Joanna Leeds [Jersey]

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Joanna Leeds [Jersey]

Post by TwinbeeMkII »

Player Nickname: TwinbeeMkII

Name: Joanna Leeds (Nickname: Joey)
Codename: Jersey
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 1997

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 75 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Place of Origin: Atlantic County, New Jersey
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Writer

Personality Profile: Kind, Quiet, introspective, lonely

Physical Description:Image


General Power Information: Physical mutation - Joey's mutation is primarily a physical one. Born as a hodgepodge of bits and peices, she has several physical traits. Wings that allow flight thanks to her light and hollow bones, clawed hands for gripping and tearing, sharp teeth for biting, long athletic hoofed legs for sprinting, a tail for balance, as well as enhanced senses like the beasts she seems comprised of. None of these abilities are in the extremes but they're enough to place her over a normal human any day.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: As a side effect of so many physical traits, none are exceptionally strong. As such she can't fly for long periods without tire, and her bones make her something of a glass canon. As well, her appearance can be somewhat shocking and a bit off putting at first for those not prepared for it.

Skills: Having grown up outside of the larger world, Joey has become something of a deep writer, letting the words under her pen expand on her dreams.

Background: Growing up in the rich and fabled Pine Barrens of New Jersey, Joey's life isn't what one might call normal. Striken with a family line wide mutation, most of her family are mutants of varying physical mutation. Being creatures of fancy, naturally humans began spinning tales and legends of beasts within the wood, creatures to fill men's minds with terror. Yet there were no beasts, no monsters to fear, but a family close knit. Yet legends persist, and as such, the Leeds family remained hidden in the wood, only venturing out when needed. So it was down the generations, until a young Joanna Leeds dreamed of the outside world. Tired of being hidden away and spoken of in beastly tales, she made her choice to venture forth and find a life of her own. So has that path led her to the gates of the Sanctuary, and the thirst for knowledge and understanding.

Criminal Record: Outside old wives tales and legend, the public at large has no knowledge of Joey or her family.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Being hidden away her whole life in the woods, Joey can tend to become overexcited at aspects of the outside world, often leaping before looking when it comes to something new.
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Re: Joanna Leeds [Jersey]

Post by Sisip »

Hi there!

Sorry for the delay with this, with the changing of the guards things have gotten a bit behind.

Unfortunately we're going to have to deny Joanna for now. You've recently had quite a few characters approved in a short period of time and we'd like to see a bit more play out of them before you expand further.

Thank you for your understanding!
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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