can get a decent mental picture of the destination in his head. A side effect of the energy expended in each teleport, is that each is accompanied by a blast of energy equal in force roughly to a hand-grenade.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Very few actual weaknesses. Though trapping Shitload outside of a host body does put him into a more vulnerable state, if one can correctly take advantage of it.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Greater power with the sandblaster power, greater range on teleportation, infesting multiple bodies at once.

Background: The history of Shitload is a convoluted thing. TO begin with, his powers..he's had them a damned long time. Before he was born actually. You see, Shitload is a twin..or wes a twin, or was supposed to be a twin. Whatever! The thing is, he turned into a Swarm pre-natally and infested his brother in the womb. He was thus born as an only child, or perhaps more acurately; in the most bizzare case of a conjoined twin possible. The thing is, Shitload didnt really realize it was different though, he didnt know any different, he thought everyone just seemed to ride around inside their bodies, it didnt register to him that other people were their bodies, and that he was different. Nobody ever really explained it to him though, as that isnt the sort of thing that often comes up in casual conversation to a growing child.

Thus, Shitload grew to mid-adolescence before ever realizing that he might actually be a mutant, and this is only due to the manifestation of his Psychic Sandblaster power, which happened to occur with him being in a race-car track, causing a major accident resulting in the deaths of two drivers. Nobody ever managed to blame him for it, but he realized what he had done..and yet, didnt feel so bad. He thought it was kind of awesome. Thus, he embarked on a life of petty crime, knocking over gas stations, rolling drunks and drug dealers. Still in his "own" body, he didnt utilize his full powers, out of a unconscious desire to preserve this body.

That all came to a head one night though; when one of his attempts at robbery went south. He had broken into a home, only to find the couple who owned the place asleep in bed. He tried to leave without waking them (after he'd robbed them); but sadly..they both woke up mid-crime. The man confronted Shitload, there was an altercation..someone had a gun! BLAM! Shitload felt the bullet slip in one part of his neck and exit from the other, but didnt register the pain. Another shot! BLAM! He felt the bullet peirce his ribs..another shot, there went his kidneys. You know, this couldnt be normal. The last shot hit Shitload square in the face, shattering his nose and blowing open his sinuses. At this point, the Swarm was finally able to realize that it really didnt -need- this body; and quickly flowed forth. The couple was devoured within moments, down to the bare bones; Shitload buzzing about the house..exulting in his new state; but also curious. Had he been like this the whole time? Was he ever -not- the Swarm? Did it even matter..the old body was broken and useless, and this new self was far better. Destroying the evidence of his crime, via his first use of teleportation..he began to search for a new host.

The new host came, was used..was used up. Second host, same as the first. Down through several hosts went Shitload, his crimes growing more and more seasoned and more and more violent. He began to run with circles best avoided..Hamas agents, Hezbollah, other groups who arnt famous. He admited to being a mutant, and admited to being an awful man..but those groups, they needed him. He did terrible things..caused car crashes, planted bombs, infested innocents to use as weapons. Shitload is one of the worst examples of Mutantkind active in the world. His family assumes him dead, and thats for the best..he's done with them anyway.

Whats he doing in Salem though now? Well..its near Boston, and he has contacts there. Recently, he'd been in contact with other mutants; a group he'd never worked with before. Besides, he's heard rumours of a mutant-school nearby. He'd been to one once, some uptight place in New England, run by some bald freak who had signaled out Shitload and managed to drive the swarm away. This new school, he hasnt seen any bald freaks yet..and so he might just be driven to investigate; maybe cause a little mayhem while he's there.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):Has an amazing grasp of human/mutant anatomy; and might actually make a passable surgeon if he wouldn’t insist on doing awful things to sedated patients.
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