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Marlo trying to fix his villains

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:28 am
by Sisip
1) The grudge has realy only been Insaniac, who's so fucked from the synthetic pulse addiction that he'll easily just...decide not to anymore. In a Sinematic to set the plot up, you have Rossetti ask " Are you done yet? This is a waste of time." "Yeeeah I just like watching him break things...We can get on with the REAL Plan, partner." "And whats that?" "Entropy, My dear Faust...Entropy"
<MarloCross> 2) Marlo was realy just a lure to get some one inside Cobalt. Fausto will bascaly, in a similar cinematic fashio, that he's more afraid of Sisip than anything. The team represents a threat to his interests. Marlo and his dad were just side projects he's been waiting to ditch
<MarloCross> 3) THe plot would gather villains the players have each fought before, each touting a vendetta against a non Marlo character: Smash is after Angel because he's an addict to Angels effect. Helsbae wants Aisling and JJ for destroying his harness. Slider wants a crack at Midas for vturning his armor gold and forcing him to go into debt to Rossetti to build a new one. Magma's just an asshat and his cronies will follow him anywhere.
<MarloCross> Fausto sees potential to take out THE TEAM, not Marlo. I will take great pains to stress Marlo is not his focus and never was.
<MarloCross> His focus was always money power and control. Insaniac, now getting of his revenge thing on Marlo is dedicted himself to tearing the world down brick by brick and living in the chaos.
<MarloCross> And faust wants Sisip dead for Killing Julie
<MarloCross> I personaly think that if my actions focus on the others in the Sanctum, i can push Marlo to the side and hold him as a side character in the arcs rather than a star
<MarloCross> For you
<MarloCross> Now, at the physical age of 18, Faust has lost control of a good chunk of his criminal Empire due to the Incident at Enna's Bistro in Boston where Julie Leon nearly killed him. Not the type to stay down for long, Faust is looking to fight his way back to the top. Though rarely prone to revenge, Fausto has developed a hatred for X-Team Leader Skieweaver. Having turned his first weapon, Marlo Cross, against him, she and her team have thwarted every large scale scene he has fired at the city, even killing his ticket ti immortality in Julie Leon. Now that he is young again, he has time to plot his revenge against the Cobalt Team Leader.
<MarloCross> i know its pandering but it makes sense

Re: Marlo trying to fix his villains

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:04 pm
by Sisip
The Villains Kabal (with 100% less Marlo Tie In)
Sent: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:20 pm
From: MarloCross
To: Sisip Tabris

The room isnt a dark backroom, or mysterious lair. Its a Penhouse suite in one of Bostons most expensive hotels. THe table set before each of them is ong and covered in the finest foods, all cut to party portions.
The group is a mix of freaks. THe disembodied skeletal remains of Orvis Corwell sits, arms crossed. Helsbane, as he is now called by the popular media, samples the wine before him. You can see it sliding dow his throat.
A sight that unnerves Slider and Smash, the latter of which sits in a reinforced chair. The large man sets asside his giant mug of beer, looking down the table.
Magma, Resin, the Lady in Red and Abyss...All villains who've worked for the Boss. Once called Rossetti, now called Gideon. But always know as one name.

Sitting at the head of the table, he had donned his own disguise. A well tailored suit, like an old world gangster, complete with a fedora. The face however flowed like etherial mist. One side completely Black with one large red eye, the other white wth a Red eye and a swirling red maw. it was all for show. Just a mask.
"Today, we take a new step forward." he says, rising, " As you know, I have spent the last few years reconsolidating my power base. The Fountain of Hope and Gideon Fontaine shall remain as legitimate enterprises. They have brought me great things, they brought me...All of you." He motions a hand to the minions before him. From the back, Insaniac walks out, a leatherclad vulture postured shell of a man.
everyone reals back at the sight of that gas mask wearing freak.
"Insaniac's fueds now behind us, We can concentrate on the TRUE Goal of this organization."
Resin raises the stump of his right hand, a skeletal hand materializes there "So If that fucking kid wasnt the goal, then what is, Yo?" A gloved hand touches his shoulder, He freezes as Insaniac leans over him.
"Money and Chaos, dear Resin. Money and Chaos." Insaniacs voice was a slimey sounding hiss, like a serpent.
"My involvement in the Cross was a failed errand. they are not my concern, nor were they realy ever. Insaniac's grudge with Marlo is done." He waves a dismissing hand " He's not a threat"
A holographic picture of Sisip Webster shoots up "She Is"
Smash downs a chicken leg as Slider speaks "Sisip Webster...Isnt she.."
"Head of Highlife Aviatiation and one of few publc X-Team faces outside of Marcus Gains. So far, every plan to gain revenue to rebuild my empire has met with failure. Because of Her. Under her leadership, the team has even defeated each of you."
The rogues gallery growls and curses. Faust raises a hand.
"Each of you has a grudge against one of the residents of Cobalt Hill, be it Team Member or resident alone"
"Slider, your original suit of armor was destroyed by this...Midas. Gold doesn't apply to your suit's systems." Slider nodded, getting a bit angry under the helmet.
"'ve...become an addict again...And to Daytripper's mutant power. How would you like to get another fix?"
"Helsbane here suffered both injury from this...Boomer newcomer and theft from the technopath Tron. Revenge might be welcomed, yes?" Helsbane's body flares in energy.
"Magma, Landy and Resin tried to cash in on a warrant on one of the residents...You were beaten by a girl throwing her own head. And Resin lost his hand." Resin looks down at the metalic stump.
"And I, I have met with humiliation as well. Skieweaver has taken from me withoutr her even knowing on several occassions. Now, It's time to level the field. Welcome, to the Villain's Kabal"
Plot Synopsis: Faust has returned, having gathered a group of villains together, to cement his powerbase in Salem and Massechusets. Having hired those with grudges against various team members, Faust will begin to eliminate his competition, taking out other criminal organization, right down to common gangs.
This plot is designed to run one of two ways: Background and Finite. The choice of which is up to the Ops.

The Background Plot Arc will function as stand alone adventures or three scene arcs that represent individual agendas of the Kabal that may or mat not tie in with a large plot to be created later. The purpose is to have plenty of action, both combat and not, that can be pulled out when action fades. It will be used only when it does not interfere with another plot.
The Finite version will have a beginning kiddle and end, but my hopes are to leave it open to give us a few reaccuring villain. Locing them all up in the Maze and forgetting them is a waste of some good badguys that can be utilized for great story. Also, it might be nessesary for the team to get thier asses kicked every now and again. Helps keep them humble in RP.
Prologue:(both Finite and Background Versions)
These events occur before the Meeting of the Kabal
A Lawyer comes to Cobalt with a federal appeal to releaseDr. Ernest DeWitt, the Villain known as Phantom (The quadrepeligic bad guy from my Reality TV Plot) Into thier custody, needed as a Consultant for a case. It is legitimate, but the Agents are on the take and will hand Phantom over to Faust.
The Hospital/Facility holding Helsbane explodes, allowing the Villain to escape. Heroes can interfere but will not catch him. He MUST escape.
A News story: Fountain of Hope Buying property in business and residential areas for Urban renewal.
Gideon Fontaine speaks with Sisip on aquiring her stock in Highlife Aviation. Which she will decline, and He knows it. When she does, he will make an interest in Highlife clear and offer a partnership, an exclusive contract with Fountain of Hope.
Sisip will also get a call from Charolette Morrison, Abyss's wife. Sam hasnt contacted them in the last month. He was late on his child support, which he always sends. that morning, she got a package, filled with $50k
Various one night, non combat run ins with the various Members of the Kabal. Each of them saying "Just You Wait."

The Acts Below are for the Finite Plot option
Act 1 Can also work as an intro for the Background

Act 1: The big Reveal

The First Attack will be an Intro Fight for the bad guys. THe Bad Guys are more interested in property damage than anything. THe Villains might come out on top for this to give the impression of a real threat. This can be done in two Phases to fascilitate the Combat and non combats

Smash, Magma and Abyss will start wreching house in the streets. Helsbane flying overhead will over see. THis will be the Combat portion. THe Physical Villain must be enough of a threat/challenge to seem dangerous
Resin, and Lady in Red's minions are heading through buildings and setting bombs in support collumns. They are hoping to knock down the buildings and buy the lots at cost. THose with non combat powers can shadow the physicaly weaker villains and defuse the bombs. Some of the buildings will come down anyway, but they can save a couple of them.
For those that dont leave, Slider will find a way to slip through the Cobalt Compound. His goal is to update the list Faust has on Cobalts residents he got from my first plot where Julie DeAged him. Here those who stay will find Faust let Scarlet get caught to give them a becon to the Maze. She has an implant she didnt know about...

I know this sounds like another Marlo centric thing, but I just thought of ways to give Slider a Chance to get to the Underground. This aso give Faust a more mastermind kind of feel the sort of "I planned ahead" thing. Scarlet is just a convenient tool. If no one lets her out, I wont use her here.
In the Street Fight, a black helicopter will be seen flying overhead...inside is Jake Sloan, taping everything

Act 2

THis section will be a lot of info gathering broken up by similar act 1 fights. Also, if Slider DOES get the Sanctum's Roster, strange creatures will start popping up that can neutralize their powers.
All of the buildings and properties the Villains show up to fight in are either lots going to auction or owned by Fountain of Hope. the insurance is payng off big. Also, the helicopter will be seen flying over head during each encounter.
News will be on the Villains Kabal's damage totals. There will be new on the insrance battle.
THen, the big new Affiliate one night will have a special report...from Jake Sloan. Its an interview with Helsbane, the leader of the Kabal. THe interview will prompt Helsbane to take the TV station hostage.
The members of the Kabal nessesary for a good challenging but ultimately vi torious fight for Cobalt will arrive. If the damage to the building is severe enough, the TV Station may change ownership in Act 3. If any villains make it to the roof, a HighLife Helicopter will pick them up. Sloans Chopper will be getting footage

Act 3

The whole purpose is an insurance scam
Each building is insured by a sub-company owned, if one dug, by the Fountain of Hope Group. These policies do not completly cover damage done by heros, citing them as "not an act of god but poor planning on the part of the insuree"
Any buildings that are destroyed are paid for, but not fotr the full repairs. THey will be forced to sell the lots and broken buildings...First chance buy goes to the Insurance Company
The News comes on Announcing that Johnn Henry owner of the Red Sox, was doing off season remodelling. A portion of the cost was being picked up by Fountain of Hope. Gideon Fontaine will be there for a World Series Victory Celebration
THe Kabal is going to attack Fenway Park. But this isnt about the Insurance. Its to put Jake Sloan back on nthe air to condemn the Cobalt Residents. If FoH controls the TV station.
As the Villiains are defeated on the ground, Sloan must be stopped before he edits the footage to make the Cobaltians look like the aggressors.