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Victoria Jane Allison [Shatter]

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:04 am
by Lanse
Player Nickname: Lanse

Name: Victoria Jane Allison
Codename: Shatter
Age: 30
Date of Birth: April 15th

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs.
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Chelmsford, England
Nationality/Race: British/Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Prisoner
Occupation: X-Team Member, ex-Military

Personality Profile:

Victoria tends to be far more complex than she'll ever admit to. She's developed some thick skin, and tends to have a layer of anger just beneath the surface. Over time she's realized only so much of her anger is justified, and while she tries to keep in check it usually comes out in the form of snarky, almost belligerent comments. It makes it difficult for her to open up, and events have made it hard to get close to anyone.

Despite her past and all the trouble she has had, she is loyal to her friends and will go to bat for them any time, and anywhere.

Physical Description:



Powerset: Glass Mutant

Ability One: Glass Form

Victoria can turn from her normal human form into solid glass. She functions normally as glass, and is far more durable and harder to kill given her thickness and lack of vulnerable organs. This form can also break apart into any number of pieces of glass, from several large ones, to hundreds of thousands of tiny pieces of glass. As a swarm, Shatter isn't very silent but she is still capable of infiltrating anything that is not airtight.

Ability Two: Glass Control

Victoria can control any glass she can see. This ability is versatile in that it can be used to break apart glass, and also put it back together. She can move any controlled glass in a manner akin to telekinesis, and includes the glass that makes up her body, letting her fly while in glass form. It also has a side effect of absorbing any controlled glass into her swarm, making her mass larger.

Ability Three: Glass Creation

Finally, using the same enhanced blood pumping process by which she used to generate additional sand, Victoria can now create glass. This ability is extremely tiring if used extensively, but can be used at any time, and can create various objects made of glass. The thicker the glass, the more quickly it will tire her out.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: While Victoria can make use of create remarkably thick glass, it is still just glass. Metal stops her fairly effectively, as do other hard materials that are not really affected by glass. Creating glass is very tiring if there is none to be had around her, making her far less effective in non-urban environments. Shatter also can not choose to seperate her glass form into pieces. She must impact something and literally shatter herself in order to do it. While she has gotten adept at controlling things, her body is constantly trying to put herself back together, making being in a swarm more tiring than staying solid. It's also worth noting that, due to her "death", she is both pyrophobic and claustrophobic.

Projected Power Growth & Development:

Victoria's powers all well developed. She spent a lot of time practicing before they changed to her current state, and much of it remained the same. There is perhaps a slim possibility for her to somehow turn back into sand, but it's not very likely at all.

  • Adept at CQC
  • Proficient with most modern Weaponry
  • Excellent Soccer Player

Victoria grew up in a poor part of Chelmsford, England. When she was young she fell in with a bad crowd, going to punk rock shows every chance she got and generally wreaking havoc. She got into fights at every opportunity and was in and out of the hospital with various injuries. However, as she went through high school, she couldn't help but think there was something better. She pushed herself to get better marks, but in the end her delinquent record made it impossible for her to get into college. She was determined not to be stuck in this life forever, and so she joined the military.

In the British military Victoria excelled. Her brash attitude and desire to prove she was better than just a thug drove her forward. She did everything her instructors asked of her and more. She quickly became squad leader in training, and through the course of various peacekeeping missions in the middle east, she was promoted several times. Victoria was just shy of becoming a Sergeant when she turned into sand while out on a recon mission. She was declared MIA while it took her two days to pull herself back together, and when she finally returned, the British military was unsure of what to do with a mutant in their ranks.

They sent her to Cobalt Academy, and offered to pay for her tuition, to perhaps be recalled at a later date when she learned how to use her powers. It has been several years now and the military has hardly even seemed to keep tabs on Victoria. Her time at Cobalt has seen one serious relationship come and go, a brief trip back to England to attend to her father's funeral, and a lot of time spent trying to fight off the anger from being taken away from what she felt had been her life's calling.

In an altercation with the mutant Cinder, Victoria's life changed drastically once again. Despite Cinder's criminal activities, Victoria was willing to believe in her. Her trust got her trapped in a heat chamber and changed her original mutation, the ability to turn into sand, into her current one. She has also lost the ability to heat herself to high temperatures. Some suspect it is because her sand was already heated well beyond its maximum point, but it could also be a mental block from her traumatic experience. Either way, the ability was lost.

In the wake of her near death experience, Victoria suffered from heavy amnesia. Ironically the only person that Victoria remembered was the woman that tried to kill her. With no past to give her perspective on what she felt about the world, Victoria began to identify as Shatter, and fell back into a life of crime which she wasn't particularly remorseful about. After running into former fellow students during a bank robbery and using her funds to pay a hacker to look up her identity, Victoria learned something of her past and eventually guessed that the person most likely to have turned her into a glass mutant was Cinder. When confronted, Cinder admitted to the deed, but initially all seemed to settle well.

What followed was a bank robbery that Shatter set up to get Cinder captured by META. She firmly believed that at one point Cinder's overwhelming guilt would make her try to kill her again, and she wasn't sure she would survive a second time. However, Cinder escaped from capture when her dampener malfunctioned, and the eventual confrontation between the two women left Cinder dead, and Victoria with her memories once more.

After spending a month wallowing in regret and despair and running through all the memories she lost, Victoria turned herself in to META, and is now a prisoner residing at her former school. She is escorted to the city by META or SAVIOR to repair glass property damage in areas too poor to fix it themselves, as presumably most of it was caused by her, and her imprisonment has left something of a sudden wake in the power structure of Salem's criminal underground, as Shatter had been building a name for herself selling Pulse and edging people out of her territory.

After over a year of community service which has, thanks to her powers, saved the city of Salem millions of dollars in clean-up, Victoria is finally free of direct META control and any kind of dampeners and tracking devices. While META is still ostensibly keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't relapse, her therapy has been deemed succesful and her debt to society has been deemed repayed. Tori has moved into normal, spacious quarters in Cobalt proper and is free to travel as she pleases. Picking up the rest of her life may be decidedly more complicated, but it's her life to live once again.

Criminal Record:
  • Four Counts of Armed Robbery
  • A Number of Counts of Endangering Lives
  • A Number of Counts of Causing Property Damage
Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Victoria used to turn into sand when she fell asleep, but her new glass abilities have solved that problem for her.