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Lucia/Lucian Devereaux

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:33 pm
by tumbleweed
Name: Lucian / Lucia Devereaux
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 8/8
Hometown: London, UK

Height: 5'10 / 5'3
Weight: 165 / 131
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: turquoise green or gray
Nationality/Race: British and French

Occupation: Student / Dance Instructor

Personality Profile: Quiet and shy, sometimes reclusive and prone to hermit-like tendencies such as taking refuge in libraries and simulation programs, sitting alone and performing excessive study.

Physical Description: The resemblance is uncanny no matter which gender Lucian currently uses. His legal name, and that of his birth certificate identify him as Lucian Devereaux. Both are dark-haired, though Lucia's jet black waves are always immaculate, exceptionally perfect, and Lucian prefers his own mane to be kept shaggy or short and gelled. A unique difference between the two is that the eye coloring changes between either form, a minor difference in shade that was almost imperceivable until later years, as the gray is so pale, and the green almost completely lacked pigment during earlier stages of the child's life.

As a female, Lucia might be called fragile due to her short stature, but she is far from delicate. Frequent visits to the gym have left her sporting well-developed biceps for a female that are lacking the hard definition of a man's arms but still impressive yet somehow remaining feminine. She has a gymnasts body without the stunted growth to accompany it, though she is unfortunately top heavy for her size and due to this, never made it past being a level 5 gymnast.

As a male, Lucian bears a physique that is lean and slender, bearing the sort of dashing good looks one would expect of a male model. His charismatic smile comes in handy when sweet-talking teachers into more time for late assignments, librarians to forget overdue book fees, and female patrol cops to excuse his speeding as a warning.

Character Picture (Optional):





Primary : Body Swapping (Self)
Lucia has had this power since birth, the earliest aspect of her mutation has always been to assume the opposite gender. During her youth, there was no actual difference to be noticed between she and the male counterpart until puberty was reached, but now, it's almost entirely evident that they were practically two different bodies with two very different builds and frames. Anything done to one body, will not show once the transition has occurred, so if Lucia were to get a tattoo, Lucian would remain unmarked in his body. Likewise, his haircuts don't affect her waistlength waves. The same goes for bodily injury, wounds, surgical operations, and amputations. Down to their fingerprints, they are different. Blood and DNA testing would identify them as brother and sister.

Secondary : Body Swapping (Others)
This feat can be used to touch two different individuals and transform all thought and consciousness into the other body. At the moment, Lucia is only capable of doing it to a single pair at a time, and she'd never managed it without some concentration before hand. Both bodies must be technically 'alive'. A swap may occur between a coma patient and a normal person, and the comatose patient would awaken. The sleeping person would then be transferred into another body. This wouldn't work if the person cannot awaken due to some sort of physical problem. If one party of the swap dies, it becomes permanent.
This only works between oocly consenting individuals and there is a possibility of resistance.

Tertiary : Physical Alteration Image Design (PAID!)
This may be considered a form of healing if used in the correct manner. Lucian is simply able to touch wounds and force them to close without scarring, performing routine cosmetic changes and alterations in a person's body. With his bare hands and ample time, he can construct and create $20,000 of plastic surgery, without scars, cuts, healing time, or a doctor. The changes gradually return to normal within a day's time. The sensation of undergoing this x-gene aided procedure is slight discomfort, tightness of the skin and muscle, an 'itch that can't be scratched' and sometimes minor burning.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :
They may only use one body at a time, during intense moments of very strong emotion, the change may occur unintentionally without any warning, or powers may become wild during moments of stress.

Lucian has one power, while Lucia has the other. It's quite annoying, but also means that Lucia can't beautify herself. It means Lucian can't swap people.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
The ability to perform a swap between a person and an animal, to perform multiple swaps at once. Eventually s/he'll learn to use powers regardless of which gender state s/he is in.

"Your baby girl is ready to meet you, Missus Devereaux," exclaimed the nurse that brought a swaddled, newborn to the woman in the bed, barely moments following a painful labor of 34 hours. As with most parents, there was a need to count fingers and toes, ensure every little part of their baby was utterly perfect, to unwrap blankets and look for birthmarks and identifiers--that's not a girl, it's a boy. "Nurse?"

Of course the nurse claimed it had to be a trick of the light, tired and weary eyes as she'd gone into overtime to assist during this birth. She apologized, and all was fine until hours later, after Mrs. Devereaux's new baby Lucian had been taken for bathing and cleaning, brought to her again...and during a diaper change, the woman discovered her darling baby boy, was a different gender. Daddy activated the nurse call button, mom began to scream--her child was taken, someone had misplaced her baby, she has a BOY!

Multiple nurses arrived on the scene in a rush, an absolute panic, and they were all mystified by the mistake that had occurred. First they checked the identification bracelet on the baby's tiny wrist, identifying him as Lucian Devereaux, born to David and Amelia Devereaux. Peeled open the diaper to discover the small infant was indeed a...boy. Amelia was horrified by her mistake, issuing apologies to all, and she was given forgiving smiles by tired staff. No problem, Mom, you're exhausted, you've had a difficult, long birth.

Everything was fine until months later, during bathtime when Dad himself was witness to the transformation of his only son, into his only daughter. Afraid of revealing his own secret to his wife of only three years, the discovery of their mutant infant was kept quiet. Also a mutant, David chose to conceal the nature of his shapeshifting powers from his wife, fearing she would leave him. Diaper and bathing duties soon became David's primary task to ensure that the discovery went unnoticed by Amelia, despite it being only a matter of time. It was quiet for another year, before darling Lucian whipped off his diaper one day to go running naked through the house. Things changed, and there was plenty of screaming and unreasonable yelling in the Devereaux household. His mother, refusing to accept the lies and deceit, left the household and never returned. Regrettably, Amelia had no role in her child's life. The first few years of the child's life were spent as any normal child, aside from potty training matters (SIT! DON'T STAND WHEN YOU'RE A GIRL!) and it wasn't until some later years that 'the talk' occurred and the infamous discussion about the birds and the bees forced David to explain to his dual-gendered child why she was so different, and why she mustn't talk of it with anyone. Approaching puberty, it became necessary to decide "Would you like to be a boy? Or a girl?"

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
Lucian and Lucia were once fraternal twins but one absorbed the other in the womb, a natural and normal occurrence that happens sometimes with multiples. As a result, the body has lingered somehow due to a twist of the x-gene. This isn't a common or known fact, but the truth which might explain their strange development and single consciousness despite being absolutely two different bodies.

Recently, Lucia resigned a job at Charli's Angels as an exotic dancer in favor of instructing dance in the masculine form of Lucian at a small school nearby in Salem on weekends. She also instructs tumbling and beginners gymnastics to small children during the week at a Boston gym while their parents pump iron.