Day Of The Walkers ( 01 Nov 13 )

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Day Of The Walkers ( 01 Nov 13 )

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> A day at the mall, like any other day at the mall. Friends, fashion, spending well earned cash and screams. Wait... screams? The sound of glass shattering could be heard from one of the halls in the mall and, like roaches when the lights turned on, shoppers fled from the scene. Some were painted red with schmootz dripping from them. Or perhaps that wasn't paint at all.

Kyrstin_ tilts her head. "Need to cut it with something other than pink-" she stops when she hears a noise that doesnt quite fit..

<Chrislo> Marlo hears it too. He turns to the front of the store, holding a hand back to Aisling and Kyrstin," Stay right there. Both of you." Kyrstin was an Empath and Aisling had her SND on. Quickly he dug out his com and placed it in his ear. Aisling and Kyrstin would also see his MMA gloves come out of his jacket. As he slid them on, he'd pop out to see where the issue was coming from.

<Aisling> Like hell she was going to stay put. Sure she might be powerless at the moment, but she might be able to help if anyone was hurt. With a glance to Kyrstin she took off after Marlo.

<^Naz^> *Marlo hadn't noticed but there had been men following him. Why? One couldn't say really say but they had order's only to watch and they were clearly making their way to the exits as one of them was tapping something into a phone before vanishing outside and away from the fight.*

Kyrstin_ lets the two of them charge off... for her part, she vaulted the counter. Best place to find a gun, or failing that, good cover.

<@Sisip> When the two rounded the corner all that could be seen was an ocean of Walkers. Crystal blue eyes glimmered in artificial light, their clothes plain and baggy, almost as if they had lived in a time long ago. Each shrivel skinned ambulatory corpse held tight in their hands some sort of object... swords, morningstars, maces, scimitars, more swords, daggers, a plethora of weaponry was held in their hands. All save one small girl who had somehow managed to climb atop a sunglasses kiosk. She stood, watching over all, as silent as the rest of the group. Raising a hand she pointed inwards and her mouth opened, though not a sound slipped from her lips. They trudged through what could have passed for fake blood were it not for the bodyparts that lay strewn around. Shoppers in for post-halloween sales lay in pieces at their feet. Weaving from between the legs of the Walkers came... animals.. half decayed canines and large cats, snarling noiselessly, their eyes the same as the Walkers, cold and luminescently blue. Also.. no guns were found. There is no Gander Mountain in the Salem Mall.

<Chrislo> And marlo made the call, clicking on his comlink," To All X-Team members, THis is Crippler. we have a situation at the Salem Mall. A Swarm of walkers and other things. I need every one, REPEAT EVERYONE. There are people in danger here. Skieweaver, I have Aisling with me, I need her help. Gimme the Unlock code for her SND." He left it on, looking back at the Goodwill," We gotta
<Chrislo> get these people outta the Mall..Where's Kyrstin?" He asked, already charging in.

<Blackheart> Up on the second level of the mall is a guy munching on a cookie. "Zombie walk!" he shouts and points. The cookie he'd been holding is jammed into his mouth so he can clap a few times because zombie walks are awesome. "Mrmfgurf!" comes next but he probably meant something like 'oh man they have animals dressed up too!' or 'I bet those cats bit them during the application phase'. He chews
<Blackheart> slowly and continues to watch. Then some guy starts yelling and he stares at Marlo. Huh! Oh, maybe this guy's part of it too. But that costume sucks.

Kyrstin_ does the only sensible thing without a gun. Grab a bag, grab the nearest thing to a broom in the immediate area, scoop up the pile of clothes they'd picked out for Scarlett... and hide in the changing rooms.

<Aisling> "Holy nope!" Aisling exclaimed at the sight of the carnage before her. "She's... Uh... B-back at Goodwill. What the hell is going on?" she stayed behind Marlo eyes darting to and fro most people seemed to be in a sensible panic, that was good, didn't have to tell them to run. Except for the idiot on the upper level. "Get out for here this isn't a game!

<Lanse> While it was true that Tori still wore a tracking bracelet on her ankle, the proverbial leash had been lifted. She was under orders not to leave the Salem area, but beyond that she'd been granted a fair amount of autonomy. It had been a month now, but today was the first time she'd actually left the complex. At the sound of glass shattering she looked in that direction while simultaneously
<Lanse> clenching one fist. Her next step was to look for any META agents materializing from the shadows assuming she was the cause. When that didn't happen, the British woman checked her anklet- it still read normal. After that she began to shoulder her way through the crowd. Her powers were available, but using them would send a signal back to META and require a lot of paperwork. At the sight
<Lanse> of the walkers she rubbed her brow and tried to think of... of something, really- but the crowd made it difficult to concentrate on much more than just staying calm.

Sunder The metalhead grumbles as he finishes pulling on his uniform. Leather, spikes, more spies, knuckle spikes, assault vest with big red rescue handle, mags, all the mags, all the goodies came out to play. "The bloody mall? What is it with the bloody mall lately... On my way, An any arse 'o needs a lift meet me at my motor, leavin in two minutes tops

<@Sisip> Screams began from another section of the mall... then another. One woman stumbled forward from another blind hallway in shock, eyes wide, her arm nearly cleaved from her shoulder. "Everywhere. They're.. everywhere." Dropping to her knees her eyes roll back in her head and she falls facefirst into her own blood, her skin paling as she bleeds out on the floor. The wail of a child picks up, a terrified sound before it's suddenly silenced. The dam holding back the waterfall of noise broke and the mall was filled with screaming, terrified patrons, all moving towards the middle... away from the enterances facing east. The walkers lurched forward, one drawing down on Marlo, the sword in his withered hand raising upwards.

<Blackheart> Aisling yelling gets his attention next and he tips his head to one side. "It's not? Hard to tell around here." Seriously is with people floundering around and showing off their powers every other day. "Huh." he grunts, shoves the rest of his cookie into his mouth and swings his legs over the sit on it and watch. Not running away, not running to help, but at least he's out of
<Blackheart> range. The flap of his messenger bag lifts and he pulls out a water bottle. Eyes it, eyes the crowd, and sighs. That won't be any use! So he scans the area for a water fountain. One of those big garish installations. Is there one of those in Salem Mall? He can't remember.

<@Sisip> There is, much to the irritation of those idiots who walk and text at the same time.

<Chrislo> Marlo was going in with no charge. He saw all the blades, all the sharp objects. It spelled stitches for him if he moved wrong. He'd have to go for the ones with bludgeons and clubs to charge up...But the Blade bearer comming at him. Crippler flipped on and he dropped and spun, trying to sweep the walker. However, he kept his leg under it, hoping to absorb the creature's impact into
<Chrislo> his leg as it fell. He'd call into the coms to Sunder," Sunder, Its just me and Aisling here. I got no juice. This shits gonna get sick if we dont get somre back up."

<^Naz^> *The black sports car had been left at the curb as throngs of people were running through the parking lot screaming. Black boots gripped in the ground as the crowd seemed to move around Felix as the AA-12 lay cradled in his arms, the safety was off. One pale blue eye focused in front of him as he navigated the carnage. The bone mic in his ear clicked on as the man tapped into Marlo's com ...
<^Naz^> ... channel. "...Sit tight...moving toward your position.." As he stepped over several body parts not batting an eye.

<Lanse> "Bloody fuckin' .... nngh." Tori forced herself to focus. It was less about the Walkers, and more about... just about everything else. One hand shifted to adjust her mirrored glasses and she reached out a hand, shakily pulling the glass from the nearby shops and stores. The light on her anklet flipped to yellow, but she was done worrying about that. She just hoped META sent more than
<Lanse> a pair of agents to investigate- that on hand texts and 911 calls were going through. For her part she would try and form glass walls that would at least provide a temporary delay to the walkers. However, it was hasty and she had trouble focusing, but any delay on the march was a good thing.

Aisling gasped at the sight of the woman bleeding out. She knew car and basic first aid, but nothing about gaping blood spewing wounds. She hopped backwards from the zombie that Marlo was tangling with, but didn't stray too far she knew he was her best chance of surviving at this point

Sunder The metalhead get anyone in who was going and would floor the magnum, the supercharged v8 would do nicely in making good time if terrible gas millage. He'd tap the com "That's why i'm bringing as much as I can as fast as I can. Now tell me where i'll need to be, big bloody mall you know."

<Captain_Sassypants> "Awesome." he rumbles as he remembers that one. Riiight, he's wandered on in a few times...much to his irritation. Oliver hops off the rail and catches himself on it. Down the bars he goes until his legs are as low as they'll go, meaning he won't have to fall very far. Slightly less at least! Then he releases his grip and falls!

<@Sisip> The Marlo-Walker did, in fact fall, but unlike a living person his reaction wasn't to brace himself. Dropping down on Crippler's leg the Walker brought his sword around towards Crippler's hip in a slicing fashion. Screaming people fled from the mall but soon more dead bodies appeared, moving between vehicles, towards the doorways. They came from all sides, there was no rhyme or reason. They were attacking this mall, it was theirs for the taking. As Tori began to build her glass walls the walkers pressed against them, more and more, their weapons smashing against the glass, cracking it. The woman with her arm lopped offdid all that she could to survive.. which for her meant breathing. Once that stopped she was yet another body on the floor. As Oliver hops over the railings he drops down directly ontop of one of the walkers. Kersplut! There was ... a decided lack of gore. No blood, no guts. There was simply a flattened Walker with glowing eyes. Desite the drop of a body onto it .. it continues to move, raising up a dagger and trying to stab it towards Sassypants foot!
01<@Sisip> These Walkers.. unlike those in movies.. did not move slowly. Their movements were as fast as a normal, living humans, though they were obviously well schooled in the art of combat.

<Captain_Sassypants> A flattened walker and an almost girlish (totally womanly in every aspect) shriek of surprise and disgust. He's up in a flash, flails around some and flaps his hands a few times. "Ohmygod that's horrible!" the grown-ass man complains. Then he cries out again when the dagger goes for his foot. The blade strikes true! But, good for him, those are heavy leather boots. While it may go in it
<Captain_Sassypants> won't get too far. The boot soon lifts and stomps down at the walker's head a few times in a fit of rage and swearing.

<Chrislo> The cut was pretty nasty but not terribly deep. He got a little charge but nothing big. With a definate limp, Marlo gets up and attempts to movbe away. When er possible, He'll help ordinary folks get away, putting himself at risk. Then his com cracked on. Never in his life had he hoped to hear Felix Vos and be glad of it. He cracks off their location inside the mall. The nearest
<Chrislo> Walker would get a Kinetic fist upside the head, hoping to knock it off. He ran, spotting Tori though the Chaos,"TORI!! Help's ON THE WAY!!" He couldnt move too fast right now, the blood running down his leg," AISLING, KYRSTIN, WHERE ARE YOU?"

Kyrstin_ was currently changing into the most drab, dirty looking sweatshirt and pants you ever saw in your life, in a changing room in a second hand store, and probably didnt hear Marlo at all.

Aisling was following close behind Marlo. She had an idea. "Crippler! Get to the second floor and fall off. That should give you a boost, right?

<Lanse> Tori was backing up once the rest of the crowd passed her, having been pulling the glass back and reforming the walls each time they were broken. But with the walkers fast approaching she had to leave one final set and shift into glass before moving into the air, attempting to find a more central position to try and find a better way to do things- keeping up with the walls and flying was
<Lanse> going to tire her out entirely too fast to be a viable strategy.

<^Naz^> *Felix's heart-rate hardly ever went above sixty, he was used to seeing dead bodies and the one normally making them. It was then Felix heard the noise behind him watching walkers enter from the very parking lot he just came from. Looking in front of him a mass of walkers between him and the rest of the group. His com clicked back to life, " More coming in from outside...." There was a ...
<^Naz^> ... pause, " Going loud..." The AA12 shotgun swung down on his hip eyeing the group of walkers between him and others. The tigger was pulled as whatever noises there were became swallowed up by the steady and loud serenade of shotgun blasts as the man attempted to clear a path before him with solid slug bullets.

<@Sisip> SassypantsWalker makes no noise as his head is caved in, leaving nothing but a smear of grey on the floor. Grey and red... as a gurgled cry is heard. A terrified pair of eyes, nestled in the head of a security guard locks on Olivers, mouth opened as the point of a sword drives through it and then rips downwards. His pulse squirts a shower of red over Sassypants! As Crippler moves away another two Wwalkers give chance, one with a morning star and the other with a very basic club. Poor tori was forming wall after wall, only to have them shatter before the bulk of bodies. As she takes to the air one of the Walkers grabs at her feet. Felix is quickly surrounded, a lance streaking through the air directly towards him as he tries to clear a path through the dead eyed walkers.

06* Sunder The magnum would come screeching into the lot. Screams, shots, bad times had come once more to salem, the metalhead would tuck the keys into the center console visibly, letting everyone he brought with him watch. He climbs out, pulling his M-14, flicking off the safety before getting on the coms "Sounds like a royal cluster.. Wha's the plan? Evac an regroup or is this a standup fight?"

<Captain_Sassypants> Blood isn't something new for him. Hell, blood getting splashed on him isn't, even if it's in small amounts. But looking into human eyes as he gets hosed down -is-. For a moment he freezes up and stares like a deer in headlights. Unable to react, to move, only to stare. First into the guard's eyes and then at the monster's sword. His breath quickens and blood runs cold. Fear prevents him
<Captain_Sassypants> from moving and he can't even grab the downed walker's knife like he -should- be doing.

<Marlo> When he sees the blunt objects he stops. Turns and hobbles toward them. Holding up his fists, "Okay, leys dance." He was going to let them kick hia ass and xharfe him up.

Kyrstin_ peeks her head out of the second hand store, now dressed fully in a dirty hoody and sweatpants, both grey. She had her normal purple sunglasses replaced by full on black ones. If there was one thing a year on the streets of New York had taught her, it was how to move without being noticed, and now she put this to use, making for the nearest exit clutching a grey plastic bag. She had
Kyrstin_ no intent on fighting anyone or anything, and the cover of a fight made for good escaping.

<^Naz^> *Felix was indeed surrounded and the lance came flying in catching the man off guard. The shotgun was knocked from his grasp sliding across the floor under the feet of roaming zombies walkers. " Fuck...there are too many...." Bone blades were in his hands as Felix pushed forward. Standing still was death frankly. Felix wasn't from green horn when it came to edged combat. He attempted to ...
<^Naz^> ... slashed, cut and tear his way toward Toni's glass walls he needed to relive the pressure there. " Whatever your going to do it now..." He growled as his clothes and his blades would be covered in zombie blood and guts by the time he was finished.

<Lanse> It was easy enough to kick the zombie in the face, jamming it with a heel, and if it still didn't let go of her jeans she'd gladly take it for a ride as she lifted into the air either way. Victoria was glad to be made of glass not just for survivability reasons, but because it made it harder to read her face- which was generally more concerned than she tended to let on. Provided she'd
<Lanse> lost her new 'friend', she had one more trick up her sleeve. Tucking her mirrored classes away, she concentrated, finding the line between Walkers and fleeing people and concentrating- the glass in the structure began to rattle as all her broken walls rose up and any remaing glass around the walkers shot sideways. They weren't likely to care about the pain, but if she could knock them over
<Lanse> or disable their feet some, that would help. Also, stop calling her Toni, dangit.

Aisling really wished Sisip had been available to provide a clearance code for her SND she was beginning to feel more like a hindrance than a help. She recognized what Marlo was about to do and stood her ground with him, eyes darting to and fro seeking out approaching threats.

<@Sisip> The scene that Sunder comes onto is a cluster indeed! Hordes of White Walkers trudged through snow towards the mall, people screaming and running in terror. Running, that is, if they weren't caught by a blade. To the left of Sunder a pregnant woman is grabbed. Her shriek is heartbreaking as the walker who has her drives his dagger into that belly. Captain Sassypants watches the light fade from the guards eyes just before the body is dropped to the ground. The walker yanks the sword from his body and without hesitation drives it towards Sassybritches. As Marlo turns to hobble back towards the Walkers they don't appear confused in the least, they appear to be nothing but doing their jobs. They have no rules of combat, both of them lunging towards him at the same time. Kyrstin, as she peeks out, would be greeted with carnage. It was a slaughter, walkers slashing through the crowd of terrified people, elderly and youth.. no one was safe. Not even... a pair of eyes locked on Kyrstin and the half decayed wolf lept forward. There was no snarl, there was simply the leap. Felix drops the gun and it is ignored by those walkers around him. Walkers that were easily losing limb after limb from those bone blades. There was no blood from them, each severed limb simply grey on the inside. Tori's heel jammed into the Walkers face. It does, indeed, go for a ride. If it were a kiwi-bird it would shed a tear of joy.. instead it's a mindless killing machine, so it raises up his sword towards her to try to slice into her. Aisling, powers trapped by the SND, stays by Marlo's side and as the Walker goes for her friend another turns and swings a blunt club towards her head.

Megumi`Ogata as Marlo and Aisling fought their way through the hordes, they'd hear noise louder then usual aways down the mall, and increasing in volume. If they got a good vantage point, they'd see walkers flying about aways down. Something was tearing through them badly

<Captain_Sassypants> Then there's a sword coming at him! That's the drive he needs to move. Oliver's quick to dart off to one side, narrowly avoiding the attack, and dives for the ex-walker nearby. That one responsible for one of his boots' damage, his sock being squishy, and a sharp pain when he takes a step. The knife holds a chance for him as he's good with handling them. Of course the night would be easier
<Captain_Sassypants> for him if they were all being attacked by fish-men but, maybe, if he can just get around the fact that he'd be attacking another person...well he probably won't sleep tonight anyway unless it's the permanent kind.

Kyrstin_ smacks the wolf thing with the bag, somewhat nonchalantly. Lets face it, if that didnt work, she was dead anyway.

<Marlo> Energy. Sweet kinetic energy flowed into him with every blow. He soaked it up like an angry spounge. When he had enough hed turn to catch the club across his back that was meant for Aisling. Hed grab the girls wrist and bring a quick finger jab to her SND, hoping to break it.

Sunder The rifle raises from low ready to shoulder, the first 7.62 nato would blow quite the hole in the walker that just had the nerve to practice unlicensed abortion. The metalhead would tap the com once more "Nothing received, I'm turnin this into an evac mission, i'm in the lot with the motor, tell me where your arses are!" The rifle gets shouldered once more, he'd start making his way forward, not bothering to
<Sunder> conserve ammo, his vest was loaded full.

<Lanse> While Tori would lament the sword tearing her shirt later, the worst it did was crack the glass body underneath, sending spiderweb fractures across her torso. They would seal themselves slowly enough, her focus being elsewhere. "Fine, tosser. Suit yerself n' hold on." She pressed her teeth together and balled both hands into a fist as she'd shoot off at full speed down the nearest
<Lanse> path way of walkers, doing her best to plow a path through them. She closed her eyes in order to pull off the manuever, and it was likely she'd crash into a wall before opening them.

<^Naz^> *Felix actually shouted into the comm, " I'm not leaving these humans here to die!.." Felix never had liked human's much in fact he hated them as a race but today at least the better part of the man came through. His head snapped as Tori came pushing through ducking just in time not to be knocked over by her flying form. When she passed he used that moment to push through the gap and ...
<^Naz^> ... group of humans that thankfully were still alive but not for long if he didn't protect them.
<^Naz^> )err species)

<@Sisip> Whatever was tearing through the walkers would only come upon more walkers. The entire group was quickly becoming outnumbered, the terrified screaming only continues, though there's definately fewer in number than when it first began. Had they escaped? Sassypanties grabs the knife, it's well balaced considering what it looks like. Two Walkers head towards him, both raising up weapons.. one a crossbow and the other a dagger. The crossbow is leveled towards Oliver! The wolfWalker has horrible timing and is thrown off it's course as the bag thwaks into its face. There's no yelp but it obviously hit at just that perfect place that made the canine careen off to the side. It snarls noiselessly as it gets back to its feet and begins to slowly stalk towards Kyrstin. Marlo's kinetic powered jab strikes the SND. It's a security SND, made to withstand quite a bit of force. The kinetic charge would, eventually break that device but anything that powerful would do the same to the wrist the band was around. IF the SND comes off, the wrist it was around will be shattered. Player's choice on this one. The walker that had eviscerated the pregnant woman was blown almost in two. Unfortunately the sound of the weapon drew the attention of five or so of the Walkers and they converge on him, followed quickly by others. Swords flash and flick towards the Metalhead. Tori dragged her Walker as she flew towards the group. Using the danglewalker she knocked others over, indeed clearing a path.. directly towards a door. Her trajectory, however, would direct her into the wall immediately above it. Felix's words were practically drowned out by the screams of the people he refused to leave behind. A handfull of Walkers head towards him, swords slashing.

<Captain_Sassypants> Oliver stands with his prize and looks up to his attacker...s. Then spots the crossbow. To not leave himself a stationary target, and easier to hit, he strafes off to one side with a quick gait. The dagger's given a few minor shakes to test the balance just before he hurls it into the air. He aims at the CrossbowWalker's head, ideally between the eyes, before running in the direction of that
<Captain_Sassypants> fountain he should have been making his way for all along! There's some measure of safety for him there but only if he can reach it.

Kyrstin_ start to walk in the direction of the exit again, mimicing the motions of the walkers as much as possible. She knew they had no brains. No thoughts, no mind, nothing inside that empty grey mass. And so, she reasoned to confuse the animal as much as possible. Though if it came after her again it'd get another thwack for good measure.

Megumi`Ogata more walkers sent flying, dismembered and mutilated, slamming into furniture and smashing through windows. Something was cutting a large swath through the crowd, and it was approaching Marlo and Aisling...and fast

<Lanse> Surprisingly, Shatter didn't live up to her namesake. Her bodies natural instinct was to hold together, and while fractures spread across her entire form and chips of glass flew out from the initial impact, she mostly held together. However, it also caused her to collapse to the ground with the sound of cloth covered glass hitting.. mall floor. She might be mostly in one piece, but that
<Lanse> didn't make it feel better. Opening her eyes she tried to get her bearing to see just what she'd ended up in.

Sunder Of all the residents of the sanctum none had clocked so much time in the zombie sims as the metal head. He knew better, he knew what he should be doing. He was ignoring it all, he wanted attention, he wanted to draw them away from those unarmed, and those trapped. He wanted to make it to his friends and free them instead of take up a defensive position and fall back block by block. He was choosing to be a royal
<Sunder> fucking dumbass. The com clicked once more "I'm clearing an exit the best I can, please don't wait." He'd drop the com, not intending to touch it again as the rifle got shouldered, it was a loud rifle, everyone would know where he was. Five mags in reserve, he'd start unloading into the ones charging him.

Aisling cried out in sudden sharp pain as her wrist was, yet again, broken. Could she not go a day without needing Dietrich to patch her up? Still despite the pain it had given her a shot, with the Walker distracted she shoves her good hand at its chest, intending on obliterating a hole in it and powering up

<MarloCross> He turned after breaking the SND and Aislings wrist and faced the walkers. Using all he had, he dropped his fist toward the nearest walker, hoping to drive it back and give them a chance to esape. Over the com, " Were by Goodwill, heading out as soon as we can"

<^Naz^> *Felix put himself in harms way, why? Could have been to save the human people that were cowering in fear. Could have been the challange of the fight or to help the rest of them. Later on his action's would confuse some. But he was busy fending off a handle of sword welding zombie looking to cut him to ribbons. His feet work was steady and his counter-attacks and percise cuts but not without ...
<^Naz^> ... cost. Thankfully when he was cut most of the blade ran against the overgone bone here and there on his body but he was getting the better of them. After a deft move removing a zombie head from a body he spun dropping one of his blade as two high explosive grenades bounced across the floor toward the close gap. " DOWN! " He screamed to anybody close as he used as much as his body to protect ...
<^Naz^> ... the small group of humans from any shrapnel that would pepper Felix's back to help give them the chance to run out with him.
<^Naz^> (err closing gap)

<@Sisip> Oliver jukes to the side, the bolt from the crossbow embedding itself into the head of a child who had been hiding behind Oliver in an attempt to stay safe. The child drops to the ground as Oliver heads to the fountain. His dagger, like the bolt in the child, buries itself in the head of the crossbow walker. Not soon enough, unfortunately. Another body on the floor. Oliver is followed by another group, all with wickedly sharp swords. Kyrstin heads towards the exit and is largely ignored, though that WalkerWolf slinks close behind her, snarling silently. More Walkers surround Megumi, there seemed to be an endless supply of them. As Shatter bounces off the wall in what would have been an amusing fashion if this hadn't been such a horrible situation she lands in the middle of a large group of walkers who were busy watching one drive a sword into a person curled up into a ball of black fabric. A slender hand drops to the floor, blood pooring from her fingertips, a rosary gleaming in the ruby liquid. hearing the sound of the woman hit the ground the group turned and drew their swords, driving them towards Tori. Sunder, true to the laws of dumbassery, began to fire into the crowd of Walkers. More and more approached, for each one dropped two more took their place. Swords lash out, slicing towards his legs from behind and his arm from the side. Aisling's wrist shatters along with e the SND but the girl is freed! The Walker she grabs ends up confused with a hole in his chest, nothing but grey within him. Aisling is easily powered up. Marlo knocks the Walker back, but not until it slashes its dagger towards his chest. Felix, with good intentions, lobs two grenades into the mall. You know what they say about the path to hell. The mall is rocked by the explosions, walkers and citizens alike being felled in the blast, though it does give the group a bit of breathing room.

Aisling fires one of her orbs into Marlo's back to charge him up, and another at the zombie's face to stun him followed closely by her good hand again, this time taking her pound of flesh from its skull. Hopefully they couldn't live without their heads. "Marlo! We have to get Kyrstin!"

<Captain_Sassypants> If Oliver were aware of that poor kid, now dead, he'd be absolutely heartbroken. But he's not so he'll be able to live with himself at least for now. The moment he gets the chance to he dives into the fountain. Sure the smack of his body against the tiled bottom will hurt for a while but it's worth it. The water's refreshing even if it's tainted by blood, organs, and other assorted bits of
<Captain_Sassypants> were-people. Soon enough he's on his feet, wobbly from stress, but able to do something other than be a sissypants. Two colums of water rise on either side of him, drifting up as his hands raise, and he fires one at the cluster of walkers that tailed him. His aim is to catch them all up in the rush of water and keep it moving until it runs out of momentum.

Megumi`Ogata suddenly an explosion of walkers flew past Marlo and Aisling, as they'd hear sounded almost maddened. Standing there was Megumi...growling, eyes wide, soaked in blood, his hands made into large killing objects. Letting out another scream he lunged through the crowd, tearing apart walkers as he came to marlo and Ailsing. Without stopping he rushed at Marlo, large ax arm
Megumi`Ogata reared back to slash him! It was as if he couldn't tell friend from foe!

<MarloCross> It sunk in and Marlo cried out and stumbled back. Kyrstin. Fuck."Clear me a path, Boomer." He swung a few more shots, clearing his way. He was losing blood. Fast. Kneeling, he gathers fir a K-Jump. As soon as he could, hed try to leap the horde toward the Goodwill . His way would hopefully be clear as Megumi rushed through. Ad he made the jump, Megumis blade would slash his belly. It cut deep as ge rocketed toward the store.

Sunder Had expected a bit more time, to fall back while drawing them from the doors to the mall. Instead he would get to scream in pain as his legs got cut open from behind. The metalhead would go down, the rifle forgotten and the pistol drawn from his vest. the one responsible would get a few shots. Now however he was in trouble. Stranded in the middle of the lot, leg useless.

<Lanse> Shatter was a little too out of it to avoid that. She'd done a little too much, too fast, and slamming into the wall hadn't helped. With their unnatural, no holding back kind of strength, it actually wasn't that hard to seperate glass torso from glass legs. Hardly fatal for Tori, but it didn't help her get her bearing much faster. Also, her punk-band t-shirt of the day was ruined and...
<Lanse> that was a bummer. So long as we weren't comparing it against the dead people. Hearing the gun fire and explosions she could only shake her head, but the Brit had done all she could to help for the moment. She needed a moment to- literally- pull herself together and that wasn't something the Walkers were going to give her.

Kyrstin_ just kept moving until she made it out of the exit, intending on using the doorway she exited from to keep the wolf from following.

<^Naz^> *Felix knew he couldn't save everybody but this was combat and like most things triage came with hard choices. But the sight of the nun being killed...that would stick with him for awhile. But the explosion gave him a chance to lead the small group of humans through the hole and toward the direction of Shatter. Felix had re-attached one of his blades with a small noise as the man once more ...
<^Naz^> ... dove into his coat pulling two small SMG's blazing away able to keep enough of them off the group before getting close enough to aim high enough to kill or disable the collection of zombies trying to do in Shatter as he tried to lead the small grouup of humans to the safe exit.

<@Sisip> The Walker's head is blown off it's body. It does, indeed, drop to the floor. Like with Sunder, however, for each one that is felled another steps forward. A sword snickersnakes towards Aisling. Ollie dives into the fountain, his stomach scratching along the bottom, coins possibly embedding themselves into his flesh. The Walkers have no defense against a wall of water and they are flooded out of the way, slamming up against walls. Unfortunately for Megumi.. the Walkers didn't bleed. The blood that coated him would most likely be from the innocent mall shoppers. The Walkers surround Marlo and Megumi, the group not actually attacking, letting the crazed mutant do their work for them. As Sunder drops the Walker who had just slashed his legs another takes the opportunity and drives forward, pressing close to the MetalHead as his sword spears inwards, straight towards Sunder's belly. The Walkers continued to try to stab Tori, not understanding the lack of blood with this one. They stab and jab, chipping glass away. Kyrstin made it to the exit, but found only chaos and mayham outside as well. The wolf, following her, finds an easier target as she moves past an elderly lady, wheelchair toppled over. The WolfWalker, seeing something easier, lunged at the old lady, tearing at her throat. Felix was actually doing something positive for once, helping the few remaining survivors out towards Tori so they could get out of the mall.

<Kyrstin_> "Shoulda stayed in bed..." she mumbles to herself, glancing about for just a moment to find the best direction to move in, or thing/building to move towards. She actually cared rather little for the old woman. Grieve later, maybe. Survive now.

Sunder swings that big nail filled bracer. it would defelt the sword some, instead of being driven clean through the stomach it would just put a big open gash in his side. The metalhead would scream with pain again, trashing some as he raised the pistol, at least it put it's head in arms reach to get blown off. He pulls the trigger.

Aisling fired off a sphere to knock the sword aside, she had become rather precise in her targeting with all of her training and she let the monster's momentum carry it into her hand again obliterating it's head. She was getting full and needed to release some excess energy and since they were surrounded she unleashed a torrent of spheres in a ring projecting outward. "Cosplay! Pull yourself together!"

<Captain_Sassypants> The second column of water shifts to be under him and then flows upwards to lift Oliver up into the air. No sneak attacks from behind for him! Unless the walkers start throwing shit. Then he'd just be a person-shaped target. Once he's up he makes another jet of water rise and wait for anything that comes after him. Upon spotting the people that'd been yelling just prior to the attack he
<Captain_Sassypants> frowns. Too bad he can't lift them all up!

Megumi`Ogata was tossed aside from Aisling's shots, holding his side and wincing hard. He slowly blinked, looking around them, then at Aisling, eyes wide with shock as tears began running down his cheeks "Oh god...oh god! Oh god!!!"

<^Naz^> *Felix took aim placing enough shots to cut the zombies around Tori and give her a chance to gather herself back up. His thought went to his car outside as the man sighed, " I just had it waxed.." He grumbled to himself as the black sports car outside zoomed to life peeling out steering around gaining speed to crash through the doors as the unseen reenforced body took it but it was clear ...
<^Naz^> ... after this the pain job would be ruined. He knocked and ran over zombies out of its way as the trunk shifted back, two auto targeting rifles started murdering a path toward Felix, Shatter and the small group of humans giving them a beach head to escape. " EVERYBODY MOVE BACK!" He shouted into the comms and into the air.

<Lanse> After a moment or so, Tori focused, doing her best to reassemble her various pieces. Her clothing was in tatters and even as glass she seemed tired. Looking around for a moment she nodded to those gathered before picking herself up and turning to dash out with a last burst of energy.

<MarloCross> Seeing no.other options, Marlo rars his arms back and gathers all.of his kinetic juice, even using what he can gather FROM HIS OWN HEARTBEAT. He slamms thdm together in a huge kinetic Thunderclap, hoping to knock the Walkers back. He gave it evertlything...and more, "GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY CITY"BOOOM

<@Sisip> Sunder was down, but not out. His aim was true as he pulled the trigger, a hole tearing through the Walker's face. It lost its grip on the sword and fell backwards. Considering him unimportant the Walkers turned from him, moving in to give chase to the group of citizens behing escorted from the mall by Felix. The Walkers surrounding Aisling, Marlo and Megumi were going down in waves, the girls powers disintegrating them . As Marlo claps a sonic wave of power knocked Walkers and fleeing shoppers in all directions, clearing out the immediate area from everything. There is a path cleared for escape, if one .. of course .. left behind the multitude of sobbing wounded. Felix was, oddly enough, flying in the face of everything people thought of him, the man keeping as many safe as he possibly could. (for bolding sake)
<@Sisip> And because I missed Sassybritches - his plan is perfect. He wins. Or at least, is no longer in immediate threat.

<Aisling> Unfortunately Aisling was standing close enough to Marlo that his blast knocked her on her ass, disorienting her and deafening her. All she hears now is a high pitched whine. Adrenalin keeps her conscious, but her world was wobbly and spinning. She rolled to her hands and knees with a groan feeling sick and dizzy and tried crawling towards Marlo's body hoping his computer still worked.

<Captain_Sassypants> In no threat other than whenever he lands! The water column disintegrates right underneath him thanks to the sonic boom! The column turns to a mist and he himself is hit hard enough to hurtle to that hard, unforgiving fountain tile so he can land flat on his back. There's not -that- much water present and he will surely be regretting that craving for a mall cookie. WHY did he go shopping?
<Captain_Sassypants> WHY did he go anywhere? This is why he can't have nice things~

06* Sunder Everything hurt. Any movement caused that large open wound on his legs to scrape across the concrete. Twisting in the least caused horrible things to happen to that gash in his side. He was pretty sure he threw up, someone would have to tell him about it later. A shaky arm reaches out and grabs the rifle, dragging it close. It took a moent to work himself into a prone firing position, in fact he nearly blacked
<Sunder> out from the pain in doing so. He wasn't making it anywhere on his own now, but he could provide covering fire, taking aim down the sights he'd let another round fly, to at least kill a walker, at most draw some heat away from felix's group.

Megumi`Ogata screamed in pain as the blast went off, sending Megumi into splatting against the wall, turning into a puddle

<^Naz^> *Felix couldn't save the wounded even if he may have wanted. The sports car kept in that gap firing away killing zombie after zombie but it would run out of bullets before targets. Felix reloaded both weapons yelling at the human's to run for their lives. They would and hopefully tell the tale to others but his concern now was for Sunder behind him who looked worse for wear. Marlo was still ...
<^Naz^> ... kicking as he shouted at him, " MARLO PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND GET THE HELL OUT! NOW...THATS AN ORDER!..." Hopefully he would take Aisling with him. But he looked at Sunder growling running down the fellow emptying both weapons before tossing them away. One gun from the car focused on protecting him and the other keeping the breech clear. " Sorry buddy..gotta go..." He knew it ...
<^Naz^> ... was going to hurt and Sunder would bleed but Felix quickly knelt down throwing Sunder over his right shoulder and carried him back toward his car tossing ...
<^Naz^> him in the passanger side.
<^Naz^> or the vomit.

<@Sisip> The Walkers didn't seem to get back up after the kinetic burst and those that were outside just seemed to collapse. There was no movement, there were just bodies. Walker and human alike. The sobbing cries of mall-goers now becomes more apparent as the sirens finally sound, medical units and law enforcement arriving just a bit too late as normal.

Aisling gets to the company and with her one good shakey hand she fumbles with it her voice is shouting since she can't hear herself. "This is Boomer. Crippler is down. Cosplay is down. We're at the Goodwill. Please, if anyone hears this please help. I... I can't hear anything... I think I have internal bleeding... My wrist is broken... If they come I'm taking them with me. I'll detonate. "
<Aisling> Compny=com

Kyrstin_ ducks into the nearest hiding place she could when she hears the sirens. Police only meant bad news as far as she was concerned. Being that she wasnt a team member, she had no comm with which to hear Aisling.

<Lanse> Tori would eventually collapse on a corner and wait. She wasn't in a particular hurry, and she was hardly a top priority- but she knew she'd get a reprimand if she went anywhere before META had a chance to talk to her and get her full story as to why she activated her powers. It did all seem entirely obvious, but regulations were what they were. At the very least even if they gave her
<Lanse> a pass they needed to reset the anklet for her.

<Captain_Sassypants> Well it's a good thing that the walkers are down because Oliver probably won't be getting up anytime soon. Sore with a hint of irritation from the knicked foot has turned into not leaving bed for a week or two. The solid knock to the head that landing caused him isn't enough to kill him but the headache later will make him wish that was the case. Whether he's taken by an ambulance or the
<Captain_Sassypants> team doesn't matter to him because, well, solidly out cold.

<^Naz^> *Felix had decent enough medical training as he would actually move grabbing the medical bag from his trunk as the weapons vanished back inside and he gathered up his weapons. He was able to stablize Sunder enough the guy didn't bleed to death and could be transported back home to be treated by Dietrich and the medical staff. Then checked on Marlo and Aisling. He did what he could for both of ...
<^Naz^> ... them so they could be at least transported back as well. Captain Sassypants would be brought down as well...Megumi..would be put into a bucket and Felix moved about trying to help those he could. He passed by the dead nun's body and frowned lightly but said nothing.

Sunder The metalhead thankfully hadn't eaten that day. He dry heaved earlier, and would again while being carried. Oh he'd scream bloody murder was he was jostled about, but one coherent nuggent would get out as he started to go thankfully numb. "You bloody twit! Tha's not what you were supposed to use the covering fire for!" The metalhead was going rather white, and would go silent not long after being thrown in the
<Sunder> car

Aisling was blend mg from her ears and nose, her eyes were bloodshot and her brand new glasses were nowhere to be seen! She almost disintegrated Felix thinking he was a Walker sneaking up on her, but as she saw it was a human her adrenalin finally just gave out and she slumped against Marlo, unconscious.
<Aisling> Bleeding*

<@Sisip> A group of large, nondescript black vans sped up to the mall. Uncaring about the norms a group of META agents began to assist the mutants, helping them into the vans and onto stretchers. They work quickly, trying to get the mutants off the scene before the 'norm' officals appear.

Kyrstin_ didnt need to see movies to know that agents jumping out of black vans and herding mutants away was bad news. The mind-peeker waited for the best opportunity she thought she would get, and began to make her way away from the mall. It was going to be a long walk if she did make it.

<^Naz^> *Felix would pick Kyrstin up in his car giving her a ride back*

Kyrstin_ glances over the occupants of the car before jumping in, stuffing the bag in with her.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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