Addison McCullen [Groundskeeper]

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Addison McCullen [Groundskeeper]

Post by tumbleweed »

IRC Nickname:

Name: Addison McCullen
Alias: Myth
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 8/31
Hometown: Houston, TX

Height: 6’5 1/2
Weight: 215
Hair Color: Dark Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Cobalt Groundskeeper

Personality Profile: He’s brash and crude, with a tendency to tell others to piss off when they’ve annoyed him enough. Despite the shortcomings of his egotistical personality he was never without a shortage of friends, something often attributed to the wealth of his family or their prestigious name.

Physical Description: Addison is a strapping lad with a muscular build that alludes to an athletic history of soccer, football, rugby, and other rough physical sports. His arms may be thick with muscle, and his body is toned, but he is not excessively ripped or built like a bodybuilder or extreme weightlifter.
He should wear glasses, but prefers to avoid it if possible and as a result he is prone to squinting. Curly hair is kept shorter, appearing dark and almost black in its earlier growth stages, becoming lighter and blond as it grows into curls.

Addison has several tattoos that are quite detailed, but generally sized proportionate to one another so while the larger animals are easy to see, those of the small and diminutive size are usually onlookers inked in to fit into the picture. Wrapping around his left forearm is a cobra apparently in battle with a ferret, on his back there is a monstrous depiction of a black and golden dragon, on his other forearm there is a tiger, on his left bicep a felstallion dancing with a unicorn. Recent tattoos include a manticore and phoenix drawn by his girlfriend and a leviathan drawn by his friend Shinn.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Tattoo Animation
Addison has the special ability of bringing to life anything that is tattooed on his body, creating a living, breathing entity that follows his command, as it was made from his blood. Animating a tattoo that exists on another person has become possible, though it is strictly controlled by the person who wore it, since the blood that created it was not Addison's own. Creatures made from his tattoos are sentient and obedient to Addison and come to life in realistic form, rather than appearing like cartoon caricatures. They are living, breathing, and bleeding as if it were born in this natural world, but still reflecting the color scheme of the ink that birthed it.
Like most powers, he is limited by how much he can do and unable to exceed a certain, set limit each day, otherwise he is at risk of hurting and injuring himself. Mass and size has a lot to do with it and the following OOC chart is to determine how much he can animate and revert before things become too much to handle. The predefined sizes range from Diminutive (Unlimited), Tiny (4), Small (3), Medium (3), Large (2), and Giant (1).
Diminutive: Mouse, Sugarglider
Tiny: Crow, Housecat, Ferret, Cobra
Small: Dog, Wolf, Cougar
Medium: Tiger "Kanti", Unicorn "Snowdrop", Fellstallion "Blackjack", Gryphon "Bruce", Thestral, Manticore "Buddy"
Large: Mammoth, Rhino, Chimera
Giant: Hydra, Dragon "Mnementh", Leviathan
His smallest creatures can last indefinitely until suspended while those medium and larger may linger up to 6 hours before he must revert them. A giant can remain for as long as two hours. Reverting them before their time is up is for the beast’s safety, as well as his own, since existing is a danger, and destruction of said creature may cause him potential harm.

Sometimes his tattoos rearrange themselves, because they're not that fond of a neighboring piece of art, or displeased with being hidden.
Addison may now summon *2* medium sized or smaller creatures at once.

Secondary : Summoned Trait Assumption
While he doesn’t transform, shapeshift, or become a monster, he assumes the physical and some mental traits of whatever the animal is that he currently has in existence even if these are purely mythological such as fire resistance from a phoenix. If he summons a mouse, he develops a heightened sense of smell and flexibility as well as other benefits of being a mouse, excluding its small size and shape for the time that it is available. If it’s a mammoth, he experiences an increase in strength and durability as well as an ability to tolerate the extreme cold.

The unfortunate side effect is that his mind becomes a little prone to following the behavioral patterns of that animal as well, which is an unfortunate thing when it comes to controlling his turbulent emotions and tendency to anger easily. Also, this could be seen as a benefit, since his more animalistic mind clashes with his human mental thoughts, creating a sort of shield that simplifies his thoughts to the point where a mindreader or telepath might believe they are listening to the thought patterns of a 2-3 year old child, unless their skill is in reading animal minds also.

Tertiary : Still Undiscovered.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : He can’t create people, which means no vampires, no anime characters, no harpies, and most certainly no night elves and minotaurs. Also, once a tattoo is animated and becomes destroyed, it harms him a great deal depending upon how large it is. Losing something that required most of his strength to create may make him comatose. If it dies, the tattoo is also gone forever and must be reinked, costing more time and money. Tiny and diminutive sized creatures cause no harm at all while a small sized creature will cause a minor, insignificant headache. A medium sized beast can inflict a painful nosebleed, migraine, dizziness, fuzziness and the like. Anything large might cause him to fall unconscious and a giant sized creature, if he were to ever accomplish growing into his powers that well, may send him into a comatose state.

Also, as he develops a more in depth sense of acquiring the traits of the animals he creates, the bond will strengthen and Addison will show more behavioral signs of being linked to those creatures, such as a more predatory nature, aggression, or a more instinctive urge to flee, depending on the animal.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
As an improvement of his current powers, he will be able to summon these creatures into existence longer, or bring more of them to life at once, or even find that he’s able to animate something even larger than his current limits as long as he finds the space on his body.

Background: His Texan mother and Scottish father met and fell in love at the tender age of 17 when the young girl went overseas for a high school foreign exchange program to the UK, and ever since, they have had the kind of soap opera inspiring marriage that some people pay cinema fees to watch. He cheats on her, she discovers it, Gwen maxes out his charge cards in revenge, or burns his favorite belongings. His father, Cedric, gifts her with expensive baubles and clothes to win forgiveness, and somehow, they make up again. It’s gone back and forth for years now and is commonplace with Addison, who finds nothing strange about it. His father has always been a poor role model and as a result, Addison knows little of how to properly treat a lady. Or he just doesn’t care.
Addison is the oldest of three children, often charged with watching after his younger sister Viviane, and younger brother Percy, aged 20 and 18. The way his father treats his mother and their odd relationship was a bad influence upon young Addison, who grew up as a womanizer of the worst kind. While he’s never gotten a girl pregnant as his father irresponsibly did twenty-three years ago, he’s had his fair share of girlfriends, one night stands, and chicks whose name he never even bothered to learn.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
Played varsity football as the best running back, went on to Texas A&M where he was outted wrongfully as a mutant two years into his college career and forced to leave school. Addison doesn't mention this.
Rancher’s son, knows horses and farm animals.
Big sports fan.
Has a thing for scary, gory movies and is a complete horror movie fan to the extreme.
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