Ricky Constantino aka Magma

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Ricky Constantino aka Magma

Post by MarloCross »

Name: Richard 'Ricky' Constantino
Nickname: The Reputation
Known Aliases: Magma
Age: 30
Date of Birth: March 3rd, 1989
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Italian American
Power Type: Mutant with Enhancements

Occupation: College Student, now Henchman

Criminal Record: Drunken Disorderly Conduct. Public Urination. Arson (Suspect)

Personality Profile: Arrogant, self absorbed and narcissistic, Magma has a huge chip on his shoulder and will defend his manhood at any cost.

Physical Description: Obsessed with his physical appearance, Ricky has spiked and gelled his hair, tans regularly and works out 5 hours every day. He is a physically perfect specimen save for his dry skin, a result of the 'mutant growth hormone' that facilitated
his transformation into Magma. When he activates his power, his skin glows red. When he reaches his top temperature, his skin resembles volcanic rock, taking on the similar properties.

Character Picture (Optional):
such a douche


Mutation/Powers: Magma Form

Primary: Volcanic Skin

Ricky can alter the physical structure of his skin to resemble hot volcanic rock. This transformation gives him an immunity to heat and fire and acts as armor against other attacks, but has it's limits. His physical strength receives a slight boost, enough to nudge him into the low end of the 'peak human' power category.

Secondary: Melting Touch

Even outside of his Magma form, Ricky's base mutant power was and always is the ability to melt rock and metal simply by touching it. Since his 'enhancement' Ricky's primary gift has gotten a bit more potent when in his new Magma Form.


His vulnerability to cold has gotten more prominent since his upgrades. During winter months, Magma burns hotter to counteract the effects, decreasing his stamina and the potency of his volcanic skin.

Getting blasted with water will cool him off quickly, leading to blisters and cracked skin that could bleed profusely. Often, not wanting to be defeated, Ricky will try to evaporate the water, and thus tires himself out quickly in this scenario.

During High School, Ricky 'The Reputation' Constantino's parents, both lawyers, managed to keep his mutation fairly low key. After high school was a different story. A vain young man, Ricky prized his look over all else, even juicing up on steroids to gain the edge. When he enrolled at Boston University as a physical education major, but his attendance at the Boston Party scene overshadowed his studies. Eventually cut off by his parents, Ricky fell 8n with a bad crowd, mugging people and taking protection from small businesses around Salem.

This boldness drew the attention of Faust, who recruited the young man into his swelling ranks of mutant henchmen.

Ricky's decency on steroids for the past few years has begun to affect his mood. He is violent and aggressive, constantly out to prove his worth.

Held at bay by regimes of hair care products, Ricky 8s fighting a losing battle with hair loss.
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