This is what happens when...

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This is what happens when...

Post by Tesseract »

Ok, I was writing up a character... things were pretty serious and then I got called away.
Came back and felt silly so I finished writing the rest and kind of made it silly. Thought I would post it before I got back to seriousness with it so people could have a laugh at it.

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Re: This is what happens when...

Post by Tesseract »

IRC Nickname: TellaBella

Name: Sgt. Lindsay Connor [Ret.]
Alias: [Aegis]
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 5th November
Hometown: Denver, CO

Height: 5'7
Weight: 145
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: White

Occupation: Unemployed.

Personality Profile: Lindsay is your typical Soldier, she is well disciplined, strong and courageous. She is also kind, loving, caring and gentle when she needs to be. While not generally stand off ish in everyday conversation if she thinks you're questioning her authority she WILL put you in your place.

Physical Description: Lindsay is well toned, her time in the Army helped build up her muscles and her outward appearance, while not gawdy to look at in terms of muscle mass she still does not appear to have the shape that most women her age have. Her soft sparsely highlighted hair is cropped short, even after leaving the Army she still keeps it short. Force of habit or something.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Have No Fear, Human Shield is here! - Lindsay is able to summon at will a force shield of formidible strength. The shield is able to withstand multiple direct hits from tank shells and rpg explosives and seems to stand up to almost any kind of bombardment. While large scale ordinance has never been tested against it such things as mortors have had little effect on the integrity of the sheild. The shield appears as a dome shaped field around herself, this shield can be extended to include nearby allies.

The larger the shield's diameter the less over all strength it has, however it can remain at full strength even at a diameter of 10 meters. It's strength is cut by half for every 10 meters after. (100% at 10meters, 90% at 12 Meters, 80% at 14 etc...) The shield's strength is regenerative, any time the shield is not being taxed it's strength is regenerated.
The field is capable of deflecting laser based weapons as well, although a sustained beam is much more taxing on the sheild. To counter this, or at least buy more time the shield can be reinforced by directing energy away from other sections and redirected to the section being attacked.
The shield also acts as a monotransient barrier, stuff can come out but can't come in. Allowing for ordinance or other types of retaliatory strikes to be shot out of the shield, while things outside of the sheild are not able to just walk right in.

Secondary : Imma Putudown - Lindsay can utilize bolts of energy as projectiles that can be fired from her hand (with great accuracy) or she can fire them from around her body (with greatly diminished accuracy) She has been known at least on one occasion to fire these bolts in an omnidirectional pattern at high rates of fire as a means to destroy anything and everything around her. This can be done with or without her sheild being active, while in most cases if use of such force is needed her shield would more than likely already be active.

The bolts however come in different potentials, their damage and rate of fire differ depending on their potential. The bolts do not change size however and are not visible except for air displacement they cause as they travel to their target. The below equivilencies are for comparison only and do not equate to the actual size of the bolts. The sizes of the bolts are instantly interchangable and have no recoil.
There are different levels of bolts that can be fired and are as follows;

Level 1: 'Stun/Disable' This level of bolt will knock back the target approximately 1-2 meters and depending on location of hit could possibly knock the wind out of them.

Level 2: 'Anti-Personel' This level of bolt is capable of complete penetration of human soft tissue. This bolt would go straight through the targets sternum and continue through to exit the body.

Level 3: 'Anti-Vehicle' This level of bolt is capable of disabling and stopping a vehicle dead in it's tracks. Comparable damage to a collision at 40mph.

Level 4: 'Anti-Armor- This level of bolt is capable of taking out an armored humvee or armored car. The bolt would knock the vehicle over onto it's side, if this bolt were to hit a non reenforced wall of a building a large section of that wall would be non existant.

Level 5: 'Bunker-Buster'- This level of bolt is the second most powerful in Lindsay's arsenal and is generally only used sparingly. The bolt is fired directly into the air and is then guided to it's target by Lindsay herself. This bolt has the same energy as a military grade bunker buster and is capable of penetrating 30 meters of earth or 6 meters of solid concrete.

Level 6: 'When It Absolutely MUST DIE!'- This level of bolt is considered Lindsay's 'trump card' and is only played when everything else has failed and the fate of the world/millions of lives etc heroic stuff depends on her and it absolutely must die. Use of this level is beyond what her body can handle, and WILL kill her if used. The energy released by this blast will disintegrate anything it touches, and will keep seeking out it's target until found. Has unlimited range, will not dissipate and moves at 99.99% the speed of light, and will keep moving through things/people etc until it's target has been destroyed. There is no possibility of regeneration. Upon contact with it's intended target it rips the target apart on the atomic level even until the mere 'strings of energy' (see string theory) in which it is made up of have been disintegrated. This blast has no defense against it, penetrates force fields of any magnitude and is considered a 'cosmic weapon of ungodly proportions'. Use of this blast consumes Lindsay in the process and essentially uses her body as it's 'ammo'. Friendly Fire is turned off for this level of bolt.

Tertiary : Heads Down!.. or Up even! - Lindsay can bring herself into a 'combat ready' mode, which brings up a HUD letting her know her current status, Power Levels (using her powers drains her.) and basically gives a whole status report for herself. This extends to others as well, if she looks at another person, she can at a glance asses them and tell if they are injured and if so how badly. The HUD also provides her with a minimap of the location she is in, magnetic and true compass along with providing for IRvision as well. This status lasts until dismissed, and is generally not useful in any situation other than combat.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :Her abilities will not work if she has eaten within the last hour, if she is wearing or sees someone else wearing the color orange, can smell anything citrus, is not in direct light, is in a good mood, when either herself or another person are not in immediate danger, is wet, there is a lot of cloud cover or it is overcast, there is a fog present, she is wearing sunglasses, has to use the bathroom, used the bathroom within the last hour, has recently used her brain as a calculator.
The status of her being unable to use her abilities lasts for an hour. To 'recharge' herself she must consume large amounts of sugar, and stand out in the sun for 2-3 hours. Once drained her body will not recharge unless done so in the proper manner.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.)Bigger, Stronger, Faster, not so many weaknesses.

Background: Grew up, joined the army. The only time that her powers manifested was when the conditions were JUST PERFECT for her to do so. The army offered her an early retirement instead of being kicked out for being a mutant (the don't ask don't tell policy for that is still around...) The Colonel gave her a piece of paper with an address on it that lead her to Salem.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She hates sweets, can't stand anything that tastes sweet. Her favorite color is orange, which is incidently her favorite fruit. Her time in Iraq made her hate the sun so she avoids direct sunlight and always wears sunglasses. She is rarely in a good mood although is always polite. She keeps to herself mostly and doesn't try to be the hero too often, PTSD makes her cry and cower in fear whenever she feels her life or someone elses is in danger. She is constantly drinking water so she is always spilling it on herself here and there and always has to use the bathroom. She refuses to use her phone's calculator to do her calculating for her and insists she does everything in her head. She also does not like the rain, so if it is overcast outside she will not leave the house.

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Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:00 am

Re: This is what happens when...

Post by Tesseract »

Oh and just out of my own curiousity... how legit would this character be anyways? With her weaknesses and quirks and whatever? lol
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