Post Lengths

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Post Lengths

Post by Sisip »

Hi there everyone!

We've noticed a bit of a trend lately, so we thought it would be a good idea to remind everyone that while we do not require you to write novella's or short stories for you posts we do ask that a bit of time and effort be put into your roleplay, even if it is simple conversation.

When posting the main key is detail so that the person reading it can see it in their mind without a doubt of what is happening so that they don’t have to ask questions about what your character is doing. One reason to do this is so that it is more enjoyable of a read for the reader and to move along the RP faster. A post does not have to be long to be good with detail and fun to read but neither should it be so short that people need to ask questions!

An example of a bad detailed sentence.
Blatant Boy walked into the room.
Good example of a Detailed sentence.
Blatant Boy entered the rec center, eyes sliding over to the TV that was broadcasting the news quietly. The scent of coffee lingered in the air.

The same can be applied to conversation!

An example of a bad detailed sentence.
"I don't know if that's even possible."
Good example of a Detailed sentence.
GlassGirl looked over at GlueBoy as he spoke, "I don't know if that's even possible." She said with a bit of doubt in her voice.
See how both of these examples say the same thing but in the second one, it gives a much more detailed view what is going on, both in the room and in the conversation that is taking place.

We ask that everyone who visits Cobalt try to put a bit of effort into their posts, so that we can all enjoy a nice fluid RP without having to interrupt the flow with questions.

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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