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Terrence Calhoun [Atlas]

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:06 am
by Lanse
Player Nickname: Lanse

Name: Terrence Calhoun
Codename: Atlas
Age: 17
Date of Birth: April 16th

Height: 5'9
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Boston, MA
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Juvenile Detainee
Occupation: Teenage Brat

Personality Profile:

Terrence, or "Terry" is a typical young mutant that is angry at the world for not accepting him as a mutant, but too sullen and withdrawn to do anything about it. He is prone to muttering to himself and often speaks quietly even when not muttering. He prefers to go by his mutant name of Atlas, and doesn't really like being called Terry any more.

As a product of a broken home, the only person he really trusts is his sister, Jasmine, or "Jazz" as she prefers to be called. While she can be a bit bossy to her younger brother, she has watched over him and taken care of him as he's gotten used to his powers. Atlas may complain a lot, but Jazz takes it in stride, and the bond between the outcast siblings is strong.

Physical Description:

A thin waif of a boy, Atlas does not physically take after the mutant name of his choice. Life on the streets has not been easy, and it shows in his almost malnourished appearance. His dirty blonde hair is often unkempt and long bangs tend to fall across his eyes, making him seem even more sullen and withdrawn than he actually is- which is saying something. Atlas does not tend to look up much, and when he does he doesn't keep his gaze in one place for long.

Not being much for fashion, Atlas also really doesn't put much stock into the clothes he wears. An assortment of ratty t-shirts, button down shirts in various states of disrepair, and torn jeans and beat up shoes make up his wardrobe. While his clothes are often more clean than dirty, bleach splotches and faded colors prove he must do his own laundry, and isn't getting very good at it.


Powerset: Stone Titan

Ability One: Stone Armor

Atlas takes his mutant moniker from the appearance his main ability gives him. Able to generate a suit of stone armor, Atlas grows at least a foot in height and gains several hundred pounds in weight. This ability gives him an enormous amount of durability and boosts his strength several times over. With his armor on he is able to lift cars the size of a hummer, and withstand heavy gunfire and even something as strong as artillery rounds. Any blunt force is typically not very effective against Atlas when his armor is up.

Ability Two: Terrakinesis

Atlas's secondary ability is limited in nature, as he can only directly effect earth and stone that he can see, and not in any fancy manner. He can not make anything float, and his most common attack through this ability is making the earth rise sharply to set people off balance, or perhaps slam them into something above them.

Ability Three: Earth Travel

Even without his stone armor up, Atlas has the ability to move through earth and stone like most people move through water. It is a form of 'burrowing' or 'tunneling' except Atlas does not leave a path behind him unless he wants to. He merely temporarily displaces the dirt and stone and then it immediately resettles. Unless he is just beneath the surface, there is no physical evidence on the earth above of where he is.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Atlas's armor is just armor, and there is still a person inside it. High velocity attacks capable of piercing armor(ie, powerful sniper rounds) can still get through weak points. Temperature also effects him, and can be deadly if his armor gets too hot or too cold.
  • Atlas is slow. The stone he takes on does grant him immense strength, but this does not factor into making him move any better. He can not leap far because his weight offsets any strength his legs have gained, and the extra mass makes him bulky and ponderous. His only fast mode of travel while stone is using his Earth travel power, but that also temporarily removes him from the fight.
  • Right now, Atlas firmly believes he has to hold his breath while underground. He does not, in fact, need to hold his breath, but unless forced into dire cirumstances he is not likely to discover this any time soon.
Projected Power Growth & Development:

Atlas's weakest ability at the moment is his Terrakinesis. While his armor may grow stronger over time, his ability to control the earth and stone around him is very simple and has a lot of room to grow in both terms of ability, and creativeness. He may grow somewhat more mobile over time as he gets more and more comfortable with his armor, but he will never be terribly fast.

Skills: At the moment, Atlas is very good at being a bratty, sullen teenager. He also happens to be a pretty good drummer for his age.


Born to Thomas and Marianne Calhoun, Terrence and his older sister Jasmine started life in a good, middle class home in one of the nicer parts of Boston. Things changed drastically for the family when Terry turned six, as his father and Jasmine were in a car accident. His father suffered a broken arm and some broken ribs, but Jasmine was paralyzed from the waist down. The ensuing medical bills crippled their finances and forced them to move into a low income area to make ends meet.

The year Terry turned eleven was the year Jasmine developed her mutant powers. For two years they kept the secret from their parents, as Jasmine's powers were sound and vibration in base and not obvious. After enough practice, Jasmine demonstrated her abilities to her parents by using her control over vibrations to manually activate her nerves and allow her to walk again. It was stilted and awkward at the time, but it was Jasmine's hope that she could relieve some of the strain from the family.

The act had the opposite effect. It did not take their parents long to guess this miracle was at the behest of the X-Gene, and they were horrified to now have a paraplegic mutant daughter. Things only took another turn for the worse when a year later, Atlas's more obvious mutant powers developed while he was in school. Unable to take the strain of having to raise two mutant children, Thomas and Mary Calhoun left. They took a single suitcase full of clothes and snuck out in the middle of the night, to leave Terry and Jasmine to fend for themselves.

The children stayed in the home for another year before child services and other authorities caught on to the fact that they had no parents, and were first sent to an orphanage, where no foster home would take them. Deciding they'd had enough of adults, Terry and Jasmine- now calling themselves Atlas and Jazz, left the orphanage and ran away to Salem, where they have spent time living on the streets among other disillusioned youths. After battling with Pulse addiction and causing a number of brawls with other mutants who disliked them, META rounded up the siblings and deposited them at the Sanctum.

Criminal Record:

Various Misdemeanor and Loitering charges.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Atlas has a stutter that tends to make his mumbling hard to follow
  • Atlas was pretty good at percussion until he was taken out of his regular school. Now he hasn't had much chance to practice.