Johannes Kepler aka Bifrost

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Johannes Kepler aka Bifrost

Post by crom »

Johannes Kepler [Bifrost]
IRC Nickname: Robb^, Badger

Name: Johannes Kepler
Alias: Bifrost, Mr Fixit
Age: 22
Date of Birth: April 15
Hometown: Sweden, Stockholm

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 Lb
Hair Color: White blond with blue tinges
Eye Color: Ice blue
Nationality/Race: Northern European Caucasian

Occupation: Scientist, Explorer

Personality Profile: Brainy somewhat overly curious and friendly. He tends to over think things from numerous angles…oh and on too much caffeine he can tend to babble and ramble along. In the time away he’s grown emotionally being not nearly as naïve as he once was his eyes and demeanor tells you he’s seen a lot of things in his absence.

Physical Description: With bright ice blue eyes and long almost light blond hair it is easy to spot him in a crowd Joh’s hair comes down to his shoulders and his bangs frame his young looking face. Joh likes to be comfortable dressing in jeans or slacks and a button down shirt with tennis shoes. Outside he is never without his ever-present shoulder bag and a coat. He’s not strongly built being mostly willowy in appearance. He’s not one of those ever present combat gods

Character Picture (Optional):

(reaaaaally crappy photo manip btw lol )

possible pic idea



Primary : : Hyper Genius: His ability to intuitively know the workings of mechanics as well as design and building of new and exotic technological devices. His specialty is in computers however in this field he has very few peers.

Secondary: Gate ability: He has the ability to open gateways which look like discs of pearlescent energy usually 6 feet in diameter. The portals are Spatial only. He hasn’t even tried something as dangerous as that so far. He doesn’t know the maximum limit of distance he can gate but he has gone so far as to go from Stockholm to New York in the United States. His ability could be termed as a wormhole like folding space and creating a link between two points. He does have limits however he cannot gate someone into a solid object nor can he blind gate to a place he’s not ether been to or seen. When he utilizes his gate ability his eyes glow a solid light blue in color.

Tertiary: Hyper linguistics: His brain is wired in such a way that in a very short time he can pick up and translate foreign languages. Whether written drawn or spoken. This ability is closely tied to his ability to gate allowing him the ability to quickly assimilate to a new environment socially. He doesn’t have the ability to judge or know social behavior of the new place. He can through his gift decipher languages that include color and smell types in language but not duplicate them himself, without outside aid.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: Johannes powers do not give him protection to hostile environments. Pop into deep space he will turn inside out, pop him at the ocean floor he will be crushed and drown. oh and did I mention he’s no Charles Atlas!

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? I can see his ability to open portals enhancing to track people he has come in contact with to locate and open a portal directly to their location. Also his hyper linguistics may further grow to include the ability to speak languages that include pheromones and scents but only for communication purposes only.

Background: Johannes was born in Stockholm Sweden to a research scientist and his wife. His father’s company called Orion Industries based in the city and located in Orion Tower a 40 floor building created for the purpose of Orion Industries and their research. Orion is a research company delving into new tech exploration and research of paranormal abilities such as mutant powers. Johannes grew up around scientists and researchers. His parents found about his gift for invention early on and let him putter with cast off bits as well as failed equipment prototypes. While he’s not had any formal teaching in the fields he excelled he proved quite adept. Deciding when he was old enough that he needed to get formal training in his fields of study. They sent him to MIT to go through their accelerated programs. He caused quite a stir when he in the middle of a lecture by a professor who was an expert in the field of High energy string theory that his hypothesis was totally incorrect. Then proceeded to show him where he went wrong, this was unheard of especially for a first year student even more so that he was right. When the professor demanded where he got his proof Johannes didn’t even blink when he just blurted out that he just knew...

He was laughed out of MIT he was ashamed and angry, ashamed that he gave them an inkling of his true gifts, but also angry that they didn’t believe him. He knew he was right and that pompous overbearing old fart was wrong on the most basic level. He had no recourse but to go home in shame as he saw it. His love for invention was much dulled by his experiences in MIT. Johannes refused to do any work but to wander aimlessly until one day he was almost hit by a car as he was crossing a street. His Gate ability suddenly violently manifested and he shunted himself amazingly to a different location. Far from his home in Sweden he found himself on the top of an ancient stone structure. Shaking his head he looked about he seemed to be some place very warm. Looking about himself he saw lush greenery all about himself the structure looked familiar then he realized and looked down at the book he was carrying ‘Inca ruins of Central America’..ufda..

He was amazed at this new gift he possessed he deduced that he had shunted himself to the last thing h was thinking of or rather in this case he had been looking at. He closed the book and went down the stone steps to the green grass below then air was alive with the sounds of birds. Johannes explored the ancient ruins seeing the sighs that told about them. Finally he decided to try to go someplace else home. He closed his eyes and concentrate hard...nothing…’hmmm’. He let himself relax now trying to solve the problem from another angle. He simply thought about his room and with a ‘pop’ an opalescent disc of energy. He looked curiously at it then shrugging he pushed his hand then head through and ‘pop’ he was home in his room as he envisioned.

He spent the next year working with researchers on typing his ability to gate and he finally did get his degrees in Computer technologies and programming as his specialties. After opening offices in Washington state primarily Olympia. Johannes suggested they offer funding and backing to Cobalt Academy. His father agreed and he sent his son to the school offer their services. He later moved with the school when it relocated to Salem Mass, where he took a position as a physics professor which has just recently vacated for personal reasons.

Joh set up a residence in a brown stone in the city, owning the entire building. He revamped the entire insides of the three story building to fit his personal needs including a repair center and lab to tinker in. after some months he simply vanished from Salem all together leaving word with his families lawyers to keep the bills paid and have someone trusted to go to check on the main residence areas, his computer system taking care of the rest of the secure facilities.

After nearly a year of almost no word from him he simply just…reappeared, dressed in well worn cloths that had seen a lot of miles and stained with who knew what. It was on a late December night on New Year’s Eve 2013 to be exact; he simply walked into town late at night humming an old show tune as he walked along. Finally arriving home the first thing he did was sleep for two days then after a brisk morning tea and breakfast started making plans.

After 6 months of work he had finished with the new facility having purchased an old light house and refurbished it and the sub strata to a new home, an outpost of sorts. (Detail’s are coming pending op approval)

Quirks/Extras: Joh has an intense love for the unexplained un-explored and mysteries of our universe whether it is new technology to the new bistro down on 5th and Lexington. His mind is always working never stopping a second. Johannes has a passionate dislike for those that subjugate others to use them to their own ends and destructive entities. He can also cook up a pretty good dinner he is inclined toward music but doesn’t have any major skill in it .other than his powers he has the strength and physical prowess of a normal human.

Equipment he has come up with so Far...:
Ear bud: a small communication device with satellite link up, Signal scrambling technology for security and GPS tracker. With an 8 hour battery they fit inside the person’s ear out of sight. The ear bud does not hinder the individual’s ability to hear sound around them.

GPS Tracker / Vitals monitor: the wrist band constantly monitor’s the individuals vital statistics i.e. heart rate, EKG, Brainwaves (if able). The GPS is in constant contact with satellites in orbit keeping watch on the person and can locate them to within half a meter.
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