Brian Quincey Farfuhl aka Smash

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Brian Quincey Farfuhl aka Smash

Post by MarloCross »

Name: Brian Quincey Farfuhl
Known Aliases: Smash
Age: 38
Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1975
Hometown: Rutland, Vermont

Height: 7'1"
Weight: 501 lbs
Hair Color: brown and receeding
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Former construction worker/bus boy/taxi driver / flagger. Now Super Villain Henchman

Criminal Record: 12 Counts of Assault and Battery, 127 counts of Destruction of Property, 3 Counts of Theft/Breaking and Entering, 32 counts of Assault on a Police Officer

Personality Profile: A Lumbering pile of stupid stacked too high and left out in the sun too long...

Physical Description: A massively over muscled behemoth, Smash's main feature is strangely his huge nose, which has been broken several times. His forehead is also a little cro-magnon in nature..but that was before he became Smash. He is beginning to go Bald and wears shirts that are way too tight.


Mutation/Powers: Gross Physical Alteration

Primary: Dense Muscle Tissue and Bone

Smash's muscle is comprised of thicker fibers of flesh, all packed densely in together. This grants him amazing strength and invulnerability to many attacks. In order to support this weight, his bones have undergone a similar process. This had made him freakishly large and awkward looking. His skin, however, is NOT invulnerable and can be penetrated by most anything. When bullets hit him, they lodge in muscle, causing extreme pain and discomfort until he can dig it out. He heals at a slower rate because of the muscles density.

His skin DOES however grant him resistance to fire and electricity, but only a limited capacity. This is a side effect of the process. A hot enough flame can still burn or leave a mark on him, but it has to be 1 1/2 times hotter than it would be for a normal person.

Slow Healing
Dumb As Soup
Vulnerable to mind control/influence
Easily Addicted

Background: Bryan Farfuhl is and always has been, a Loser. Losing every job due to his stupidity, he finally landed himself in drug rehab where he was asked to participate in an experimental procedure that might cure his addiction. It was a lie, and for his time and 13 Oreos, Bryan Farfuhl was transformed into Smash. He now works for Faust as an enforcer.

Quirks/Extras: After a run in with Angel, aka Daytripper, Smash is addicted to the Mutant's hallucinogenic effect...
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