Dr Miles Waylander aka Slider

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Dr Miles Waylander aka Slider

Post by MarloCross »

Name: Dr Miles Waylander
Known Aliases: Slider
Age: 38
Date of Birth: August 1st, 1981
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: brown, shaven bald
Eye Color: blue
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

PHD in Applied Physics and Mechanical Engineering.
Henchman for Faust.

Power Type: Human with Gear

Criminal Record: So far, Dr. Waylander has not been caught and charges with nearly a dozen counts of robbery across the East Coast.

Personality Profile: Time and perspective has changed Miles Waylnder. Though making money to fund his next round of scientific experiments, he has begun to wonder if the lifestyle is sustainable in the long term.

Among Faust's hired thugs, he is the most compassionate and willing to help when his conscience overrides his cowardice.

Physical Description: close cropped brown hair, clean shaven. Usually, Dr Waylander wears glasses, but has taken to contacts when needed. His head is always shaved to allow for less interference when using his suit.

His armor, having taken many designs, is now slimmed down to smooth black plates that resemble futuristic body armor.


Mutation/Powers: WP Mk III Zero Friction Mobility System

By reducing the electro-static attraction between molecules, Slider can render the plates of his armor nearly friction less. By adjusting this disturbance, he can varry the speed in which he moves along the surfaces he touches

Hitting Slider is difficult as punches and kicks rely on gripping the surface to a degree. This doesn't make him invulnerable by any means. It does, however allow him to roll with punches significantly better than most, factoring in his reaction time.

To assist in his movement, Slider employs wrist mounted grappler coils and specialized gloves that, when used properly, allow him to turn on a dime.

Secondary: HUD Goggles and Bio-Comp System

Given the strain the basic friction reduction can have on the body of a typical human, Dr Waylander developed a suite of senors and safety measures to lesson the physiological effects of high speed and tight corners. His suit monitors heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, vitals as well as speed, trajectory and other need-to-know info that helps Slider function. All of this information is piped to the Henchman through a pair of goggles. The various high speed functionality is controlled between his wrist mounted computer and the neural sensors placed against his scalp inside his black cowl. The computer also controls the dosage of various drugs and medications needed to offset further effects of his suit's mobility.


The Helmet: All of Miles' suits commands come from his neural interface in his cowl, goggles and wrist computer.
Any shots to the head can interrupt this signal, and damage to his left arm could also destroy the computer interface with the suit. Also, EMP bursts can scramble the suit, trapping it in whatever mode it was using at the time. Taking damage isn't really his style.

Gratuating from MIT, Miles had few prospects that offered to pay off his loans. His cousin, a small time runner for Rossetti, introduced him to the old man's Grandson Gideon. Paying his loans and funding the Armor research, Gideon helped turn Miles into the super criminal Slider

All for money. Fortune and Glory.

Miles is currently on dating websites, as loneliness has begun to chafe a bit

He frequents Sully's, tipping well for his favorite girls.

He doesn't drink or smoke and has begun 'eating clean' to better his health.

He has begun to develop a bit of a gambling problem.
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