Samuel Morrison aka Abyss

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Samuel Morrison aka Abyss

Post by MarloCross »

Name: Samuel Peter Morrison
Known Aliases: Samuel Peter Webster
Villain Name: Abyss
Age: 34
Date of Birth: October 3rd 1979
Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 225 lbs, as Abyss 250 (Tentecle Weight)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Former Mutant Wrestler / Super-Villain / Reality TV Hoax

Criminal Record: Assault. Attempted Murder. All charges dropped by reason of Insanity/Mind Control

Personality Profile: Outwardly friendly and kind, Sam is a conflicted man within. His Abyss persona is a vengeful petty man-child who looks for nothing more than payback for slights that never happened.

Physical Description:
As Sam, he's the picture of a retired wrestler. Gaining a bit of flab around his midsection, Sam has also grown a beard and started loosing some hair.

As Abyss, well..
This, plus Four tendrils on his back.


Mutation/Powers: Hydro-kinetic

Normally, Sam can move and control up to half his body weight in gallons of water. This is extremely taxing and prefers to keep the weight to half that. Comfortably, he can move about 50 gallons.

As Abyss, He can channel his body weight in gallons. He cannot freeze it, harden it or change its structure, he can only move it and compress it. Water that is too cold limits him to 1/4 gallons per lbs.

Secondary: Monster Self

Thanks to an unknown genetic procedure, Sam randomly mutates into a twisted fish creature with qualities combining a shark and a squid. His strength and durability increase exponentially, and he grows four powerful tentacles off his back. These pseudopodia are only half as strong as he is, but easily as strong as an average person on their own. The alternate form is kept in check by a series of medications that slow adrenal production, the mutation's trigger.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: Sam's mental conditioning at the hands of Insaniac has left him broken and confused, costing him his family and job. He is prone to flights of anger or fear, which trigger his metamorphosis into Abyss.

As Abyss, his weaknesses are extreme temperatures both hot and cold and Electricity, which does not go well with hydrokinetics. THough powerfull and physically intimidating, Abyss is easily confused and tricked. ie He's Stupid. Luckily only Insaniac know the correct triggers to bring the change at will despite any medication.

Background: Born in Florida, Sam wrestled in high school and even in college. His powers manifested late at the age of 20 when he saved his sister from drowning in the family pool. Feeling his collegiate wrestling over, he started with the Miami Mutant Wrestling Circuit (MMWC). There, taking the name Mako Mike Pleasant, he wrestled for 5 years. There, he met his wife Charolette, who was a physical therapist with the troupe. When Sam went to the East Coast Mutant League Wrestling circuit, Charolette went wit him. They married in 2008 on Camera when Sam captured the championship from Balverine Bob Caskett in a Ladder match with the ring suspebded above as a gimmick. However, a dislocated shoulder at a Pay-Per-View a year later left him out of work for the duration of his contract. He was let go only to be discovered....

By Faust.

Using an unknown geneticist, Faust altered Sam into Abyss for the use in the Cobalt Hill Reality Hoax. Abyss was to pose as a bastard son between Sisip Webster, then Team Leader of the X-Team and Kevin Duncan sent from the future. Insaniac altered their memories to make them believe the lie so that psychics could not detect the deception.

Eventualy, Abyss was defeated and reverted to Sam. After a few more relapses, Charolette filed for divorce on Sam's insistance, claiming he was a danger to himself and their daughter Deborah. Sam now works odd jobs through out New England, paying what he can to help his daughter, who doesn't know him. Faust and Insaniac have used Abyss on several occassions to distract and deceive the people of Cobalt Hill.
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