Edwin Lewis Resnick aka Insaniac

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Edwin Lewis Resnick aka Insaniac

Post by MarloCross »

Name: Edwin Lewis Resnick
Known Aliases: Insaniac
Age: 47
Date of Birth: February 10th, 1974
Hometown: Aurora, Illinois

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Former Psychic Problem Solver for the Mafia now Co-Chair of the Henchman and Villain Occupational Collective (HaVOC)

Criminal Record: Suspected of Criminal Tampering involving Mind Control

Personality Profile: Edwin Resnick is a nihilistic sociopath with little care for the suffering of others. Over time, he has exhibited delusions of grandeur and the begun to develop a god complex due to the nature of his powers.

Physical Description: Skinny and emaciated looking, Resnick looks more like a tenured professor these days than a super villain. As a side effect of his mutation, he cannot grow any hair on his cranium and has taken to wearing eyeglasses to aide in his memory manipulation.

His villain costume generally consists of a black leather coat and a gas mask, but has kept the mask of his late boss just in case...
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Mutation/Powers: Memory Manipulation

Primary: Surface Memory Scanning

Using verbal cues and eye contact, Insaniac can read a person's surface thoughts, receiving a sensory impression of the event the target is thinking of. This includes information from all five of the senses, plus some residual thoughts connected to the incident. The process is painless and people without psychic resistance are only left with a headache. The size of the memory in question determines how long Resnick must keep unwitting target's eyes on his. Given that our unconscious mind holds all of our memories, he would need to hold their attention longer to dig up memories further in their past. Getting a person while they slept-provided they didn't wake up from having their eyes forced open- takes far less time.

Secondary: Eidetic Memory Storage

Simply put, any memories that Insaniac sees are in his head for as long as his brain functions. This power is not something he can control, yet he can recall the memory at will. The upper limit of his brain's 'storage capacity' has yet to be discovered as he has absorbed the lifelong memories of at least one individual of nearly 90 years old. However, there are side effects...

Tertiary: Memetic Alteration

Using the unique physical makeup of his hippocampus, Eddie Resnick can reshape memories he's absorbed and insert them into the mind of another person. This is just as much of a skill as it is a power, as the memory needs to be tailor fit for consistency. If the target gains new memories that conflict with the implanted memories, it is possible for the brain to reject the implantation. This can cause side effects to mundane targets from severe migraines to unconsciousness, coma or even strokes, dependent on the length of the memory and the nature of the contradiction that broke it.

Over the years, Insaniac has developed a technique he likes to call the Hard Reboot, where he simply wipes a person's entire memory at risk to his own health. Where as a 5 year old might knock him out or send him into a fit of vomiting or spasms, a full grown adult has been known to send him into full seizures and left him comatose.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: The prolonged use of his powers has stricken Eddie Resnick with a slew of physical and psychological ailments.

Taking on longer memories stresses his hippocampus and amygdala and has caused hemorrhages in the past big enough to induce seizures.

As he cannot forget the memories he copies, each one bleeds into Resnick's own personality, damaging his already frail psyche and pushing him closer to outright madness. To combat this, Eddie has become a connoisseur of illegal narcotics, anything to kill the voices building in his head, to say nothing of the worst case of tentitis ever.

Due to the unique structure of his brain, Insaniac is very susceptible to head trauma and is easily concussed or knocked out. A severe enough injury and it could possibly erase the great vault of memories he has stored away...

Background: Eddie's powers manifested at the age of 13. After failing a math test, the young man endured a long verbal lashing as he began to literally see the memories in his mother's eyes: The Phone call from the teacher, the anger in her voice, the smell of stale coffee nearby. Little did he know that the nose bleed he got that caused his mother to send him to clean up was the result of his first memory alteration. Minutes later, she met him in the bathroom and hugged him.

"Oh, poor baby. You did so good on that test and then you come home to a nose bleed? This won't due." He got Dairy Queen. A month later, 28 days worth of altering her memories of failure after failure, Candice Resnick suffered a stroke during a parent teacher conference as her son's handiwork broke apart with the teacher's contradictions. And Eddie wasn't sad.

Grief stricken, his father moved them to Boston to get away from the memories of his dead wife, something Eddie helped him with over time. As his powers grew, he manipulated his father and every adult around him....

Then he met Wendell Cross....and his life Changed...

Quirks/Extras: Edwin Lewis Resnick has a degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Anesthesiology which he uses to create his cocktails that either render people unconscious or open their subconscious minds to him. Ones that make a person enter REM sleep longer but do not impede dreaming or those that fog perception and cognitive function are among his favorites.

Eddie is slowly coming around to the concept of mutant supremacy, seeing the human race as an experiment for him to play with.
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