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Vassi Melfor by Vile(*) (inactive.)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:57 am
by Remu
IRC Nickname: vile

Name: Vassi Melfor
Known Aliases: Melfor
Age: 31
Date of Birth: 1979
Hometown: Ardatov, Mordovia, Russia

Height: Humanoid: 8' SND: 6' 5" Animal: 4' at the shoulder, body length is 8', tail 2' 5" long.
Weight: 470
Hair Color: Natural: Sea blue-green w/tan suckers. SND: Dark brown with an iridescent green sheen.
Eye Color: Natural: Lime green. SND: Sea blue-green.
Nationality/Race: Russian

Occupation: Enforcer

Criminal Record: A garden variety of misdemeanors: physical assault, battery, disorderly conduct among others. It reads like a violent teenager that has a penchant for drinking. The last date he was charged of a crime was roughly 5 or so years ago.

Motivation: Punch-clock villain.

On the clock: he'll do whatever his boss tells him to and will faithfully carry out every order.

Off the clock: he's an easygoing guy that only occasionally gets rowdy but mainly at bars, especially if sports or booze is involved.

Personality Profile:

On the job: he's a cold and stoic man that maintains a poker face, even in the face of danger or failure. Success is the only thing that matters to him, more than his safety or those he's working with. He will do whatever it takes to get his mission completed.

Off the job: while at home or out somewhere, his stoic nature totally breaks. More often than not, he's cheery at best and indifferent at worst. He's not only willing to give someone else a hand but often does, sometimes paying for someone else's coffee or doing other charitable work. This is not an attempt to make up for his job, its just the way his mother raised him.

Physical Description: While in any form, he's quite strong as he spends a fair amount of his free time in the gym. Able to easily lift half his weight (235), work hard to lift it (479) or strain himself (and risk physical trauma) to lift 2x it (940).

Natural: he looks like the result of a mad scientist's attempts to cross-breed a lion and a squid. The body is that of a muscular blue-green lion whose mane has been replaced by tentacles. There are gills located behind his head, normally hidden by his tentacles. The tentacles in both natural and humanoid form can change color depending on mood or at will. This is mostly for show or to his irritation. It has no practical usage and his fur cannot shift colors.

Character Picture: Image

Humanoid: The difference between this form and the four-footed one is that his hips are rotated so that he can stand on two legs and the proportions are altered, much for the same reason. While his head remains the same as the four-footed one, the rest of his proportions are that of a human bodybuilder. This form retains his black claws, both on his hands and feet.

The clothing he wears in both humanoid and SND'd form is basically the same: always black and varies between: a loose-fitting button-up shirt, form-fitting t-shirt, slacks or cargo pants. A constant are his immaculately shined black combat boots and a leather belt that sports a silver rectangular buckle. In the fall he wears a light leather coat and in the winter he switches to a heavy woolen one similar to what is army issued.

SND'd (Human): He's an attractive man in his early 30's, steeled by years of hard labor and a life on the streets. Despite this, a pleasant smile is generally donned whenever off work. His brown hair has an odd greenish iridescent shine to it, easy to not notice indoors but hard to ignore while outside. Clothing description is in the paragraph right before this one.



Primary: Sonic blast: in any of the forms, he has the ability to emit a high-energy roar that is capable of deafening (temporarily for those outside a close range but has a chance for permanent damage for those at arms' length) those nearby. This attack could be detrimental to those with sensitive hearing, even pushing such a person into passing out. This can also be used to communicate with his teammates, if working with any, or shatter windows and otherwise affect materials that have sensitivity to sound waves.

Secondary: Form shift: This allows him to go between his four-footed and humanoid forms. Can be done at will and does not take long to complete.

Tertiary: Predatory senses: Like those in his semi-heritage, he can sense when an opponent/victim is weakened and play off those weaknesses. He can also predict attacks to an extent and respond quickly with the cat-like reflexes.

Quaternary: Re-stating natural abilities: strength, water-breathing.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: Sonic blast: This can only be used when an opponent is actually making the attack as it is not precognition. The rate of success with a feigning/faint attack isn't affected, especially when done so by a trained or skilled person. Form shift: This causes him a bit of stress to change so it can be detrimental if he's in an exhausted or weakened state. Sonic blast: can only be used a limited number of times and cannot be used consecutively. Each time he uses the attack, a small amount of damage is dealt to his throat and vocal cords and it can snowball in effect the more its used in a small time frame. A couple of blasts take a day to recover from but pushing himself to the limit will need a longer recovery time: about a week if he stays silent for it or longer if he runs his mouth or has to use the attack again.

Background: Up until he defected from Russia, he lead a stereotypical life of a bored teenage boy in a low-income area. His idea of fun was setting abandoned buildings on fire, getting wasted and into fights and causing general chaos. But once his mutation expressed itself and his body violently shifted into the abomination it is today, he was ostracized by his family and friends and defected to a circus.

Roughly a decade later he found himself in the US and continued his violent lifestyle until finding a job with his current boss. Once he started getting paid to take his anger out on other people, he significantly mellowed out during his off-time. He has two children and a wife but they live in another city and don't visit very often.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Vassi's favorite snack is cotton candy although it can get stuck in his fur. The only thing that his boss knows to not order him to do is harm a child, as he loves children and has been known to carry them around on his back...until their horrified parents snatch them away due to his frightening appearance.