Annora Ward

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Annora Ward

Post by Defined »

Player Nickname:Defined

Name: Annora Ward
Codename: None (I'm an elf with a giant pair of wings on my back, I don't think a mask is hiding my identity)
Age: 85 (About 21 in Human years)
Date of Birth: N/A (Born under another calander)

Height: 5ft Nothing
Weight: 25 Kilos
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Offworld
Nationality/Race: Elf
Classification/Origin of Powers: Elven/Supernatural

Status: Resident
Occupation: Nothing yet

Personality Profile: Overall calm and caring, to the point of verging into Naivete, Annora keeps a very determined positive outlook on life. Integrating into this world is difficult, not because of the technology, but much more because of the shift in the view of her..the hatred can get a little much at times. A quick way to annoy her is to suggest there is any significant difference between Mutants and 'Normals'. She is Normal, thank you very much and doesn't like the suggestion that a single gene makes anyone better.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: (How would you classify your character's particular set of abilities? Having even a loose theme is more likely to get approved than a random grab bag of powers.)

Ability One: Elf: Your classic Tolkien Form has some perks, Darkvision and a general boost to the senses, Slow aging and an increased level of agility and speed.

Ability Two: Wings: *Flap* *Flap*

Ability Three: Ex-Mage- Used a runic magic system to harness the natural mana of the world...which isn't there anymore..but she can make her eyes glow with power if she really focuses....

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Weak. Look up at that Weight again. Her bones are hollow and most of her physiology is geared around agility, not strength, her bow was modified so as to be able to have her fire it at all... not to mention she's a 5ft tall girl which leads into...
Frail: Again, hollow bones simply aren't as tough as solid ones and..while she can take a fall easily enough, she's just not quite as able to take a beating as others.
Wings: *Flap* *Flap* Nearly impossible to hide, and trying to explain how she isn't a mutant but actually an extraplanar elf is unlikely to be helpful.

Skills: Has something of a Green thumb. She used to be able to wield magic drawn from the Wilds themselves and while that is no longer the case she's still able to nuture plants, and indeed animals easily. Outdated Skillset: Annora comes from a world that went down a more magical line of development, so many skills that wouldn't be learned normally were taught at birth, such as Weaponry (Especially the bow) Stealth (Mostly in natural environments, but the skills are applicable anywhere) and a now rather defunct knowledge on magic.

Background: Annora wasn't quite sure how she got the Tavern, but after meeting up with a few residents and getting injured in one of the random outbreaks of fighting the place is known for, she was brought back for a short length of time to get patched up before returning..unfortunately the Tavern sends you back from 'Whence you came' sooo, well..she'd arrived there from the hall, and back there she went. She is -very- closed mouthed about her past before the Tavern

Criminal Record: Nothing in this world....

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Cannot make Cookies, presents for the good boys and girls and does not know a fat man in the North Pole.
Sheds feathers over everywhere she goes. Not much, but after a few hours on the couch she'll leave one or two behind.
Don't get her started on Wingcare...
Has never actually had children, but that doesn't stop her going completly Mama Bear if any kids are in danger
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