Koty Kish

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Koty Kish

Post by KotyKish »

Player Nickname: Chvrches

Name: Koty Kish
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 4th

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Los Angeles, California
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Amateur music producer

Personality Profile: Koty is an independent young man that manages to take care of himself despite his overall lack of self-coinfidence and his tendency towards procrastination in the midst of important duties. Although he's not necessarily a loner, he is so devoted to his passions that he sometimes comes off as such when he turns down an invite to party to instead pursue revisions on his newest mixtape. Koty is rather easy-going and loves to live life in the moment rather than think about future consequences, which has gotten him into trouble in the past. He can occasionally be irrational, hot-headed, and quick to temper, but he is very rarely the one to start trouble.

Physical Description: Koty is tall and slender with messy brown hair that swoops down low near his deep brown eyes. He has long eyelashes and big lips which make his mysterious brown eyes stand out. He is quite skinny, but still maintains a toned body from lots of exercise via surfing and bmx biking while growing up. He often shops at vintage clothing stores and tends to wear a jumbled variety of outfits. He is usually carrying a backpack and always brings his ipod and headphones along with him wherever he goes. Koty is also a big fan of snapbacks and fitted caps and hates when people touch his hats.




General Power Information: Weapon & Sensory-Based Musical Empathy

Ability One: Koty has the unique ability to manifest his psychic energies into ethereal weapons which improve his physical skills and senses depending on which genre of music he is listening to. Koty is a rather unique psionic with a strong attunement to music. Due to Koty's natural bond with music at a young age, it's speculated that his then latent psionic abilities merged with this bond to music. It all sounds rather complicated, but it's actually quite simple. Depending on the genre of music Koty is listening to, he has the ability to manifest a metaphysical psionic weapon which increases key aspects of his physical abilities and senses. So far he has discovered and created the following...

x Hip Hop Beats, Chillwave, & Electroambient - A pair of dark glowing daggers that increases his agility, acrobatics, and speed.

x Nu-Disco & Indie Pop - A glistening bow made out of light that increases his accuracy, precision, hearing, and sight.

x Ambient, Piano, Acapella, & Classical - A wispy grey knight's shield he holds with his left hand and a translucent gauntlet covering his right fist that increases his endurance, durability, and force of will.

x Rap, Freestyle, & Chillhop - A sparkling purple-ish sword that increases his strength, stamina, and focus.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The most obvious drawback is that if Koty can't hear any music, then Koty cannot manifest his powers. If at any point during his powers, his music is cut off, then his powers will also begin to fail. They don't wink out of existence immediately, but his weapons and strength will slowly drain away. Koty can not maintain his powers for too long either. His body will begin to feel a strain and he will develop severe headaches if he tries to keep his powers on for over an hour. It should be noted that since his weapons he produces are psionic in nature, they can't actually cut or pierce skin like similar weapons would normally be able to. Any living being hit by his weapons won't be cut or pierced, rather they will feel it in their mind and nerves. If Koty were to score enough effective hits, they could have the power to short circuit a person's internal nervous system. The weapons will never cut or make anyone physically bleed. That being said, these weapons can also bypass any forms of physical armor, but are resistant to mental defenses. Obviously, only one weapon can be active at any one time, which changes based on the music. Although he is technically a telepath, Koty's reliance on music limits his abilities and he cannot yet read minds at even a basic level and may never be able to, but his abilities are technically psionic in nature. So if something or someone inhibited or strengthened psionic abilities, it would affect Koty's powers as well.

Since Koty's physical boosts and manifestations are psionic in nature and not something his body is normally capable of, it puts a major strain on every part of his physical being. While his abilities are active, it puts Koty into a sort of euphoric, trance-like state in which his psychic powers boost his adrenaline and allow him to accomplish feats otherwise impossible for him. Unfortunately these abilities tax him and will eventually catch up with him. For example, while Koty might use his enhanced speed to pull off some unbelievable parkour style feats of agility for a few minutes, as soon as he drops out of his enhanced state, his heart will be beating 100 miles a minute and he could be left gasping for air. The same goes for each different weapon. If he were listening to some freestyle rap music and used his enhanced strength to lift something he normally wouldn't be able to, then he may find out later that he had sprained or pulled his muscle as a result. Although Koty is able to maintain these states for about an hour, the more he pushes himself during this period, the less he can hold onto his abilities and psychic weapons. If he were to be fighting nonstop, a more accurate estimate may be around 15 minutes before his body catches up to his mind and he can't push himself any further.

Skills: Koty is an amateur music producer and DJ. He also loves to surf, ride bmx bikes, and skateboard.

Background: Koty grew up in Los Angeles, California. He went to a prep school and grew up as the son of a wealthy television producer. His friends were all socially elite and with many of his peers' parents having ties to the entertainment business, many of his friends dreamed of becoming actors, singers, and models. It was a shallow life and the world around him was depressing. He couldn't take his classmates seriously and felt that he was above the pop culture infested world around him. Media had gotten hold of his peers and he loathed the impact pop culture had on them. Koty spent his free time tinkering around with making music in bedroom on some old school synthesizers he had picked up. Music fascinated him, but not the radio hits or idols that most teens worshiped. Koty found himself developing strong connections with underground genres and music that emotionally affected oneself. Besides music, he loved growing up by the beach and being apart of LA's old school skate and surf culture. Surfing seemed to come naturally to him and he also learned a few BMX and skate tricks by visiting Venice Beach often. Koty was an only child, his Dad spent much of his time at work, and his Mother had died when he was only a few months old in car crash, so Koty had no idea what to expect when his powers first emerged. Since no one he knew was a mutant, he never suspected that he could be one himself. It happened one night when his father came home with a young girl on his arm. The girl looked as if she couldn't have been any more than a few years older than Koty himself, but thanks to his father's job, he was always flaunting his money and bringing home younger women. Koty's father tried to get Koty to join them for a nice dinner at home, but the dinner ended up being a disaster with lots of sarcastic and snide remarks from Koty about the ditzy blonde bimbo and his father never being around to take care of him. Koty ended up storming upstairs, slamming his bedroom, and blaring his music when he suddenly felt an immense headache. The pain was unbearable, he had never felt anything like it before. Koty fell onto the floor, clutching at his head and writhing about when suddenly his eyes flashed, the pain vanished and a sparkling sword with purple-ish cackling tendrils appeared out of thin air, floating upright, inches above his bedroom floor. Koty's mind was suddenly and remarkably clear. Everything seemed at peace in the world and he felt more at ease than he had ever felt in his life. It was an enhanced state of being unlike anything he ever felt. The music was still blaring in the background, but he could have heard a pin drop in that instant. As for the sword, it stood there floating with cackling tendrils that lashed out from around the blade. The hilt was just inches above the floor. It seemed to be calling out to him. Koty took a deep breath, reached out towards the ethereal blade, and grasped the hilt. From that instant, he knew he was different.

Criminal Record:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Koty is gay, but still in the closet. Koty's favorite shape is a triangle.
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